The thrift client is just auto generated code, if you really wanted to you may
be able to change / override it to modify the SerDe when it pulls things off
the wire.
Not sure if this does what you are looking for
Outbound messages for other DC's are grouped and a single instance is sent to a
single node in the remote DC. The remote node then forwards the message on to
the other recipients in it's DC. All remote DC nodes will however reply
directly to the coordinator.
> Normally this isn’t an issue for u
For committed changes
For interesting changer per release
For the road map
Thanks Aaron!
Today I restarted Cassandra on that node and ran scrub again, now it is
I am worried though that if I decide to change another CF to use
compression I will have that issue again. Any clue how to avoid it?
*Tamar Fraenkel *
Senior Software Engineer, TOK Media
> With both data centers functional, the test takes just a few minutes to run,
> with one data center down, 15x the amount of time.
Could you provide the numbers, it's easier to get a feel for how the throughput
is dropping. Does latency reported by nodetool cf stats change ?
I'm also interested
name => date#event, data => counter (date format
2 - Is it a good Idea to compress this kind of data ?
I am looking for using composites columns.
3 - What are the benefits of using a column name like
"CompositeType(UTF8Type, UTF8Type)" and a simple UTF8 column with
Does CQL3 not allow dynamic columns (column names) any more?
CQL3 does absolutely allow dynamic column families, but does it
differently from CQL2. See
On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Timmy Turner wrote:
> Does CQL3 not allow dynamic columns (column names) any more?
Thank you! That article helps clear up a lot of my confusion about the
changes between CQL 2 and 3, since I was wondering how to
access/manipulate CompositeType/DynamicCompositeType columns through
So does this mean that in CQL 3 an explicit schema is absolutely
mandatory? It's now impossible
Answering myself: it seems we can't have any non type 1 UUIDs in column
names. I used the UTF8 comparator and saved my UUIDs as strings, it worked.
2012/10/29 Marcelo Elias Del Valle
> Hello,
> I am using ColumnFamilyInputFormat the same way it's described in this
> example:
> https://gith
das vezes q tive este problema geralmente era porque o valor UUID sendo
tratado para o cassandra não correspondia a um valor "exato" em UUID, para
isso utilizava bastante o UUID.randomUUID() (para gerar um UUID valido)
e UUID.fromString("081f4500-047e-401c-8c0b-a41fefd099d7") - este para
Hmm, this brings the question of what uuid libraries are others using? I know
this one generates type 1 UUIDs with two longs so it is 16 bytes.
From: Marcelo Elias Del Valle>>
Reply-To: "
Thanks, extremely helpful. The key bit was I wasn't flushing the old
Keyspace before re-running the stress test, so I was stuck at RF = 1 from a
previous run despite passing RF = 2 to the stress tool.
On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 2:49 AM, Peter Schuller wrote:
> > Operation [158320] retried 10 times
Are type 1 UUIDs the best ones to use if I want to avoid conflict? I
saw this page:
The only problem with type 1 UUIDs is they are "not opaque"? I know
there is one kind of UUID that can generate two equal values if you
Err... Guess you replied in portuguese to the list :D
2012/10/29 Andre Tavares
> Marcelo,
> das vezes q tive este problema geralmente era porque o valor UUID sendo
> tratado para o cassandra não correspondia a um valor "exato" em UUID, para
> isso utilizava bastante o UUID.randomUUID() (para
This is how cassandra scales. More nodes means better performance.
thank you,
On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Roshan wrote:
> Hi All
> This may be a silly question, but what kind of benefits we can get by adding
> new nodes to the cluster?
> Some may be high availability. Any other
I'm running 1.1.5; the bug says it's fixed in 1.0.9/1.1.0.
How can I check to see why it keeps running HintedHandoff?
-Original Message-
From: Brandon Williams []
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 4:56 AM
Subject: Re: Hinted
Dne 29.10.2012 23:24, Stephen Pierce napsal(a):
I'm running 1.1.5; the bug says it's fixed in 1.0.9/1.1.0.
How can I check to see why it keeps running HintedHandoff?
you have tombstone is system.HintsColumnFamily use list command in
cassandra-cli to check
For a server with 4 drive slots only, I'm thinking:
- OS (1 drive)
- Commit Log (1 drive)
- Data (2 drives, software raid 0)
- OS + Data (3 drives, software raid 0)
- Commit Log (1 drive)
or something else?
also, if I can spare the wasted storage, would RAID 10 for cassandra data
> Any clue how to avoid it?
Not really sure what went wrong. Diagnosing that sort of problem usually takes
access to the running node and time to poke around and see what it does in
responses to various things.
Rebooting works for Windows 95 and Cassandra is not that different.
I'm not sure whether the raid 0 gets you anything other than headaches
should one of the drives fail. You can already distribute the
individual Cassandra column families on different drives by just
setting up symlinks to the individual folders.
2012/10/30 Ran User :
> For a server with 4 drive slo
More background
> So does this mean that in CQL 3 an explicit schema is absolutely
> mandatory?
Not really, it sort of depends on your view.
Lets say this is a "schema free" CF definition in CLI
create column family clicks
with key_validatio
I was hoping to achieve approx. 2x IO (write and read) performance via RAID
0 (by accepting a higher MTBF).
Do believe the performance gains of RAID0 are much lower and/or are not
worth it vs the increased server failure rate?
>From my understanding, RAID 10 would achieve the read performance ben
I would generally recommend 1 drive for OS and commit log and 3 drive raid
0 for data. The raid does give you good performance benefit, and it can be
convenient to have the OS on a side drive for configuration ease and better
On Oct 29, 2012 8:56 PM, "Ran User" wrote:
> I was hopi
Have you considered running RAID 10 for the data drives to improve MTBF?
On one hand Cassandra is handling redundancy issues, on the other
hand, reducing the frequency of dealing with failed nodes
is attractive if cheap (switching RAID levels to 10).
We have no experience with software RAID (have
I'm currently benchmarking Cassandra and have encountered some interesting
behavior. As I increase the number of client threads (and connections),
latency increases as expected but, at some point, throughput actually
I've seen a few posts about this online, with no clear resolution
> I'm using YCSB on EC2 with one m1.large instance to drive client load
To add, I don't believe this is due to YCSB. I've done a fair bit of
client-side profiling and neither client CPU or NIC (or server NIC) are
I'll also add that this dataset fits in memory.
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