AW: Substituting the value according to the property name

2008-02-05 Thread Knuplesch, Juergen
Use propertycopy or similar Task with regex from antcontrib -- Jürgen icon Systemhaus GmbHTel. +49 711 806098-275 Sophienstraße 40 D-70178 Stuttgart Fax. +49 711 806098-299 Geschäftsführer: Uwe S

Re: Check process on remote host - Can Ant do that ?

2008-02-05 Thread Z W
Thanks for responding. But how do I make a conditional infinite loop with it ? Is there an Ant task for infinite loop ? ie while (1) { sshexec_check_remote_process_on_remote_host if (remote_process == dead) break; else sleep 10 mins } On Feb 5, 2008 3:39 PM, Charbel BITAR <[EMAIL P

java.sql.SQLException: LDAP Does Not Support Transactions

2008-02-05 Thread karthi palanisamy
I have wriiten a ant task to insert a user in ADS using ldapjdbc driver. Its throwing java.sql.SQLException: LDAP Does Not Support Transactions error any idea on this.. My source code is ldap://"; userid="CN=Administrato

Null Pointer during retrieve

2008-02-05 Thread Neil Lott
Hi everyone, I have two modules in my project and I¹m having a problem resolving a dependency between them. Any ideas why the Null Pointers? [ivy:resolve] [SUCCESSFUL ] twc#mas-coredn-ondemand#main;5.1!mas-coredn-ondemand.original.pom (1360ms) [ivy:resolve] problem occured while resolving de

-lib and saxon8 on SUSE 10.3

2008-02-05 Thread Martin Schröder
Hi, if this is a FAQ, pointers are welcome; I'm new to ant. I'm trying to use ant with saxon8 on SUSE 10.3 (ant 1.7.0) and Ubuntu Dapper (ant 1.6.5). I have a build.xml which works perfectly on Ubuntu, but the same command ant -lib dsp/dspublisher/lib/ -f bin/build-data.xml in the same directory

Re: Running a Remote Ant Target from Another

2008-02-05 Thread neilac333
I should also mention that the remote script works perfectly when run from the development server on which it resides. It is only when I run it from my local Ant script that things go awry. Thanks. -- View this message in context:

Re: Check process on remote host - Can Ant do that ?

2008-02-05 Thread Charbel BITAR
As you said use the task. Here's an example : ... ... ...Use a condition to check that ${sshexec.outputproperty} !equals the empty string... ... HTH -- Charbel On Feb 5, 2008 11:24 PM, Z W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi > > I have an ant script that needs to check the status of a

Running a Remote Ant Target from Another

2008-02-05 Thread neilac333
I am running an Ant script that generates a WAR file, copies it from my desktop to my development server, and calls a target in another Ant script on that development server which runs a WebLogic script that deploys the WAR file to the WebLogic instance on the development server. Incidentally, th

Null Pointer during retrieve

2008-02-05 Thread Neil Lott
Hi everyone, I have two modules in my project and I¹m having a problem resolving a dependency between them. Any ideas why the Null Pointers? [ivy:resolve] [SUCCESSFUL ] twc#mas-coredn-ondemand#main;5.1!mas-coredn-ondemand.original.pom (1360ms) [ivy:resolve] problem occured while resolving de

Re: Substituting the value according to the property name

2008-02-05 Thread Martin Gainty
could your provide an example on how you envision using ${${x}} thanks M- - Original Message - From: "norken76" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 6:12 PM Subject: Re: Substituting the value according to the property name > > Hello guys, > I couldn't find a hint fo

Re: Substituting the value according to the property name

2008-02-05 Thread norken76
Hello guys, I couldn't find a hint for my question.. so I am asking it here. so, has anyone used a way to achieve the ${${x}} which means.. to get a value of a property value. thanks Srinivas_Chandolu wrote: > >> We are replacing the occurrence of a string with another value by >> rea

Check process on remote host - Can Ant do that ?

2008-02-05 Thread Z W
Hi I have an ant script that needs to check the status of a process running on a remote machine and if the process has stopped running, I like the Ant script the ability to know that and move on to the next step in Ant script. Could someone here give a simple example on how to implement that ? I h

AW: task won't run in cruise control but runs from windows command prompt...

2008-02-05 Thread Knuplesch, Juergen
You should echo the property "folder-exists" in both targets. Maybe the property is already set when you reach the first task. ANT will never unset it. CC runs a loop. Find out in what situations the errer happens. Is it the first call by CC or the second. -- Jürgen Knuplesch

Re: useexternalfile change between 1.6.5 and 1.7.0?

2008-02-05 Thread Dave Blaschke
Thanks for the response. The project where this occurs has not been released to the community yet, but really really soon (hopefully this week or next) so I can provide you with a zip file then. In the mean time, I looked at and then a

task won't run in cruise control but runs from windows command prompt...

2008-02-05 Thread Christopher Styles
Hi, I know this isn't a Cruise Control list, but I need some assistance with this issue, since it centers around Ant - and no one from the Cruise Contol list has responded... When I run the tasks below in cruise control 2.7.1, the second task fails, which happens to be dependent on the first... Wh

Anyone used Archiva as repository for Ivy?

2008-02-05 Thread Brown, Carlton
I'm just wondering if anyone has experience using Archiva as a repository for Ivy, and if so do you have any pointers for accomplishing this. - This message contains PRIVILEGED and CONFIDENTIAL informat

Re: AW: Fail build when 'replace' task cannot find expected number oftokens

2008-02-05 Thread Prashant Reddy
Ok my bad. replace does change the timestamp if the token is replaced. I was creating the source.txt just before the replace, which also gave temp.txt same timestamp.

Re: Using the configuration as part of the artifact pattern

2008-02-05 Thread Niklas Matthies
On Tue 2008-02-05 at 09:24h, Xavier Hanin wrote on ivy-user: : > About IVY-567, we haven't applied the patch yet because the > solution is not very satisfying, due to the poor support for classpath in > jar (you have to have the dependencies at the exact right relative location, > I really dislike

Re: AW: Fail build when 'replace' task cannot find expected number oftokens

2008-02-05 Thread Prashant Reddy
Thanks for a good idea. nice and simple. Quick check with following build.xml reveals that the replace does not modify timestamp even when token is replaced. However this approach will not catch scenario where 1 instance was replaced when 2 were expected.

AW: Fail build when 'replace' task cannot find expected number oftokens

2008-02-05 Thread Knuplesch, Juergen
Addition: You could also use the Task togeteher with And of course use the fail-Task to make the Build fail -- Jürgen icon Systemhaus GmbHTel. +49 711 806098-275 Sophienstraße 40 D-70178 Stuttgart

AW: Fail build when 'replace' task cannot find expected number oftokens

2008-02-05 Thread Knuplesch, Juergen
Maybe you could copy the file without changing of the timestamp (attribute preservelastmodified). Then do the replace on your file. Then test via if a change happened. Delete the copy This will only work, if replace does not change the timestamp, in case of no changes. Just an idea... -- Jür

Fail build when 'replace' task cannot find expected number of tokens

2008-02-05 Thread Prashant Reddy
Hello ANT users, Using ANT 1.6.5, a build XML i am using makes use of task to replace certain token in a bunch of Javascript files. I would like the build to fail when the replace of a token fails, so that when someone changes the source file such that does not find any tokens to replace; the i

Re: Property selection

2008-02-05 Thread David Weintraub
Why not have multiple property files -- each with a different combination of properties you would want set? Then, you could have the user specify the right build properties file on the command line: In your build.xml: On the command line: $ ant $ ant -Dbuild.f

Re: Generating a CSV file

2008-02-05 Thread Sam Hamilton
Thanks Martin, I hadn't even considered the SQL task! :) Martin Ficker wrote: > > Hello Sam, > have you thought of using the sql > task( to write to the > database directly? > That would avoid generating the csv. > > Best regards, > > Martin >

Re: useexternalfile change between 1.6.5 and 1.7.0?

2008-02-05 Thread Peter Reilly
Can you try to get a tar/zip file containing a project where this occurs. There has been some changes to the javadoc task in 1.7.0 (fixing a number of bugs), but some issues may have been created. Also, if possible, can you try a nightly build of ant, there has been some fixes in the javadoc task