That's not a thing we don't want to do.
But we are lacking the knowledge of building Eclipse plugins on actual Eclipse
So don't expect that to come in the near future.
But that's only my personal view
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Simple solution
Another possibility is using a template file and
The simple solution is based on your "requirement"
> Replace:
> 12467abc => 34567abc
> 12467def => 34567def
> 12467xyz => 34567xyz
For heavy xml modifications you could use th
Try the outputproperty or errorproperty of the exec task.
Maybe this is related to you
I don't know mate-terminal. But you can't use itself?
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Игорь Бобров []
> Gesendet: Monta
Just for beautifying the log: you could specify a 'taskname'
So you get a
[update-db-tables] ...
instead of
[exec] ...
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Eric Fetzer []
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 29. August 2019 16:04
> An: user@ant.apache.or
Betreff: Re: Skipping a javah task with Java 10 and higher
> Thanks much for your help! The javaversion condition works perfectly.
> Rei Odaira
> 2019年5月7日(火) 0:58 Jan Matèrne (jhm) :
> > With xml namespaces like if:set you could exclude individu
With xml namespaces like if:set you could exclude individual tasks.
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Jaikiran Pai []
> Gesendet: Dienstag,
I am not sure if you could check the response headers.
The manual shows an example how to add a MD5 checksum test after a
download (macro "get-and-checksum").
Maybe the best way is to implement your own download in Java (reusing Get's
sourcecode, or use a http lib).
Or I haven't got your poin
On 2/20/2019 3:22 PM, Jan Matèrne (jhm) wrote:
If you have created you
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ...
> > > > > timeout="@{timeout}"/>
> > >
> > > The first one fails because the reference is defined after
> > > , and the second one doesn&";
dest="${lib.dir}/log4j-api-2.11.2.jar" />
> -Ursp
Not sure why you want to wrap an existing Ant task ...
If you want to provide default settings, you could use
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Isaac Jurado []
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 24. Februar 2019 18:27
> An: Ant Users List;
> Betreff:
/2019 3:22 PM, Jan Matèrne (jhm) wrote:
If you have created your JAR the first step is done.
Starting the JAR could be done in several ways. Common is that you have to have
all external classes o
If you have created your JAR the first step is done.
Starting the JAR could be done in several ways. Common is that you have to have
all external classes on the runtime classpath:
1. Hard coded start script.
Write a bash/bat-Script with the java command with all cp settings, e.g. (bat)
eff: Re: AW: Javac Run By Ant Script is Unable to Find External
> Jars
> Hi Jan,
> Thanks. Things are starting to come together in my head. If I
> understand, ant doesn't need the Eclipse .classpath at all and only the
> classpath suggested by Matt is used by ant, right?
Matt is correct: you are mixing Eclipse and Ant definitions.
So here some points by me:
* There is no default behaviour of . You have to specify the paths the
compiler should use by yourself.
* means, that the file or directory
".classpath" should be used for classpath. But the .classpath-file i
> We use ant internally in our build systems and heavily use sshexec/scp
> and ssh tasks. These rely on jsch which is an external library. Now
> that there is Apache Mina is there a way to move away from jsch to
> apache mina? Jsch project is not very active, so we were looking for an
> alternative
Could you post your buildfile snippet and the build output?
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Jose M Urena []
> Gesendet: Freitag, 3. August 2018 15:02
> An: Ant Users List
> Betreff: Re: [E] Javac: Command-Line Argument Files
> the following suggestio
Sorry for not having the right time to digg into your solution.
Two workaround come into my mind:
1. Copy your whitelisted files into a tmp directory, delete the whole src
directory and copy the whitelisted files back
2. Use to convert your whitelist to an excludes-clause and use
You should also check your $ANT_OPTS and remove the -XMaxPermSize=512m.
The output sais, that Java8 does not support that anymore and so you'll get rid
off this message.
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: govind nitk []
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. April 2018
There are two main pages for releases:
* actual releases
* all releases
The release policy [1] of the ASF enforces to have only the newest versions on
the first.
This is the primary directory for mirrors. Usually users are interested i
CVE-2017-5645: Apache Ant 1.9.9 and 1.10.1 - Apache Log4j 1.2.13 security
Severity: low
Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Versions Affected:
Apache Ant 1.9.0 - 1.9.9
Apache Ant 1.10.0 - 1.10.1
The unsupported Apache Ant 1.8 and lower versions are also affected.
You could specify the ivy.jar-location via -lib option.
ant -lib path/to/ivy.jar myTarget
Or you could specify it _in_ your buildfile, like in
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Dawid Weiss [mailto:dawid.we..
Not sure, if this is the right one.
Did you have a look at ant-javafx.jar?
I have found that in JDK-1.8.0_77/lib and it contains an AntLib definition
You could play that way:
* use to transform that peace into a 'valid Ant buildfile'
* use to call that generated file
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Alexander Levin []
> Gesendet: Montag, 5. Juni 2017 01:39
> An: Ant Users List; Jan M
I dont know any easy way.
Simplest thing would be writing that kind in Java.
And if you dont want to download that jar from your buildfile you could the jar
creation inline:
- generate the code ()
- compile ()
- archive that ()
- include that ()
With that macro definition you also could use the other available nested
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Stefan Bodewig []
> Gesend
You could try to use a custom logger which detects that password and masks
Because Ant can't distinguish if an is 'just' an argument or a
password, there is no built-in solution.
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Stefan Bodewig []
> Gesendet: Samstag, 25
Von: [] Im Auftrag
von Joe's Diner Webmaster
Gesendet: Samstag, 14. Januar 2017 01:33
Betreff: New PropertyHelper to Easily Add Colors to Ant Output
Here is a little PropertyHelper I wrote that e
I just had a look at the source code.
There is a special handling for HTTP-ResponseCodes for
- MOVED --> follow redirect if specified
-- 301: Moved Permanently
-- 302: Temporary Redirect
-- 303: See Other
-- 307: Temporary Redirect
- HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED (304 Not Modified) --> dont download i
The Ant PMC voted [1] to archive the EasyAnt subproject and all its modules.
This means that all its resources are removed or made read only and no
further development will be done.
It also means that, if a community grows, the subproject could reactivated
Happy new year
Jan Matèrne,
You could write one buildfile and copy it 100times.
Or use :
the "master" buildfile is available e.g. on a share.
The 100+ projects only have a
So they could set some individual values.
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Scot P. Floess []
> Gesendet:
If I understand your requirements right, you want to delete recursively all
directories which contain a marker file.
So maybe you could use this (have a deeper look at the task).
Could you use a ?
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Al Le []
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2016 12:08
> An:
> Betreff: How to delete all files in a dirset
> Hello,
> I have a dirset defined in my script. How can I delete all files
task.setOwningTarget( self.getOwningTarget() );
'self' is referencing the task and the new created instance will get
its owning target.
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Al Le []
> Gesendet: Di
Something like that?
ant -Dantcontrib.jar=path/to/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar
-Dagent.list="node1,node2" -Dnode1.description=ServerA
starting Agent @{agent}: @{description}
> the build.
> So if the build is already done, the ship might have already left the
> shore :D
> I expected some task in ant to analyze the build files instead of
> running build, which might give the enough information of my
> requirement :-/
> On Wed, Nov 18, 201
Hacking is always ... surprising ;) as you use APIs in way they weren't
intended for.
But it makes fun :O
I am not sure if you can get these information during runtime.
But collecting during a build and analyzing afterwards could be possible using
a custom BuildListener.
With that you get all me
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Jan Matèrne (jhm) []
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. November 2015 17:36
> An: 'Ant Users List'
> Betreff: AW: Class size
> Next idea is using different compile flags, e.g. debug.
> On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 6:16 AM, Jan Matèrne (jhm)
> wrote:
> > Are you sure that Maven and Ant are using the same JDK?
> >
> > Jan
> >
> > > -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> > > Von: aalok singhvi []
Are you sure that Maven and Ant are using the same JDK?
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: aalok singhvi []
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 1. November 2015 22:34
> An: Maven Users List; Ant Users List
> Betreff: Class size
> Hello,
> I have a basic question...
Yes this is the right list.
We don't have a release plan - next release comes when we (the PMC) decide to
release one.
Could be 1-2 years after the last release (like 1.9.5), could be just few weeks
(like 1.9.6) -
depends of the changes.
2.0 would be a version with massive changes in the archi
The manifest task is available as and is part of the core Ant
The definition is in org\apache\tools\ant\taskdefs\
That class is in ant.jar.
Googling for "build_tools.jar" gave me just this hint:
I dont know that task.
Where does it come from?
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Martin Gainty []
> Gesendet: Montag, 7. September 2015 14:11
> An:; Ant Users List
> Betreff: RE: build_tools.jar missing
> From: mgai...@hotmail.
You also could use the AntLib-Props.
There is no official release, but you could use the CI-build.
For usage you should have a look at the unit tests
> >if (!msg.contains(IGNORE_MSG_PATTERN)) {
> >super.messageLogged(event);
> >} else {
> >System.out.println("tools-message suppressed");
> >}
> >}
> >
> > }
> >
} else {
System.out.println("tools-message suppressed");
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Earl Hood []
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 28. April 2015 07:38
> An: Ant Users List
> Betreff: Re: tools.jar not found
Ant is a build tool. For some tasks (for example javac, javadoc) the tools
from the Java _Development_ Kit are required.
If you run with just a Java _Runtime_ Environment most of its tasks could be
used, but not all - hence the warning.
Set your JAVA_HOME to the installation path of your JDK.
I would provide several jars:
- application-core.jar: contains the application and the interfaces
- application-activemq.jar: contains the interface implementations for
- application-hornetq.jar ...
The approach you'll try to achieve (as I understand that) is having a "full
jar" for each
This unit test passes under Ant 1.9.5alpha and 1.9.4.
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Ryan Payton []
> Gesendet: Freitag, 5. Dezember 2014 03:13
> An: user@ant.
Have you tried to unzip the war manually using another program?
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: KM []
> Gesendet: Freitag, 24. Oktober 2014 17:17
> An: Himanshu Gusain; Ant Users List
> Betreff: Re: exception expanding war file
> we've already che
There is no star team support built in in Ant.
So you have to install it for yourself via taskdef [1] or antlib [2].
StarTeam tasks are available in the Ant sandbox [3] (you have to build that
from source) from
sourceforge [4] and maybe from the manufacturer of star team.
Searching for "starteam
This file 'should' be contained in the ant-testutil.jar.
But because of a missing statement it was not, thanks for
Next nightly should contain the compiled class
I could reproduce the problem.
You are trying to refer to a private API, see
I could load the class via reflection (Class.forName) but not via direct
While searching I found some hints:
I wouldnt use a platform specific 'cp' command.
Why dont you use ?
Another point is that your '*' is not resolved by 'cp', this is resolved by
the shell interpreter.
Maybe this would work
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
The problem is the usetimestamp="false" which disables the local check.
And because its hard written in the (generated) code you can't "overwrite"
that with a .
I did a test with this buildfile:
- usetimestamp=false: loads everytime all artifacts (just the mkdir will run
- usetimestamp=true:
The fileset needs a project instance.
getDS() is a short cut for getDS(getProject()) and your getProject() would
return null.
supports nested filesets so a view here would be a starting
I would use several properties files and load the one needed for the current
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Cyril Sagan []
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2013 00:08
> An: Ant Users List
> Betreff: Is it possible to get "location se
p.s.: Thanks Scot for your aid ;)
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Jan Matèrne (jhm) []
> Gesendet: Samstag, 30. November 2013 10:52
> An: 'Ant Users List'
> Betreff: AW: AW: AW: problem with ftp
> If someone comes with a pr
If someone comes with a problem and points to place where he think the sticking
point is, I usually want to make my own picture. Maybe I see the same problem,
maybe not. But there is a reason why someone stops at a certain point. And
often enough I had seen that the real problem is "some lines b
> and i specifically stated:
> > > I have absolutely NO variables in my macrodef.
I could see that. But the error message "Syntax error in property:" make me
thought that something is wrong with properties.
> "checkAntCommons" and "checkJakartaOro" check for the libraries that
> are required f
My first thought is that you are setting a property with a strange name.
Could you run with "-d"? Maybe the debug output gives more hints.
While just reading the macrodef I couldnt find something suspect ...
You are calling checkAntCommons and checkJakartaOro targets. I dont know what
happens ther
Why do you want to upgrade to 1.7.0 (19.12.2006) instead of 1.9.2
If the 1.7.0 would contain an error it would not be fixed ...
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Ed Mansky []
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 12. November 2013 15:33
> An: user@ant.apache
My first thought was, that you are using a very old Ant version. :
Ant 1.7.1: 27.06.2008
Ant 1.9.2: 12.07.2013
My second thought was, that your Ant installation might be corrupted ...
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Ani [mailto:aniruddh
The problem is not in or in the used InputHandler.
This log is produces on a completely other place.
The InputHandler reads silently your passwort.
The input task does not log the pwd, it just stores the value on the project
This storing is finally done by a PropertyHelper which then lo
Deleting all Annotations would be one part.
Maybe this could be done with s and regexps.
Not sure if this approach would help with removing the generics ...
Von: Raja Nagendra Kumar []
Gesendet: Samstag, 24. August 2013 12:18
An: user@ant.apache
or display the full command exec is about
> to run?
> Thanks for the reply.
> Could you tell me in Eclipse how to configure ant to run in "-verbose"
> mode?
> -Original Message-
> From: Jan Matèrne (jhm) []
> Sent: 2013年8月20
Run Ant in "-verbose" mode.
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Vincent Cai []
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 20. August 2013 08:51
> An:
> Betreff: how do I "echo" or display the full command exec is about to
> run?
> This message and any attach
One side note: you are using 1.8.2 (Dec 2010) and I suggest updating to
1.9.1 (Jul 2013).
> Ok, got one step further:
> now i have:
> classname=""
> classpathref
I downloaded the and had a look.
In the ant-antlr3.jar there is the antlib.xml at your location.
If all classes are present you could try using the taskdef from that antlib
and remove your xmlns declarations.
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Ernst Reissner [mai
>From Ants test directory:
snippet from the buildfile
in the absence of technology, the
Maybe the antlib is not on the classpath?
For loading antlibs via namespaces from custom classpath see
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Ernst Reissner []
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. August 2013 15:16
My idea is reading the SGML file using some filterchains and regexps for
extracting the DTD-name.
But I dont know any way to inject that into .
So the workaround here is iterating over the for yourself
- antcontrib: for, foreach
- loop using script (bsh, groovy, javascript) inside the buildfile
You cannot reconfigure the logger Ant uses.
You have to start a complete new Ant instance.
Call via 'ant'
Call via 'java'
TestNG is not supported by Ant directly.
So you have to declare the task and its location.
So place a e.g. after tag.
But I would change a little bit more ...
n of that in antunit jar.
> I was after a solution that did _not_ require any additional
> dependencies.
> Peter West
> "When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the
> truth..."
> On 15/05/2013, at 3:54 PM, Jan Matèrne (jhm)
Have you tried Ant Props?
- testReplaceFirst
- testReplaceAll
- testPackageMapping
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Peter West [mailto:li...@
> void test2() {}
> > }
> >
> > now I'd like to only test the "test2" with ant command line like
> this:
> > ant -Dtest=TestService -Dtestcase=test2 test-target Then how to write
> > the build.xml?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
Basic idea is
- specify the test to run via command line property (-Dtestcase=...)
- test-targets depends on two targets running a single test or the whole test
- that two targets are conditional according to that property
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Matt Ben
ting not working?
> Thanks Jan,
> I check out the project to 2 different locations. Hence the build file
> resides in 2 different locations. yet, the basedir is the same in both
> locations. This results in a failed build in one location.
> On Thu, Apr 18
The "." in the basedir attribute is relative to the buildfile itself, not
the current directory.
You could access that via ${user.dir} :
BaseDir: ${basedir}
UserDir: ${user.dir}
You can't set that value as basedir because at the time when basedir is set,
the system properties aren't pop
> Sorry. I am not getting your point. I am trying to use the
> projectSetImport to get the project names from the build.psf which is
> below.
> Loaded projects = ${ImportedProjectNames}
Have a look at the documentation
> I am able to checkout the projects directly in ant script using cvs
> commands but i need an sample for the following requirement. Please
> help.
> Need to run build.xml ant script with project name as argument. Ihe
> script should take the build.psf and needs to checkout the required
> projec
82 matches
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