> If I am understanding this correctly then, the above should reference the
> buildresults property that is held in a property file and if it is set to
> failed...the script should fail. The issue is that
This is what I have:
If I am understanding this correctly then, the above should reference the
buildresults property that is held in a property file and if it is set to
failed...the script should fai
This is a 2 step process. First you need to also create a conditional property
based on the value of the property test. Then you can use that conditional
property in target elements to conditionalize their execution. For instance
Step 1:
Step 2:
... your target elements
> I have tried a few things today and still can't figure this out. I have a
> properties file with a setting of say test=successful and I want ant to
> check the property test to make sure it is set to successful before going
> on. How do I do this?
see manual , f.e. =
and later on =