In Hector framework, take a look at

You can create a UUID using   TimeUUIDUtils.getTimeUUID(long time); or
TimeUUIDUtils.getTimeUUID(ClockResolution clock)

and later on, TimeUUIDUtils.getTimeFromUUID(..) or just UUID.timestamp();

There are some example in

Let me know if it helps.

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Roshan Dawrani <>wrote:

> Hello Victor,
> It is actually not that I need the 2 UUIDs to be exactly same - they need
> to be same timestamp wise.
> So, what I need is to extract the timestamp portion from a time UUID (say,
> U1) and then later in the cycle, use the same long timestamp value to
> re-create a UUID (say, U2) that is equivalent of the previous one in terms
> of its timestamp portion - i.e., I should be able to give this U2 and filter
> the data from a column family - and it should be same as if I had used the
> original UUID U1.
> Does it make any more sense than before? Any way I can do that?
> rgds,
> Roshan
> On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 11:46 PM, Victor Kabdebon <
>> wrote:
>> Hello Roshan,
>> Well it is normal to do not be able to get the exact same UUID from a
>> timestamp, it is its purpose.
>> When you create an UUID you have in fact two information : random 64 bits
>> number - 64 bits timestamp. You put that together and you have your uuid.
>> .
>> So unless you save your random number two UUID for the same milli( or
>> micro) second are different.
>> Best regards,
>> Victor K.
>> 2011/1/4 Roshan Dawrani <>
>> Hi,
>>> I am having a little difficulty converting a time UUID to its timestamp
>>> equivalent and back. Can someone please help?
>>> Here is what I am trying. Is it not the right way to do it?
>>> ===========================================================
>>>         UUID someUUID = TimeUUIDUtils.getUniqueTimeUUIDinMillis();
>>>         long time = someUUID.timestamp(); /* convery from UUID to a long
>>> timestamp */
>>>         UUID otherUUID = TimeUUIDUtils.getTimeUUID(time); /* do the
>>> reverse and get back the UUID from timestamp */
>>>         System.out.println(someUUID); /* someUUID and otherUUID should be
>>> same, but are different */
>>>         System.out.println(otherUUID);
>>> ===========================================================
>>> --
>>> Roshan
>>> Blog:
>>> Twitter: @roshandawrani <>
>>> Skype: roshandawrani
> --
> Roshan
> Blog:
> Twitter: @roshandawrani <>
> Skype: roshandawrani


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