Thanks a lot Steve.
 I suspected the same. I will definitely read.


On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 11:22 PM, Steve Robenalt <>

> Hi Neha,
> As far as I'm aware, 4GB of RAM is a bit underpowered for Cassandra even
> if there are no other processes on the same server (i.e. Tomcat and
> ActiveMQ). There are some general guidelines at
> which should help you
> out. You may not need all of the recommendations therein if you are simply
> evaluating Cassandra with a test workload, but I suspect you will at least
> need more RAM and a dedicated machine to get beyond the read timeouts.
> Also, when using spinning disks, the 2 drive recommendation is important
> because Cassandra uses two very different access patterns for its data
> storage and the disk can be thrashed quite a bit, particularly if you end
> up using enough memory that virtual memory on the host becomes a factor.
> There's a lot of good information on both the Apache Cassandra site and on
> Planet Cassandra about performance and tuning if you want to know more.
> Hope that helps,
> Steve
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 7:28 PM, Neha Trivedi <>
> wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> Thanks very much for the input.
>> Here is my System info.
>> 1. I have single node cluster. (For testing)
>> 2. I have 4GB Memory on the Server and trying to process 200B. ( 1GB is
>> allocated to Tomcat7, 1 GB to Cassandra and 1 GB to ActiveMQ. Also nltk
>> Server is running)
>> 3. We are using 2.03 Driver (This is one I can change and try)
>> 4. 64.4 GB HDD
>> 5. Attached Memory and CPU information.
>> Regards
>> Neha
>> On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 6:50 AM, Steve Robenalt <>
>> wrote:
>>> I agree with Rob. You shouldn't need to change the read timeout.
>>> We had similar issues with intermittent ReadTimeoutExceptions for a
>>> while when we ran Cassandra on underpowered nodes on AWS. We've also seen
>>> them when executing unconstrained queries with very large ResultSets
>>> (because it takes longer than the timeout to return results). If you can
>>> share more details about the hardware environment you are running your
>>> cluster on, there are many on the list who can tell you if they are
>>> underpowered or not (CPUs, memory, and disk/storage config are all
>>> important factors).
>>> You might also try running a newer version of the Java Driver (the later
>>> 2.0.x drivers should all work with Cassandra 2.0.3), and I would also
>>> suggest moving to a newer (2.0.x) version of Cassandra if you have the
>>> option to do so. We had to move to Cassandra 2.0.5 some time ago from 2.0.3
>>> for an issue unrelated to the read timeouts.
>>> Steve
>>> On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 4:48 PM, Robert Coli <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 4:19 PM, Asit KAUSHIK <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> There are some values for read timeout  in Cassandra.yaml file and the
>>>>> default value is 30000 ms change to a bigger value and that resolved our
>>>>> issue.
>>>> Having to increase this value is often a strong signal you are Doing It
>>>> Wrong. FWIW!
>>>> =Rob

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