On Tue, 3 Sep 2013 09:56:46 +
> Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
> user@cassandra.apache.org mailing list.
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I have a requirement to execute CQL3 scripts through Gradle, do we have any
cassandra plugin for Gradle to do the same or is there any other way I can
execute CQL3 scripts during the build itself. Please suggest.
Hi all,
Quick question
I currently am looking at a 4 node cluster and I have currently stopped all
writing to
Cassandra, with the reads continuing. I'm trying to understand the utilization
of memory within the JVM. nodetool info on each of the nodes shows them all
growing in footprint, 2 of the
The Cassandra team is very pleased to announce the release of Apache
version 2.0.0. Cassandra 2.0.0 is a new major release that adds numerous
improvements[1,2], including:
- Lightweight transactions[4] that offers linearizable consistency.
- Experimental Triggers Support[5].
- Numer
You're trying to use FromCqlColumn on a tuple that has been flattened. The
schema still thinks it's {title: chararray}, but the flattened tuple is now
two values. I don't know how to retrieve the data values in this case.
Your code will work correctly if you do this:
*values3 = FOREACH rows GENERA
On 09/01/2013 03:06 PM, Faraaz Sareshwala wrote:
Yes, that is correct.
The SerializingCacheProvider stores row cache contents off heap. I believe you
need JNA enabled for this though. Someone please correct me if I am wrong here.
The ConcurrentLinkedHashCacheProvider stores row cache contents o
To get an accurate picture you should force a full GC on each node, the heap
utilization can be misleading since there can be a lot of things in the heap
with no strong references.
There is a number of factors that can lead to this. For a true comparison I
would recommend using jconsole and ca
You benefit from putting commit log on separate drive only if this drive is
an isolated spinning device. EC2 ephemeral is a virtual device, so I don't
think it makes sense to put commit log on a separated drive. I would build
raid0 from 4 drives and put everything their. But it would be interesting
The solution you gave works spot on, but there is one more requirement I
forgot to mention. Following is my table structure
id text,
contenttype text,
createdby text,
createdtime timestamp,
description text,
name text,
parentid text,
version timestamp,
Does it actually OOM eventually? There will be a certain amount of object
allocation for reads (or anything) which will see the heap creep up until a GC,
but at ~500mb or so of a 8gb heap there is little reason for the JVM to do it
so it probably just ignores it to save processing. Even the you
Ah. I was going by the upgrade recommendations in the NEWS.txt file in the
cassandra source tree, which didn't make mention of that version (1.0.11)
whatsoever. I didn't see any show-stoppers that would have prevented me from
going straight from 1.0.9 to 1.2.x.
create secondary index over parentid.
make it part of clustering key
On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 10:42 PM, dawood abdullah
> Jan,
> The solution you gave works spot on, but there is one more requirement I
> forgot to mention. Following is my table structure
My bad. I did miss out to read "latest version" part.
On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 11:20 PM, dawood abdullah
> I have tried with both the options creating secondary index and also tried
> adding parentid to primary key, but I am getting all the files with
> parentid 'yyy', what I want i
I am trying to do the same thing, as in our project, we want to load the data
from Cassandra into Hadoop cluster, and SSTable is one obvious option, as you
can get the changed data since last batch loading directly from the SSTable
incremental backup files.
But, based on so far my research (I ma
On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 4:21 PM, Renat Gilfanov wrote:
> - Group 3 of storages into raid0 array, move data directory to the raid0,
> and commit log - to the 4th left storage.
> - As far as I understand, separation of commit log and data directory
> should make performance better - but what about
I have tried with both the options creating secondary index and also tried
adding parentid to primary key, but I am getting all the files with
parentid 'yyy', what I want is the latest version of file with the
combination of parentid, fileid. Say below are the records inserted in the
file table:
Thanks Chris,
I have about 8 heap dumps that I have been looking at. I have been trying to
as to why I have be dumping heap, I've started by removing the apps that write
cassandra and eliminating work that would entail. I am left with just the apps
are reading the data and from
We are considering creating our own InputFormat for hadoop and running the
tasktrackers on every 3rd node(ie. RF=3) such that we cover all ranges. Our
M/R overhead appears to be 13 days vs. 12.5 hours on just reading SSTAbles
directly on our current data set.
I personally don't think parsing
try the following. -ml
-- put this in and run using 'cqlsh -f
CREATE KEYSPACE latest WITH replication = {
'class': 'SimpleStrategy',
'replication_factor' : 1
USE latest;
parentid text, -- row_key, same for each version
id text, --
create table file(id text , parentid text,contenttype text,version
timestamp, descr text, name text, PRIMARY KEY(id,version) ) WITH CLUSTERING
ORDER BY (version DESC);
insert into file (id, parentid, version, contenttype, descr, name) values
('f2', 'd1', '2011-03-06', 'pdf', 'f2 file', 'file1');
Thanks for everyone's work on this release!
On Sep 3, 2013, at 8:48 AM, Sylvain Lebresne wrote:
> The Cassandra team is very pleased to announce the release of Apache Cassandra
> version 2.0.0. Cassandra 2.0.0 is a new major release that adds numerous
> improvements[1,2], including:
We have Cassandra cluster with 5 nodes hosted in the Amazon EC2, and I had to
restart two of them, so their IPs changed.
We use NetworkTopologyStrategy, so I simply updated IPs in the
cassandra-topology.properties file.
However, as I understood, old IPs remained somewhere in the system
On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Renat Gilfanov wrote:
> We have Cassandra cluster with 5 nodes hosted in the Amazon EC2, and I
> had to restart two of them, so their IPs changed.
> We use NetworkTopologyStrategy, so I simply updated IPs in the
> cassandra-topology.properties file.
Set auto_
I have a similar use case but only need to update portion of the row. We
basically perform single write (with old and new columns) with very low value
of ttl for old columns.
> From: jan.algermis...@nordsc.com
> Subject: Update-Replace
> Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 17:35:48 +0200
> To: user@cassandr
I don't know of any. I would check the size of LIST. If it is taking long, it
could be just that disk read is taking long.
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 16:35:22 -0300
Subject: List retrieve performance
From: savio.te...@lupa.inf.ufg.br
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
I have a column family with this c
I use the technique described in my previous message to handle millions of
messages and their versions.
Actually, I use timeuuid's instead of timestamps, as they have more
'uniqueness'. Also I index my maps by a timeuuid that is the complement
(based on a future date) of a current timeuuid. Since
On 03.09.2013, at 23:11, Baskar Duraikannu
> I have a similar use case but only need to update portion of the row. We
> basically perform single write (with old and new columns) with very low value
> of ttl for old columns.
I found out that using bound statements with java-dr
Hi All,
After enabling encryption on our Cassandra 1.2.8 nodes, we receiving the error
"Connection error: TSocket read 0 bytes" while attempting to use CQLsh to talk
to the ring. I've followed the docs over at
Thanks a lot for the quick reply,
Should I run the nodetool repair on all nodes before or after that?
Also, it's mentioned in the documentation that auto_bootstrap setting is
applied only to non-seed nodes. Currently I specified all nodes as seeds,
should I remove nodes with new IP from seeds
The list is "null".
2013/9/3 Baskar Duraikannu
> I don't know of any. I would check the size of LIST. If it is taking long,
> it could be just that disk read is taking long.
> --
> Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 16:35:22 -0300
> Subject: List retrieve performance
> From: s
-- Forwarded message --
From: Vivek Mishra
Date: Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 6:15 AM
Subject: {kundera-discuss} Kundera 2.7 released
To: "kundera-disc...@googlegroups.com"
Hi All,
We are happy to announce the release of Kundera 2.7 .
Kundera is a JPA 2.0 compliant, object-datas
31 matches
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