;> CASSANDRA-7544 storage port configurable per node
>>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-7544> - Committed
>>> CASSANDRA-11115 remove thrift support
>>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-5> - Committed
> http://www.thelastpickle.com
>> 2018-04-04 9:44 GMT+01:00 sujeet jog :
>>> the datastax site has a hardware recommendation of 16CPU / 32G RAM for
>>> DSE Enterprise, Any idea what is the minimum hardware recommendation
>>> supported, can each node be 8CPU and the support covering it ?..
> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Reliability at Scale
Cassandra, Spark, Elasticsearch on AWS, Azure, GCP and Softlayer
. Spark is notorious for causing
>>>> latency spikes in Cassandra which is not great if you are are sensitive to
>>>> that.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Evelyn.
>>>> On 12 Apr 2018, at 6:55 am, kooljava2
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> We are exploring on configuring Sorl/Spark. Wanted to get input on
>>>> this.
>>>> 1) How do we decide which one to use?
>>>> 2) Do we run this on a DC where there is less workload?
>>>> Any other suggestion or comments are appreciated.
>>>> Thank you.
>>> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Reliability at Scale
Cassandra, Spark, Elasticsearch on AWS, Azure, GCP and Softlayer
more trademark issues
with Datastax.
> Cheers
> Niclas Hedhman
> Member of ASF
> On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 9:57 PM, Ben Bromhead wrote:
>> Folks this is the user list for Apache Cassandra. I would suggest
>> redirecting the question to Datastax the commercial entity
> 2. Careful when you say that Datastax produces Cassandra. Cassandra is a
> product of Apache Software Foundation, and no one else. You, Ben, should be
> very well aware of this, to avoid further trademark issues between Datastax
> and ASF.
> Cheers
> Niclas Hedhman
220 should be enough for cerrification and also i am
> reading definitive guide on cassandra ..any other material required ? Any
> practise test websites? As certification is costly and wanna clear in one
> go ...
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
8 (probably too late)?
> Is there a planning committee?
> Who wants there to be a Cassandra Summit 2019 and who thinks there is a
> better way?
> We could try a Cassandra Distributed Summit 2019 where we meet virtually
> and perhaps asynchronously, but there would be a lot more energy and
> bonding if it’s not virtual. I’m up for any of these.
> Kenneth Brotman
> --
> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Reliability at Scale
Cassandra, Spark, Elasticsearch on AWS, Azure, GCP and Softlayer
know use cases where people are
> using Mesos or a custom tool built with terraform/chef etc to run their
> production clusters but have yet to find a real K8s use case.
> *Questions?*
> Is K8s a reasonable choice for managing a production C* cluster?
> Are there documented use cases for this?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> --
> Regards,
> *Hassaan Pasha*
> --
> Regrads,
> Pavel Sapezhko
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Reliability at Scale
Cassandra, Spark, Elasticsearch on AWS, Azure, GCP and Softlayer
ent gromakowski <
vincent.gromakow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why did you choose java for the operator implementation when everybody
> seems to use the go client (probably for greater functionalities) ?
> 2018-05-23 15:39 GMT+02:00 Ben Bromhead :
>> You can get a good way wit
> 2018-05-23 17:17 GMT+02:00 Ben Bromhead :
>> The official Kubernetes Java driver is actually pretty feature complete,
>> if not exactly idiomatic Java... it's only missing full examples to get it
>> to GOLD compatibility levels iirc.
>> A f
e don’t see any cpu spike. is there any thing we have to tune to
> make work with Jmx_exporter?
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: user-unsubscr...@cassandra.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: user
y. So the debate is installing Cassandra in Kubernetes cluster.
> Can someone throw some light, what advantages can I get when created
> Cassandra cluster inside Kubernetes cluster. Any comments are highly
> appreciated:)
> Thanks and Regards,
> Goutham Reddy Aenugu.
> --
rn e-mail. Regardless of
>> content, this e-mail shall not operate to bind DXC Technology Company or
>> any of its affiliates to any order or other contract unless pursuant to
>> explicit written agreement or government initiative expressly permitting
>> the use of e-mail for such purpose. --.
> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Reliability at Scale
Cassandra, Spark, Elasticsearch on AWS, Azure, GCP and Softlayer
This all looks really awesome, while i wish there wasn't as much duplicated
effort across the different projects it's great to see how different teams
are solving this very real problem!
Also Attila we do have our cloud offering as you mentioned, but we also
have our own k8s operator which is Apac
arios can SS Table files on disk from Node 1 go to Node 2 as
> is ? I’m aware this happens in *nodetool rebuild* and I am assuming this
> does *not* happen in repairs. Can someone confirm ?
> The reason I ask is I am working on a solution for backup / restore and I
Note that incremental repair strategies (2.1+) run anti-compaction against
sstables in the range being repaired, so this will prevent overstreaming
based on the ranges in the repair session.
On Mon, 9 May 2016 at 10:31 Ben Bromhead wrote:
> Yup, with repair and particularly bootstrap is th
? Too high, too low?
>> Thanks,
>> Jerome
> --
> Jens Rantil
> Backend Developer @ Tink
> Tink AB, Wallingatan 5, 111 60 Stockholm, Sweden
> For urgent matters you can reach me at +46-708-84 18 32.
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer
- commitlog_sync: batch
> - commitlog_sync_batch_window_in_ms: 2
> (Using default value for the other configurations)
> Regards,
> Satoshi
> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer
causing, and working around) ? To work around, we tried increasing
> #compactors and reducing stream throughput so that at least incoming
> #SSTables would be controlled.
> This has happened to us few times in the past too, so I am wondering if
> this is a known problem (I c
olumn by positive integer and the others by 0.
> Makes sense ?
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer
running out of disk capacity at the moment
> and instead of adding more nodes to the cluster, we would like to add
> another disk to the server and add it to the list of data directories. My
> question, is, will Cassandra use the new disk for compactions on sstables
> that already exist i
al copying of files? such as
> mv /mnt/path/to/large/sstable.sd /mnt/newebs ?
> Thanks!
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 12:59 PM, Ben Bromhead
> wrote:
> Yup as everyone has mentioned ephemeral are fine if you run in multiple
> AZs... which is pretty much manda
sents what Instaclustr runs in production for Cassandra 3.7
and this is our way of helping the community get a similar level of
stability as what you would get from our managed service.
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandr
ou handle wrong ordering of multiple writes (on same row and
> column) during the leap second? You may overwrite the new value with old
> one (disaster).
> And Downtime is no option :)
> I can see that CASSANDRA-9131 is still open..
> FYI..we are on 2.0.14 ..
nouncement yet, however.
> Kurt Greaves
> k...@instaclustr.com
> www.instaclustr.com
> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer
o ensure that server side
> timestamps are monotonic ?
> As per my understanding NTP slew mode may not be suitable for Cassandra as
> it may cause unpredictable drift amongst the Cassandra nodes. Ideas ??
> Thanks
> Anuj
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
> 2016-11-02 17:35 GMT+01:00 Jesse Hodges :
> Just curious, has anybody created a debian package for this?
> Thanks, Jesse
> On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 7:45 PM, Kai Wang wrote:
> This is awesome! Stability is the king.
> Thank you so
nt to be proactive with things.
> I agree that you should avoid such scebaruos with design (if possible).
> Good to know that you guys have setup your own NTP servers as per the
> recommendation. Curious..Do you also do some monitoring around NTP?
> Thanks
dra writes are faster than reads?
> Hi all,
> Are Cassandra writes are faster than reads ?? If yes, why is this so? I am
> using consistency 1 and data is in memory.
> Vikas
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer
Check out https://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/WritePathForUsers for the full
gory details.
On Sun, 6 Nov 2016 at 21:09 Ali Akhtar wrote:
> How long does it take for updates to get merged / compacted into the main
> data file?
> On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 5:31 AM, Ben Bromhead wrote
They can be and it depends on your compaction strategy :)
On Sun, 6 Nov 2016 at 21:24 Ali Akhtar wrote:
> tl;dr? I just want to know if updates are bad for performance, and if so,
> for how long.
> On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 10:23 AM, Ben Bromhead wrote:
> Check out https
that reducing the batch size below 20 also increases the
> writing speed and reduction in memory usage(especially for Python driver).
> Kind regards,
> Rajesh R
> ------
> *From:* Ben Bromhead [b...@instaclustr.com]
> *Sent:* 07 November 20
rds to be written to first 2 nodes and less to
> the 3rd node. We are thinking of this approach because we want to install
> other IO intensive messaging server in the 3rd node, in order to reduce the
> load we are requesting for this approach.
> Thanks and Regards
> A.
me who has faced and resolved this issue help us here.
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer
doing any kind of sorting
> by the partition key?
> This is a lot of data, so I figured I'd ask before I pulled the trigger.
> Thanks in advance!
> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer
hosts in the same rack, is it safe
> to replace them in parallel, using the replace-node command?
> Will it cause any data inconsistency if we do so?
> Thanks
> Dikang.
> --
> Dikang
> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
> and sha1
> <http://www.apache.org/dist/cassandra/2.1.16/apache-cassandra-2.1.16-bin.tar.gz.sha1>),
>released on 2016-10-10.
> What would be the best approach to help get this changed?
> -Derek
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer
behavior, and if so, why does it behave
> like this rather than evaluating `now()` once across an entire statement?
> This really affects UPDATE statements but to test it more easily, you
> could try something like:
> SELECT toTimestamp(now()) as a, toTimestamp(now()) as b
> FROM keyspace.table
> LIMIT 100;
> If you run that a few times, you should eventually see that the timestamp
> returned moves onto the next millisecond mid-query.
> --
> *Software Engineer*
> Turnitin - http://www.turnitin.com
> t...@turnitin.com
> --
> *Software Engineer*
> Turnitin - http://www.turnitin.com
> t...@turnitin.com
> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer
luated whenever it's called according to
> the
> timeuuid spec (or as close to it as we can make it).
Maybe formally defined is the wrong term... Formally documented?
> On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 7:25 AM, Benjamin Roth
> wrote:
> Great comment. +1
> Am 01.12.
aphite is leveraging latest features as SASI index &
> Back Pressure.
> More info here:
> https://github.com/criteo/biggraphite/wiki/BigGraphite-Announcement
> http://labs.criteo.com/blog/
> Regards
> Duy Hai DOAN
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclus
> or can I live with RF of 3 in each DC (other KS are using 3)
> If it has to be equal to the number of nodes then, every time adding or
> removing a node requires update of RF.
> Thanks in advance.
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclu
jaibheem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Ben,
> RF 3 isn't sufficient for system_auth? as we are using 3 RF for other
> production KS, do you see any challenges?
> On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 2:39 PM, Ben Bromhead wrote:
> We have a process that syncs and manages RF==
gt; builder = Cluster.builder();
> > ...
> > builder = builder.withCredentials(user, password);
> > cluster = builder.build();
> > }
> > session = sessions.get(keyspace);
> > if (session == null) {
> > session = cluster.connection(keyspace);
> > sessions.put(keyspace, session)
> > }
> > ...
> > }
> > ...
> > public ResultSet update(...) {
> > ...
> > public ResultSet get(...) {
> > ...
> > }
> > == example ==
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Yuji
> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer
I would not rely on Cassandra auth to authenticate downstream actors, not
because it's bad, just its generally inefficient to create lots of session
objects. The session object maintains a connection pool, pipelines
requests, is thread safe and generally pretty solid.
On Wed, F
welcoming of foreign students.
We are also open to sponsoring a PhD project with a more in depth focus for
the right candidate.
For more details please don't hesitate to get in touch with myself or reach
out to i...@instaclustr.com.
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr &
n't sure that the application works when a lot of
> cluster/session objects are created.
> Is it correct?
> Thank you,
> Yuji
> On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 12:01 PM, Ben Bromhead wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Feb 2017 at 17:52 Yuji Ito wrote:
> Thanks Andrew, Be
ng to use.
> - John
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer
e "can" use different snitches
>> THEM :D
> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr
+1 650 284 9692
? I'm
> not receiving any exceptions.
> --
> -Richard L. Burton III
> @rburton
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr
+1 650 284 9692
;>>>> jack.krupan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> How about reads? Any differences between read-intensive and
>>>>>>>> write-intensive workloads?
>>>>>>>> -- Jack Krupansky
>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 3:13 AM, Jeff Jirsa <
>>>>>>>> jeff.ji...@crowdstrike.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi John,
>>>>>>>>> We run using 4T GP2 volumes, which guarantee 10k iops. Even at 1M
>>>>>>>>> writes per second on 60 nodes, we didn’t come close to hitting even
>>>>>>>>> 50%
>>>>>>>>> utilization (10k is more than enough for most workloads). PIOPS is not
>>>>>>>>> necessary.
>>>>>>>>> From: John Wong
>>>>>>>>> Reply-To: "user@cassandra.apache.org"
>>>>>>>>> Date: Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 3:07 PM
>>>>>>>>> To: "user@cassandra.apache.org"
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: EC2 storage options for C*
>>>>>>>>> For production I'd stick with ephemeral disks (aka instance
>>>>>>>>> storage) if you have running a lot of transaction.
>>>>>>>>> However, for regular small testing/qa cluster, or something you
>>>>>>>>> know you want to reload often, EBS is definitely good enough and we
>>>>>>>>> haven't
>>>>>>>>> had issues 99%. The 1% is kind of anomaly where we have flush blocked.
>>>>>>>>> But Jeff, kudo that you are able to use EBS. I didn't go through
>>>>>>>>> the video, do you actually use PIOPS or just standard GP2 in your
>>>>>>>>> production cluster?
>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 1:28 PM, Bryan Cheng <
>>>>>>>>> br...@blockcypher.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Yep, that motivated my question "Do you have any idea what kind
>>>>>>>>>> of disk performance you need?". If you need the performance, its
>>>>>>>>>> hard to
>>>>>>>>>> beat ephemeral SSD in RAID 0 on EC2, and its a solid, battle tested
>>>>>>>>>> configuration. If you don't, though, EBS GP2 will save a _lot_ of
>>>>>>>>>> headache.
>>>>>>>>>> Personally, on small clusters like ours (12 nodes), we've found
>>>>>>>>>> our choice of instance dictated much more by the balance of price,
>>>>>>>>>> CPU, and
>>>>>>>>>> memory. We're using GP2 SSD and we find that for our patterns the
>>>>>>>>>> disk is
>>>>>>>>>> rarely the bottleneck. YMMV, of course.
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 7:32 PM, Jeff Jirsa <
>>>>>>>>>> jeff.ji...@crowdstrike.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> If you have to ask that question, I strongly recommend m4 or c4
>>>>>>>>>>> instances with GP2 EBS. When you don’t care about replacing a node
>>>>>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>>>>>> of an instance failure, go with i2+ephemerals. Until then, GP2 EBS
>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>> capable of amazing things, and greatly simplifies life.
>>>>>>>>>>> We gave a talk on this topic at both Cassandra Summit and AWS
>>>>>>>>>>> re:Invent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R-mgOcOSd4 It’s
>>>>>>>>>>> very much a viable option, despite any old documents online that say
>>>>>>>>>>> otherwise.
>>>>>>>>>>> From: Eric Plowe
>>>>>>>>>>> Reply-To: "user@cassandra.apache.org"
>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Friday, January 29, 2016 at 4:33 PM
>>>>>>>>>>> To: "user@cassandra.apache.org"
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: EC2 storage options for C*
>>>>>>>>>>> My company is planning on rolling out a C* cluster in EC2. We
>>>>>>>>>>> are thinking about going with ephemeral SSDs. The question is this:
>>>>>>>>>>> Should
>>>>>>>>>>> we put two in RAID 0 or just go with one? We currently run a
>>>>>>>>>>> cluster in our
>>>>>>>>>>> data center with 2 250gig Samsung 850 EVO's in RAID 0 and we are
>>>>>>>>>>> happy with
>>>>>>>>>>> the performance we are seeing thus far.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>> Eric
>>> --
>>> Steve Robenalt
>>> Software Architect
>>> sroben...@highwire.org
>>> (office/cell): 916-505-1785
>>> HighWire Press, Inc.
>>> 425 Broadway St, Redwood City, CA 94063
>>> www.highwire.org
>>> Technology for Scholarly Communication
> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr
+1 650 284 9692
>> args. I realized I neglected to adjust memtable_flush_writers as I was
>> writing this--so I'll get on that. Aside from that, I'm not sure what to
>> do. (Thanks, again, for reading.)
>> * They were batched for consistency--I'm hoping to return to using them
>> when I'm back at normal load, which is tiny compared to backloading, but
>> the impact on performance was eye-opening.
>> ___
>> Will Hayworth
>> Developer, Engagement Engine
>> Atlassian
>> My pronoun is "they". <http://pronoun.is/they>
> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer
> Has anybody experienced similar behaviour. Restarting the entire cluster,
> everytime a node is decommissioned does not seem right. Thanks in advance
> for the help.
> thanks
> Sai
> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer
> I am having a read latency of ~500 microseconds, I think it takes to much
> time comparing to the write latency of ~30 microseconds.
> My first clue is to fix the chunk_length_kb to a value close to the size
> of the rows in kb
> Am I in the right direction? If i
. This is because they are hard links of data files
> and do not take up disk space of their own until the files they link to are
> compacted into new files.
> =Rob
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer
>>> configuration and restart the node. before starting i will shutdown the
>>> cluster.
>> Yes.
>> =Rob
> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer
gt;> update statement (works with 'insert'). Is there a good reason for this, or
>> is it a bug?
> The "USING TIMESTAMP" goes in a different place in update statements. It
> should be something like:
t; client requests?
> To be clear, I don't recommend trying to run production Cassandra with
> under 8GB of RAM on your node, but "absolute requirement" is a serious
> overstatement.
> http://opensourceconnections.com/blog/2013/08/31/building-the-perfect-cassandra-test-environm
; datacenter usage (since the build/up tear down cost is too high for things
> that don't use pools).
> Right now it appears if we enable encryption it requires it for all
> connections, which definitely is not what we want.
> -J
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instacl
gt; (meaning data will never “disappear”) ?
> I’d appreciate some details on this topic from experts !
> Thanks !
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer
Instaclustr out.
Ben Bromhead
On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 12:35 AM, Tim Dunphy wrote:
> Cool Thanks for the advice Aaron. I actually did get this working before I
> read your reply. The trick apparently for me was to use the IP for the
> first node in the seeds settin
If you are using CPython (most likely) remember to use the multiprocessing
interface rather than multithreading to avoid the global interpreter lock.
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 4:35 AM, wrote:
> I'm not using multi-threads/processes. I'll try multi-threading to see if
> I get a boost.
Hi Marcelo
A few questions:
Have your added the priam java agent to cassandras JVM argurments (e.g.
-javaagent:$CASS_HOME/lib/priam-cass-extensions-1.1.15.jar) and does the
web container running priam have permissions to write to the cassandra
config directory? Also what do the priam logs say?
cond node.
> Any idea why? It's probably what is causing cassandra to die, right?
> 2013/2/27 Marcelo Elias Del Valle
>> Hello Ben, Thanks for the willingness to help,
>> 2013/2/27 Ben Bromhead
>>> Have your added the priam
ance in this case), I am
> guessing priam use the data backed up to S3 to restore a node data in another
> instance, right?
> []s
> 2013/2/28 Ben Bromhead
> Off the top of my head I would check to make sure the Autoscaling Group you
> created is restric
Check out
Netflix used Cassandra with SSDs and were able to drop their memcache layer.
Mind you they were not using it purely as an in memory KV store.
Instaclustr | www.instaclustr.com | @instaclustr
On 05/03
> I was wondering if somebody here wants to share his experiences about this
> task, and what do you think about JMX approach instead of the SSH one.
> Thank you.
> --
> Luigi
> ---
> “The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent.”
ideo_title, video_actor etc..
> 2) If I am implementing Solr indexing on this single table, then we can
> able to do a query from other columns and much more.. but is it going to
> effect my READ and WRITE speed.
> 3) is it will be a good idea or not to implement SOLR directly.
> Pl
>> 2017-05-09 20:45:25,081 [DEBUG] cassandra.metadata: user aggregates table
>> not found
>> 2017-05-09 20:45:25,098 [DEBUG] cassandra.cluster: Control connection
>> created
>> 2017-05-09 20:45:25,099 [DEBUG] cassandra.pool: Initializing connection
>> for host
>> 2017-05-09 20:45:25,099 [DEBUG] cassandra.pool: Initializing connection
>> for host
> --
> Dikang
> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer
> Has anybody made Java driver version 3.2 work with DSE 5.0 or 5.1?
> 4. For AWS, what is prod recommended AMI with CentOS and for DSE 5.x
> versions?
> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer
> There it is. Fire away with your questions, comments. All I ask is keep it
> respectful because this is a community of amazing people. You have changed
> the world over these years and I know it won’t stop. You know I got a hug
> for you wherever we just happen to meet.
more time, equals ~30 minutes.
> May be we are totally wrong trying to use Cassandra this way?
> --
> Best Regards,
> *Alexander Kotelnikov*
> *Team Lead*
> Retail Technology Company
> m: +7.921.915.06.28 <+7%20921%20915-06-2
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> -
> >> To unsubscribe, e-mail: user-unsubscr...@cassandra.apache.org
> >> For additional commands, e-mail: user-h...@cassandra.apache.org
> >>
>> *Ben Slater*
>> *Chief Product Officer <https://www.instaclustr.com/>*
>> <https://www.facebook.com/instaclustr>
>> <https://twitter.com/instaclustr>
>> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/instaclustr>
>> Read our latest technical blog posts here
>> <https://www.instaclustr.com/blog/>.
>> This email has been sent on behalf of Instaclustr Pty. Limited
>> (Australia) and Instaclustr Inc (USA).
>> This email and any attachments may contain confidential and legally
>> privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, do not copy
>> or disclose its content, but please reply to this email immediately and
>> highlight the error to the sender and then immediately delete the message.
> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
+1 650 284 9692
Reliability at Scale
Cassandra, Spark, Elasticsearch on AWS, Azure, GCP and Softlayer
Also very useful.
Ben Bromhead
Instaclustr | www.instaclustr.com | @instaclustr | +61 415 936 359
On 22/08/2014, at 6:12 AM, Robert Coli wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
> How do I watch the progr
Ah sorry that is the original repo, see
https://github.com/BrianGallew/cassandra_range_repair for the updated version
of the script with vnode support
Ben Bromhead
Instaclustr | www.instaclustr.com | @instaclustr | +61 415 936 359
On 22 Aug 2014, at 2:19 pm, DuyHai Doan wrote:
> Thanks
Make sure you have also setup the ephemeral drives as a raid device (use mdadm)
and mounted it under /mnt/cassandra otherwise your data dir is the os partition
which is usually very small.
Ben Bromhead
Instaclustr | www.instaclustr.com | @instaclustr | +61 415 936 359
On 27 Aug 2014, at 8:21
ld throw out the extra hard drive / not use it / put
more hard drives in the other machines. Why? Hard drives are cheap and your
time as an admin for the cluster isn't. If you do add more hard drives you can
also split out the commit log etc onto different disks.
I would take less problems ov
and data dirs into different volumes
doesn’t do a whole lot of good on AWS irrespective of whether you are on
spinning disks or SSDs. Simply because the volumes presented to the vm may be
on the same disk.
Just raid the available volumes and be done with it.
Ben Bromhead
Instaclustr | www.in
On 8 Sep 2014, at 12:34 pm, Oleg Dulin wrote:
> Another idea I had was taking the ec2-snitch configuration and converting it
> into a Property file snitch. But I still don't understand how to perform this
> move since I need my newly created VPC instances to have public IPs --
> something I wo
On 9 Sep 2014, at 7:33 am, Nate McCall wrote:
> Other thoughts:
> - Go slowly and verify that clients and gossip are talking to the new nodes
> after each lift and shift
> - Don't forget to change seeds afterwards
> - This is not the time to upgrade/change *anything* else - match the version
e insight as to why we don't see any performance impact on
> the reads going from EBS to SSD?
> Thanks,
> Mohammed
Ben Bromhead
Instaclustr | www.instaclustr.com | @instaclustr
<http://twitter.com/instaclustr> | +61 415 936 359
e an
> appropriate answer based a planned cluster size -- does such a thing exist?
> Ken
Ben Bromhead
Instaclustr | www.instaclustr.com | @instaclustr
<http://twitter.com/instaclustr> | +61 415 936 359
for the table creation to propagate across all of the nodes in my cluster.
> What is the best way to deal with this problem? Is there a standard way
> to wait for schema changes to propagate?
> Best regards,
> Clint
Ben Bromhead
Instaclustr | www.instaclustr.com | @instaclustr
<http://twitter.com/instaclustr> | +61 415 936 359
turn much up.
>> *Donald A. Smith* | Senior Software Engineer
>> P: 425.201.3900 x 3866
>> C: (206) 819-5965
>> F: (646) 443-2333
>> dona...@audiencescience.com
>> [image: AudienceScience]
Ben Bromhead
Instaclustr | www.instaclustr.com | @instaclustr
<http://twitter.com/instaclustr> | +61 415 936 359
> but I can’t see why the uninstall of DSE is leaving the apache cassandra
> release cqlsh unable to attach to the apache cassandra runtime.
> Ta
> Andy
> The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096
> The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096
Ben Bromhead
Instaclustr | www.instaclustr.com | @instaclustr
<http://twitter.com/instaclustr> | +61 415 936 359
Only recently! Moving off list (c* users bcc'd).
On 30 September 2014 19:20, Andrew Cobley wrote:
> HI Ben,
> yeah, that was it, recovered from the Cassandra summit ?
> Andy
> On 30 Sep 2014, at 08:19, Ben Bromhead wrote:
> check your cqls
> org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra$Client.login(Cassandra.java:559)
> at
> com.netflix.astyanax.thrift.ThriftSyncConnectionFactoryImpl$ThriftConnection.open(ThriftSyncConnectionFactoryImpl.java:203)
> ... 6 more
> It looks like that my SSL settings are incorrect.
> Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?
> Thanks
> Boying
Ben Bromhead
Instaclustr | www.instaclustr.com | @instaclustr
<http://twitter.com/instaclustr> | +61 415 936 359
ld', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload',
> '/root/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages',
> '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages']
> Error: No module named cql
> I get the same exact error. How on earth do I break out of this feeback
> loop?
> Thanks!
> Tim
> --
> GPG me!!
> gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B
Ben Bromhead
Instaclustr | www.instaclustr.com | @instaclustr | +61 415 936 359
ion of cqlsh or the old cql jar is in your
> classpath or something along those lines.
> --
> Kind regards,
> Michael
Ben Bromhead
Instaclustr | www.instaclustr.com | @instaclustr
<http://twitter.com/instaclustr> | +61 415 936 359
we have found one problem that is difficult to
> tackle. Cassandra 2.0Java driver requires google guava 1.6. Unfortuanately,
> storm 0.9.2 provides a lower version. Because of that, a topology will not
> be able to contact Cassandra databases.
> Thanks
> Gary
Ben Bro
ore sensibly, once a month with gc_grace_seconds set to 34 days.
> Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. Not the answer that I was
> secretly hoping for, but it is nice to have confirmation. :)
> Cheers!
> -Tim
Ben Bromhead
Instaclustr | www.instaclustr.com | @instaclustr
<http://twitter.com/instaclustr> | +61 415 936 359
> <https://plus.google.com/102718274791889610666/posts>
> <http://spinn3r.com>
Ben Bromhead
Instaclustr | www.instaclustr.com | @instaclustr
<http://twitter.com/instaclustr> | +61 415 936 359
the named addressee only. It
> contains information that may be confidential. Unless you are the named
> addressee or an authorized designee, you may not copy or use it, or
> disclose it to anyone else. If you received it in error please notify us
> immediately and then destroy it
;> 'native_transport_max_threads' => "4",
>>> 'notify_restart' => true,
>>> 'reporter' => {
>>> 'riemann' => {
unning 2.0.12 with SSD’s. I’ve got a 10 node cluster with RF=3.
> I have no idea where to even begin to look. Any thoughts on where to start
> would be greatly appreciated.
> Robert
Ben Bromhead
Instaclustr | www.instaclustr.com | @instaclustr
<http://twitter.com/instaclustr> | (650) 284 9692
>>> After drop table, I found the data is not removed from disk, I should
>>> reduce the gc_grace_seconds before the drop operation.
>>> I have to wait for 10 days, but there is not enough disk.
e a
> solution. We have only about 450MB of live data on the most
> heavily-loaded server, and the space taken up by these deleted files
> is growing by several GB per day. For now we can work around the
> problem by periodically restarting servers to close the file handles,
> but
but decreases the burden placed on the
nodes, and means you have less impact on reads/writes to the system.*
On 16 March 2015 at 16:33, David Wahler wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 6:12 PM, Ben Bromhead wrote:
> > Cassandra will by default snapshot your data directory on the followin
Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 6:51 PM, Ben Bromhead wrote:
> > If you are running a sequential repair (or have previously run a
> sequential
> > repair that is still running) Cassandra will still have the file
> descriptors
> > open for files in the snapshot it is using for the repai
Read Count: 59
>>>>>> Read Latency: 397.12523728813557 ms.
>>>>>> Write Count: 155128
>>>>>> Write Latency: 0.3675690719921613 ms.
>>>>>> Pending Flushes: 0
>>>>>> Table: metr
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