What version are you using ? 
1.2.0 allowed a null bf chance, and I think it returned .1 for LCS and .01 for 
STS compaction. 
Have you changed the bf_ chance ? The sstables need to be rebuilt for it to 
take affect. 

> and sstables read is in the skies
Not sure what this means. 
Are you saying it's in a boat on a river, with tangerine trees and marmalade 
skies ? 

>                 SSTable count: 22682

Lots of files there, I imagine this would dilute the effectiveness of the key 
cache. It's caching (sstable, key) tuples. 
You may want to look at increasing the sstable_size with LCS. 

>                 Compacted row minimum size: 104
>                 Compacted row maximum size: 263210
>                 Compacted row mean size: 3041

Take a look at the nodetool cfhistograms to get a better idea of the row size 
and use that info when consdiering the sstable size.

Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Consultant
New Zealand


On 26/03/2013, at 6:16 AM, Andras Szerdahelyi 
<andras.szerdahe...@ignitionone.com> wrote:

> Hello list,
> Could anyone shed some light on how an FP chance of 0.01 coexist with a 
> measured FP ratio of .. 0.98 ? Am I reading this wrong or are 98% of the 
> requests hitting the bloom filter create a false positive while the "target" 
> false ratio is 0.01? 
> ( Also key cache hit ratio is around 0.001 and sstables read is in the skies 
> ( non-exponential (non-) drop off  for LCS )  but that should be filed under 
> "effect" and not "cause"? )
> [default@unknown] use KS;
> Authenticated to keyspace: KS
> [default@KS] describe CF;
>     ColumnFamily: CF
>       Key Validation Class: org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BytesType
>       Default column value validator: 
> org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BytesType
>       Columns sorted by: org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BytesType
>       GC grace seconds: 691200
>       Compaction min/max thresholds: 4/32
>       Read repair chance: 0.1
>       DC Local Read repair chance: 0.0
>       Replicate on write: true
>       Caching: ALL
>       Bloom Filter FP chance: 0.01
>       Built indexes: []
>       Compaction Strategy: 
> org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.LeveledCompactionStrategy
>       Compaction Strategy Options:
>         sstable_size_in_mb: 5
>       Compression Options:
>         sstable_compression: org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.SnappyCompressor
> Keyspace: KS
>         Read Count: 628950
>         Read Latency: 93.19921121869784 ms.
>         Write Count: 1219021
>         Write Latency: 0.14352380885973254 ms.
>         Pending Tasks: 0
>                 Column Family: CF
>                 SSTable count: 22682
>                 Space used (live): 119771434915
>                 Space used (total): 119771434915
>                 Number of Keys (estimate): 203837952
>                 Memtable Columns Count: 13125
>                 Memtable Data Size: 33212827
>                 Memtable Switch Count: 15
>                 Read Count: 629009
>                 Read Latency: 88.434 ms.
>                 Write Count: 1219038
>                 Write Latency: 0.095 ms.
>                 Pending Tasks: 0
>                 Bloom Filter False Positives: 37939419
>                 Bloom Filter False Ratio: 0.97928
>                 Bloom Filter Space Used: 261572784
>                 Compacted row minimum size: 104
>                 Compacted row maximum size: 263210
>                 Compacted row mean size: 3041
> I upgraded sstables after changing the FP chance
> Thanks!
> Andras

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