
I know this isn't a Cruise Control list, but I need some assistance
with this issue, since it centers around Ant - and no one from the Cruise
Contol list has responded... When I run the tasks below in cruise control
2.7.1, the second task fails, which happens to be dependent on the first...
When I run them from the Windows command prompt they work great, but I'm not
yielding the same results in Cruise Control... What's suppose to happen is,
target "lib-ext" will be executed, but first the dependency target
"lib-ext-test" gets executed. If the folder exists, it will set the
"folder-exists" property. Then, Ant goes back to the "lib-ext" task and
checks the dependency. If "folder-exists" is set, "lib-ext" will be
executed. Otherwise, it won't.  In other words, the "lib-ext-test" target
checks to see if the folder exists, and if it does, "lib-ext" ftps the files
within the folder.... If the folder doesn't exist, "lib-ext" doesn't
execute, and the process moves on to the next target in the sequence... As I
stated earlier, it works great from the Windows command prompt, but in
Cruise Control it fails and just says "folder doesn't exist"... Why won't
this execute in Cruise Control like it does from the Windows command
prompt...??? If someone could assist me with this I'd surely appreciate

<target name="lib-ext-test">
   <available property="folder-exists"

<target name="lib-ext" if="folder-exists" depends="lib-ext-test">
    <ftp server="${remoteHostName}"
        userid="${remoteInstallUserId}" password="${remoteInstallPassword}"
     <fileset dir="${existingExt.dir}">
        <include name="*.jar"/>
        <include name="*.properties"/>
        <include name="*.txt"/>
        <include name="*.xml"/>
        <include name="*.xsd"/>


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