Re: Hinted Handoff

2013-03-26 Thread Michal Michalski
It contains mutation (data) that is to be sent to proper endpoint. M. W dniu 25.03.2013 20:15, Kanwar Sangha pisze: Hi - Quick question. Do hints contain the actual data or the data is read from the SStables and then sent to the other node when it comes up ? Thanks, Kanwar

Re: CQL3 And ReversedTypes Question

2013-03-26 Thread Sylvain Lebresne
You aren't missing anything obvious. That's a bug really. Would you mind opening a ticket on -- Sylvain On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 2:48 AM, Gareth Collins wrote: > Hi, > > I created a table with the following structure in cqlsh (Cassandra > 1.2.3 -

schema disagrement exception

2013-03-26 Thread zg
Hi, I just try to set up a 2 nodes cluster. It seems work,but when I use CLI to create a keyspace I meet an error "SchemaDisagreementException()". Does anyone know how to solve it? Thanks

Re: index_interval file size is the same after modifying 128 to 512?

2013-03-26 Thread Michal Michalski
Dean, as I can see you are satisfied with the result of increasing ii from 128 to 512, didn't you observed any drawbacks of this change? I remember you mentioned no change in Read Latency and a significant drop of heap size, but did you check any other metrics? I did the opposite (512 -> 128;

Re: Size Tiered -> Leveled Compaction

2013-03-26 Thread Alain RODRIGUEZ
"I'm still wondering about how to chose the size of the sstable under LCS. Default is 5MB, people use to configure it to 10MB and now you configure it at 128MB. What are the benefits or disadvantages of a very small size (let's say 5 MB) vs big size (like 128MB) ?" This seems to be the biggest que

Re: Clearing tombstones

2013-03-26 Thread Joel Samuelsson
Sorry. I failed to mention that all my CFs had a gc_grace_seconds of 0 since it's a 1 node cluster. I managed to accomplish what I wanted by first running cleanup and then compact. Is there any logic to this or should my tombstones be cleared by just running compact? 2013/3/25 Tyler Hobbs > Yo

weird behavior with RAID 0 on EC2

2013-03-26 Thread Alain RODRIGUEZ
We use C* on m1.xLarge AWS EC2 servers, with 4 disks xvdb, xvdc, xvdd, xvde parts of a logical Raid0 (md0). I use to see their use increasing in the same way. This morning there was a normal minor compaction followed by messages dropped on one node (out of 12). Looking closely at this node I saw

Re: index_interval file size is the same after modifying 128 to 512?

2013-03-26 Thread Hiller, Dean
We only look at our program's response time at the high level and have a scatter plot. The scatter plot shows no real differences so even though what you say may be true, our end users are not seeing any differences. I have not checked the any further because the high level use cases look great.

nodetool status inconsistencies, repair performance and system keyspace compactions

2013-03-26 Thread Ondřej Černoš
Hi all, I have 2 DCs, 3 nodes each, RF:3, I use local quorum for both reads and writes. Currently I test various operational qualities of the setup. During one of my tests - see this thread in this mailing list:

Re: index_interval file size is the same after modifying 128 to 512?

2013-03-26 Thread Michal Michalski
OK, thanks for reply :-) W dniu 26.03.2013 13:20, Hiller, Dean pisze: We only look at our program's response time at the high level and have a scatter plot. The scatter plot shows no real differences so even though what you say may be true, our end users are not seeing any differences. I have

CQL vs. non-CQL data models

2013-03-26 Thread Marko Asplund
Hi, I'm experimenting with CQL3 and the non-CQL Cassandra data access methods through Astyanax client API. Being new to Cassandra I'm a bit puzzled by differences between the CQL3 data model and the non-CQL based data model exposed by the Astyanax client API. Is this data model defined by Thrift?

Re: Clearing tombstones

2013-03-26 Thread Tyler Hobbs
On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 5:39 AM, Joel Samuelsson wrote: > Sorry. I failed to mention that all my CFs had a gc_grace_seconds of 0 > since it's a 1 node cluster. I managed to accomplish what I wanted by first > running cleanup and then compact. Is there any logic to this or should my > tombstones b

Re: Backup strategies in a multi DC cluster

2013-03-26 Thread aaron morton
> Assume you have four nodes and a snapshot is taken. The following day if a > node goes down and data is corrupt through user error then how do you use the > previouus nights snapshots? > Not sure what is corrupt, the snapshot/backup or the data is incorrect through application error. >

Re: Backup strategies in a multi DC cluster

2013-03-26 Thread Jabbar Azam
Thank you for your feedback. I'll speak to the dev guys and come up with something appropriate. On 26 Mar 2013 17:51, "aaron morton" wrote: > Assume you have four nodes and a snapshot is taken. The following day if > a node goes down and data is corrupt through user error then how do you use >

Re: create secondary index on column family

2013-03-26 Thread aaron morton
> the error "can not parse FUNCTION_CALL as hex bytes" is thrown in CLI, no log > printed on server. Is the conversion function > not allowed in "update column family" statement? Looks like functions are not supported in column meta data. You can raise a ticket if you want to https://issues.apac

Re: Streaming fails with inter node encryption on

2013-03-26 Thread aaron morton
Looks like can you add your experience to the ticket ? Thanks - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Consultant New Zealand @aaronmorton On 25/03/2013, at 10:45 PM, Mathijs Vogelzang wrote: > Hi all

Re: 33million hinted handoffs from nowhere

2013-03-26 Thread aaron morton
Just noticed this on your email > ps: all nodes are cassandra-1.1.6-dse-p1 If you are on DSE I'd recommend hitting their forums or the support channels. Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Consultant New Zealand @aaronmorton On 26/03/2013,

Re: CQL3 And ReversedTypes Question

2013-03-26 Thread Gareth Collins
Added: Thanks very much for the quick answer! regards, Gareth On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 3:55 AM, Sylvain Lebresne wrote: > You aren't missing anything obvious. That's a bug really. Would you mind > opening a ticket on

Returning A Generated Id From An Insert

2013-03-26 Thread Gareth Collins
Hi, I have a question on if I could do something in Cassandra similar to what I can do in SQL. In SQL (e.g. SQL Server), if I have a generated primary key, I can get the generated primary key back as a result for the insert statement. Is it possible to do something similar with CQL (e.g. could I

Re: Returning A Generated Id From An Insert

2013-03-26 Thread Hiller, Dean
Not really but things like PlayOrm generate your id for you and set your id when you have @NoSqlId (that is, if you are in java). Later, Dean On 3/26/13 1:42 PM, "Gareth Collins" wrote: >Hi, > >I have a question on if I could do something in Cassandra similar to >what I can do in SQL. > >In SQL

Re: For clients, which node to connect too? (Python, CQL 1.4 driver)

2013-03-26 Thread aaron morton
> It doesn't give me the option to specify multiple client addresses, just one. > Will this be an issue? No, but it's good to have a list of servers to balance the load or work when the node is not running. I'm sure there is an approach to getting it in there. Will try to ping one of the contr

Re: TimeUUID Order Partitioner

2013-03-26 Thread aaron morton
> Any idea? Not off the top of my head. Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Consultant New Zealand @aaronmorton On 26/03/2013, at 2:13 AM, Carlos Pérez Miguel wrote: > Yes it does. Thank you Aaron. > > Now I realized that the system keyspace

Re: recv_describe_keyspace bug in org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra ?

2013-03-26 Thread aaron morton
> Is there a way to have the column family defined the new way in a DC and the > old way (WITH COMPACT STORAGE) in another DC ? No. Try a search of to see if there is an existing ticket for PIG to support CQL 3. If not, raise one describing your

Re: FAILED_TO_UNCOMPRESS(5) exception when running nodetool rebuild

2013-03-26 Thread aaron morton
If you are still on 1.2.1 may be this Fixed in 1.2.2 If you are on 1.2.3 there is also Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Consultant New Zealand @aaronmorton http

Re: other questions about // RE: batch_mutate

2013-03-26 Thread aaron morton
> a) does it treat them as N independent requests to replicas, or This Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Consultant New Zealand @aaronmorton On 26/03/2013, at 5:50 AM, DE VITO Dominique wrote: > When the coordinator node receives a batch_mu

Re: bloom filter fp ratio of 0.98 with fp_chance of 0.01

2013-03-26 Thread aaron morton
What version are you using ? 1.2.0 allowed a null bf chance, and I think it returned .1 for LCS and .01 for STS compaction. Have you changed the bf_ chance ? The sstables need to be rebuilt for it to take affect. > and sstables read is in the skies Not sure what this means. Are you saying it

Insert v/s Update performance

2013-03-26 Thread Jay Svc
Hi Team, I have this 3 node cluster. I am writing data to these node at the rate of 2,000 records/second. What I observed that if I do inserts. (Means records for those keys does not exist, my column family has 0 records to start with) then I have better write performacne, low SSTable count, low p

Re: Insert v/s Update performance

2013-03-26 Thread Hiller, Dean
Most likely compaction kicks in as updates cause duplicated rows in STCS and compaction causes load that may not have been there before(check your logs). Also, you can increase the number of nodes in your cluster as well to better handle the load. Later, Dean From: Jay Svc mailto:jaytechg...@

Re: Insert v/s Update performance

2013-03-26 Thread Jay Svc
Thanks Dean, I have used LCS with sstable_size_in_mb of 15. I have also tried bigger sstable_size_in_mb and observed simillar behavior. Does compaction works differently for update v/s Insert? I belive all keys goes to single SST. What other options I should look into? Thanks, Jay On Tue, Ma

Re: Insert v/s Update performance

2013-03-26 Thread Hiller, Dean
LCS is generally used for high read vs. write ratio though it sounds like you may be doing a heavy write load instead. LCS will involve more compactions as you write to the system compared to STCS because LCS is always trying to keep a 1 to 10 ratio between levels. While LCS will involve more

Re: Insert v/s Update performance

2013-03-26 Thread Jay Svc
Thanks Dean again! My use case is high number of reads and writes out of that I am just focusing on write now. I thought LCS is a suitable for my situation. I tried simillar on STCS and results are same. I ran nodetool for tpstats and MutationStage pending are very high. At the same time the SSTa