> Hai Friends,
> I need a help from you all.
> I have two questions.
> 1. I am trying to execute set of sql files present in a 
> directory one by one
> using foreach task. my test code is like this. How can I pass
> (properties)variables defined in the other targets.
> i.e ${driver}, ${durl}.... or is there any way to acheieve that?

<foreach inheritall="true" inheritrefs="true"/>

> <interactive verbose="off">
> <input property ="driver" text="Database Driver" type="string"
> value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"/>
> <input property="durl" text="Driver URL" type="string"
> value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl"/>
> <input property="dbuname" text="User Name" type="string" value="cdm"/>
> <input property="dbupass" text="PassWord" type="string" value="cdm"/>
> </interactive>

FYI: Ant contains an <input> task (1.5.3-1, maybe earlier, too).

> <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties" />
> <target name="test">
>    <foreach param="myparam" target="sqlrun">
>          <path>
>          <fileset dir="D:\orac" includes="*.sql"/>
>          </path>   
>    </foreach>      
> </target>
> <target name="sqlrun">
>       <echo>Called with ${myparam}</echo>
>       <sql onerror="continue" driver="${driver}" url="${durl}"
> userid="${dbuname}" password="${dbupass}" >
>       <transaction  src="${myparam}"/>
>       </sql>
> </target>

Maybe faster, maybe easier (maybe wrong :-)

<concat destfile="tmp.sql">
    <fileset dir="D:\orac" includes="*.sql"/>
<sql ... src="tmp.sql"/>
<delete file="tmp.sql"/>

> The echo command gives correct result, but when its trying to 
> execute sql
> file it throws
> Class Not Found: JDBC driver ${driver} could not be loaded 
> error. ( I am
> sure, I have added neccessary jar files in the
> class path)

For faster tests: print all these values.

> 2. My second question is can we control the order of execution, i.e by
> alphatical or parent directoty 
> first then sub directoy and so any attributes for that is available?

AFAIK you canīt.
(Iīm sure, I had read a hint somewhere ... I think in DirectoryScanner ...
sorry, not found).

In your case you use <foreach>. Why you donīt use a file containing all the


<loadfile property="sql.files" srcFile="sql.files"/>
<foreach ... list="${sql.files}" delimiter="${line.separator}"/>

Or you write the result of the fileset into a file and call an external sort
program. Then
read and use that.

<fileset id="fs" dir="D:\orac" includes="*.sql"/>
<pathconvert property="fs.value" refid="fs" pathsep="${line.separator}"/>
<echo file="sql.files" message="${fs.value}"/>
<exec ....  />   <!-- sort here -->
<loadfile property="sql.files" srcFile="sql.files"/>
<foreach ... list="${sql.files}" delimiter="${line.separator}"/>

Nothing tested, just thoughts 


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