ra that it does not perform a write to any
replica if consistency couldn't be satisfied? If so, then is it true for
all cases, for example when returned error is "OperationalError: Request
did not complete within rpc_timeout"?
Thanks in advance,
Sergey Naumov.
eason to restart all nodes. You can continue to use seed from
> first DC - seed used for loading ring configuration(locations, token
> ranges, etc), not data.
> On 05/17/2013 10:34 AM, Sergey Naumov wrote:
> If I understand you correctly, GossipingPropertyFileSnitch is useful for
t; Aaron Morton
> Freelance Cassandra Consultant
> New Zealand
> @aaronmorton
> http://www.thelastpickle.com
> On 15/05/2013, at 8:10 PM, Sergey Naumov wrote:
> > As far as I understand, GossipingPropertyFileSnitch supposed to provide
> more flexibility in nod
slice queries.
> Cheers
> -
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Cassandra Consultant
> New Zealand
> @aaronmorton
> http://www.thelastpickle.com
> On 15/05/2013, at 6:51 PM, Sergey Naumov wrote:
> see that RR works, but sometimes number of
arify this topic?
Thanks in advance,
Sergey Naumov.
row you need to use a
> range scan and limit it by the token ranges assigned to the node.
> Cheers
> -
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Cassandra Consultant
> New Zealand
> @aaronmorton
> http://www.thelastpickle.com
> On 14/05/2013, at 1
nt of
specific node?
Thanks in advance,
Sergey Naumov.
91.78 KB 256 48,5%
93d3bdbf-8625-4e54-8c7c-087fbfe419f5 RAC1
I thought that each datacenter has 100% coverage of token range. What does
the value in "Owns" field mean and how it affects a replication (for
exaple, with replication factors DC1:1, DC2:2)?
Thanks in advance,
Sergey Naumov.
some optimizations for multiple DCs placed sequentially on a
single link like DC1 <-> DC2 <-> ... <-> DCn?
Thanks in advance,
Sergey Naumov.