RE: The Simplest build.xml needed

2003-08-14 Thread Jan . Materne
Yes, exactly that. Jan > -Original Message- > From: Daniel Barclay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 7:53 PM > To: Ant Users List > Subject: Re: The Simplest build.xml needed > > > peter reilly wrote: > > > With ant 1.6: > > > > > > > > Does your respo

RE: How to access contributed software

2003-08-14 Thread Jan . Materne
The only way I know is searching the archive of the mailing list. I usually use Jan > -Original Message- > From: Sarsam, Vinitha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 5:15 PM > To: 'Ant Users List' > Subject: How to access co

Re: question

2003-08-14 Thread peter reilly
I have made a fix in ANT cvs, for John's problem. It may be related to your problem. If you could reduce the build script to the smallest possible script that shows the problem, it would help. Peter On Monday 04 August 2003 21:25, Lopez, William wrote: > Previously I had asked about a workaround

RE: RSS...

2003-08-14 Thread Jan . Materne
One add: the antnews.html is generated with anakia from xdocs/antnews.xml. antnews.xml: generating: Jan > -Original Message- > From: Jon Madison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Thursda


2003-08-14 Thread Charbel BITAR
All, I've already fixed the problem of the path!!! Now the shell changes first to the build directory, and runs after that. No need to specify a drive or anything to well run... For xml snippets include, as David was saying no need to the 'file:' in a DOCTYPE instruction. (See the W3C XML documen

Re: classpath

2003-08-14 Thread Antoine Levy-Lambert
- Original Message - From: "Curtis Yanko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 2:02 PM > Every time a developer adds a new project dependacy I need to manually update my > classpath for that project. This doesn't seem like any way to run a railroad! > especially since I'v

RE: problem in executing sql statements under foreach task

2003-08-14 Thread Jan . Materne
> Hai Friends, > I need a help from you all. > I have two questions. > > 1. I am trying to execute set of sql files present in a > directory one by one > using foreach task. my test code is like this. How can I pass > (properties)variables defined in the other targets. > i.e ${driver}, ${durl}...

RE: replaceregex TokenFilter

2003-08-14 Thread Jan . Materne
Have you tried ${line.separator} ? Jan > -Original Message- > From: Matt Benson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 10:25 PM > To: Ant Users List > Subject: replaceregex TokenFilter > > > I am having trouble with the replaceregex TokenFilter. > I am trying to in

Re: SCP -> Secure file transfer with ant

2003-08-14 Thread Antoine Levy-Lambert
You can install cygwin on NT. cygwin contains an ssh client, *** and also a ssh daemon if you want to turn your NT machine into the host *** The cherry on the cake : the ssh daemon can be installed as service. There are other ssh implementations for Windows, but I am personally happy with the cygw

Re: apply inputstring ok? was (Re: passing in names of files as arguements)

2003-08-14 Thread Shawn
Ok for 1.6 (8/13/03) an inputstring CAN be used with an attribute, BUT the value seems to be used for only the first iteration and not for subsequent ones. taskdefs/ public class Transform extends ExecuteOn public class Execute

Ant Copy

2003-08-14 Thread Vikas Phonsa
Sorry guys I'm posting this issue again but I really need some ideas on it. Please help. I had files A,B,C in Project1 and were copies to Project2. In Project2 I deleted the file C but added a new file D. Now when I copy back, Ant would copy the new file D to Project1 and other files that were mo

[ANN] Apache Ant 1.5.4 has been released

2003-08-14 Thread Stefan Bodewig
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Apache Ant 1.5.4 is a minor bugfix release that adresses problems in two domains: (1) With JDK 1.4.2 Sun has changed the entry point for javah, therefore Ant 1.5.3's task doesn't work on JDK 1.4.2 anymore. (2) The Visual Age for Java tasks had some

RE: javadoc nested elements: group, tag, link don't work

2003-08-14 Thread David
Thank you, that was the problem, I am beginner so something like this sometims happends. Thanks again, David -Mensaje original- De: Stefan Bodewig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviado el: miercoles, 13 de agosto de 2003 13:06 Para: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Asunto: Re: javadoc nested elements: grou

RE: Custom Selectors missing Project and logging?

2003-08-14 Thread Robert Rice
Thanks for the clear example. That worked perfectly. My params are now coming into the custom selector. Robert Rice On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Dominique Devienne wrote: > I used the protected parameters myself. Here's an example. You probably need > to override verifySettings() and call explicitly

Sending html attachment in ANT as part of the body.

2003-08-14 Thread sunil singh
Hi, I have an html attachment, which I want to send using ant's mail target. It all works fine, the only thing I would like to change about it is - that the html attachment should show as in the body of the message, rather than an attachment. Is there a way ant can allow me to do this? Thanks! S

Needed - Netcomponents.jar -telnet,ftp tasks

2003-08-14 Thread Nagarajan Murugesan
Hai All, Can any one send me the netcomponets.jar (for telnet and ftp task) file through mail or some other way. I desperately needed that. Thanks, Nagarajan

The Simplest build.xml needed

2003-08-14 Thread MedVisual Image Inc
Hi, Everybody: Can anybody post a simplest build.xml so it can compile only one java file like if in DOS mode, it is : javac Thank you very much. Eric - Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software

RE: bug or feature in ?

2003-08-14 Thread Svetlin Stanchev
Aha, then the solution seems quite simple indeed: converted buildroot: ${regexp-compliant.buildroot} Thanks, Stefan! -- Svetlin > -Original Message- > From: Stefan Bodewig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 8:54 AM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED

RE: ant and clearcase

2003-08-14 Thread Rakeesh_Shringi
can you please tell me how to do this using antscript Thanks Rakesh Shringi Rosendahl Sten

Re: Custom Selectors missing Project and logging?

2003-08-14 Thread peter reilly
Opps, It did not get added (possible too big for an attachment). I have commited the manual page and a link from the concepts and types page. Peter On Wednesday 13 August 2003 09:37, peter reilly wrote: > On Tuesday 12 August 2003 22:29, Dominique Devienne wrote: > > I used the protected paramet

Problem resolved

2003-08-14 Thread Radhakrishnan A Jankiraman
Hi, There is one cardinal error that I didn't mention. I was using a self-written ant script instead of the one that comes with the distribution ( I did it for certain reason ). The default script works fine. Thanks for all the help Krish Radhakrishnan A Jankiraman 08/12/2003 10:41 PM To:

Re: File Timestamp Comparision

2003-08-14 Thread Antoine Levy-Lambert
Hi, I do not know a generic way. Some tasks do this "spontaneously" such as copy. excerpt from doc of copy : Copies a file or FileSet to a new file or directory. By default, files are only copied if the source file is newer than the destination file, or when the destination file does not exist. H

Re: newbie.....

2003-08-14 Thread Martin Gainty
Apache is the umbrella for OSF Released Binaries but Jakarta is the Repository for OSF Source Anyone else? -Martin - Original Message - From: "paria" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Ant Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 4:14 PM Subject: newbie. > hello; > I'm a ne

Recursive expand of properties ( ${${foo}.${bar}} )

2003-08-14 Thread Emmanuel FELLER
Title: Message Hi everybody,   I am searching a way to resolve recursive expand of properties like ${${foo}.${bar}} in a properties file.   I use propertycopy in my build file but i don't know how do this in a clean way for properties file. (I cannot use several properties file, i tried b

Re: Apply m4 acts weird in Linux

2003-08-14 Thread Stefan Bodewig
i.e. m4 > foo doesn't do what you think it does on Unix. Stefan - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Custom Selectors missing Project and logging?

2003-08-14 Thread peter reilly
On Tuesday 12 August 2003 22:29, Dominique Devienne wrote: > I used the protected parameters myself. Here's an example. You probably > need to override verifySettings() and call explicitly validate() in your > isSelected() method, as demonstrated below. --DD > > PS: Note that Ant CVS HEAD configure

Re: patch for bug # 21410 (javah task doesn't work on jdk1.4.2)

2003-08-14 Thread Antoine Levy-Lambert
There will be a release of ant 1.5.4 with this bug fixed in it this week. Cheers, Antoine - Original Message - From: "Sultan Saini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2003 10:44 PM Subject: patch for bug # 21410 (javah task doesn't work on jdk1.4.2) > D

Re: Jabber Logger WAS: RSS...

2003-08-14 Thread Jon Madison
awesome. this is i believe my springboard for adding jabber support for the TOCTask (effectively making the name TOCTask a little less appropriate. :) taking a look j. --- Jon Madison Consultant, Thought For Food Tech, LLC - Original Message

passing parameters to ant

2003-08-14 Thread Manju Sarala Viswam
Hi, I am using ant API and executing ant task from Java as shown below. I want to pass few parameters to ant build file.How do I do it ? public class RunningAnt extends Ant { public RunningAnt(String buildFile) throws BuildException { project = new Project(

RE: How Insert content od one file to Anotherfile after some patt ern matching

2003-08-14 Thread Nagarajan Murugesan
Hai Jan, Thanks for your help. Its really working fine. Thanks, Nagarajan -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 11:51 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: How Insert content od one file to Anotherfile after some patt ern matc

Re: moving files in unix from windows

2003-08-14 Thread Mike
> remotedir="/p/q/r" >userid="" >password="" >depends="yes" >binary="yes"> > > > > > You're setting up the ftp section and then closing it...and THEN trying to do the move (which results in a local-machine command.

RE: just not getting it

2003-08-14 Thread Donald Strong
Brilliant synopsis Laird, Having written build systems in both Make and Ant I throughly agree with you. Two things I would add, for Gregory's benefit. The first is one reason that Make just doesn't work as well with java as it does with other languages is that the dependencies in java are not ob

RE: build.xml snippet used from code

2003-08-14 Thread Dominique Devienne
I personally find JAXB both cumbersome (need to write a schema) and too heavyweight (Tons of JARs to compile schema, then requires a runtime) for this kind of things. Especially when you are in the Context of Ant which has a simple and inflexible but well known and documented engine to do that alr

Re: The Simplest build.xml needed

2003-08-14 Thread peter reilly
With ant 1.6: Peter. On Thursday 14 August 2003 07:24, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > > > > > > Jan > > > -Original Message- > > From: MedVisual Image Inc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 8:21 AM > > To: Ant Users List > > Subject: T

Re: Job Ads?

2003-08-14 Thread Martin Gainty
Correction - the only person getting work is California is Arnold Schwarenneger -Martin - Original Message - From: "McDonnell Colm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "'Ant Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 3:31 AM Subject: RE: Job Ads? > > 1. As a resident of the UK, I

Re: Adjusting Classpath

2003-08-14 Thread Erik Hatcher
If you fork then you can control the classpath more finely. Give that a try - it will probably do the trick. Logging what a pain! Erik On Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 02:49 PM, James Asher wrote: I have a JUnit test that also uses HtmlUnit. HtmlUnit is using commons-logging which in t

RE: classpath

2003-08-14 Thread Doug Brown
Absolutely, I've just been waiting to find out if there's a general interest. If it seems like something that folks want to use, I'll set up a project on sourceforge or savannah soon. Just let me know... Doug -Original Message- From: Rosendahl Sten - stro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent:

RE: Job Ads?

2003-08-14 Thread john hicks
Maybe if the job ad is contributed by someone working at the company *where the job is offered* and this person is also a contributor to the list, it would make sense. I'd say if the email came from a person who included their direct line number, then it would be legit enough to be not spam. I

definition for telnet and ftp task

2003-08-14 Thread Nagarajan Murugesan
Hai all, Thanks for your help. I still found my script is not working. It throwing the same error. Could not create task or type of type: telnet. Ant could not find the task or a class this task relies upon. So it is clear that the problem is not in the jar file. it is some where in the class p

Re: Problem with new ant task

2003-08-14 Thread Jack Woehr
Aloizio Pereira da Silva wrote: > > You have misspelled "diretorioSaida" either in your custom task source > > or bel$ > > diretorioSaida= "C:\\aloizio\\" > > No, I have not. > Below is my java task code: > public class gerar_relatorio extends Task{ > > private String diretorioSaida = ""; > Th

Re: just not getting it

2003-08-14 Thread Conor MacNeill
On Mon, 11 Aug 2003 06:44 am, Gregory Seidman wrote: > > Would someone please explain how to handle the simple example of a > directory/package tree full of .java source files to be built into a JAR? > Once I have that toehold, I think I can start learning the rest. > Here is a complete and relati

RE: ant and clearcase

2003-08-14 Thread Rakeesh_Shringi
Hgoe will i prepend the config spec file using ant. Thanks Rakesh Shringi Rosendahl Sten

RE : RE : Recursive expand of properties ( ${${foo}.${bar}} )

2003-08-14 Thread Emmanuel FELLER
Title: Message I found a fragment I may reproduce, it is a very short part but it explain my problems   #each project configure the ears it should deploy (one or n ear) project.A.earliste = ear1,ear2,ear3 project.B.earliste = earb1,earb2,earb3   #each ear configure the j2ee module it contain

RE: more than one unless/if in a target

2003-08-14 Thread Harkness, David
Have you tried including two or more properties, separated by commas or spaces, in the if or unless attribute? Just a guess, since includes works this way in a fileset. David Harkness Sony Pictures Digital Networks (310) 482-4756 -Original Message- From: Claudio Corsi [mailto:[EMAIL

dependencies shared between projects

2003-08-14 Thread Charlie Cano
Hello all, Following the advice of the Manning book "Java Development with Ant," I'm creating a master build file and several "sub-projects," each with their own stand-alone build file. My directory structure looks like this: /project/ /sub1/ /src /dist /etc /sub

Re: just not getting it

2003-08-14 Thread Rich Wagner
One suggested addition to Conor MacNeill's example buildfile: It's worth considering adding to the "compile" target so that it includes a "" task right before the "" task. "" alone does an OK but imperfect job of dependency checking and recompiling; preceding it with the appropriate makes the

Recorder problems...

2003-08-14 Thread Ciramella, EJ
I just started using a recorder to capture the bulk of what is happening within my builds. Funny thing though, I would like to include the log from the recorder as a bill of materials, but when trying to zip it, I get an error message saying I can't (I'm using recorder/action=stop before I try to

RE: moving files in unix from windows

2003-08-14 Thread Kumar Senthil - SKUMAR
the task ftp doesnt support the nested "move" element... is there a way to move files in unix by running ant in windows? -Original Message- From: Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 6:45 PM To: Ant Users List Subject: Re: moving files in unix from windows >

RE: Ant Pretty Build... (The Return)

2003-08-14 Thread Iwan
Hmmm, the link doesn't work. Iwan > -Original Message- > From: Charbel BITAR [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 10:23 AM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Ant Pretty Build... (The Return) > > > > Hi, > A new version of Ant Pretty Build is available now. > You c

Re: Apply m4 acts weird in Linux

2003-08-14 Thread Tim Plessers
This is indeed the best solution, however, I'm not a shell script expert. Can you give me a hint on how to pass , and -I${src.abs.dir} into the script? In this case, I still have to pass more than 1 argument with ant, right? Note that is TestProject.jm4 and is Perhaps I c

Re: Needed - Netcomponents.jar -telnet,ftp tasks

2003-08-14 Thread Jon Madison
do you have web access? let us know if/when you get 'em so your box won't be flooded otherwise. --- Jon Madison Consultant, Thought For Food Tech, LLC - Original Message - From: "Nagarajan Muruges

RE: Problem with writing a new ant task

2003-08-14 Thread Aloizio Pereira da Silva
Thanks. The problem was the ant.jar was not updated. Now It is working. * * Federal University of Minas Gerais* * Department of Computer Science * * Maste

Re: RSS...

2003-08-14 Thread Jon Madison
i'm here @ work so i haven't looked at this deeply, so maybe questions are answered just by taking a look (and this is kind of a reminder note to self as well :) how are the changelogs modified for each build? what information is put in changelogs--bug fixes with bug numbers and description

RE: build.xml snippet used from code

2003-08-14 Thread Dominique Devienne
I'm not sure I understand fully what you want to do, but I'd guess you'd like to convert an XML snippet to Java objects, similarly to how the XML entity include mechanism works? A true XML entity doesn't have a root element at all, so it's not a valid XML document, and thus cannot be read as an XM

Re: RSS...

2003-08-14 Thread Erik Hatcher
And what would you want to get from the RSS feed? ant-user e-mails (i'm sure there is a gateway to make that possible)? bug reports? cvs commits? there is an RSS feed for the Jakarta wiki. On Wednesday, August 13, 2003, at 04:28 PM, Ciramella, EJ wrote: Is there an RSS feed for ANT anywher

RE: passing parameters to ant

2003-08-14 Thread Manju Sarala Viswam
Hi , I used " project.setproperty " as you suggested and I get the property value only at the default target or the first target am executing in the project. If I have other targets in the project to be executed, The property values are not available there . how can i resolve this ? For

RE: Detecting the operative system

2003-08-14 Thread Dominique Devienne
See in Ant-Contrib. --DD > -Original Message- > From: David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 9:01 AM > To: Ant Apache User List > Subject: Detecting the operative system > > Hello users, > > I would like to know how to detect the operative system. When I run a