Re: Cassandra Counters and TTL

2011-11-07 Thread Vlad Paiu
Hello, Thanks for your answer. See my reply in-line. On 11/04/2011 01:46 PM, Amit Chavan wrote: Answers inline. On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Vlad Paiu > wrote: Hello, I'm a new user of Cassandra and I think it's great. Still, while developing my

Re: Second Cassandra users survey

2011-11-07 Thread Radim Kolar
Take a look at this: > I understand the limitation/advantages of the architecture. Read this

Re: Modeling big data to allow filtering with a lot of distinct combinations of dimesions, in real time and with no latency

2011-11-07 Thread Alain RODRIGUEZ
Hi again. Did you receive my mail ? It's the first time I use this mailing list. If you received it, did anybody face this problem ? It looks like this subject is going to be discussed at Cassandra NYC meeting. An

Multiple Keyword Lookup Indexes

2011-11-07 Thread Felix Sprick
Hallo, We are implementing a Cassandra-backed user database. The challange in this is that there are 4 different sort of user IDs that all need to be indexed in order to access user data via them quickly. For example the user has a unique UUID, but also a LoginName and an email address, which can

Re: Modeling big data to allow filtering with a lot of distinct combinations of dimesions, in real time and with no latency

2011-11-07 Thread Alexander Konotop
В Mon, 7 Nov 2011 11:18:12 +0100 Alain RODRIGUEZ пишет: > Hi again. > > Did you receive my mail ? It's the first time I use this mailing list. > > If you received it, did anybody face this problem ? > > It looks like this subject is going to be discussed at Cassandra NYC > meeting. > > http:/

Re: Cassandra Counters and TTL

2011-11-07 Thread Sylvain Lebresne
On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 10:12 AM, Vlad Paiu wrote: > Hello, > > Thanks for your answer. See my reply in-line. > > On 11/04/2011 01:46 PM, Amit Chavan wrote: > > Answers inline. > > On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Vlad Paiu wrote: >> >> Hello, >> >> I'm a new user of Cassandra and I think it's grea

Re: Debian package jna bug workaroung

2011-11-07 Thread Peter Tillotson
Thanks - this is working correctly  I have checked the classpath in vissual vm and it contains jna, and cassandra-cli describe reports SerializingCacheProvider, If you add jna a second time with the Sun jvm you seem to get the exception which had me wondering what cache provider was active. p

Re: Will writes with < ALL consistency eventually propagate?

2011-11-07 Thread Riyad Kalla
Anthony and Jaydeep, thank you for weighing in. I am glad to see that they are two different values (makes more sense mentally to me). Anthony, what you said caught my attention "to ensure all nodes have a copy you may not be able to survive the loss of a single node." -- why would this be the cas

Re: Will writes with < ALL consistency eventually propagate?

2011-11-07 Thread Anthony Ikeda
Riyad, I'm also just getting to know the different settings and values myself :) I believe, and it also depends on your config, CL.ONE Should ignore the loss of a node if your RF is 5, once you increase the CL then if you lose a node the CL is not met and you will get exceptions returned. Sent

Re: Second Cassandra users survey

2011-11-07 Thread Daniel Doubleday
Allow for deterministic / manual sharding of rows. Right now it seems that there is no way to force rows with different row keys will be stored on the same nodes in the ring. This is our number one reason why we get data inconsistencies when nodes fail. Sometimes a logical transaction requires w

Re: Will writes with < ALL consistency eventually propagate?

2011-11-07 Thread Riyad Kalla
Ah! Ok I was interpreting what you were saying to mean that if my RF was too high, then the ring would die if I lost one. Ultimately what I want (I think) is: Replication Factor: 5 (aka "all of my nodes") Consistency Level: 2 Put another way, when I write a value, I want it to exist on two serve

Re: Second Cassandra users survey

2011-11-07 Thread Peter Lin
This feature interests me, so I thought I'd add some comments. Having used partition features in existing databases like DB2, Oracle and manual partitioning, one of the biggest challenges is keeping the partitions balanced. What I've seen with manual partitioning is that often the partitions get u

order of output in get_slice

2011-11-07 Thread Roland Hänel
Does a call to list get_slice(binary key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level) give us any guarantees on the order of the returned list? I understand that when the predicate actually contains a sliceRange, then the order _is_ guaranteed to be i

Determining Strategy options for a particular Strategy class

2011-11-07 Thread Dave Brosius
Is there a programmatic way to determine what the valid 'keys' are for the strategy options for a particular strategy class?

Re: Second Cassandra users survey

2011-11-07 Thread Flavio Baronti
We are using Cassandra for time series storage. Strong points: write performance. Pain points: dinamically adding column families as new time series come in. Caused a lot of headaches, mismatchers between nodes, etc. In the end we just put everything together in a single (huge) column family. Wis

Re: Will writes with < ALL consistency eventually propagate?

2011-11-07 Thread Stephen Connolly
Consistency Level is a pseudo-enum... you have the choice between ONE Quorum (and there are different types of this) ALL At CL=ONE, only one node is guaranteed to have got the write if the operation is a success. At CL=ALL, all nodes that the RF says it should be stored at must confirm the write

Re: Multiple Keyword Lookup Indexes

2011-11-07 Thread Benoit Perroud
You could directly use secondary indexes on the other fields instead of handling yourself your indexes : Define your global id (can be UUID), and have columns loginName, email etc with a secondary index. Retrieval will then be fast. 2011/11/7 Felix Sprick : > Hallo, > > We are implementing a Cass

Re: Will writes with < ALL consistency eventually propagate?

2011-11-07 Thread Riyad Kalla
Stephen, Excellent breakdown; I appreciate all the detail. Your last comment about RF being smaller than N (number of nodes) -- in my particular case my data set isn't particularly large (a few GB) and is distributed globally across a handful of data centers. What I am utilizing Cassandra for is

Counters and replication factor

2011-11-07 Thread Alain RODRIGUEZ
Hi, I trying to switch from a RF = 1 to a RF = 3, but I get wrong values from counters when doing so... I got a CF that contains many counters of some events. When I'm at RF = 1 and simulate 10 events, they are well counted. However, when I switch to a RF = 3, my counter show a wrong value that s

Re: Second Cassandra users survey

2011-11-07 Thread Radim Kolar
> So my question related deterministic sharding is this, "what rebalance feature(s) would be useful or needed once the partitions get unbalanced?" In current cassandra you can use "nodetool move" for rebalancing. Its fast operation, portion of existing data is moved to new server.

Re: Counters and replication factor

2011-11-07 Thread Riyad Kalla
Alain, Try using a CL of 3 or "ALL" and see if that the problem goes away. Your replication factor (as I just learned) dictates how many nodes each piece of data is replicated to; by using a RF of 3 you are saying "replicate all my data to all my nodes" (in this case counters). This doesn't happ

Re: Second Cassandra users survey

2011-11-07 Thread Jeremiah Jordan
Actually, the data will be visible at QUORUM as well if you can see it with ONE. QUORUM actually gives you a higher chance of seeing the new value than ONE does. In the case of R=3 you have 2/3 chance of seeing the new value with QUORUM, with ONE you have 1/3... And this JIRA fixed an issue

Re: Second Cassandra users survey

2011-11-07 Thread Jeremiah Jordan
- Batch read/slice from multiple column families. On 11/01/2011 05:59 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote: Hi all, Two years ago I asked for Cassandra use cases and feature requests. [1] The results [2] have been extremely useful in setting and prioritizing goals for Cassandra development. But with the

Re: Counters and replication factor

2011-11-07 Thread Alain RODRIGUEZ
I've tried with CL.All, but it doesn't wotk better. I still have strange values (between 4 and 10 events counted instead of 10) but know every request returns me always the same count value... It's very strange. Any other idea ? Alain 2011/11/7 Riyad Kalla > Alain, > > Try using a CL of 3 or

Re: Counters and replication factor

2011-11-07 Thread Riyad Kalla
Alain, When you tried CL.All was that only after you had made the change of ReplicationFactor=3 and restarted all the servers? If you hadn't restarted the servers with the new RF, I am not sure that CL.All would have the intended effect. Also, I wasn't sure what you meant by "but know every requ

Re: Second Cassandra users survey

2011-11-07 Thread Ed Anuff
This is basically what entity groups are about - On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 5:26 AM, Peter Lin wrote: > This feature interests me, so I thought I'd add some comments. > > Having used partition features in existing databases like DB2, Oracle > and m

Re: Counters and replication factor

2011-11-07 Thread Alain RODRIGUEZ
I retried it after restarting all the servers. I still have wrong results (I simulated an event 5 times and it was counted 3 times by some counters 4 or 5 times by others. What I meant by "but now every request returns me always the same count value..." will be easier to explain with an example :

Re: Counters and replication factor

2011-11-07 Thread Sylvain Lebresne
This sound like a bug 'a priori'. Do you mind opening a ticket at It will help if you can specify which version you are using and the exact procedure you did that leads to that. If know how to reproduce, that would be even better. -- Sylvain On Mon

Re: Counters and replication factor

2011-11-07 Thread Riyad Kalla
Alain thank you for all the clarification, I understand exactly what you meant now... and as a result am just as confused as you are :) What version of Cassandra are you using? Can you share the important parts of your config? (you double checked that your replication factor is set on all 3 to "3"

Re: Will writes with < ALL consistency eventually propagate?

2011-11-07 Thread Stephen Connolly
Plan for the future At some point your data set will become too big for the node that it is running on, or your load will force you to split nodes once you do that RF < N To solve performance issues with C* the solution is add more nodes To solve storage issues with C* the solution is ad

Reminder: Cassandra Meetup, Thursday Nov. 10th in Vancouver

2011-11-07 Thread Eric Evans
Just a reminder; If you're planning to be at ApacheCon, or are otherwise able to be in Vancouver on the 10th, we're having a Cassandra Meetup. There is no cost to attend (you don't even need to be registered for the conference), and beer will be provided. As a special treat, Chris Burroughs of Cl

Re: Reminder: Cassandra Meetup, Thursday Nov. 10th in Vancouver

2011-11-07 Thread Jake Luciani
I'll be there! On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 5:23 PM, Eric Evans wrote: > Just a reminder; If you're planning to be at ApacheCon, or are > otherwise able to be in Vancouver on the 10th, we're having a > Cassandra Meetup. There is no cost to attend (you don't even need to > be registered for the confer

Re: Will writes with < ALL consistency eventually propagate?

2011-11-07 Thread Riyad Kalla
Stephen, I appreciate you making the point more strongly; I won't make this decision lightly given the stress you are putting on it, but the technical aspects of this make me curious... If I start with RF=N (number of nodes) now, and in 2 years (hypothetically) my dataset is too large and I say t

Cassandra NYC Summit on December 6th

2011-11-07 Thread Nate McCall
The first East Coast Apache Cassandra conference - Cassandra NYC - will be held on Tuesday, December 6, at the Lighthouse International conference center in New York City. This is a one day two-track event with lectures and workshops by leading Cassandra experts. Jonathan Ellis, head of the Apache

Re: Key count mismatch in cluster for a column family

2011-11-07 Thread Daning
Sylvain - We have similar problem but the discrepancy is not that big. Do we have to do major compaction to fix it? We did not do 'nodetool compact', just did repair regularly, which triggers minor compaction. Thanks, Daning On 10/26/2011 03:23 AM, Sylvain Lebresne wrote: The estimate for t

Re: Cassandra NYC Summit on December 6th

2011-11-07 Thread Riyad Kalla
Very cool Nate, when will the tracks be locked in? On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 11:14 AM, Nate McCall wrote: > The first East Coast Apache Cassandra conference - Cassandra NYC - > will be held on Tuesday, December 6, at the Lighthouse International > conference center in New York City. > > This is a o

Re: Cassandra NYC Summit on December 6th

2011-11-07 Thread Nate McCall
We should have the schedule set by the end of the week. The confirmed speaker list can be found here (and should be growing by the day as bios and summaries come in): Thanks, -Nate On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 12:25 PM, Riyad Kalla wrote: > Very cool Nat

RE: Second Cassandra users survey

2011-11-07 Thread Deeter, Derek
I second transparent disk encryption. Also: Matching column names via 'like' and %wildcards Parameterized CQL plus Support for 'AND' and 'OR' Bulk row deletion. Also, more clarification on various parameters and configuration - "If you are doing this, change ...". Thanks for the opportuni

Re: Second Cassandra users survey

2011-11-07 Thread Ian Danforth
> > > Wish list: A decent GUI to explore data kept in Cassandra would be much > valuable. It should also be extendable to > provide viewers for custom data. > > +1 to that. @jonathan - This is what google moderator is really good at. Perhaps start one and move the idea creation / voting there.

Re: Determining Strategy options for a particular Strategy class

2011-11-07 Thread Jonathan Ellis
No, there isn't. On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 8:04 AM, Dave Brosius wrote: > Is there a programmatic way to determine what the valid 'keys' are for the > strategy options for a particular strategy class? > -- Jonathan Ellis Project Chair, Apache Cassandra co-founder of DataStax, the source for prof

Re: Will writes with < ALL consistency eventually propagate?

2011-11-07 Thread Stephen Connolly
at that point, your cluster will either have so much data on each node that you will need to split them, keeping rf=5 so you have 10 nodes... or the intra cluster traffic will swap you and you will split each node keeping rf=5 so you have 10 nodes again. safest thing is not to design with the assu

Re: Second Cassandra users survey

2011-11-07 Thread Daniel Doubleday
Well - given the example in our case the prefix that determines the endpoints where a token should be routed to could be something like a user-id so with key = "userid" + "." + "userthingid"; instead of // this is happening right now getEndpoints(hash(key)) you would have getEndpoints("user

Re: Will writes with < ALL consistency eventually propagate?

2011-11-07 Thread Riyad Kalla
Ahh, I see your point. Thanks for the help Stephen. On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 12:43 PM, Stephen Connolly <> wrote: > at that point, your cluster will either have so much data on each node > that you will need to split them, keeping rf=5 so you have 10 nodes... or > t

Re: Running java stress tests

2011-11-07 Thread Joe Kaiser
I managed to fix my own problem. I had "rpc_address" set to localhost. Running an strace on the stress command shows this attempt to bind to an IPV6 address. Leaving this blank fixes the problem since host resolution works fine on my cluster. Thanks, Joe On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 8:15 PM, Joe Kai

Re: Running java stress tests

2011-11-07 Thread Jonathan Ellis
Thanks for the update, Joe. Good to know! On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Joe Kaiser wrote: > > I managed to fix my own problem. > I had "rpc_address" set to localhost. Running an strace on the stress > command shows this attempt to bind to an IPV6 address. Leaving this blank > fixes the problem

"Error connection to remote JMX agent" during repair

2011-11-07 Thread Maxim Potekhin
Hello, I'm trying to run "repair" on one of my nodes which needs to be repopulated after a failure of the hard drive. What I'm getting is below. Note: I'm not loading JMX with Cassandra, it always worked before... The version if 0.8.6. Any help will be appreciated, Maxim Error connection t

[RELEASE] Apache Cassandra 1.0.2 released

2011-11-07 Thread Sylvain Lebresne
The Cassandra team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Cassandra version 1.0.2. Cassandra is a highly scalable second-generation distributed database, bringing together Dynamo's fully distributed design and Bigtable's ColumnFamily-based data model. You can read more here: http://cassand

Secondary index issue, unable to query for records that should be there

2011-11-07 Thread Nate Sammons
Hello, I'm experimenting with Cassandra (DataStax Enterprise 1.0.3), and I've got a CF with several secondary indexes to try out some options. Right now I have the following to create my CF using the CLI: create column family MyTest with key_validation_class = UTF8Type and comparator = UTF

Re: jamm - memory meter

2011-11-07 Thread Radim Kolar
Currently cassandra/conf/ disables use of jamm if openjdk is detected. I enabled it and tested it on openjdk 1.6 b23 and it works as expected. That openjdk test can be probably removed.

Re: jamm - memory meter

2011-11-07 Thread Jonathan Ellis
What version is shipping on debian stable / RHEL? On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 4:13 PM, Radim Kolar wrote: > Currently cassandra/conf/ disables use of jamm if openjdk is > detected. > > I enabled it and tested it on openjdk 1.6 b23 and it works as expected. That > openjdk test can be pr

Re: Secondary index issue, unable to query for records that should be there

2011-11-07 Thread Riyad Kalla
Nate, is this all against a single Cassandra server, or do you have a ring setup? If you do have a ring setup, what is your replicationfactor set to? Also what ConsistencyLevel are you writing with when storing the values? -R On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 2:43 PM, Nate Sammons wrote: > Hello, > >

RE: Using Cli to create a column family with column name metadata question

2011-11-07 Thread Arsene Lee
Hi, Thanks for the replay. I'm not talking about the column name. I'm talking about the column metadata's column name. Right now cli can't not display the column's meta name correctly if the comparator type is not UTF8. Regards, Arsene -Original Message- From: Jonathan Ellis [mailto:j

Re: Using Cli to create a column family with column name metadata question

2011-11-07 Thread Brandon Williams
On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 7:36 PM, Arsene Lee wrote: > Hi, > > Thanks for the replay. I'm not talking about the column name. I'm talking > about the column metadata's column name. Right now cli can't not display the > column's meta name correctly if the comparator type is not UTF8. Try 'help assum

propertyfilesnitch problem

2011-11-07 Thread Shu Zhang
Hi, We have a 2 DC setup on version 0.7.9 and have observed the following: 1. Using a property file snitch, with dynamic snitch turned on. The performance of LOCAL_QUORUM operations is poor for a while (around a minute) after a cluster restart before drastically improving. 2. With the same setup

Re: Second Cassandra users survey

2011-11-07 Thread Brian O'Neill
It should be dead-simple to build a slick GUI on the REST layer. (@Virgil ) I had planned to crank one out this week (using ExtJS) that mimicked the Squirrel/Toad look and feel. The UI would have a tree-panel of keyspaces and column families o

RE: Using Cli to create a column family with column name metadata question

2011-11-07 Thread Arsene Lee
Hi, I tried the assume and column metadata's column name still not right. I think CLI shouldn't use comparator type to convert the column meta string. It should all use UTF8 to convert column name metadata. Regards, Arsene -Original Message- From: Brandon Williams [mailto:dri...@gmail

Re: Will writes with < ALL consistency eventually propagate?

2011-11-07 Thread Peter Schuller
> Given that, the way I've understood this discussion so far is I would have a > RF of N (my total node count) but my Consistency Level with all my writes > will *likely* be QUORUM -- I think that is a good/safe default for me to use > as writes aren't the scenario I need to optimize for latency; t

Re: Will writes with < ALL consistency eventually propagate?

2011-11-07 Thread Riyad Kalla
Peter, Thanks for the additional insight on this -- think of a CDN that needs to respond to requests, distributed around the globe. Ultimately you would hope that each edge location could respond as quickly as possible (RF=N) but if each of the ring members keep open/active connections to each oth

Re: Second Cassandra users survey

2011-11-07 Thread Colin Taylor
Decompression without compression (for lack of a better name). We store into Cassandra log batches that come in over http either uncompressed, deflate, snappy. We just add 'magic e.g. \0 \s \n \a \p \p \y as a prefix to the column value so we can decode it when serve it back up. Seems like Cassa

Re: order of output in get_slice

2011-11-07 Thread Nate McCall
The results still come back in comparator order (increasing). 2011/11/7 Roland Hänel : > Does a call to > list get_slice(binary key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level) > > give us any guarantees on the order of the returned list? I understand

Re: Will writes with < ALL consistency eventually propagate?

2011-11-07 Thread Peter Schuller
> Thanks for the additional insight on this -- think of a CDN that needs to > respond to requests, distributed around the globe. Ultimately you would hope > that each edge location could respond as quickly as possible (RF=N) but if > each of the ring members keep open/active connections to each oth

Re: shutdown by KILL

2011-11-07 Thread Radim Kolar
For things like rolling restarts, we do: disablethrift disablegossip (...wait for all nodes to see this node go down..) drain i implemented this in our batch scripts for cassandra disablegossip sleep 10 seconds dissablethrift drain KILL -TERM similar thing should be added to bin/stop-server