somebody interested in hacking some very simple php client

2011-01-04 Thread nicolas lattuada
Yesterday i made it real quick, maybe it can help someone. Here it is: Hope it helps. Nicolas

Bootstrapping taking long

2011-01-04 Thread Ran Tavory
I asked the same question on the IRC but no luck there, everyone's asleep ;)... Using 0.6.6 I'm adding a new node to the cluster. It starts out fine but then gets stuck on the bootstrapping state for too long. More than an hour and still counting. $ bin/nodetool -p 9004 -h localhost streams > Mod

Re: Bootstrapping taking long

2011-01-04 Thread shimi
In my experience most of the time it takes for a node to join the cluster is the anticompaction on the other nodes. The streaming part is very fast. Check the other nodes logs to see if there is any node doing anticompaction. I don't remember how much data I had in the cluster when I needed to add/

Re: Reclaim deleted rows space

2011-01-04 Thread shimi
This is what I thought. I was wishing there might be another way to reclaim the space. The problem is that the more data you have the more time it will take to Cassandra to response. Reclaim space of deleted rows in the biggest SSTable requires Major compaction. This compaction can be triggered by

Re: Bootstrapping taking long

2011-01-04 Thread Ran Tavory
Thanks Shimi, so indeed anticompaction was run on one of the other nodes from the same DC but to my understanding it has already ended. A few hour ago... I plenty of log messages such as [1] which ended a couple of hours ago, and I've seen the new node streaming and accepting the data from the node

Re: Reclaim deleted rows space

2011-01-04 Thread Peter Schuller
> This is what I thought. I was wishing there might be another way to reclaim > the space. Be sure you really need this first :) Normally you just let it happen in the bg. > The problem is that the more data you have the more time it will take to > Cassandra to response. Relative to what though?

Re: Bootstrapping taking long

2011-01-04 Thread Ran Tavory
Running nodetool decommission didn't help. Actually the node refused to decommission itself (b/c it wasn't part of the ring). So I simply stopped the process, deleted all the data directories and started it again. It worked in the sense of the node bootstrapped again but as before, after it had fin

Re: Reclaim deleted rows space

2011-01-04 Thread shimi
I think I didn't make myself clear. I don't have a problem with disk space. I have a problem with the data size. I have a simple crud application. Most of the requests are read but there are update/delete and when the time pass the number of deleted rows is big enough in order to free some disk spa

Reading data problems during bootstrap. [pycassa 0.7.0 rc4]

2011-01-04 Thread Mateusz Korniak
hi ! As cassandra newbie, I am trying to convert my single node cluster to cluster with two nodes with RF=2. I have one node cluster , RF=1 all data accessible: nodetool -h ring Address Status State LoadOwnsToken Up Normal 1.59 GB

Re: Bootstrapping taking long

2011-01-04 Thread Jake Luciani
In 0.6, locate the node doing anti-compaction and look in the "streams" subdirectory in the keyspace data dir to monitor the anti-compaction progress (it puts new SSTables for bootstrapping node in there) On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 8:01 AM, Ran Tavory wrote: > Running nodetool decommission didn't he

Looking for London-based users of Cassandra

2011-01-04 Thread Dave Gardner
I am looking for London-based users of Cassandra who would be interested in giving a short talk on _how_ they make use of Cassandra, hopefully including details such as data layout, types of query, load etc.. This is for the Cassandra London user group -- this month we are planning to have more tha

Re: Bootstrapping taking long

2011-01-04 Thread shimi
You will have something new to talk about in your talk tomorrow :) You said that the anti compaction was only on a single node? I think that your new node should get data from at least two other nodes (depending on the replication factor). Maybe the problem is not in the new node. In old version (

Re: drop column family bug

2011-01-04 Thread Jonathan Ellis
Data files are explained on the page I linked. Snapshots must be deleted manually. 2011/1/4 陶敏 > Hello! > > I would like to ask a question, data files and snapshot files will be deleted > at what time? When I run compact successor remain > > please help me. Thank you. > > > > Sincerely, > > >

Re: Reclaim deleted rows space

2011-01-04 Thread Robert Coli
On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 4:33 AM, Peter Schuller wrote: > For some cases this will be beneficial, but not always. It's been > further improved for 0.7 too w.r.t. tomb stone handling in non-major > compactions (I don't have the JIRA ticket number handy).

Re: Reclaim deleted rows space

2011-01-04 Thread shimi
Yes I am aware of that. This is the reason I upgraded to 0.6.8. Still all the deleted rows in the biggest SSTable will be remove in a major compaction Shimi On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 6:40 PM, Robert Coli wrote: > On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 4:33 AM, Peter Schuller > wrote: > > For some cases this will

Converting a TimeUUID to a long (timestamp) and vice-versa

2011-01-04 Thread Roshan Dawrani
Hi, I am having a little difficulty converting a time UUID to its timestamp equivalent and back. Can someone please help? Here is what I am trying. Is it not the right way to do it? === UUID someUUID = TimeUUIDUtils.getUniqueTimeUUID

Re: Hector version

2011-01-04 Thread Hugo Zwaal
Hi, I'm also using Hector on Cassandra 0.6.8, but could not get Hector 0.6.0-19 to work in Maven. It refers to an unexistent or.apache.cassandra/cassandra/0.6.5 package. I suspect this should be org.apache.cassandra/apache-cassandra/0.6.5. I also noticed there exists a 0.6.0-20 version. My qu

Re: Cassandra disk usage and failure recovery

2011-01-04 Thread Peter Schuller
This will be a very selective response, not at all as exhaustive as it should be to truly cover what you bring up. Sorry, but here goes some random tidbits. > On the cassandra user list, I noticed a thread on a user that literally > wrote his cluster to death.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but based o

Re: Converting a TimeUUID to a long (timestamp) and vice-versa

2011-01-04 Thread Roshan Dawrani
Hello Victor, It is actually not that I need the 2 UUIDs to be exactly same - they need to be same timestamp wise. So, what I need is to extract the timestamp portion from a time UUID (say, U1) and then later in the cycle, use the same long timestamp value to re-create a UUID (say, U2) that is eq

Re: Converting a TimeUUID to a long (timestamp) and vice-versa

2011-01-04 Thread Patricio Echagüe
In Hector framework, take a look at You can create a UUID using TimeUUIDUtils.getTimeUUID(long time); or TimeUUIDUtils.getTimeUUID(ClockResolution clock) and later on, TimeUUIDUtils.getTimeFromUUID(..) or just UUID.timestamp(); There are some example in TimeUUIDUtilsTest.jav

Re: Cassandra disk usage and failure recovery

2011-01-04 Thread Tyler Hobbs
> Anti-compaction and streaming is done to move data from nodes that > have it (that are in the replica set). This implies CPU and I/O and > networking load on the source node, so it does have an impact. See > among others. > > (Here's where I'm not sure,

Re: Hector version

2011-01-04 Thread Nate McCall
0.6.0-19 still relies on the local lib directory and execution targets in the pom file for tracking Cassandra versions. This is fixed in 0.6.0 branch, but has not been released although it is stable (we could probably stand to do a release here and certainly will with 0.6.9 of Cassandra). As for m

Re: Bootstrapping taking long

2011-01-04 Thread Ran Tavory
Thanks Jake, but unfortunately the streams directory is empty so I don't think that any of the nodes is anti-compacting data right now or had been in the past 5 hours. It seems that all the data was already transferred to the joining host but the joining node, after having received the data would s

Re: Cassandra disk usage and failure recovery

2011-01-04 Thread Peter Schuller
> That is correct.  In 0.6, an anticompaction was performed and a temporary > SSTable was written out to disk, then streamed to the recipient.  The way > this is now done in 0.7 requires no extra disk space on the source node. Great. So that should at least mean that running out of diskspace shoul

Re: Reclaim deleted rows space

2011-01-04 Thread Peter Schuller
> I don't have a problem with disk space. I have a problem with the data > size. [snip] > Bottom line is that I want to reduce the number of requests that goes to > disk. Since there is enough data that is no longer valid I can do it by > reclaiming the space. The only way to do it is by running

Re: Insert LongType with ruby

2011-01-04 Thread vicent roca daniel
I'm getting more consistent results using Time.stamp instead of Time From: when NilClass, Time # Time.stamp is 52 bytes, so we have 12 bytes of entropy left over int = ((bytes || Time).stamp << 12) + rand(2**12)

Re: Insert LongType with ruby

2011-01-04 Thread Ryan King
On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 12:50 PM, vicent roca daniel wrote: > I'm getting more consistent results using Time.stamp instead of Time > From: Yeah, you were probably overwriting values then. -ryan

Re: Insert LongType with ruby

2011-01-04 Thread vicent roca daniel
I don't know. Looking the table with de cli I see this results: Using app.insert(:Numers, 'device1-cpu', { => i.to_s }) : => (column=5300944406187227576, value=3, timestamp=1294175880417061) => (column=5300944406181604704, value=2, timestamp=1294175880415584) => (column=530094440607197853

Re: Bootstrapping taking long

2011-01-04 Thread Ran Tavory
I'm still at lost. I haven't been able to resolve this. I tried adding another node at a different location on the ring but this node too remains stuck in the bootstrapping state for many hours without any of the other nodes being busy with anti compaction or anything else. I don't know what's ke

Cassandra LongType data insertion problem

2011-01-04 Thread Jaydeep Chovatia
Hi, I have configured Cassandra Column Family (standard CF) of LongType. If I try to insert data (using batch_mutate) in this Column Family then it shows me following error: "A long is exactly 8 bytes". I have tried assigning column name of 8 bytes, 7 bytes, etc. but it shows same error. Pleas

Deletion via SliceRange

2011-01-04 Thread mike dooley
any idea when Deletion via SliceRanges will be supported? [java] Caused by: InvalidRequestException(why:Deletion does not yet support SliceRange predicates.) [java] at org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra$ thanks, -mike

Re: Bootstrapping taking long

2011-01-04 Thread Nate McCall
Does the new node have itself in the list of seeds per chance? This could cause some issues if so. On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Ran Tavory wrote: > I'm still at lost.   I haven't been able to resolve this. I tried > adding another node at a different location on the ring but this node > too re

Re: Deletion via SliceRange

2011-01-04 Thread Jonathan Ellis
It's not on anyone's short list, that I know of. On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 5:18 PM, mike dooley wrote: > any idea when Deletion via SliceRanges will be supported? > >     [java] Caused by: InvalidRequestException(why:Deletion does not yet > suppo

anyone using Cassandra as an analytics/data warehouse?

2011-01-04 Thread Dave Viner
Does anyone use Cassandra to power an analytics or data warehouse implementation? As a concrete example, one could imagine Cassandra storing data for something that reports on page-views on a website. The basic notions might be simple (url as row-key and columns as timeuuids of viewers). But, ho

Re: Converting a TimeUUID to a long (timestamp) and vice-versa

2011-01-04 Thread Roshan Dawrani
Hi Victor / Patricio, I have been using Hector library's TimeUUIDUtils. I also just looked at TimeUUIDUtilsTest also but didn't find anything similar being tested there. Here is what I am trying and it's not working - I am creating a Time UUID, extracting its timestamp value and with that I creat

Re: anyone using Cassandra as an analytics/data warehouse?

2011-01-04 Thread Peter Harrison
Okay, here is two ways to handle this, both are quite different from each other. A) This approach does not depend on counters. You simply have a Column Family with the row key being the Unix time divided by 60x60 and a column key of... pretty much anything unique. Then have another process look

Re: Converting a TimeUUID to a long (timestamp) and vice-versa

2011-01-04 Thread Roshan Dawrani
If I use *com.eaio.uuid.UUID* directly, then I am able to do what I need (attached a Java program for the same), but unfortunately I need to deal with *java.util.UUID *in my application and I don't have its equivalent com.eaio.uuid.UUID at the point where I need the timestamp value. Any suggestion

Re: anyone using Cassandra as an analytics/data warehouse?

2011-01-04 Thread Dave Viner
Hi Peter, Thanks. These are great ideas. One comment tho. I'm actually not as worried about the "logging into the system" performance and more speculating/imagining the querying out of the system. Most traditional data warehouses have a cube or a star schema or something similar. I'm trying t

Re: anyone using Cassandra as an analytics/data warehouse?

2011-01-04 Thread Jake Luciani
Some relevant information here: On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 10:09 PM, Dave Viner wrote: > Hi Peter, > > Thanks. These are great ideas. One comment tho. I'm actually not as > worried about the "logging into the system" performance

Re: Converting a TimeUUID to a long (timestamp) and vice-versa

2011-01-04 Thread Roshan Dawrani
Ok, found the solution - finally ! - by applying opposite of what createTime() does in TimeUUIDUtils. Ideally I would have preferred for this solution to come from Hector API, so I didn't have to be tied to the private createTime() implementation. ==

Re: Cassandra LongType data insertion problem

2011-01-04 Thread Tyler Hobbs
Here's an example: int64_t my_long = 12345678; char chars[8]; for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { chars[i] = my_long & 0xff; my_long = my_long >> 1; } std::string str_long(chars, 8); Column c1; = str_long; // etc ... Basically, Thrift expects a string which is a big-endian binary representatio

Re: Bootstrapping taking long

2011-01-04 Thread Ran Tavory
The new node does not see itself as part of the ring, it sees all others but itself, so from that perspective the view is consistent. The only problem is that the node never finishes to bootstrap. It stays in this state for hours (It's been 20 hours now...) $ bin/nodetool -p 9004 -h localhost stre

Re: Cassandra LongType data insertion problem

2011-01-04 Thread Tyler Hobbs
Oops, I made one typo there. It should be: "my_long = my_long >> 8;" That is, shift by a byte, not a bit. - Tyler On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 10:50 PM, Tyler Hobbs wrote: > Here's an example: > > int64_t my_long = 12345678; > char chars[8]; > for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { > chars[i] = my_long & 0xff

Re: Bootstrapping taking long

2011-01-04 Thread Ran Tavory
I was able to make the node join the ring but I'm confused. What I did is, first when adding the node, this node was not in the seeds list of itself. AFAIK this is how it's supposed to be. So it was able to transfer all data to itself from other nodes but then it stayed in the bootstrapping state.