Does it actually OOM eventually? There will be a certain amount of object 
allocation for reads (or anything) which will see the heap creep up until a GC, 
but at ~500mb or so of a 8gb heap there is little reason for the JVM to do it 
so it probably just ignores it to save processing.  Even the young gen wont 
require a collection at this size.

Which version of Cassandra are you running? Previous to 1.2 a lot of metadata 
about the sstables took considerable heap which could cause additional memory 


From: Langston, Jim []
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: read ?

Thanks Chris,

I have about 8 heap dumps that I have been looking at. I have been trying to 
as to why I have be dumping heap, I've started by removing the apps that write 
cassandra and eliminating work that would entail. I am left with just the apps 
are reading the data and from the heap dumps it looks like Cassandra Column 
being called, because there are so many objects, it is difficult to ascertain 
exactly what
the problem may be. That prompted my query, trying to quickly determine if 
holds objects that have been used for reading, and if so, why, and more 
importantly if
something can be done.


From: "Lohfink, Chris" <<>>
Reply-To: <<>>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2013 11:12:19 -0500
To: "<>" 
Subject: RE: read ?

To get an accurate picture you should force a full GC on each node, the heap 
utilization can be misleading since there can be a lot of things in the heap 
with no strong references.

There is a number of factors that can lead to this.  For a true comparison I 
would recommend using jconsole and call dumpHeap on with the 2nd param true (force GC).  
Then open the heap dump up in a tool like yourkit and you will get a better 
comparison and also it will tell you what it is that's taking the space.


From: Langston, Jim []
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 8:20 AM
Subject: read ?

Hi all,

Quick question

I currently am looking at a 4 node cluster and I have currently stopped all 
writing to
Cassandra,  with the reads continuing. I'm trying to understand the utilization
of memory within the JVM. nodetool info on each of the nodes shows them all
growing in footprint, 2 of the three at a greater rate. On the restart of 
each were at about 100MB, after 2 days, each of the following are at:

Heap Memory (MB) : 798.41 / 3052.00

Heap Memory (MB) : 370.44 / 3052.00

Heap Memory (MB) : 549.73 / 3052.00

Heap Memory (MB) : 481.89 / 3052.00

Ring configuration:

Address         Rack        Status State   Load            Owns                
x     1d          Up     Normal  4.38 GB         25.00%              0
x   1d          Up     Normal  4.17 GB         25.00%              
x   1d          Up     Normal  4.19 GB         25.00%              
x   1d          Up     Normal  4.14 GB         25.00%              

What I'm not sure of is what the growth is different between each ? and why
that growth is being created by activity that is read only.

Is Cassandra caching and holding the read data ?

I currently have caching turned off for the key/row. Also as part of the info 

Key Cache        : size 0 (bytes), capacity 0 (bytes), 0 hits, 0 requests, NaN 
recent hit rate, 14400 save period in seconds
Row Cache        : size 0 (bytes), capacity 0 (bytes), 0 hits, 0 requests, NaN 
recent hit rate, 0 save period in seconds



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