If this is just for doing tests to make sure you get back the data you
expect, I would recommend looking some sort of eventually construct in your
testing.  We use Specs2 as our testing framework, and our write-then-read
tests look something like this:


eventually {
    someDAO.read(someObject.id) mustEqual someObject

This will retry the read repeatedly over a short duration.

Just in case you are trying to do write-then-read outside of tests, you
should be aware that it's a Bad Idea™, but your email reads like you
already know that =)

On Thu Nov 06 2014 at 7:16:25 AM Brian Tarbox <briantar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We're doing development on a single node cluster (and yes of course we're
> not really deploying that way), and we're getting inconsistent behavior on
> reads after writes.
> We write values to our keyspaces and then immediately read the values back
> (in our Cucumber tests).  About 20% of the time we get the old value.....if
> we wait 1 second and redo the query (within the same java method) we get
> the new value.
> This is all happening on a single node...how is this possible?
> We're using 2.0.9 and the java client.   Though it shouldn't matter given
> a single node cluster I set the consistency level to ALL with no effect.
> I've read CASSANDRA-876 which seems spot-on but it was closed as
> won't-fix...and I don't see what the solution is.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Brian Tarbox
> --
> http://about.me/BrianTarbox

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