Re: Composite column/key creation via Hector

2012-07-12 Thread Dave Brosius
BTW, an issue was just fixed with dynamic columns in hector, you might want to try trunk. On 07/12/2012 06:25 PM, aaron morton wrote: You may have better luck on the Hector Mailing list… https://groups.go

Re: SSTable format

2012-07-13 Thread Dave Brosius
On 07/13/2012 08:00 PM, Michael Theroux wrote: Hello, I've been trying to understand in greater detail how SStables are stored, and how information is transferred between Cassandra nodes, especially when a new node is joining a cluster. Specifically, Is information stored to SStables ordered

Re: SSTable format

2012-07-13 Thread Dave Brosius
disk on flush? After that point, an SStable is not modified, but can be written to another SStable through compaction? -Mike On Jul 13, 2012, at 8:22 PM, Rob Coli wrote: On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 5:18 PM, Dave Brosius wrote: It depends on what partitioner you use. You should be using the

Re: Batch update efficiency with composite key

2012-07-18 Thread Dave Brosius
Cassandra doesn't do reads before writes. It just places the updates in memtables. In effect updates are the same as inserts.Batches certainly help with network latency, and some minor amount of code repetitiion on the server side. - Original Message -From: "Leonid Ilyevsky" >;lilyev.

Re: increased RF and repair, not working?

2012-07-26 Thread Dave Brosius
Quorum is defined as (replication_factor / 2) + 1 therefore quorum when rf = 2 is 2! so in your case, both nodes must be up. Really, using Quorum only starts making sense as a 'quorum' when RF=3 On 07/26/2012 10:38 PM, Yan Chunlu wrote: I am using Cassandra 1.0.2, have a 3 nodes clust

Re: increased RF and repair, not working?

2012-07-27 Thread Dave Brosius
You have RF=2, CL= Quorum but 3 nodes. So each row is represented on 2 of the 3 nodes.If you take a node down, one of two things can happen when you attempt to read a row.The row lives on the two nodes that are still up. In this case you will successfully read the data.The row lives on one node

Re: Secondary index impact on write performance

2012-08-04 Thread Dave Brosius
There is a second (system managed) column family for each secondary index, so any write to a field that is indexed causes two writes, one to the main column family, and another to the index column family, where in this index column family the key is the value of the secondary column, and the va

Re: Loading data on-demand in Cassandra

2012-08-12 Thread Dave Brosius
When data is first written it does remain in memory until that memory is flushed. After the data is only on disk, it remains there until a read for that row-key/column is requested so in essense it's always load on demand. Currently there is no support for async notifications of changes. On

Re: Why so slow?

2012-08-19 Thread Dave Brosius
Are you using multiple client threads? You might want to try the stress tool in the distribution. On 08/19/2012 02:09 PM, Peter Morris wrote: Hi all I have a Windows 7 machine (64 bit) with DataStax community server installed. Running a benchmark app on the server gives me 7000 inserts pe

Re: Why Cassandra secondary indexes are so slow on just 350k rows?

2012-08-28 Thread Dave Brosius
If i understand you correctly, you are only ever querying for the rows where is_exported = false, and turning them into trues. What this means is that eventually you will have 1 row in the secondary index table with 350K columns that you will never look at. It seems to me you that perhaps you

Re: anyone know how to lookup non-continguous columns BUT for prefixes?

2012-09-04 Thread Dave Brosius
You'd need to make n queries, or do a superset query from min>;-

Re: Using Cassandra BulkOuputFormat With newer versions of Hadoop (.23+)

2012-09-21 Thread Dave Brosius
I swapped in hadoop-core-1.0.3.jar and rebuilt cassandra, without issues. What problems where you having? On 09/21/2012 07:40 PM, Juan Valencia wrote: I can't seem to get Bulk Loading to Work in newer versions of Hadoop. since they switched JobContext from a class to an interface You lose bin

Re: Create Keyspace failing in 1.2rc2 with syntax error?

2012-12-29 Thread Dave Brosius
the format has changed, check the help in cqlsh CREATE KEYSPACE Test WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1}; On 12/29/2012 04:27 PM, Adam Venturella wrote: When I create a keyspace with a SimpleStrategy as outlined here:

Re: error when creating column family using cql3 and persisting datausing thrift

2013-01-15 Thread Dave Brosius
The statements used to create and populate the data might be mildly useful for those trying to help - Original Message -From: "Kuldeep Mishra" >;

Re: CQL : Request did not complete within rpc_timeout

2013-02-03 Thread Dave Brosius
If querying by a date inequality is an important access paradigm you probably want a column that represents some time bucket (a month?) And have that column be part of the cql primary key. Thus when a query is requested you can make c* happy by specifying a date bucket to pick the c* row and th

RE: cassandra cqlsh error

2013-02-04 Thread Dave Brosius
xss = -ea -javaagent:./../lib/jamm-0.2.5.jar -XX:+UseThreadPriorities -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 -Xms1005M -Xmx1005M -Xmn200M -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xss180k That is not an error, that is just 'debugging' information output to the command line. - Original Message -From: "Ku

RE: cassandra cqlsh error

2013-02-04 Thread Dave Brosius
This part, ERROR 13:39:24,456 Cannot open /var/lib/cassandra/data/system/Schema/system-Schema-hd-5; partitioner org.apache.cassandra.dht.RandomPartitioner does not match system partitioner org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner. Note that the default partitioner starting with Cassandra 1

Re: Cassandra/cqlsh Error: TSocket read 0 bytes

2013-02-07 Thread Dave Brosius
An exception occurred on the server, check the logs for the details of what happened, and post back here. On 02/07/2013 11:04 PM, Adam Venturella wrote: Has anyone encountered this before? What did I most likely break or how do I fix it?

Re: Cassandra 1.20 with Cloudera Hadoop (CDH4) Compatibility Issue

2013-02-15 Thread Dave Brosius
see On 02/15/2013 10:05 PM, Yang Song wrote: Hi, Does anyone use CDH4's Hadoop with Cassandra to interact? The goal is simply read/write to Cassandra from Hadoop direclty using ColumnFamilyInput(Output)Format, but seems a bit compatibility

Re: unsubscribe

2013-02-17 Thread Dave Brosius
On 02/17/2013 01:26 PM, puneet loya wrote: unsubscribe me please. Thank you if only directions were followed: send to

Re: Cassandra Wiki Immutable?

2014-08-19 Thread Dave Brosius
added, thanks. On 08/18/2014 06:15 AM, Otis Gospodnetic wrote: Hi, What is the state of Cassandra Wiki -- ? I tried to update a few pages, but it looks like pages are immutable. Do I need to have my Wiki username (OtisGospodnetic) added to some ACL? Thanks,

Re: Cassandra 2.1.2, Pig 0.14, Hadoop 2.6.0 does not work together

2015-01-22 Thread Dave Brosius
The method; should be available in guava from 15.0 on. So guava-16.0 should be fine. It's possible guava is being picked up from somewhere else? have a global classpath variable? you might want to do URL u = YourClass.getRe

Re: Storing bi-temporal data in Cassandra

2015-02-15 Thread Dave Brosius
As you point out, there's not really a node-based problem with your query from a performance point of view. This is a limitation of CQL in that, cql wants to slice one section of a partition's row (no matter how big the section is). In your case, you are asking to slice multiple sections of a p

Re: Getting NoClassDefFoundError for com/datastax/spark/connector/mapper/ColumnMapper

2015-03-31 Thread Dave Brosius
Is there an 'initial cause' listed under that exception you gave? As NoClassDefFoundError is not exactly the same as ClassNotFoundException. It meant that ColumnMapper couldn't initialize it's static initializer, it could be because some other class couldn't be found, or it could be some other n

Re: Getting NoClassDefFoundError for com/datastax/spark/connector/mapper/ColumnMapper

2015-04-02 Thread Dave Brosius
oPrivileged(Native Method) at at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( *From:*Dave Brosius [] *Sent:* Tuesday, March 31, 2015 8:46 PM *To:* user

Re: Regarding JIRA

2015-06-01 Thread Dave Brosius
JIra should be left for issues that you have some confidence are bugs in cassandra or items you want as feature requests. For general questions, try the cassandra mailing lists to subscribe -> or use irc #cassandra on freenode O

Re: com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidTypeException: Invalid type for value 1 of CQL type text, expecting class java.lang.String but class [Ljava.lang.Object; provided

2013-12-07 Thread Dave Brosius
BoundStatement query = prBatchInsert.bind(userId, attributes.values().toArray(new *String*[attributes.size()])) On 12/07/2013 03:59 PM, Techy Teck wrote: I am trying to insert into Cassandra database using Datastax Java driver. But everytime I am getting below exception at `prBatchInsert.bin

Re: Parse xml and store data in Map using xom parser

2013-12-08 Thread Dave Brosius
Not really a cassandra question, but it would seem your xml file isn't particularly well designed. It would seem you need to qualify your entries with indices when put in the map, such as put("test.1.C", "0"); put("test.2.C", "50"); before figuring out the cassandra angle, i'd rethin

Re: Why was Thrift defined obsolete?

2013-12-17 Thread Dave Brosius
Realize that there will be more and more new features that come along as cassandra matures. It is an overwhelming certainty that these feature will be available thru the new native interface & CQL. The same level of certainty can't be given to Thrift. Certainly if you have existing applications

Re: unsubscribe

2014-01-09 Thread Dave Brosius
just send that email to user-unsubscribe@cassandra.apache.orgif still confused check here - Original Message -From: "Earl Ruby" >;

Re: java.lang.StackOverflowError with big IN list

2014-01-10 Thread Dave Brosius
In the mean time you can try upping the value of your -Xss setting in to see if just a little push will take the problem away. On 01/10/2014 10:18 AM, Дмитрий Шохов wrote: Thank you! 2014/1/10 Benedict Elliott Smith

Re: Failed to mkdirs $HOME/.cassandra

2014-05-16 Thread Dave Brosius
For now you can edit the nodetool script itself by adding -Duser.home=/tmp as in "$JAVA" $JAVA_AGENT -cp "$CLASSPATH" -Xmx32m -Duser.home=/tmp -Dlogback.configurationFile=logback-tools.xml -Dstorage-config="$CASSANDRA_CONF" -p $JMX_PORT $ARGS

Re: What % of cassandra developers are employed by Datastax?

2014-05-17 Thread Dave Brosius
The question assumes that it's likely that datastax employees become committers. Actually, it's more likely that committers become datastax employees. So this underlying tone that datastax only really 'wants' datastax employees to be cassandra committers, is really misleading. Why wouldn't a

Re: initial token crashes cassandra

2014-05-17 Thread Dave Brosius
What Colin is saying is that the tool you used to create the token, is not creating tokens usable for the Murmur3Partitioner. That tool is probably generating tokens for the (original) RandomPartitioner, which has a different range. On 05/17/2014 07:20 PM, Tim Dunphy wrote: Hi and thanks for

Re: Why is the cassandra documentation such poor quality?

2014-07-23 Thread Dave Brosius
We had a massive spam problem before we locked down the wiki, so unfortunately that was the choice we had to make. But as stated we can add you to the contributers list. What is your Wiki user name? On 2014-07-23 07:33, Peter Lin wrote: > I've tried to contribute docs to Cassandra wiki in

Recover from startup problems

2011-08-21 Thread Dave Brosius
Greetings, I'm running head from source, and now when i try to start up the database, i get the following exception which causes client connection failures. I'm fine with blowing away the database, just playing, but wanted to know if there is a safe way to do this. Exception encountered during

Re: Recover from startup problems

2011-08-22 Thread Dave Brosius
. if 0.8 doesn't start up either, remove the data directory but NOT commitlog, and restart. this will cause commitlog to be replayed -- with luck whatever is causing the problem is still in there, so if it breaks again, we have a reproducible case Thanks! On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 1:16 AM, D

Re: Recover from startup problems

2011-08-22 Thread Dave Brosius
s.jar is not in the classpath On 08/22/2011 11:24 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote: It's erroring out trying to load the schema itself, though, which isn't supposed to happen. On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 10:14 PM, Dave Brosius wrote: Sure i'll try that, but I'm pretty sure it was c

Re: unsubscribe

2011-10-24 Thread Dave Brosius
On 10/24/2011 09:16 PM, hwj383 wrote: unsubscribe Send that email to

Re: SimpleAuthenticator missing in Cassandra 1.0

2011-10-27 Thread Dave Brosius
Had found the same thing, and updated: On 10/27/2011 04:25 PM, RobinUs2 wrote: It seems that org.apache.cassandra.auth.SimpleAuthenticator is missing in the cassandra 1.0 binaries. Is this on purpose or did I found a bug? -- View this messag

Determining Strategy options for a particular Strategy class

2011-11-07 Thread Dave Brosius
Is there a programmatic way to determine what the valid 'keys' are for the strategy options for a particular strategy class?

Re: error: "columnfamily alone is required for standard CF"

2011-11-23 Thread Dave Brosius
The examples are old, except (at least) there is an up to date version for java (look for 1.0.0 version) On 11/23/2011 08:24 PM, Aaron Raddon wrote: Hello, i am trying to read/write to cassandra using go and receiving this error "columnfamily alone is required for standard CF" back from cassan

Re: memory estimate for each key in the key cache

2011-12-16 Thread Dave Brosius
On 12/16/2011 10:13 PM, Brandon Williams wrote: On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 8:52 PM, Kent Tong wrote: Hi, From the source code I can see that for each key, the hash (token), the key itself (ByteBuffer) and the position (long. offset in the sstable) are stored into the key cache. The hash is an

Re: java thrift error

2011-12-20 Thread Dave Brosius
A ByteBuffer is not a byte[] to convert a String to a ByteBuffer do something likepublic static ByteBuffer toByteBuffer(String value) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return ByteBuffer.wrap(value.getBytes("UTF-8")); } see --

Re: setStrategy_options syntax in thrift

2011-12-20 Thread Dave Brosius
KsDef ksDef = new KsDef();Map>;String, String;String, String

Re: Integration Error between Cassandra and Eclipse

2012-01-05 Thread Dave Brosius
This works for me On 01/06/2012 01:18 AM, Kuldeep Sengar wrote: Hi, Can you post the error(saying that only 1 error is there), that'll make things more clear. Thanks Kuldeep Singh Sengar Opera Solutions Tech Boulevard,8th floor, Tower C, Sector 1

Re: Problems Starting Cassandra Server -

2012-01-17 Thread Dave Brosius
It probably would be useful to know what your yaml file looks like. On 01/17/2012 08:58 PM, Asha Subramanian wrote: I am a new user of Cassandra and want to understand the basics of Cassandra before moving to cluster installations etc.. I picked up the latest version of Cassandra from the ho

Re: Problems Starting Cassandra Server -

2012-01-17 Thread Dave Brosius
Change your yaml entry for data_file_directories from data_file_directories: F:\cassandra\data to data_file_directories: - F:\cassandra\data On 01/17/2012 11:54 PM, Asha Subramanian wrote: Here is the yaml file.. Thanks *From:*Dave Brosius [] *Sent

Re: unsubscribe

2012-01-24 Thread Dave Brosius
Folks who wish to unsubscribe should sent a blank email to the following address

Re: Unsubscribe

2012-02-04 Thread Dave Brosius
On 02/04/2012 12:05 PM, Andrea Loggia wrote: Unsubscribe If you wish to unsubscribe from the cassandra user list send a blank email here

Re: How to find a commit for specific release on git?

2012-02-12 Thread Dave Brosius
Based on the tags listed here: I would look here;a=commit;h=9d4c0d9a37c7d77a05607b85611c3abdaf75be94 On 02/12/2012 10:39 PM, Maki Watanabe wrote: Hello, How to find the right commit

Re: Unsubscribe

2012-02-12 Thread Dave Brosius
On 02/12/2012 10:53 PM, Shubham Srivastava wrote: -- Sent using BlackBerry send an email to

Re: problem with sliceQuery with composite column

2012-02-13 Thread Dave Brosius
if the composite column was rearranged as ticks:111wouldn't the result be as desired? - Original Message -From: "aaron morton" >;

Re: Issue regarding 'describe' keyword in 1.0.7 version.

2012-02-21 Thread Dave Brosius
What it's saying is if you define a KeySpace Foo and under it a ColumnFamily called Foo, you won't be able to use describe to describe the ColumnFamily named Foo. On 02/21/2012 07:26 AM, Rishabh Agrawal wrote: Hello, I am newbie to Cassandra. Please bear with my lame doubts. I running Cas

Re: Using cassandra at minimal expenditures

2012-02-27 Thread Dave Brosius
I guess the issue with 2 machines and RF=2 is that Consistency level of QUORUM is the same as ALL, so you've pretty much have little flexibility with this setup, of course this might be fine depending on what you want to do. In addition, RF=2 also means that you get no data-storage improvements

Re: TimeUUID

2012-02-28 Thread Dave Brosius
Given that these rows are wanted to be time buckets, you would want collisions, in fact that would be the standard way of working, so IMO, the uuid just removes the ability to bucket data and would not be wanted. On 02/28/2012 10:30 AM, Paul Loy wrote:

Re: CompositeType/DynamicCompositeType for Row Key

2012-02-28 Thread Dave Brosius
With Key's you get validation if you use composite types... Also, you get prettier output in cli, but the value is less than with composite columns. On 02/28/2012 11:59 AM, Philip Shon wrote: My row keys will actually be a date range. Where the first value is the starting date and the secon

Re: key sorting question

2012-03-06 Thread Dave Brosius
With random partitioner, the rows are sorted by the hashes of the keys, so for all intents and purposes, not sorted. This comment below really is talking about how columns are sorted, and yes when time uuids are used, they are sorted by the time component, as a time

Re: Why is row lookup much faster than column lookup

2012-03-13 Thread Dave Brosius
Given the hashtable nature of cassandra, finding a row is probably 'relatively' constant no matter how many columns you have.The smaller the number of columns, i suppose the more likely that all the columns will be in one sstable. If you've got a ton of columns per row, it is much more likely th

Re: Why is row lookup much faster than column lookup

2012-03-13 Thread Dave Brosius
sorry, should have been: Given the hashtable nature of cassandra, finding a row is probably 'relatively' constant no matter how many *rows* you have. - Original Message -----From: "Dave Brosius" >;

Re: Order rows numerically

2012-03-16 Thread Dave Brosius
if your keys are 1-n and you are using BOP, then almost certainly your ring will be massively unbalanced with the first node getting clobbered. You'll have bigger issues than getting lexical ordering. I'd try to rethink your design so that you don't need BOP. On 03/16/2012 06:49 PM, Watanabe M

Re: Issue with cassandra-cli "assume"

2012-03-23 Thread Dave Brosius
I think you want assume UserDetails validator as bytes; On 03/23/2012 08:09 PM, Drew Kutcharian wrote: Hi Everyone, I'm having an issue with cassandra-cli's assume command with a custom type. I tried it with the built-in BytesType and got the same error: [default@test] assume UserDetails v

Re: Issue with cassandra-cli "assume"

2012-03-23 Thread Dave Brosius
at 6:46 PM, Dave Brosius wrote: I think you want assume UserDetails validator as bytes; On 03/23/2012 08:09 PM, Drew Kutcharian wrote: Hi Everyone, I'm having an issue with cassandra-cli's assume command with a custom type. I tried it with the built-in BytesType and got the same e

Re: counter column family

2012-03-27 Thread Dave Brosius
Counter columns are special, they must be in a column family to themselves. On 03/27/2012 09:32 AM, puneet loya wrote: wen i m using a counter column.. i m nt able to add columns of other type to the column family.. is it so or it is just synactical error?? [default@CMDCv99] create column fami

Re: Using Thrift

2012-04-02 Thread Dave Brosius
For a thrift client, you need the following jars at a minimum apache-cassandra-clientutil-*.jar apache-cassandra-thrift-*.jar libthrift-*.jar slf4j-api-*.jar slf4j-log4j12-*.jar all of these jars can be found in the cassandra distribution. On 04/02/2012 07:40 AM, Rishabh Agrawal wrote: Any

Re: Using Thrift

2012-04-02 Thread Dave Brosius
fine slf4j files in distribution. So I downloaded them can you help me how to configure it. *From:*Dave Brosius [] *Sent:* Monday, April 02, 2012 6:28 PM *To:* *Subject:* Re: Using Thrift For a thrift client, you need the following jars

Re: Why so many SSTables?

2012-04-11 Thread Dave Brosius
It's easy to spend other people's money, but handling 1TB of data with 1.5 g heap? Memory is cheap, and just a little more will solve many problems. On 04/11/2012 08:43 AM, Romain HARDOUIN wrote: Thank you for your answers. I originally post this question because we encoutered an OOM Excep

Re: Trying to avoid super columns

2012-04-12 Thread Dave Brosius
If you want to reduce the number of columns, you could pack all the data for a product into one column, as in composite column name-> product_id_1:12.44:1.00:3.00 On 04/12/2012 03:03 PM, Philip Shon wrote: I am currently working on a data model where the purpose is to look up multiple produ

Re: Column Family per User

2012-04-18 Thread Dave Brosius
Your design should be around how you want to query. If you are only querying by user, then having a user as part of the row key makes sense. To manage row size, you should think of a row as being a bucket of time. Cassandra supports a large (but not without bounds) row size. To manage row size

Re: Column Family per User

2012-04-18 Thread Dave Brosius
Yes in this cassandra model, time wouldn't be a column value, it would be part of the column name. Depending on how you want to access your data (give me all data points for time X) and how many separate datapoints you have for time X, you might consider packing all the data for a time in one co

Re: Column Family per User

2012-04-18 Thread Dave Brosius
Yes in this cassandra model, time wouldn't be a column value, it would be part of the column name. Depending on how you want to access your data (give me all data points for time X) and how many separate datapoints you have for time X, you might consider packing all the data for a time in one

Re: Column Family per User

2012-04-18 Thread Dave Brosius
It seems to me you are on the right track. Finding the right balance of # rows vs row width is the part that will take the most experimentation. - Original Message -From: "Trevor Francis" >;

Re: 200TB in Cassandra ?

2012-04-19 Thread Dave Brosius
I think your math is 'relatively' correct. It would seem to me you should focus on how you can reduce the amount of storage you are using per item, if at all possible, if that node count is prohibitive. On 04/19/2012 07:12 AM, Franc Carter wrote: Hi, One of the projects I am working on is go

Re: Bad Request: No indexed columns present in by-columns clause with "equals" operator

2012-04-23 Thread Dave Brosius
Works for me on trunk... what version are you using? On 04/23/2012 08:39 AM, wrote: I understand the error message, but I don't understand why I get it. Here's the CF: cqlsh:avatars> describe columnfamily HBX_FILE; CREATE COLUMNFAMILY HBX_FILE ( KEY blob PRIMARY KEY

Re: EC2 Best Practices

2012-04-25 Thread Dave Brosius
0 is a perfectly valid id.node - 1 is modulo the maximum token value. that token range is 0 - 2**127so node - 1 in this case is 2**127 - Original Message -From: "Deno Vichas" >;

Re: Behavior on inconsistent reads

2012-05-10 Thread Dave Brosius
If you read at Consistency of at least quorum, you are guaranteed that at least one of the nodes has the latest data, and so you get the right data. If you read with less than quorum it would be possible for all the nodes that respond to have stale data. On 05/10/2012 09:46 PM, Carpenter, Cu

Re: primary keys query

2012-05-11 Thread Dave Brosius
Inequalities on secondary indices are always done in memory, so without at least one EQ on another secondary index you will be loading every row in the database, which with a massive database isn't a good idea. So by requiring at least one EQ on an index, you hopefully limit the set of rows tha

Re: Cassandra search performance

2012-05-12 Thread Dave Brosius
When you build a secondary index on a field, what happens is a second (hidden) column family is created for you, with the key for that column family being the value of the index field, and the columns being the keys of the entries in your column family that have that value. So in your case, you ma

Re: Retrieving old data version for a given row

2012-05-13 Thread Dave Brosius
The only way you could get the old value for a column would be to insert the column value, then flush, then insert the new column, then before compaction look at the old sstable. If you insert the value twice in a row without a flush, the old value is gone, as it only exists in memtables (and

Re: How to make the search by columns in range case insensitive ?

2012-05-14 Thread Dave Brosius
This could be accomplished with a custom 'CaseInsensitiveUTF8Type' comparator to be used as the comparator for that column family. This would require adding a class of your writing to the server. On 05/14/2012 07:26 AM, Ertio Lew wrote: I need to make a search by names index using entity name

Re: How do I add a custom comparator class to a cassandra cluster ?

2012-05-14 Thread Dave Brosius
it can be in a separate jar with just one class. On 05/15/2012 12:29 AM, Ertio Lew wrote: Can I put this comparator class in a separate new jar(with just this single file) or is it to be appended to the original jar along with the other comparator classes? On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 12:22 AM, To

Re: cassandra upgrade to 1.1 - migration problem

2012-05-15 Thread Dave Brosius
The replication factor for a keyspace is stored in the system.schema_keyspaces column family. Since you can't view this with cli as the server won't start, the only way to look at it, that i know of is to use the sstable2json tool on the *.db file for that column family... So for instance on

Re: Startup fails after updgrading from 1.0.8 to 1.1.0

2012-05-16 Thread Dave Brosius
Might be related to On 05/16/2012 08:12 AM, Christoph Eberhardt wrote: Hi there, if updgraded cassandra from 1.0.8 to 1.1.0. It seemed to work in the first place, all seemed to work fine. So I started upgrading the rest of the cluster (a

Re: Retrieving old data version for a given row

2012-05-16 Thread Dave Brosius
You're in for a world of hurt going down that rabbit hole. If you truely want version data then you should think about changing your keying to perhaps be a composite key where key is of form NaturalKey/VersionId Or if you want the versioning at the column level, use composite columns with Col

Re: Startup fails after updgrading from 1.0.8 to 1.1.0

2012-05-16 Thread Dave Brosius
tracking issue here: might be related to: On 05/16/2012 08:12 AM, Christoph Eberhardt wrote: Hi there, if updgraded cassandra from 1.0.8 to 1.1.0. It seemed to work in the first place, all

Re: understanding of native indexes: limitations, potential side effects,...

2012-05-16 Thread Dave Brosius
Each index you define on the source CF is created using an internal CF that has as its key the value of the column it's indexing, and as its columns, all the keys of all the rows in the source CF that have that value. So if all your rows in your source CF have the same value, then your index cf

Re: unsubscribe

2012-05-17 Thread Dave Brosius
On 05/17/2012 09:49 PM, wrote: unsubscribe send that message to

Re: unsubscribe

2012-05-21 Thread Dave Brosius
On 05/21/2012 02:44 AM, Qingyan(Evan) Liu wrote: send to

Re: Schema changes not getting picked up from different process

2012-05-25 Thread Dave Brosius
What version are you using? It might be related to On 05/25/2012 07:32 AM, Victor Blaga wrote: Hi all, This is my first message on this posting list so I'm sorry if I am breaking any rules. I just wanted to report some sort of a problem th

Re: Out of memory error

2012-06-10 Thread Dave Brosius
What version of Cassandra? might be related to On 06/11/2012 12:07 AM, Prakrati Agrawal wrote: Sorry I ran list /columnFamilyName/; and it threw this error. Thanks and Regards Prakrati *From:*aaron morton [

Re: Supercolumn behavior on writes

2012-06-13 Thread Dave Brosius
You can create composite columns on the fly. On 06/13/2012 09:58 PM, Greg Fausak wrote: That's a good question. I just went to a class, Ben was saying that any action on a super column requires de-re-serialization. But, it would be nice if a write had this sort of efficiency. I have been pl

Re: Supercolumn behavior on writes

2012-06-13 Thread Dave Brosius
Via thrift, or a high level client on thrift, see as an example On 06/13/2012 11:08 PM, Greg Fausak wrote: Interesting. How do you do it? I have a version 2 CF, that works fine. A version 3 table won't let me invent col

Re: Urgent - IllegalArgumentException during compaction and memtable flush

2012-06-14 Thread Dave Brosius
One of the column names on the row with key 353339332d3134363533393931 failed to validate with the validator for the column. If you really are after what column is problematic, and are able to build and run cassandra, you can add debugging info to protected void validateName(C

Re: store large String as col value

2012-06-20 Thread Dave Brosius
Column values are limited at 2G.Why store them as Base64? that just adds overhead. Storing the raw bytes will save you a bunch. - Original Message -From: "Cyril Auburtin" >;

Re: Find rows without a column

2012-06-22 Thread Dave Brosius
On 06/22/2012 03:57 AM, Jeff Williams wrote: Hi, It doesn't look like this is possible, but can I select all rows missing a certain column? The equivalent of "select * where col is null" in SQL. Regards, Jeff remember that there really is no such thing as a row, just arbitrary columns assoc

Re: RandomPartitioner is providing a very skewed distribution of keys across a 5-node Solandra cluster

2012-06-24 Thread Dave Brosius
If i read what you are saying, you are _not_ using composite keys? That's one thing that could do it, if the first part of the composite key had a very very low cardinality. On 06/24/2012 11:00 AM, Safdar Kureishy wrote: Hi, I've searched online but was unable to find any leads for the proble

Re: RandomPartitioner is providing a very skewed distribution of keys across a 5-node Solandra cluster

2012-06-24 Thread Dave Brosius
ar On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 8:38 PM, Dave Brosius>> wrote: If i read what you are saying, you are _not_ using composite keys? That's one thing that could do it, if the first part of the composite key had a very very low cardinality. O

Re: Quorum read after quorum write guarantee

2013-03-10 Thread Dave Brosius
is the read and write happening on the same thread? On 03/10/2013 12:00 PM, André Cruz wrote: Hello. In my application it sometimes happens that I execute a multiget (I use pycassa) to fetch data that I have just inserted. I use quorum writes and reads, and my RF is 3. I've noticed that some

Re: Retrieve data from Cassandra database using Datastax java driver

2013-04-20 Thread Dave Brosius
getColumnDefinitions only returns meta data, to get the data, use the iterator to navigate the rows Iterator it = result.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Row r =; //do stuff with row } On 04/21/2013 12:02 AM, Techy Teck wrote: I am working with Datastax java-driver. And I

Re: Look table structuring advice

2013-05-04 Thread Dave Brosius
if you want to store all the roles in one row, you can do create table roles (synthetic_key int, name text, primary key(synthetic_key, name)) with compact storage when inserting roles, just use the same key insert into roles (synthetic_key, name) values (0, 'Programmer'); insert into roles (s

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