After some further discussions with folks offline, I'd like to revive this

As Kurt mentioned, to keep it simple I if we can simply build consensus
around what is in for 4.0 and what is out. We can then start the process of
working off a 4.0 branch towards betas and release candidates. Again as
Kurt mentioned, assigning a timeline to it right now is difficult, but
having a firm line in the sand around what features/patches are in, then
limiting future 4.0 work to bug fixes will give folks a less nebulous
target to work on.

The other thing to mention is that once we have a 4.0 branch to work off,
we at Instaclustr have a commitment to dogfooding the release candidates on
our internal staging and internal production workloads before 4.0 becomes
generally available. I know other folks have similar commitments and simply
having a 4.0 branch with a clear list of things that are in or out will
allow everyone to start testing and driving towards a quality release.

The other thing is that there are already a large number of changes ready
for 4.0, I would suggest not recommending tickets for 4.0 that have not yet
been finished/have outstanding work unless you are the person working on it
(or are offering to work on it instead) and can get it ready for review in
a timely fashion. That way we can build a more realistic working target.
For major breaking changes, there is always 5.0 or 4.1 or whatever we end
up doing :)



On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 9:39 PM kurt greaves <> wrote:

> I don't believe Q3/Q4 is realistic, but I may be biased (or jaded). It's
>> possible Q3/Q4 alpha/beta is realistic, but definitely not a release.
> Well, this mostly depends on how much stuff to include in 4.0. Either way
> it's not terribly important. If people think 2019 is more realistic we can
> aim for that. As I said, it's just a rough timeframe to keep in mind.
> 3.10 was released in January 2017, and we've got around 180 changes for
> 4.0 so far, and let's be honest, 3.11 is still pretty young so it's going
> to be a significant effort to properly test and verify 4.0.
> Let's just stick to getting a list of changes for the moment. I probably
> shouldn't have mentioned timeframes, let's just keep in mind that we
> shouldn't have such a large set of changes for 4.0 that it takes us years
> to complete.
> All that said, what I really care about is building confidence in the
>> release, which means an extended testing cycle. If all of those patches
>> landed tomorrow, I'd still expect us to be months away from a release,
>> because we need to bake the next major - there's too many changes to throw
>> out an alpha/beta/rc and hope someone actually runs it.
> Yep. As I said, I'll follow up about testing after we sort out what we're
> actually going to include in 4.0. No point trying to come up with a testing
> plan for
> On 13 February 2018 at 04:25, Jeff Jirsa <> wrote:
>> Advantages of cutting a release sooner than later:
>> 1) The project needs to constantly progress forward. Releases are the
>> most visible part of that.
>> 2) Having a huge changelog in a release increases the likelihood of bugs
>> that take time to find.
>> Advantages of a slower release:
>> 1) We don't do major versions often, and when we do breaking changes
>> (protocol, file format, etc), we should squeeze in as many as possible to
>> avoid having to roll new majors
>> 2) There are probably few people actually running 3.11 at scale, so
>> probably few people actually testing trunk.
>> In terms of "big" changes I'd like to see land, the ones that come to
>> mind are:
>> - "Birch" (changes
>> file format)
>> - Transient
>> Replicas (probably adds new replication strategy or similar)
>> - Rest of the
>> internode netty stuff (no idea if this changes internode stuff, but I bet
>> it's a lot easier if it lands on a major)
>> - Virtual Tables
>> (selfish inclusion, probably doesn't need to be a major at all, and I
>> wouldn't even lose sleep if it slips, but I'd like to see it land)
>> Stuff I'm ok with slipping to 4.X or 5.0, but probably needs to land on a
>> major because we'll change something big (like gossip, or the way schema is
>> passed, etc):
>> - Strongly
>> consistent membership
>> - Strongly
>> consistent schema
>> All that said, what I really care about is building confidence in the
>> release, which means an extended testing cycle. If all of those patches
>> landed tomorrow, I'd still expect us to be months away from a release,
>> because we need to bake the next major - there's too many changes to throw
>> out an alpha/beta/rc and hope someone actually runs it.
>> I don't believe Q3/Q4 is realistic, but I may be biased (or jaded). It's
>> possible Q3/Q4 alpha/beta is realistic, but definitely not a release.
>> On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 8:29 PM, kurt greaves <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi friends,
>>> *TL;DR: Making a plan for 4.0, ideally everyone interested should
>>> provide up to two lists, one for tickets they can contribute resources to
>>> getting finished, and one for features they think would be desirable for
>>> 4.0, but not necessarily have the resources to commit to helping with.*
>>> So we had that Roadmap for 4.0 discussion last year, but there was never
>>> a conclusion or a plan that came from it. Times getting on and the changes
>>> list for 4.0 is getting pretty big. I'm thinking it would probably make
>>> sense to define some goals to getting 4.0 released/have an actual plan. 4.0
>>> is already going to be quite an unwieldy release with a lot of testing
>>> required.
>>> Note: the following is open to discussion, if people don't like the plan
>>> feel free to speak up. But in the end it's a pretty basic plan and I don't
>>> think we should over-complicate it, I also don't want to end up in a
>>> discussion where we "make a plan to make a plan". Regardless of whatever
>>> plan we do end up following it would still be valuable to have a list of
>>> tickets for 4.0 which is the overall goal of this email - so let's not get
>>> too worked up on the details just yet (save that for after I
>>> summarise/follow up).
>>> // TODO
>>> I think the best way to go about this would be for us to come up with a
>>> list of JIRA's that we want included in 4.0, tag these as 4.0, and all
>>> other improvements as 4.x. We can then aim to release 4.0 once all the 4.0
>>> tagged tickets (+bug fixes/blockers) are complete.
>>> Now, the catch is that we obviously don't want to include too many
>>> tickets in 4.0, but at the same time we want to make sure 4.0 has an
>>> appealing feature set for both users/operators/developers. To minimise
>>> scope creep I think the following strategy will help:
>>> We should maintain two lists:
>>>    1. JIRA's that people want in 4.0 and can commit resources to
>>>    getting them implemented in 4.0.
>>>    2. JIRA's that people simply think would be desirable for 4.0, but
>>>    currently don't have anyone assigned to them or planned assignment. It
>>>    would probably make sense to label these with an additional tag in JIRA. 
>>> *(User's
>>>    please feel free to point out what you want here)*
>>> From list 1 will come our source of truth for when we release 4.0.
>>> (after aggregating a list I will summarise and we can vote on it).
>>> List 2 would be the "hopeful" list, where stories can be picked up from
>>> if resourcing allows, or where someone comes along and decides it's good
>>> enough to work on. I guess we can also base this on a vote system if we
>>> reach the point of including some of them. (but for the moment it's purely
>>> to get an idea of what users actually want).
>>> Please don't refrain from listing something that's already been
>>> mentioned. The purpose is to get an idea of everyone's priorities/interests
>>> and the resources available. We will need multiple resources for each
>>> ticket, so anywhere we share an interest will make for a lot easier work
>>> sharing.
>>> Note that we are only talking about improvements here. Bugs will be
>>> treated the same as always, and major issues/regressions we'll need to fix
>>> prior to 4.0 anyway.
>>> Generally I think it's a bad idea to commit to any hard deadline, but we
>>> should have some time frames in mind. My idea would be to aim for a Q3/4
>>> 2018 release, and as we go we just review the outstanding improvements and
>>> decide whether it's worth pushing it back or if we've got enough to
>>> release. I suppose keep this time frame in mind when choosing your tickets.
>>> We can aim for an earlier date (midyear?) but I figure the
>>> testing/validation/bugfixing period prior to release might drag on a bit so
>>> being a bit conservative here.
>>> The main goal would be to not let list 1 grow unless we're well ahead,
>>> and only cull from it if we're heavily over-committed or we decide the
>>> improvement can wait. I assume this all sounds like common sense but
>>> figured it's better to spell it out now.
>>> After 2 weeks/whenever the discussion dies off I'll consolidate all the
>>> tickets, relevant comments and follow up with a summary, where we can
>>> discuss/nitpick issues and come up with a final list to go ahead with.
>>> On a side note, in conjunction with this effort we'll obviously have to
>>> do something about validation and testing. I'll keep that out of this email
>>> for now, but there will be a follow up so that those of us willing to help
>>> validate/test trunk can avoid duplicating effort.
>>> This is the list of "huge/breaking" tickets that got mentioned in the
>>> last roadmap discussion and their statuses. This is not terribly important
>>> but just so we can keep in mind what we previously talked about. I think we
>>> leave it up to the relevant contributors to decide whether they want to get
>>> the still open tickets into 4.0.
>>> CASSANDRA-9425 Immutable node-local schema
>>> <> - Committed
>>> CASSANDRA-10699 Strongly consistent schema alterations
>>> <> - Open, no
>>> discussion in quite some time.
>>> CASSANDRA-12229 NIO streaming
>>> <> - Committed
>>> CASSANDRA-8457 NIO messaging
>>> <> - Committed
>>> CASSANDRA-12345 Gossip 2.0
>>> <> - Open, no sign
>>> of any action.
>>> CASSANDRA-9754 Make index info heap friendly for large CQL partitions
>>> <> - In progress
>>> but no update in a long time.
>>> CASSANDRA-11559 enhanced node representation
>>> <> - Open, no
>>> change since early 2016.
>>> CASSANDRA-6246 epaxos
>>> <> - In progress
>>> but no update since Feb 2017.
>>> CASSANDRA-7544 storage port configurable per node
>>> <> - Committed
>>> CASSANDRA-11115 remove thrift support
>>> <> - Committed
>>> CASSANDRA-10857 dropping compact storage
>>> <> - Committed
>>> To start us off...
>>> And here are my lists to get us started.
>>> 1.
>>> CASSANDRA-8460 - Tiered/Cold storage for TWCS
>>> <>
>>> CASSANDRA-12783 - Batchlog redesign
>>> <>
>>> CASSANDRA-11559 - Enchance node representation
>>> <>
>>>     CASSANDRA-12344 - Forward writes to replacement node with same
>>> address <>
>>> CASSANDRA-8119 - More expressive Consistency Levels
>>> <>
>>> CASSANDRA-14210 - Optimise SSTables upgrade task scheduling
>>> <>
>>> CASSANDRA-10540 - RangeAwareCompaction
>>> <>
>>> 2:
>>> CASSANDRA-10726 - Read repair inserts should not be blocking
>>> <>
>>> CASSANDRA-9754 - Make index info heap friendly for large CQL partitions
>>> <>
>>> CASSANDRA-12294 - LDAP auth
>>> <>
>>> CASSANDRA-12151 - Audit logging
>>> <>
>>> CASSANDRA-10495 - Fix streaming with vnodes
>>> <>
>>> Also, here's some handy JQL to start you off:
>>> project = CASSANDRA AND fixVersion in (4.x, 4.0) AND issue in
>>> watchedIssues() AND status != Resolved
> --
Ben Bromhead
CTO | Instaclustr <>
+1 650 284 9692
Reliability at Scale
Cassandra, Spark, Elasticsearch on AWS, Azure, GCP and Softlayer

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