Fwd: Reminder: CFP for Community Over Code Europe is now open

2023-11-29 Thread Paulo Motta
There will be a Cassandra track at Community Over Code Europe 2024 (formerly known as Apachecon EU) that will happen on Bratislava, Slovakia on 3 Jun 2024. If you have any talks proposals about using, deploying or modifying Apache Cassandra please make a submission before 12 Jan 2024 to speak at a

Fwd: Upcoming Community Meetings

2023-10-31 Thread Melissa Logan
Today is the monthly Cassandra contributor meeting at 10:00 PT / 13:00 ET / 17:00 UTC / 22:30 IST. Piotr Kołaczkowski will share details about CEP-29: CQL Not operator and how to use and contribute. How to join: ht

Fwd: Re: Cassandra uneven data repartition

2023-01-06 Thread onmstester onmstester via user
Isn't there a very big (>40GB) sstable in /volumes/cassandra/data/data1? If there is you could split it or change your data model to prevent such sstables. Sent using https://www.zoho.com/mail/ Forwarded message From: Loïc CHANEL via user To: Date: Fri, 06 J

Re: Fwd: Re: Problem on setup Cassandra v4.0.1 cluster

2022-10-08 Thread onmstester onmstester via user
I encountered the same problem again with same error logs(this time with Apache Cassandra 4.0.6 and a new cluster), but unlike the previous time, hostname config was fine. After days of try and fail, finally i've found the root cause: time in faulty server has a 2 minute difference and not in sy

Fwd: New Apache Cassandra Group on LinkedIn

2022-03-03 Thread Paulo Motta
Cross-posting announcement to user list -- Forwarded message - From: Benjamin Lerer Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2022 at 08:41 Subject: New Apache Cassandra Group on LinkedIn To: Hi everybody, We just created a new Apache Cassandra group on LinkedIn ( https://www.linkedin.com/groups/91594

Fwd: Re: Cassandra internal bottleneck

2022-02-05 Thread onmstester onmstester
Thanks, I've got only one client, 10 threads and 1K async writes, This single client was able to send 110K insert/seconds to single node cluster but its only sending 90K insert/seconds to the cluster with 2 nodes(client CPU/network usage is less than 20%) Sent using https://www.zoho.com/mai

Fwd: Re: Problem on setup Cassandra v4.0.1 cluster

2022-01-31 Thread onmstester onmstester
Once again it was related to hostname configuration (I remember had problem with this multiple times before even on different applications), this time the root cause was a typo in one of multiple config files for hostname (different name on /etc/hostname with /etc/hosts)! I fixed that and now th

Fwd: Re: using zstd cause high memtable switch count

2021-02-28 Thread onmstester onmstester
No, i didn't backport that one. Thank you Sent using https://www.zoho.com/mail/ Forwarded message From: Kane Wilson To: Date: Mon, 01 Mar 2021 03:18:33 +0330 Subject: Re: using zstd cause high memtable switch count Forwarded message

Fwd: Re: local read from coordinator

2020-11-14 Thread onmstester onmstester
What if i use sstabledump? Because i'm going to read all data from a table that has no more insert/compaction(fixed list of sstables). For each sstable: 1. Using sstabledump -e, fetch all partition keys stored on sstable (ordered list) 2. Using sstabledump -k partitionKey, fetch all rows fo

Fwd: Re: local read from coordinator

2020-11-11 Thread onmstester onmstester
Thanx, But i'm OK with coordinator part, actually i was looking for kind of read CL to force to read from the coordinator only with no other connections to other nodes! Sent using https://www.zoho.com/mail/ Forwarded message From: Alex Ott To: "user" Date: Wed

Fwd: Re: streaming stuck on joining a node with TBs of data

2020-08-03 Thread onmstester onmstester
IMHO (reading system.log) each streamed-in file from any node would be write down as a separate sstable to the disk and won't be wait in memtable until enough amount of memtable has been created inside memory, so there would be more compactions because of multiple small sstables. Is there any co

Fwd: Re: [Discuss] num_tokens default in Cassandra 4.0

2020-02-03 Thread onmstester onmstester
Thank you so much Sent using https://www.zoho.com/mail/ Forwarded message From: Max C. To: Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:37:21 +0330 Subject: Re: [Discuss] num_tokens default in Cassandra 4.0 Forwarded message Let’s say you have a 6 node

Fwd: Re: [Discuss] num_tokens default in Cassandra 4.0

2020-02-03 Thread onmstester onmstester
Sorry if its trivial, but i do not understand how num_tokens affects availability, with RF=3, CLW,CLR=quorum, the cluster could tolerate to lost at most one node and all of the tokens assigned to that node would be also assigned to two other nodes no matter what num_tokens is, right? Sent usin

Fwd: Cassandra Export error in COPY command

2019-09-11 Thread Hossein Ghiyasi Mehr
-- Forwarded message - From: Hossein Ghiyasi Mehr Date: Sun, Sep 8, 2019 at 11:38 AM Subject: Cassandra Export error in COPY command To: Hi all members, I want to export (pk, another_int_column) from single node using COPY command. But after about 1h 45m, I've got a lot of read

Fwd: Re: How to set up a cluster with allocate_tokens_for_keyspace?

2019-05-04 Thread onmstester onmstester
So do you mean setting tokens for only one node (one of the seed node) is fair enough? I can not see any problem with this mechanism (only one manual token assignment at cluster set up), but the article was also trying to set up a balanced cluster and the way that it insist on doing manual tok

Fwd: gc_grace config for time serie database

2019-04-17 Thread fald 1970
Hi, According to these Facts: 1. If a node is down for longer than max_hint_window_in_ms (3 hours by default), the coordinator stops writing new hints. 2. The main purpose of gc_grace property is to prevent Zombie data and also it determines for how long the coordinator should keep hinted files W

Fwd: Question about allocate_tokens_for_keyspace

2019-01-28 Thread onmstester onmstester
You could only have one keyspace for the value of allocate_tokens_for_keyspace   to specify a keyspace from which the algorithm can find the replication to optimize for. So as far as your keyspaces are using similar replication strategies and replication factor you should not worry about this.

Fwd: Cassandra does launch since computer was accidentally unplugged

2018-12-08 Thread onmstester onmstester
Delete the file: C:\Program Files\DataStax-DDC\data\commitlog\CommitLog-6-1542650688953.log and restart Cassandra. Its possible that you lose a bit of data that just existed on this log (not matter if you have replica or could re-insert data again) Sent using Zoho Mail Forwarded me

Fwd: Re: How to gracefully decommission a highly loaded node?

2018-12-06 Thread onmstester onmstester
something wrong with decommissioning while someones writing to Cluster? Using Apache Cassandra 3.11.2 Sent using Zoho Mail Forwarded message From : onmstester onmstester To : "user" Date : Wed, 05 Dec 2018 09:00:34 +0330 Subject : Fwd: Re: How to grace

Fwd: Re: How to gracefully decommission a highly loaded node?

2018-12-04 Thread onmstester onmstester
After a long time stuck in LEAVING, and "not doing any streams", i killed Cassandra process and restart it, then again ran nodetool decommission (Datastax recipe for stuck decommission), now it says, LEAVING, "unbootstrap $(the node id)" What's going on? Should i forget about decommission and ju

Fwd: RE : issue while connecting to apache-cassandra-3.11.1 hosted on a remote VM.

2018-11-16 Thread onmstester onmstester
Also set rpc_address to your remote ip address and restart cassandra. Run nodetool status on Cassandra node to be sure that its running properly. The port you should look for and connect to is 9042, 7199 is the JMX port Sent using Zoho Mail Forwarded message From : Gaur

Fwd: Re: Multiple cluster for a single application

2018-11-08 Thread onmstester onmstester
Thank you all, Actually, "the documents" i mentioned in my question, was a talk in youtube seen long time ago and could not find it. Also noticing that a lot of companies like Netflix built hundreds of Clusters each having 10s of nodes and saying that its much stable, i just concluded that big c

Fwd: Re: A quick question on unlogged batch

2018-11-02 Thread onmstester onmstester
unlogged batch meaningfully outperforms parallel execution of individual statements, especially at scale, and creates lower memory pressure on both the clients and cluster.  They do outperform parallel individuals, but in cost of higher pressure on coordinators which leads to more blocked Native

Fwd: Re: Re: How to set num tokens on live node

2018-11-02 Thread onmstester onmstester
I think that is not possible. If currently both DC's are in use, you should remove one of them (gently, by changing replication config), then change num_tokens in removed dc, add it again with changing replication config, and finally do the same for the other dc. P.S A while ago, there was a thr

Fwd: Re: How to set num tokens on live node

2018-11-02 Thread onmstester onmstester
IMHO, the best option with two datacenters is to config replication strategy to stream data from dc with wrong num_token to correct one, and then a repair on each node would move your data to the other dc Sent using Zoho Mail Forwarded message From : Goutham reddy To

Fwd: A quick question on unlogged batch

2018-11-01 Thread onmstester onmstester
Read this: https://docs.datastax.com/en/cql/3.3/cql/cql_reference/batch_r.html Please use batch (any type of batch) for statements that only concerns a single partition, otherwise it cause a lot of performance degradation on your cluster and after a while throughput would be alot less than paral

Fwd: Re: Re: High CPU usage on some of the nodes due to message coalesce

2018-10-21 Thread onmstester onmstester
Any cron or other scheduler running on those nodes? no Lots of Java processes running simultaneously? no, just Apache Cassandra Heavy repair continuously running? none Lots of pending compactions? none, the cpu goes to 100% on first seconds of insert (write load) so no memtable flushed yet,  Is

Fwd: Re: High CPU usage on some of the nodes due to message coalesce

2018-10-21 Thread onmstester onmstester
I don't think that root cause is related to Cassandra config, because the nodes are homogeneous and config for all of them are the same (16GB heap with default gc), also mutation counter and Native Transport counter is the same in all of the nodes, but only these 3 nodes experiencing 100% CPU us

Fwd: Re: Re: how to configure the Token Allocation Algorithm

2018-10-01 Thread onmstester onmstester
Thanks Alex, You are right, that would be a mistake. Sent using Zoho Mail Forwarded message From : Oleksandr Shulgin To : "User" Date : Mon, 01 Oct 2018 13:53:37 +0330 Subject : Re: Re: how to configure the Token Allocation Algorithm Forwarded message ===

Fwd: Re: how to configure the Token Allocation Algorithm

2018-10-01 Thread onmstester onmstester
Thanks Alain, What if instead of running that python and having one node with non-vnode config, i remove the first seed node and re-add it after cluster was fully up ? so the token ranges of first seed node would also be assigned by Allocation Alg Forwarded message From

Fwd: How default_time_to_live would delete rows without tombstones in Cassandra?

2018-09-17 Thread Gabriel Giussi
From https://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra/3.0/cassandra/dml/dmlAboutDeletes.html > Cassandra allows you to set a default_time_to_live property for an entire table. Columns and rows marked with regular TTLs are processed as described above; but when a record exceeds the table-level TTL, **Cassand

Fwd: Re: Cluster CPU usage limit

2018-09-07 Thread onmstester onmstester
Actually its 256 Native Transport threads, the number of concurrent threads on each node is 32. My main concern is, What amount of CPU capacity should i keep free for tasks other than write that includes compaction and read? Sent using Zoho Mail Forwarded message From :

Fwd: Re: bigger data density with Cassandra 4.0?

2018-08-29 Thread onmstester onmstester
Thanks Kurt, Actually my cluster has > 10 nodes, so there is a tiny chance to stream a complete SSTable. While logically any Columnar noSql db like Cassandra, needs always to re-sort grouped data for later-fast-reads and having nodes with big amount of data (> 2 TB) would be annoying for this ba

Re: Fwd: Removing Extra Spaces and Row counts while using Capture Command

2018-08-23 Thread Rahul Singh
What’s your goal? Just output the results and save as JSON? There may be a better way to do what you want. https://github.com/tenmax/cqlkit/blob/master/README.md Rahul Singh Chief Executive Officer m 202.905.2818 Anant Corporation 1010 Wisconsin Ave NW, Suite 250 Washington, D.C. 20007 We bu

Fwd: Removing Extra Spaces and Row counts while using Capture Command

2018-08-13 Thread kumar bharath
Hi All, I am using Cassandra Capture Command to perform a select query operation to write data from a column family into JSON format file for further processing. I am able to do that successfully, but I am seeing extra spaces and row count values after every few records. please suggest a to get

Fwd: Re: [EXTERNAL] full text search on some text columns

2018-07-31 Thread onmstester onmstester
It seems to be an interesting project but sort of abandoned. No update in last 8 Months and not supporting Cassandra 3.11.2  (the version i currently use) Sent using Zoho Mail Forwarded message From : Andrzej Śliwiński To : Date : Wed, 01 Aug 2018 08:16:06 +0430 Subj

Fwd: Re: Data model storage optimization

2018-07-29 Thread onmstester onmstester
How many rows in average per partition? around 10K. Let me get this straight : You are bifurcating your partitions on either email or username , essentially potentially doubling the data because you don’t have a way to manage a central system of record of users ? We are just analyzing output log

Fwd: Re: Cassandra crashed with no log

2018-07-22 Thread onmstester onmstester
Thanks Jeff, At time of crash it said: .../linux-4.4.0/mm/pgtable-generic.c:33: bad pmd So i just run this on all of my nodes: echo never | sudo tee /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag Sent using Zoho Mail Forwarded message From : Jeff Jirsa To : Date : Su

Fwd: changing ip address of all nodes in cluster

2018-07-15 Thread onmstester onmstester
I tested the single node scenario on all nodes iteratively and it worked: https://docs.datastax.com/en/dse/5.1/dse-admin/datastax_enterprise/operations/opsChangeIp.html Sent using Zoho Mail Forwarded message From : onmstester onmstester To : "user" Date : Sun, 15 Jul

Fwd: What is ChunkReader.readChunk used for?

2018-06-06 Thread John Wilson
Hi, Cassandra uses the readChunk method which is in SimpleChunkReader and CompressedChunkReader. This readChunk method is called from ChunkCache and BufferManagingRebufferer (which is used when cache is not in use). My question: 1. What exactly is the readChunk method used for? Is it to read

Re: Fwd: Re: cassandra update vs insert + delete

2018-05-30 Thread Rahul Singh
Soft delete = logical delete - which is an update. An update doesnt create a tombstone . It appends to the sstable,and when they are compacted, the latest write is what is seen as the definitive data.  A tombstone by definition is an update which tells C* to remove the value that was there befo

Fwd: 答复: Re: cassandra update vs insert + delete

2018-05-27 Thread onmstester onmstester
Add: 2003,20F No.35 Luojia creative city,Luoyu Road,Wuhan,HuBei Mob: +86 13797007811|Tel: + 86 27 5024 2516 发件人: onmstester onmstester <onmstes...@zoho.com> 发送时间: 2018年5月28日 14:33 收件人: user <user@cassandra.apache.org> 主题: Fwd: Re: cassandra update vs insert + delete How upda

Fwd: Re: cassandra update vs insert + delete

2018-05-27 Thread onmstester onmstester
How update is working underneath? Does it create a new row (because i'm changing a column of partition key) and add a tombstone to the old row? Sent using Zoho Mail Forwarded message >From : Jonathan Haddad To :

Fwd: Hints folder missing in Cassandra

2018-02-06 Thread test user
Has anyone run into the issue mentioned below? -- Forwarded message -- From: test user Date: Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 3:28 PM Subject: Hints folder missing in Cassandra To: user-subscr...@cassandra.apache.org Hello All, I am using Cassandra 3.10. I have 3-node cluster (say node0,

Fwd: Cassandra Query

2017-11-12 Thread Hareesh Veduraj
Hi Team, I have a new requirement , where I need to copy all the rows from one table to another table in Cassandra, where the second table contains one extra column. I have written a python script, which reads each row and inserts . But the problem is in stage environment I'm observing the select

Fwd: Stable Cassandra 3.x version for production

2017-11-07 Thread shini gupta
Hi Which version of Cassandra 3.x is stable and production-ready? Regards

Fwd: CQL Paging and write visibility

2017-06-27 Thread Tomasz Grabiec
Hi, In CQL binary protocol v4, is it guaranteed by the protocol that a fetch of the next page will see writes which were ACKed before that fetch, but after the whole query was started? Regards, Tomek

Fwd: Unsuccessful back-up and restore with differing counts

2017-05-13 Thread srinivasarao daruna
Hi, We have a cassandra cluster built on Apache Cassandra 3.9 with 6 nodes and RF = 3. As part of re-building the cluster, we are testing the backup and restore strategy. We took the snapshot and uploaded the files to S3 and data has been saved the data with folder names (backup_folder1 - 6 for n

Fwd: Node failure due to Incremental repair

2017-02-28 Thread Karthick V
Hi, Recently I have enabled incremental repair in one of my test cluster setup which consists of 8 nodes(DC1 - 4, DC2 - 4) with C* version of 2.1.13. Currently, I am facing node failure scenario in this cluster with the following exception during the incremental repair process exception occurred d

Fwd: IoT at the ASF -- ApacheCon and Project DOAPs [was: Does your project play in the IoT space?]

2017-02-04 Thread Trevor Grant
The first Apache IoT mini-con is happening this year at ApacheCon, Miami!! http://us.apacheiot.org/ The following is a snipped from Roman Shaponshnik on the dev@community list, perfectly describes the spirit of the mini-con: "The whole premise of the track will be "Not your gramps IoT" which mea

Fwd: WARN [SharedPool-Worker-3] AbstractTracingAwareExecutorService.java

2016-10-18 Thread James Joseph
I have seen the following warn in system.log, as a temporary turn around i increased commitlog_size in cassandra.yaml to 64, but how can i trace it down ??? which appilcation is trying to write large writes and to which keyspace and table it is trying to write ?? WARN [SharedPool-Worker-3] 2016

Fwd: Counter global logical clock

2016-10-06 Thread Varun Barala
Hi all Users, Recently I was restoring some sstables by changing their timestamp. But in case of counter It's different there are few things I'd like to ask:- * What is the maximum value of global logical clock? *Long.MAX_VALUE* ? ** what will happen If updates hit this MAX_VALUE value ?* I read

Fwd: Failure when setting up cassandra in cluster

2016-08-22 Thread Raimund Klein
Hello all, Sorry for reposting this, but I didn't receive any response. Can someone help please? -- Forwarded message -- From: Raimund Klein Date: 2016-08-15 12:07 GMT+01:00 Subject: Failure when setting up cassandra in cluster To: user@cassandra.apache.org Hi all, Sorry if th

Fwd: Cassandra discussion channel on Slack!

2016-07-15 Thread denish patel
Hello, I have started Slack channel to discuss Cassandra. The purpose of this channel to use existing slack platform to get connected to like minded Cassandra people. You can sign up using https://cassandra-slack.herokuapp.com/ Looking forward to talk to you on Slack! -- Thanks and Regards, D

Fwd: Schema change issue

2016-07-01 Thread Игорь С
Hi everyone, Got the issue on schema update. Posted initially to Datastax Driver mail list, but looks like it could be internal cassandra issue. Could someone take a look please. For for more information see https://groups.google.com/a/lists.datastax.com/forum/#!topic/java-driver-user/0Fejc0DTUX

Re: Fwd: Cassandra Load spike

2016-04-17 Thread kavya
Thanks for the reply. The snapshots are only 400MB. Also, the disk usage on the node should have reported the snapshot size as well in it (df -h). I did notice that the spike in nodetool status load seems to coincide with the hourly operation of "IndexSummaryManager.java:256 - Redistributing index

Re: Fwd: Cassandra Load spike

2016-04-15 Thread Jan Kesten
Hi, you should check the "snapshot" directories on your nodes - it is very likely there are some old ones from failed operations taking up some space. Am 15.04.2016 um 01:28 schrieb kavya: Hi, We are running a 6 node cassandra 2.2.4 cluster and we are seeing a spike in the disk Load as per

Fwd: Cassandra Load spike

2016-04-14 Thread kavya
Hi, We are running a 6 node cassandra 2.2.4 cluster and we are seeing a spike in the disk Load as per the ‘nodetool status’ command that does not correspond with the actual disk usage. Load reported by nodetool was as high as 3 times actual disk usage on certain nodes. We noticed that the periodic

Fwd: DATA replication from Oracle DB to Cassandra

2016-03-01 Thread anil_ah
Original message From: anil_ah Date: 03/02/2016 9:11 am (GMT+08:00) To: User Cassandra Subject: DATA replication from Oracle DB to Cassandra Hi    I want to run spark job to do incremental sync from oracle to cassandra,job interval could be one minute.we are look

Fwd: Production with Single Node

2016-01-22 Thread John Lammers
need ammo to convince others. Or failing that, what can be done to make this configuration as safe & robust as possible? Thanks! --John -- Forwarded message -- From: Sebastian Estevez Date: Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 3:41 PM Subject: Fwd: Production with Single Node To: j

Fwd: Production with Single Node

2016-01-22 Thread John Lammers
Thanks for your reply Jonathan. We chose Cassandra for its incredible performance and robustness for large sites. Our application is designed from the ground up to take full advantage of its column oriented data store (giving up the ability to also run with a relational database backend). The ch

Fwd: Cassandra compaction stuck? Should I disable?

2015-11-09 Thread PenguinWhispererThe .
Hi all, In Opscenter I see one of the nodes is orange. It seems like it's working on compaction. I used nodetool compactionstats and whenever I did this the Completed nad percentage stays the same (even with hours in between). I currently don't see cpu load from cassandra on that node. So it seems

Fwd: store avro to cassandra

2015-11-05 Thread Lu Niu
Hi, cassandra users my data is in avro format and the schema is huge. Is there any way that I can automatically convert the avro schema to the schema that cassandra could use? also, the api that I could store and fetch the data? Thank you! Best, Lu

Fwd: Issue with Cassandra client to node security using SSL

2015-10-27 Thread Vishwajeet Singh
Hi, I am using cassandra version 2.1 . My goal is to do cassandra client to node security using SSL with my self-signed CA. Self-signed CA is giving me following files. 1. ca.crt 2. ca.key 3. client.csr 4. client.crt 5. client.key 6. client.p12 I am creating .jks (client.jks) file from client.p1

Re: Fwd: Column family ID mismatch

2015-10-01 Thread Sebastian Estevez
Check this post & my response: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31576180/cassandra-2-1-system-schema-missing&ved=0CBoQFjAAahUKEwit6uK1uqHIAhXLcD4KHWsxDK8&usg=AFQjCNFfvPld2OOInC6B_M0X_QpfqHUbxA&sig2=aLeCqqe7vhpQlL10p9WFJA On Oct 1, 2015 4:33 AM, "kedar" wrote: > Got this error again on a single

Fwd: Column family ID mismatch

2015-10-01 Thread kedar
Got this error again on a single node cassandra. Would appreciate some pointers. Forwarded Message Subject:Column family ID mismatch Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 20:44:04 +0530 From: kedar Reply-To: user@cassandra.apache.org To: user@cassandra.apache.org Hi

Fwd: Re : Restoring nodes in a new datacenter, from snapshots in an existing datacenter

2015-08-28 Thread sai krishnam raju potturi
hi; We have cassandra cluster with Vnodes spanning across 3 data centers. We take backup of the snapshots from one datacenter. In a doomsday scenario, we want to restore a downed datacenter, with snapshots from another datacenter. We have same number of nodes in each datacenter. 1 : We kno

Fwd: JSVC grows until it is killed by the kernel (restarting Cassandra)

2015-08-20 Thread Florin Razvan Gheorghe
Hi all, I am trying to troubleshoot a case in which the jsvc process (in which Cassandra is running) uses more and more memory until the OS kills the process and so Cassandra is restarted. OS: Ubuntu 12.04 Java: Oracle JDK 8u45 Cassandra: 1.2.19 (datastax) *Note: We are currently tied to Cassand

Fwd: Issue when node goes away?

2015-06-25 Thread David Aronchick
-- Forwarded message -- From: David Aronchick Date: Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 10:33 AM Subject: Issue when node goes away? To: cassandra-u...@cassandra.apache.org I posted this to StackOverflow with no response: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30744486/how-to-handle-failures-in-

Fwd: MarshalException after upgrading to 2.1.6

2015-06-11 Thread Tom van den Berge
I've upgraded a node from 2.0.10 to 2.1.6. Before taking down the node, I've run nodetool upgradesstables and nodetool scrub. When starting up the node with 2.1.6, I'm getting a MarshalException (stacktrace included below). For some reason, it seems that C* is trying to convert a text value from t

Fwd: INFO LOGS NOT written to System.log (Intermittently)

2015-05-24 Thread Parth Setya
-- Forwarded message -- From: Parth Setya Date: Fri, May 22, 2015 at 5:14 PM Subject: INFO LOGS NOT written to System.log (Intermittently) To: user@cassandra.apache.org Hi I have a *3 node *cluster. Logging Level: *INFO* We observed that for there is nothing written to the syst

Fwd: Data Modelling Help

2015-04-27 Thread Sandeep Gupta
Hi, I am a newbie with Cassandra and thus need data modelling help as I haven't found a resource that tackles the same problem. The user case is similar to an email-system. I want to store a timeline of all emails a user has received and then fetch them back with three different ways: 1. All ema

Fwd: [RELEASE] Kundera-2.16 (Added support for Cassandra's UDTs)

2015-03-23 Thread karthik prasad
On Tuesday, 17 March 2015 22:42:30 UTC+5:30, Chhavi Gangwal wrote: > > Hi All, > > We are happy to announce Kundera-2.16 release. > > Kundera is a JPA 2.1 compliant, polyglot object-datastore mapping library > for NoSQL datastores. The idea behind Kundera is to make working with NoSQL > dat

Fwd: Cassandra Stress Test Result Evaluation

2015-03-09 Thread Nisha Menon
I have been using the cassandra-stress tool to evaluate my cassandra cluster for quite some time now. My problem is that I am not able to comprehend the results generated for my specific use case. My schema looks something like this: CREATE TABLE Table_test( ID uuid, Time timestamp,

Re: Fwd: ReadTimeoutException in Cassandra 2.0.11

2015-01-23 Thread Neha Trivedi
Thanks a lot Steve. I suspected the same. I will definitely read. regards Neha On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 11:22 PM, Steve Robenalt wrote: > Hi Neha, > > As far as I'm aware, 4GB of RAM is a bit underpowered for Cassandra even > if there are no other processes on the same server (i.e. Tomcat and >

Re: Fwd: ReadTimeoutException in Cassandra 2.0.11

2015-01-23 Thread Steve Robenalt
Hi Neha, As far as I'm aware, 4GB of RAM is a bit underpowered for Cassandra even if there are no other processes on the same server (i.e. Tomcat and ActiveMQ). There are some general guidelines at http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/CassandraHardware which should help you out. You may not need all o

Re: Fwd: ReadTimeoutException in Cassandra 2.0.11

2015-01-22 Thread Neha Trivedi
Hello Everyone, Thanks very much for the input. Here is my System info. 1. I have single node cluster. (For testing) 2. I have 4GB Memory on the Server and trying to process 200B. ( 1GB is allocated to Tomcat7, 1 GB to Cassandra and 1 GB to ActiveMQ. Also nltk Server is running) 3. We are using 2.

Re: Fwd: ReadTimeoutException in Cassandra 2.0.11

2015-01-22 Thread Steve Robenalt
I agree with Rob. You shouldn't need to change the read timeout. We had similar issues with intermittent ReadTimeoutExceptions for a while when we ran Cassandra on underpowered nodes on AWS. We've also seen them when executing unconstrained queries with very large ResultSets (because it takes long

Re: Fwd: ReadTimeoutException in Cassandra 2.0.11

2015-01-22 Thread Robert Coli
On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 4:19 PM, Asit KAUSHIK wrote: > There are some values for read timeout in Cassandra.yaml file and the > default value is 3 ms change to a bigger value and that resolved our > issue. > Having to increase this value is often a strong signal you are Doing It Wrong. FWIW!

Re: Fwd: ReadTimeoutException in Cassandra 2.0.11

2015-01-22 Thread Asit KAUSHIK
There are some values for read timeout in Cassandra.yaml file and the default value is 3 ms change to a bigger value and that resolved our issue. Hope this helps Regards Asit On Jan 22, 2015 8:36 AM, "Neha Trivedi" wrote: > > Hello All, > I am trying to process 200MB file. I am getting follo

Fwd: ReadTimeoutException in Cassandra 2.0.11

2015-01-21 Thread Neha Trivedi
Hello All, I am trying to process 200MB file. I am getting following Error. We are using (apache-cassandra-2.0.3.jar) com.datastax.driver.core. exceptions.ReadTimeoutException: Cassandra timeout during read query at consistency ONE (1 responses were required but only 0 replica responded) 1. Is it

Fwd: getting column names

2014-12-12 Thread Stephen Jones
Hello there - I'm using the python-driver to get my queried rows with a row factory that's a dictionary. When I get back my row list, each list item is a dictionary, but the keys are hashes. Is there any way use the column family metadata to decrypt the dictionary keys to their original column nam

Fwd: Issues in moving data from cassandra to elasticsearch in java.

2014-11-25 Thread Vinod Joseph
Hi, I am working on a java plugin which moves data from cassandra to elasticsearch. This plugin must run in the server for every 5 seconds. The data is getting moved, but the issue is that every time the plugin runs(ie after every 5 seconds) all the data, including data which has been

Fwd: sstable usage doubles after repair

2014-11-20 Thread Stephane Legay
I upgraded a 2 node cluster with RF = 2 from 1.0.9 to 2.0.11. I did rolling upgrades and upgradesstables after each upgrade. We then moved our data to new hardware by shutting down each node, moving data to new machine, and starting up with auto_bootstrap = false. When all was done I ran a repair

Fwd: Casssandra cluster setup.

2014-09-22 Thread Muthu Kumar
> Hi All > > > > I am trying to configure a Cassandra cluster with two nodes. I am new to Cassandra. > > > > I am using datastax distribution of Cassandra ( windows). I have installed the same in two nodes and configured it works as a separate instance but not as cluster. > > > > The key changes

Fwd: Cassandra pre 2.1 vs 2.1 counter implementation

2014-05-21 Thread Localhost shell
Hey All, I am new to C* community. We are planning to use Datastax C* (pre 2.1) in production. We heavily use counters and it is mostly what we do apart from storing the few months raw logs in C*. I have gone through the excellent Sylvain Lesbresne ppt

Fwd: Fw: Webinar - NoSQL Landscape and a Solution to Polyglot Persistence

2014-05-11 Thread Vivek Mishra
Check out this webinar for 1) Nosql Landscape 2) Building Kundera powered app 3) Polyglot persistence! -Vivek -Vivek On Thursday, May 8, 2014 5:52 PM, Vivek Mishra wrote: *From:* Pankaj Bagzai *Sent:* Wednesday, April 30, 2014 8:50 PM *To:* df-all; Account Management; Asheesh Mangla; Ger

Fwd: {kundera-discuss} Kundera-2.11.1-Patch Released

2014-05-01 Thread Vivek Mishra
-- Forwarded message -- From: Chhavi Gangwal Date: Thu, May 1, 2014 at 1:32 PM Subject: {kundera-discuss} Kundera-2.11.1-Patch Released To: kundera-disc...@googlegroups.com Hi All, We are happy to announce the Kundera-2.11.1 patch release. Kundera is a JPA 2.0 compliant, object

Re: Fwd: Re: Apache cassandra not joining cluster ring

2014-04-18 Thread Joyabrata Das
Please refer replies embedded below. Thanks in anticipation, Joy On 18 April 2014 18:18, Michael Shuler ** Other three servers were 32-Bit only, so reinstalled the same in Node4* After explicitly enabling port 9160 by ufw command (Uncomplicated FireWall in Ubuntu), node3 joined the ring though

Re: Fwd: Re: Apache cassandra not joining cluster ring

2014-04-18 Thread Michael Shuler
On 04/18/2014 02:33 AM, Joyabrata Das wrote: Let me explain sequentially. > > I’ve four nodes in cluster; node1, node2 (seed), node3, node4. > > 1. Reinstalling 32-Bit Ubuntu problem didn’t solve the problem. The suggestion here was not to reinstall 32-bit, but to install 64-bit so that yo

Fwd: Re: Apache cassandra not joining cluster ring

2014-04-18 Thread Joyabrata Das
Let me explain sequentially. > > I’ve four nodes in cluster; node1, node2 (seed), node3, node4. > > 1. Reinstalling 32-Bit Ubuntu problem didn’t solve the problem. > After explicitly enabling port 9160 by ufw command (Uncomplicated FireWall in Ubuntu), node3 joined the ring though no firewall was s

Re: Fwd: using hadoop + cassandra for CF mutations (delete)

2014-04-07 Thread Suraj Nayak
Good way of experimenting Will. Share your observation :) Adding cassandra user group for the input of the community on num_tokens settings in cassandra.yaml. Thanks Suraj On 07-Apr-2014 6:20 PM, "William Oberman" wrote: > If that works, it's a neat/fancy trick. But, after looking into the doc

Fwd: NetworkTopologyStrategy ring distribution across 2 DC

2014-03-11 Thread Ramesh Natarajan
Hi, I have 14 cassandra nodes, running as 2 data centers using PropertyFileSnitch as follows

Fwd: Cassandra Data Model and Surrogate Keys

2014-02-25 Thread John Stager
Hello Daniel, That is correct this is for user creation and collisions should be rare. Is the astyanax recipe a distributed lock? I do not understand what you mean by a combination of reads and writes? We are using cql3 with the Datastax java driver Thanks *From: *Daniel Chia *Sent: *Tuesday,

Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

2014-02-21 Thread Spencer Brown
I'm trying to get CQL going for my CentOS 5 cassandra PHP platform. I've installed thrift, but when I try to make cassandra-pdo or YACassandraPDO for that matter, none of the tests pass. And when I install it with PHP, phpinfo still doesn't show it loading and it doesn't work. Any ideas would be

Re: Fwd: Unable to gossip with any seeds

2014-02-03 Thread Duncan Sands
Hi Ilya, On 03/02/14 10:49, Ilya Sviridov wrote: Hello Sundeep It seems that in both configs of your nodes you are using the same hosname as seeds value. You have to enumerate all nodes in your cluster. not so! If all nodes N1, N2, ... use the same node N0 as a seed, then by gossiping with

Re: Fwd: Unable to gossip with any seeds

2014-02-03 Thread Ilya Sviridov
Hello Sundeep It seems that in both configs of your nodes you are using the same hosname as seeds value. You have to enumerate all nodes in your cluster. Best wishes, Ilya On Feb 3, 2014 10:47 AM, "Sundeep Kambhampati" wrote: > Hi, > > I am trying to setup multi-node Cassandra cluster (2 nodes

Fwd: Unable to gossip with any seeds

2014-02-03 Thread Desimpel, Ignace
Same problem here. But in my case the same configuration does start up when I just retry it a second time. Some more info on my specific configuration : Environment : linux, cassandra 2.0.4, 3 node, embedded, byte ordered, LCS When I add a node to the existing 3 node cluster I sometimes get the

Fwd: Unable to gossip with any seeds

2014-02-03 Thread Sundeep Kambhampati
Hi, I am trying to setup multi-node Cassandra cluster (2 nodes). I am using apache-cassandra-2.0.4. I am able to start Cassandra on the seed node. But, when I am trying to start it on the other node it starts and fails in few seconds. I can see the following in my error log: "ERROR 03:23:56,915 E

Fwd: {kundera-discuss} Kundera 2.10 released

2014-01-31 Thread Vivek Mishra
fyi -- Forwarded message -- From: Vivek Mishra Date: Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 1:18 AM Subject: {kundera-discuss} Kundera 2.10 released To: "kundera-disc...@googlegroups.com" Hi All, We are happy to announce the Kundera 2.10 release. Kundera is a JPA 2.0 compliant, object-datastore

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