Re: Blob vs. "normal" columns (internals) difference?

2013-04-03 Thread Alan Ristić
I forgot, lets stay on the edge with C* 1.2.* branch ;) Hvala in lp, *Alan Ristić* *w*: personal blog *t*: @alanristic * l:* *m*: ​068 15 73 88​ 2013/4/3 Alan Rist

Re: Cassandra freezes

2013-04-03 Thread Joel Samuelsson
It seems this problem is back and I am unsure how to solve it. I have a test setup like this: 4 machines run 8 processess each. Each process has 2 threads, 1 for writing 100 000 rows and one for reading another 100 000 rows. Each machine (and process) read and write the exact same rows so it is ess

Repair does not fix inconsistency

2013-04-03 Thread Michal Michalski
Hi, TL;DR: I have inconsistend data (1 live row on node A & 1 tombstoned row on node B) that do not get fixed by repair. What can be a problem? Long version: I have a CF containing Users' info, which I sometimes query by key, and sometimes by indexed columns like email. I'm using RF=2. I wri

Re: Problem with streaming data from Hadoop: DecoratedKey(-1, )

2013-04-03 Thread Michal Michalski
Strange things happen. It wasn't a single row, but one single "part" file of the Hadoop's input that failed - we didn't manage to find a specific row that causes the problem. However, it keeps failing only on production, where we can't experiment with it a lot. We tried to reproduce it in a fe

Linear scalability problems

2013-04-03 Thread Anand Somani
Hi, I am running some tests trying to scale out our application from using a 3 node cluster to 6 node cluster. The thing I observed is that when using a 3 node cluster I was able to handle abt 41 req/second, so I added 3 more nodes thinking it should close to double, but instead it only goes upto

Alter table drop column seems not working

2013-04-03 Thread julien Campan
Hi, I'm working with cassandra 1.2.2. When I try to drop a column , it's not working. This is what I tried : CREATE TABLE cust ( ise text PRIMARY KEY, id_avatar_1 uuid, id_avatar_2 uuid, id_avatar_3 uuid, id_avatar_4 uuid ) ; cqlsh> ALTER TABLE cust DROP id_avatar_1 ; ==>Bad Reques

Re: Linear scalability problems

2013-04-03 Thread Tyler Hobbs
If I had to guess, I would say that your client is the bottleneck, not the cluster. Are you inserting data with multiple threads or processes? On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 8:49 AM, Anand Somani wrote: > Hi, > > I am running some tests trying to scale out our application from using a 3 > node cluster

upgrading 1.1.x to 1.2.x via sstableloader

2013-04-03 Thread Michał Czerwiński
Does anyone knows what is the best process to put data from cassandra 1.1.x (1.1.7 to be more precise) to cassandra 1.2.3 ? I am trying to use sstableloader and stream data to a new cluster but I get. ERROR [Thread-125] 2013-04-03 16:37:27,330 (line 183) Received stream

how are reads done on compressed sstables?

2013-04-03 Thread Hiller, Dean
I was reading this great article on sstables And the only thing it is not touching upon is how it is doing lookups when compression is enabled. Is cassandra using the snappy framing concept so it can random access int


2013-04-03 Thread puneet loya
Can you please unsubscribe me from this group

Any plans for read-before-write update operations in CQL3?

2013-04-03 Thread Drew Kutcharian
Hi Guys, Are there any short/long term plans to support UPDATE operations that require read-before-write, such as increment on a numeric non-counter column? i.e. UPDATE CF SET NON_COUNTER_NUMERIC_COLUMN = NON_COUNTER_NUMERIC_COLUMN + 1; UPDATE CF SET STRING_COLUMN = STRING_COLUMN + "postfix";

Re: unsubscribe

2013-04-03 Thread Radek Gruchalski
To remove your address from the list, send a message to:> Kind regards,
 Radek Gruchalski ( | ( | 

Re: Unable to prefix in astyanax read query

2013-04-03 Thread aaron morton
>> I have created this column family using CQL and defined the primary key >> as What was the create table statement ? >> BadRequestException: [host=localhost(, latency=6(6), >> attempts=1]InvalidRequestException(why:Not enough bytes to read value of >> component 0) Unless the CQL

Re: how to test our transfer speeds

2013-04-03 Thread aaron morton
JBOD as talked about here and defined by disk_failure_policy So that when you have very large nodes disk failed does not require a full replacement. But if you are using a high level raid guess that's no

Re: CorruptSSTableException in system keyspace

2013-04-03 Thread aaron morton
There is a ticket there from an older version but I doubt thats it You may be hitting an edge case by quickly creating 200 to 300 CF's. Can you reproduce the problem outside of your test infrastructure ? If so can you raise a ticket https://i

Re: how to stop out of control compactions?

2013-04-03 Thread aaron morton
> And it appears I can't set min > 32 Why did you want to set it so high ? If you want to disable compaction set it to 0. Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Consultant New Zealand @aaronmorton On 2/04/2013, at 8:43 PM, William Oberman wrote

Re: creation of yaml-configuration from existing Config-object fails

2013-04-03 Thread aaron morton
Compare the yaml file you created with the default one, something is different. Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Consultant New Zealand @aaronmorton On 3/04/2013, at 12:17 AM, Heinrich Götzger wrote: > Hello, > > I try to read, edit, wri

Re: IndexOutOfBoundsException during repair, streaming

2013-04-03 Thread aaron morton
> We deleted and recreated those CFs before moving into > production mode. We have a wiener. The comparator is applying the current schema to the byte value read from disk (schema on read) which describes a value with more than 2 components. It's then trying to apply the current schema so it c

Data Model and Query

2013-04-03 Thread shubham srivastava
Hi, Whats the recommendation on querying a data model like StartDate > “X” and counter > “Y” . Its kind of range queries across multiple columns and key. I have the flexibility for modelling the data for the above query accordingly. Regards, Shubham

Re: Cassandra 1.0.10 to 1.2.3 upgrade "post-mortem"

2013-04-03 Thread aaron morton
> I just wanted to share our experience of upgrading 1.0.10 to 1.2.3 In general it's dangerous to skip a major release when upgrading. > ERROR [MutationStage:33] 2013-03-31 09:00:02,899 (line > 164) Exception in thread Thread[MutationStage:33,5,main] > java.lang.AssertionErr

Re: Blob vs. "normal" columns (internals) difference?

2013-04-03 Thread aaron morton
> 1. Is size getting bigger in either one in storing one Tweet? If you store the data in one blob then we only store one column name and the blob. If they are in different cols then we store the column names and their values. > 2. Has either choice have impact on read/write performance on large

Re: Blob vs. "normal" columns (internals) difference?

2013-04-03 Thread Chidambaran Subramanian
On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 6:58 AM, aaron morton wrote: > > 1. Is size getting bigger in either one in storing one Tweet? > If you store the data in one blob then we only store one column name and > the blob. If they are in different cols then we store the column names and > their values. > > > 2. Has

Re: Repair does not fix inconsistency

2013-04-03 Thread aaron morton
What version are you on ? Can you run a repair on the CF and check: Does the repair detect differences in the CF and stream changes ? After the streaming does it run a secondary index rebuild on the new sstable ? (Should be in the logs) Can you provide the full query trace ? Cheers ---

Re: Alter table drop column seems not working

2013-04-03 Thread aaron morton
I dont think it's supported Anyone else know? Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Consultant New Zealand @aaronmorton On 3/04/2013, at 8:11 PM, julien Campan wrote:

Re: upgrading 1.1.x to 1.2.x via sstableloader

2013-04-03 Thread aaron morton
> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: SSTable zzz/xxx/yyy-hf-47-Data.db is > not compatible with current version ib You cannot stream files that have a different on disk format. 1.2 can read the old files, but cannot accept them as streams. You can copy the files to the new machines and us

Re: Any plans for read-before-write update operations in CQL3?

2013-04-03 Thread aaron morton
I would guess not. > I know this goes against keeping updates idempotent, There are also issues with consistency. i.e. is the read local or does it happen at the CL level ? And it makes things go slower. > We currently do things like this in client code, but it would be great to be > able t

Re: Blob vs. "normal" columns (internals) difference?

2013-04-03 Thread aaron morton
> What is the downside, anyway? you code is now the only thing that can read the data. So it makes it harder to look at in a CLI tool. IMHO just store the data in columns. Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Consultant New Zealand @aaronmorton http://www.thelastpickle.

Re: Any plans for read-before-write update operations in CQL3?

2013-04-03 Thread Edward Capriolo
Counters are currently read before write, some collection operations on List are read before write. On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 9:59 PM, aaron morton wrote: > I would guess not. > > I know this goes against keeping updates idempotent, > > There are also issues with consistency. i.e. is the read local

Re: Why do Datastax docs recommend Java 6?

2013-04-03 Thread Edward Capriolo
Hey guys. what gives! Apparently Cassandra ran on 1.7 like 5 years ago. Was their a regression? jk Installation * Please use jdk 1.7; Cassandra will run with 1.6 but frequently core dumps on quad-core machines * Unpack the tar ball: On Wed, F

Re: Any plans for read-before-write update operations in CQL3?

2013-04-03 Thread Drew Kutcharian
I guess it'd be safe to say that the read consistency could be the same as the consistency of the update. But regardless, that would be a lot better than reading a value, modifying it at the client side and then writing it back. On Apr 3, 2013, at 7:12 PM, Edward Capriolo wrote: > Counters ar

Apache Cassandra for Developers-Starter

2013-04-03 Thread Vivek Mishra
Hi, Just wanted to share that recently i worked with Packt publishing to author a quick Cassandra reference in form of a book. Here it is: Sincerely, -Vivek

Issues running Bulkloader program on AIX server

2013-04-03 Thread praveen.akunuru
Hi All, I am facing issues with running java Bulkloader program from a AIX server. The program is working fine on Linux server. I am receiving the below error on AIX. Can anyone help me in getting this working? java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAcces