Re: Adding node to Cassandra

2012-03-13 Thread aaron morton
>> 2. Move node 'D' initial token down from 150... to 130... >> Here we ran into a problem. When "move" started disk usage for node C >> grows from 400 to 750GB, we saw running compactions on node 'D' but some >> compactions failed with Did you run out of space on C or D ? >>>

Re: OOM opening bloom filter

2012-03-13 Thread aaron morton
Thanks for the update. How much smaller did the BF get to ? A - Aaron Morton Freelance Developer @aaronmorton On 13/03/2012, at 8:24 AM, Mick Semb Wever wrote: > > It's my understanding then for this use case that bloom filters are of > l

Re: running two rings on the same subnet

2012-03-13 Thread aaron morton
If you are on Ubuntu it may be this otherwise I would look for GC problems. Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Developer @aaronmorton On 13/03/2012, at 7:53 PM, Tamar Fraenkel wrote: > Done it. Now i

Row iteration over indexed clause

2012-03-13 Thread Vivek Mishra
Hi, Is it possible to iterate and fetch in chunks using thrift API by querying using "secondary indexes"? -Vivek

Adding a new node to already existing single-node-cluster cassandra

2012-03-13 Thread Rishabh Agrawal
Hello, I have been trying to add a node to single node cluster of Cassandra (1.0.8) but I always get following error: INFO 17:50:35,555 JOINING: schema complete, ready to bootstrap INFO 17:50:35,556 JOINING: getting bootstrap token ERROR 17:50:35,557 Exception encountered during startup java.lan

Re: Row iteration over indexed clause

2012-03-13 Thread Shimi Kiviti
Yes.use get_indexed_slices ( On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 2:12 PM, Vivek Mishra wrote: > Hi, > Is it possible to iterate and fetch in chunks using thrift API by querying > using "secondary indexes"? > > -Vivek >

Re: Row iteration over indexed clause

2012-03-13 Thread Vivek Mishra
Thanks. *Attribute* *Type* *Default* *Required* *Description* expressions list n/a Y The list of IndexExpression objects which must contain one EQ IndexOperator among the expressions start_key binary n/a Y Start the index query at the specified key - can be set to '', i.e., an empty

Re: OOM opening bloom filter

2012-03-13 Thread Mick Semb Wever
> How much smaller did the BF get to ? After pending compactions completed today, i'm presuming fp_ratio is applied now to all sstables in the keyspace, it has gone from 20G+ down to 1G. This node is now running comfortably on Xmx4G (used heap ~1.5G). ~mck -- "A Microsoft Certified System

Re: CAn't bootstrap a new node to my cluster

2012-03-13 Thread Cyril Scetbon
Did you find something in the files I sent you ? On 3/12/12 10:47 AM, aaron morton wrote: Modify this line the It will normally be located in /etc/cassandra Change INFO to DEBUG Cheers -

Re: CAn't bootstrap a new node to my cluster

2012-03-13 Thread aaron morton
Can you provide some context for the log files please. The original error had to do with bootstrapping a new node into a cluster. The log looks like a node is starting with -Dcassadra.join-ring = false and then nodetool join is run. Is there an error when this runs ? Cheers ---

Re: how to increase compaction rate?

2012-03-13 Thread Thorsten von Eicken
On 3/12/2012 6:52 AM, Brandon Williams wrote: > On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 4:44 AM, aaron morton wrote: >> I don't understand why I >> don't get multiple concurrent compactions running, that's what would >> make the biggest performance difference. >> >> concurrent_compactors >> Controls how many conc

Why is row lookup much faster than column lookup

2012-03-13 Thread A J
>From my tests, I am seeing that a CF that has less than 100 columns but millions of rows has a much lower latency to read a column in a row than a CF that has only a few thousands of rows but wide rows with each having 20K columns. Example: cf1 has 6 Million rows and each row has about 100 column

Re: Why is row lookup much faster than column lookup

2012-03-13 Thread Dave Brosius
Given the hashtable nature of cassandra, finding a row is probably 'relatively' constant no matter how many columns you have.The smaller the number of columns, i suppose the more likely that all the columns will be in one sstable. If you've got a ton of columns per row, it is much more likely th

Re: Why is row lookup much faster than column lookup

2012-03-13 Thread Dave Brosius
sorry, should have been: Given the hashtable nature of cassandra, finding a row is probably 'relatively' constant no matter how many *rows* you have. - Original Message -From: "Dave Brosius" >;

Question on ByteOrdered rebalancing

2012-03-13 Thread work late
The ring command on nodetool shows as Address DC RackStatus State LoadOwns Token Token(bytes[88401b216270ab8ebb690946b0b70eab]) datacenter1 rack1 Up Normal 69.1 KB 50.00% Token(bytes[4936c862b88db2bdd92d684583bf0280]) 1

Re: Question on ByteOrdered rebalancing

2012-03-13 Thread Tyler Hobbs
The tokens are hex encoded arrays of bytes. On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 1:05 PM, work late wrote: > The ring command on nodetool shows as > > Address DC RackStatus State Load > OwnsToken > > Token(bytes[88401b216270ab8ebb690946b0b70eab]) > datacenter

Does the 'batch' order matter ?

2012-03-13 Thread A J
I know batch operations are not atomic but does the success of a write imply all writes preceeding it in the batch were successful ? For example, using cql: BEGIN BATCH USING CONSISTENCY QUORUM AND TTL 864 INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, name) VALUES ('user2', 'ch@ngem3b', 'second user')

Building a brand new cluster and readying it for production -- advice needed

2012-03-13 Thread Maxim Potekhin
Dear All, after all the testing and continuous operation of my first cluster, I've been given an OK to build a second production Cassandra cluster in Europe. There were posts in recent weeks regarding the most stable and solid Cassandra version. I was wondering is anything better has appeare

Composite Key Query in CLI

2012-03-13 Thread Ali Basiri
Hey, I'm have a set of composite keys with data and trying to query them through the CLI. However, the result set returned is always empty. The schema is like this: ColumnFamily: Routes Key Validation Class: org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.CompositeType(org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.T

Re: Building a brand new cluster and readying it for production -- advice needed

2012-03-13 Thread Edward Capriolo
I am 1.0.7. I would suggest that. The memtable and JAMM stuff is very stable. I would not setup 0.8.X because with 1.1 coming soon 0.8.X is not likely to see to many more minor releases. You can always do better with more RAM up to the size of your data, having more ram them data size will not help

Re: Adding a new node to already existing single-node-cluster cassandra

2012-03-13 Thread aaron morton
Sounds similar to Are you able to try adding the node again with logging set to DEBUG (in /etc/cassandra/ . (Please make sure the system directory is empty (/var/lib/cassandra/data/system) *NOTE* do not

Re: how to increase compaction rate?

2012-03-13 Thread Viktor Jevdokimov
After loosing one node we had to repair, CFs was on leveled compaction. For one CF each node had about 7GB of data. Running a repair without primary range switch ended up some nodes exhausted to about 60-100GB of 5MB sstables for that CF (a lot of files). After switching back from leveled to tiered

Re: Building a brand new cluster and readying it for production -- advice needed

2012-03-13 Thread Maxim Potekhin
Thank you Edward. As can be expected, my data volume is a multiple of whatever RAM I can realistically buy, and in fact much bigger. In my very limited experience, the money might be well spent on multicore CPUs because it makes routine operations like compact/repair (which always include writes)

Re: Composite keys and range queries

2012-03-13 Thread John Laban
Forwarding to the Cassandra mailing list as well, in case this is more of an issue on how I'm using Cassandra. Am I correct to assume that I can use range queries on composite row keys, even when using a RandomPartitioner, if I make sure that the first part of the composite key is fixed? Any help

[Windows] How to configure simple authentication and authorization ?

2012-03-13 Thread Sabbiolina
HI. I followed this: To set up simple authentication and authorization 1. Edit cassandra.yaml, setting org.apache.cassandra.auth.SimpleAuthenticator as the authenticator value. The default value of AllowAllAuthenticator is equivalent to no authentication. 2. Edit, adding entrie

snapshot files locked

2012-03-13 Thread Jim Newsham
Hi, I'm using Cassandra 1.0.8, on Windows 7. When I take a snapshot of the database, I find that I am unable to delete the snapshot directory (i.e., dir named "{datadir}\{keyspacename}\snapshots\{snapshottag}") while Cassandra is running: "The action can't be completed because the folder o

high level of MemtablePostFlusher pending events

2012-03-13 Thread David Hawthorne
5 node cluster running 1.0.2, doing about 1300 reads and 1300 writes/sec into 3 column families in the same keyspace. 2 client machines, doing about the same amount of reads/writes, but one has an average response time in the 4-40ms range and the other in the 200-800ms range. Both running iden

Re: how to increase compaction rate?

2012-03-13 Thread Thorsten von Eicken
On 3/13/2012 4:13 PM, Viktor Jevdokimov wrote: > What we did to speedup this process to return all exhausted nodes into > normal state faster: > We have created a 6 temporary virtual single Cassandra nodes with 2 > CPU cores and 8GB RAM. > Stopped completely a compaction for CF on a production node

Re: how to increase compaction rate?

2012-03-13 Thread Edward Capriolo
On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 11:32 PM, Thorsten von Eicken wrote: > On 3/13/2012 4:13 PM, Viktor Jevdokimov wrote: >> What we did to speedup this process to return all exhausted nodes into >> normal state faster: >> We have created a 6 temporary virtual single Cassandra nodes with 2 >> CPU cores and 8G

Re: Building a brand new cluster and readying it for production -- advice needed

2012-03-13 Thread Edward Capriolo
Agreed if you are using SSD you likely will not need much as much RAM. I said "You could always do better with more RAM" not "You should definitely get more RAM" :) On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 7:37 PM, Maxim Potekhin wrote: > Thank you Edward. > > As can be expected, my data volume is a multiple of w

Re: Exception while starting Cassandra 1.0.7 - ConfigurationException

2012-03-13 Thread Maki Watanabe
According to the wiki, it is not included in the binary distribution. 2012/3/14 Xaero S : > > > Hi, > > When i start Cassandra 1.0.7 with authentication enabled. i get this > following exception - > > org.apache.cassandra.config.ConfigurationEx