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I've been looking at various ways of importing other ant buildfiles
from the classpath to reduce coupling in my multimodule build. This would
allow me to checkout only the code and build files I intend to
I've been looking at using Maven to facilitate this. My solution uses
the maven ant-r
Thanks for your help Martin and Jan!
Sorry I missed that part of the manual Jan. :/
It was pretty much what I was looking for.
On 7 May 2010 09:24, wrote:
> From the manual:
> Jan
>>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
I would like to import ant build targets from the classpath. In
otherwords, I am looking for an equivalent of the "import" task, which
brings files not from the filesystem, but from the classpath (and
hence possibly from a jar). I doesn't seem to me that this is possible
with the import task. I was