>         <condition property="buildfailed">
>               <equals arg1="${buildresults}" arg2="failed"/> 
>       </condition>
>       <target name="buildresults" unless="buildfailed">
>                       <fail message="Check deploy script for error" />
>       </target>
> If I am understanding this correctly then, the above should reference the
> buildresults property that is held in a property file and if it is set to
> failed...the script should fail.  The issue is that when the buildresults is
> set to successful, the build still fails.  
> Anyone see what I am doing wrong?

your condition is right, you check whether your
${buildresults} property (set in a property file or
otherwise) has the value "failed" and if yes the
property ${buildfailed} is set.

but =

<target name="buildresults" unless="buildfailed">

means = run that target unless your ${buildfailed} property
is set, regardless what value it holds

so you need to use =
<target name="buildresults" if="buildfailed">


Regards, Gilbert

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