Re: Sean?

2018-05-08 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Lagi wrote: > Everybody, if you can please give what you can afford now ... > It will go to the correct people. > Bill wrote: > A donation may not only provide needed funds, but sends a message > to Sean, and all on this list, that we are a community that

Re: Sean?

2018-05-08 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Lagi wrote: > Everybody, if you can please give what you can afford now ... > It will go to the correct people. > Bill wrote: > A donation may not only provide needed funds, but sends a message > to Sean, and all on this list, that we are a community that

Re: Web fonts

2018-05-21 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Peter B. wrote: > Crazy question, but is it possible to use a web font within a > internet-connected LiveCode application? Of course in a browser widget, but not for use in other LC objects. ___ use-livecode mailing list

LC ImageToolbox_89_v170

2018-05-21 Thread hh via use-livecode
Uploaded an enhanced version of LC-ImageToolbox that has Matrix (Convolve up to 7x7) and ColorMatrix available. This does here on a medium fast machine (2.5 GHz Mac mini) a 5x5 convolve (e.g. Laplace filter) for a 1920x1080 image using LC 8 in 1 second, using LC 9 in 850 millisecs! You can easily

Re: Copying Text from Field In HTML5 app?

2018-05-21 Thread hh via use-livecode
> John P. wrote: > I have a little HTML5 project that creates some text data in a > card field. I would like to let my user copy the text created in > this field out the HTML5 app so that they can paste it into a > spreadsheet in order to manipulate it. > Can this be done using an HTML5 app? You c

Re: Optimization can be tricky

2018-06-12 Thread hh via use-livecode
You could try the following: repeat for each key T in interestArray[uID] put item 1 of interestArray[uID][T] into i1 put item 2 of interestArray[uID][T] into i2 repeat for each line S in storyArray[T] put userSeenArray[uID][item 1 of S] into s1 put abs(item 2 of S - i1) into s2 i

Re: Optimization can be tricky

2018-06-12 Thread hh via use-livecode
Sorry, I forgot to mention Jerry who already proposed to pull out computations from the inner loop and also to use variables in the inner loop. My experience says to avoid getting items as often as possible. And to use the random() in the inner repeat loop instead of in the final sort may be worth

Re: Optimization can be tricky

2018-06-12 Thread hh via use-livecode
The scenario Geoff described is roughly to get the top ten (a handful) of 2000 records comparing a certain numeric value of each. To get that unknown value of each one has to go once through all the records *and then sort* for that ranking. (LiveCode is very fast with a simple numeric sort!) Any ot

Re: Tessellated hexagonal grid?

2018-06-27 Thread hh via use-livecode
Here a rather complete guide to the "theory" with a link to implementation guides for several programming languages, especially, close to LC, JavaScript. ___ use-livecode mailing list

Re: Grabbing a widget

2018-06-27 Thread hh via use-livecode
A widget is not an ordinary control. It is the widget that has to generate messages for user's interaction. So the widget's author decides whether you can grab it or not. See the still actual discussion from 2015 here: ___

Re: Grabbing a widget

2018-06-27 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Klaus wrote: > ... any opinion to the funky behaviour I experienced? Sorry, I overlooked that you are using LC 9. With LC 9 in edit mode the SVG widget is here moved with the mouse even without any script. ___ use-livecode mailing list use-livecode@li

Re: Sort IP List

2018-06-29 Thread hh via use-livecode
Your IP addresses [0-255].[0-255].[0-255].[0-255] are the hex IP numbers converted to base 256. So you may try the following sorting function that converts the IPs from base 256 to base 10 (decimal). function ip2dec x set itemdel to "." repeat with i=0 to 3 add (item 4-i of x)*256^i to y

Re: Tessellated hexagonal grid?

2018-06-29 Thread hh via use-livecode
A simple hexagonal grid creating stack: You choose the number of rows and columns and, for "scaling", the horizontal radius and vertical radius of the circumellipses. ___ use-livecode mailing lis

Re: MouseMove and HTML5

2018-06-30 Thread hh via use-livecode
MouseMove works in HTML5 standalones, see for example ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences: htt

Re: Sort IP List

2018-06-30 Thread hh via use-livecode
Remains to remark that the upcoming standard IPv6 with its text representations (Section 2.2 of will require more detailed methods, both for number base conversion and for item sorts/cosorts (the items are hex numbers ...) @Bernd Depending on the function an in

Re: bitwise shifts gone?

2018-06-30 Thread hh via use-livecode
Mark, obviously you ask relating to Bob's IPv4 sort problem. But when optimising (for speed) the connected formula (1) a + b * 2^8 + c * 2^16 + d * 2^32 using the constants is slightly faster: (2) a + b * 256 + c * 65536 + d * 16777216 Why is the engine not handling the internal bitshifts eas

Re: Filed entry cursor

2018-07-01 Thread hh via use-livecode
This is a stack for making cursor images: You can set the color, size and transparency of the cursor image. Don't forget to set the hotspot adjusted to the cursor's size. Just copy your cursor image to your stack and set the cursor (or the

Re: Sender of send in time

2018-07-13 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Bob S. wrote: > Something in my scripts is sending a selectionChanged message in > time to a specific datagrid when it shouldn't. How do I determine > the sender of a send in time message? Simply use a a parameter: send "selectionChanged " to in where identifies the sender. __

Re: filter list_of_files with REGEX xyz?

2018-08-17 Thread hh via use-livecode
This is already case-insensitive, but the period needs an escape: filter tList with regex pattern "\.*(jpe?g|png|gif)$" ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscrip


2018-08-24 Thread hh via use-livecode
Added a new feature to LC-ImageToolBox: Quantile filtering. An x-Quantile is a generalized parameter of location of distributions with a percentage x. For example x=0 yields the minimum, x=50 the median, x=100 the maximum of the sample values. You can select the percentage x and a 'population sam


2018-08-25 Thread hh via use-livecode
LC-ImageToolbox_v180 Version 1.8.0 adds a new feature to LC-ImageToolBox: Kuwahara filtering. The filter replaces each pixel with the mean value of the one of four overlapping subsquares that has minimal values variance. For more info see


2018-08-26 Thread hh via use-livecode
LC-ImageToolbox_v185 adds Color-Dithering which does a 1-Bit-Dithering for each of the R-G-B-channels (1-Bit-Methods: Atkinson, Burkes, Floyd-Steinberg, Javis-Judice-Ninke, Sierra-twoRow, Stucki). For more info see > Alejandro T. wrote: >


2018-08-28 Thread hh via use-livecode
ImageStatistics_v100 is a very fast computation of the color-values distribution of an image for each of the R/G/B-channels and the 'mean channel' (= grayscaled image). You get the raw data and select for the display the number of bins (one of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256) for the values range 0-

Re: What do we know about LC 10?

2018-08-29 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Tom G. wrote: > What do we know about whats coming in LC 10? > I'm assuming big improvements to widgets and LC builder. Still waiting for big improvements to widgets and LC builder for LC 9 ... Increasing the version number alone doesn't improve the net content (= gross content - fixes of fresh

Re: How to get word offset all instances of a string in a chunk of text?

2018-08-30 Thread hh via use-livecode
For a more general context see Sadly LC 9 is at about 10 times slower than LC 6 with such fast scripts. For example LC 6.7.11 needs at about 500 ms to evaluate a 1 MByte string, LC 9.0.0 needs at about 5 seconds. ___

Re: How to get word offset all instances of a string in a chunk of text?

2018-08-30 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Alex T. wrote: > > put 0 into tOffset > repeat for each trueWord W in tSource >add 1 to tOffset >if W = myWord then > put tOffset & comma after tOffsetList >end if > end repeat This is (whether trueWord or word chunks used) probably the fastest method for an offset counting of

Re: Missing function selectedWords/selectedTrueWords

2018-08-31 Thread hh via use-livecode
You could try: on mouseUp put the selectedChunk into sc put word 2 of sc into strt put word 4 of sc into stp put fld word 7 of sc into txt put selectedWords(strt,stp,txt) into fld "out" end mouseUp function selectedWords strt,stp,txt put the num of words in char 1 to strt of txt into


2018-09-01 Thread hh via use-livecode
Just uploaded hhImageHandles to "Sample Stacks". This is a group of handles that is attachable to any image. All you have to do (after copying the group to your stack): send "setTarget " to group "hhPoly" Base position of the 9 handles (use a monospaced font): ### ##


2018-09-02 Thread hh via use-livecode
Just uploaded SVGHandles to "Sample Stacks". This is a group of handles that is attachable to a SVG display. All you have to do (after copying the group to your stack): send "setTarget " to group "hhSVGPoly" The field's name will usually end with ".svg" and contain any valid SVG source. The stac

Sample Stacks

2018-09-06 Thread hh via use-livecode
Was "ANN: LC Documentation Cache Cleaner" Jacques LG wrote: > We can upload zip files to Sample Stacks? ... No. But you can, of course, use a stack container for zips. I once uploaded a simple version: "Sample Stacks" had an update before a

Re: Slow LC 9 Performance - Test Stack, Video, QA Report

2018-09-06 Thread hh via use-livecode
How did you do the JavaScript (in browser?) and how did you do the timing? ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences:

Re: Slow LC 9 Performance - Test Stack, Video, QA Report

2018-09-06 Thread hh via use-livecode
Curry, sorry I overlooked the post with your download link > This is a *fine* comparison stack. You could think about adding for LC 8/9 a browser widget and in handler "work done", instead of copying to the clipboard, set htmltext of widget "browser" to the cJS o

Re: Slow LC 9 Performance - Test Stack, Video, QA Report

2018-09-11 Thread hh via use-livecode
As to speed comparisons with LC 9: Compared to LC 8, LC Builder of LC 9 has an increase of 50-120% in speed. (Seen with timings when creating an LCD-scroller widget and an image widget). ___ use-livecode mailing list Pleas

Re: Calendar widget again...

2018-09-14 Thread hh via use-livecode
Klaus, honestly, if you never worked with LCB then you better use one of the many LC Script versions, for example (you can switch Mo or So week start there). To get more than display functions of 1-3-6-12 months is, based on that, certain

Re: Calendar widget again...

2018-09-14 Thread hh via use-livecode
Add in to the card script: on mouseUp put the clickText into cT if cT is a number and cT < 31 then put "day: " & cT &cr& \ "month: " & the label of btn "month" &cr& \ "year: " & the label of btn "year" e

Re: SVG to image

2018-09-16 Thread hh via use-livecode
Import the source of a SVG icon widget to a PNG file: + The iconPath of an SVG icon is path data only (could be used as "instructions" for a path in LCB). So try to write a wrapper around it to make it valid SSVG data. The problem is the boundi

Re: SVG to image

2018-09-16 Thread hh via use-livecode
There is a problem with transparency in the result of drawingSVGcompile that my "cropIt" should remove: While an importer via javaScript (SVGHandles89 uses javaScript) removes the transparency from the data, it does it not with the result of drawingSVGcompile probably it doesn't use numToByte(0) f

Re: SVG to image

2018-09-16 Thread hh via use-livecode
BoundingBox widget / Compile iconPath to image The real point that came up here is how to get the bounding box of an SVG path that is used as iconPath of the svgIcon widget. With that it is simple to prepare the path as input for drawing

Re: SVG to image

2018-09-17 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Brian wrote: > I'll need to take your stack/widget and see how what it generates > compares to conversions from the source svg file (for the Font > Awesome stuff). Since you are adding back information that was > stripped when converting to an icon, my guess is that the results > should be pretty

Widget ColorPicker_v101

2018-09-17 Thread hh via use-livecode
Just uploaded a (slightly improved) LC 9 version of my ColorPicker-widget to "Sample Stacks". Or download widget ColorPicker_v101 from This is a *demo-stack* that has also buttons to install/remove the the widget. Examples in the stack (incl. scripts to

Re: Forums misbehaving

2018-09-18 Thread hh via use-livecode
I have it ALWAYS with Safari 11 (MacOS 10.12.6), it's seldom only when using Firefox. Also with Safari I need at about 10 times to "logout" before it works, again that's seldom only when using Firefox. ___ use-livecode mailing list

Re: Navigator 6.3 alpha 1 is out -- major awesomeness!

2018-09-18 Thread hh via use-livecode
This is great work. Thanks. Admittedly, one has always to get accustomed gradually to the new features of Navigator. This time I needed one hour alone for getting informed about these. ___ use-livecode mailing list Please

Re: editGroup message?

2018-09-19 Thread hh via use-livecode
@Brian (using the complement of your approach): IIRC, if there is one object outside of the group then this doesn't exist while the group is edited. So if there is no btn "TOP" (outside of the group) then the group is in edit mode -- any group. ___ use


2018-09-19 Thread hh via use-livecode
ControlHandles_v100 (LC Script stack) is a group of handles (polygon and graphics) that essentialy work, in browse mode, like the object handles in pointer mode. The demo stack needs LC 8 or 9 because of contained widgets. (linux users: there are also 2 browser widgets in there). The copied butt

Re: ControlHandles_v100

2018-09-19 Thread hh via use-livecode
Sorry, the correct link is ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences:

Re: (browser) focus hocus pocus broke us

2018-09-23 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Mike K. wrote: > How do we take focus away from the browser widget? Did you already try do "document.activeElement.blur()" in widget "browser" ? ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscri

Re: Intersect Function

2018-09-24 Thread hh via use-livecode
It is not this complicated. Only if you are looking for the intersection of two line *segments* you have do a few more checks. A LC object "line" is a line segment given by two pairs of points (x,y). The OP probably mean with line the math object line that is given by and passing through these pai

Re: (browser) focus hocus pocus broke us

2018-09-24 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Mike K. wrote: > ... I have no idea what document.activeElement.blur() is supposed to do ... The HTMLElement.blur() method removes keyboard focus from the current element. Is Google or similar defunct with you? ___ use-livecode mailing list use-livecod

Re: Intersect Function

2018-09-24 Thread hh via use-livecode
@Richmond. You (and the author) overlooked that we have, since 1.0, is within . ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences: http://lists.runrev.c

Re: Intersect Function

2018-09-24 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Jerry J. wrote: > I think he mentioned curved “lines”. That is a > whole other kettle of fish. The OP speaks of "functions for the lines", so either he means "math lines" or, as you say, continuous curves, say polynomials. Yes, this isn't solvable for polynomials of higher degree by formulas (n

Re: (browser) focus hocus pocus broke us

2018-09-24 Thread hh via use-livecode
> BR wrote: > Related use case: some web pages download a "ton" of > javascript at start up. > I can't find a way to set a "spinner/I-am-downloading" > on the screen, until we get some content appearing on > the page. For your own pages you could use pace

Re: [ANN] animationEngine is free now

2018-09-28 Thread hh via use-livecode
AE is a treasure chest for scripting techniques, no wide open. Thanks, Malte. ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences:


2018-09-30 Thread hh via use-livecode
Just uploaded a date picker widget to "Sample Stacks". Grab it from there or download DatePicker_v107 from This is a *sample-stack* that has also buttons to install or remove the widget. The widget is "fat" (contains LC 8 and 9 modules), loaded will by LC

Re: DatePicker89_v107

2018-09-30 Thread hh via use-livecode
Matthias, I was just curious if anybody would ask about that. As you are the first one in three months or so: Congratulations, you may use this widgets for free in ALL your apps. The fund is the idea that the community has some money available if a developer (of the community) has serious financ


2018-09-30 Thread hh via use-livecode
Updated to v108, the link is still valid ( ) Added now the source code (and a new name for the widget in the "Tools" palette). ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to


2018-09-30 Thread hh via use-livecode
Updated to v102, the link is still valid ( ) Made now also to a "fat" widget (for LC 8 and 9). **I needed a unique naming system for the kind of the widget and the widget's name in the "Tools" palette. To get less confused when developing... IMPORTANT: T


2018-09-30 Thread hh via use-livecode
Updated to v2.1.1. Made this also to a "fat" widget (for LC 8 and 9) and gave a new name for the Tools palette. The functionality is of v2.1.0, please see here: Download IconGrid89_v211 from "Sample Stacks" or from


2018-10-01 Thread hh via use-livecode
Made the ClockAround widget also to a "fat" widget (for LC 8 and 9) and renamed it for the Tools palette. The sample stack contains buttons for installing/ uninstalling the widget to/ from LC 8 and 9. There is also a substack to display the widget using its outline as windowshape. The widget is


2018-10-01 Thread hh via use-livecode
Updated SVGText to v1.5.1 Made this also to a "fat" widget (for LC 8 and 9) and gave a new name for the Tools palette. IMPORTANT: The kind of the widget has changed to "community.livecode.hermann.svgtext". You may have to adjust some of your scripts accordingly (sorry). SVGText is a widget for d

Re: Will it ever be possible place controls over browser widget?

2018-10-04 Thread hh via use-livecode
See my demo here: Overlays the widget while this plays a video. ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscr

Re: Exiting a repeat loop

2018-10-04 Thread hh via use-livecode
BR, you could try to "send in time" instead of a repeat loop. say use 32 millisecs. Then every action to stop has enough time to come in. ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and ma

Re: Will it ever be possible place controls over browser widget?

2018-10-04 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Bob S. wrote: > I suspect all they did was take the old browser object and wrap > it in a widget that it can respond to and send messages. The widget is more than a simple wrapper. It is more comfortable and works (with the right settings) for most use cases too on linux. TMHO, it is one of th

Community widgets

2018-10-10 Thread hh via use-livecode
The following community widgets are now available as "fat" widgets, that is they are installed or removed for both LC 8 and 9 and they work identically in both. All widgets are available on "Sample Stacks" or via livecodeshare (as given below). An asterisk (*) indicates a new feature (and/or a re

Re: Community widgets

2018-10-10 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Bill P. wrote: > I love the datepicker! Relating to the datepicker widget I should once again acknowledge the basic work of Elanor (calendar widget) and Bernd (additions to the calendar widget) and hints/comments by Bernd. [The algorithms I used are translated to LCB from the LCS of Raspi stack

Re: Confirming a thing about IDs

2018-10-11 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Bob S. wrote: > I think my project has IDs in the millions now. OMG! ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences:

Widget baseClock_v100

2018-10-14 Thread hh via use-livecode
BaseClock is a new widget that displays by special "digits" the time encoded to a number base in range 2-60. Encoded is each of the time items (hours, minutes, seconds). For base 2 this is known as "Binary encoded decimals". The display is unique (I invented that) as it doesn't use characters fo

Re: Widget baseClock_v100

2018-10-15 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Tom G. wrote: > Its interestingWhat is the problem this invention solves? is there a > use case for using such a time format? What did you use it for? This is a "must-do" for a mathematician. To use such solutions for an open problem is in general the job of engineers. I use as desktop the

Re: DatePicker Widget

2018-10-15 Thread hh via use-livecode
Alex, the date picker needs for self-sizing at least "selectedDate" in its property array. So this is minimal and works: on mouseUp put "" into tP["selectedDate"] -- yields "today" popup widget "community.livecode.hermann.datepicker" \ at 100,100 with properties tP if it is not emp

Re: Errant mouseRelease message?

2018-10-15 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Geoff C. wrote: > I fixed that, and I don't know how. Did you already try to solve that by using dragMove instead of mouseMove? ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your

Widget imageWidget_v110

2018-10-17 Thread hh via use-livecode
### v1.0.0 Aug 25, 2018 ... first (nearly) complete version ### v1.1.0 Oct 17, 2018 ... first version on "Sample Stacks" Widget ImageWidget will blow you away. Why? Because it demonstrates the enormous possibilities that LiveCode Builder already provides. I tried to do everything in pure LCB. Ther

Re: Widget imageWidget_v110

2018-10-20 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Malte P. wrote: > Hey HH! Hey Malte! > 1) This is amazingly fast! The judgement of the master of animations ... The speed too blew me away the first time it worked. Everything is done by computing and applying an affine transform for the canvas. > 2) Where do I put the money for the help fun

Re: Widget imageWidget_v110

2018-10-21 Thread hh via use-livecode
Thanks for looking at that, Brian. Your help could make encoding spring to life in LCB. See also bug #20521 and Hermann > Brian M. wrote: > Looks like work was started for adding encoding functions to LCB: > https://githu

Re: Sorting search results - solution needed

2018-10-24 Thread hh via use-livecode
As Craig said, your rules are not consistent to standards: You sort *after* the first period numeric with the exception that leading zeros are "valid". That's why the replace in the following function is needed. This now yields exactly your custom sort order: function gregSort s set itemdel to

Re: Numbering lines

2018-10-27 Thread hh via use-livecode
1. Besides removing scroll-update, which takes most of the time, you could try the following array-methods (which are essentially from my stack , see there card "LineNums, tab "Nb2"). This needs here on a medium fast machine (Mac mini, 2.5G

Re: Numbering lines

2018-10-28 Thread hh via use-livecode
> David G. wrote: > Thanks Geoff, I did play with Split, but one of the reasons for numbering > is to make any identical lines unique. With split, for any that are not, > all but one is deleted. So definitely not the result I wanted. I am not Geoff (who played with the simple array methods I sug

Re: Will it ever be possible place controls over browser widget?

2018-10-28 Thread hh via use-livecode
We already know that this is not possible by "ordinary" controls because the browser widget has a native layer. (Except we"bundle" your controls in a floating window.) But there is one way more (I use it for updating my Textedit widget). Of course you can overlay a browser widget with a browser w

Re: Numbering lines

2018-10-28 Thread hh via use-livecode
>> David G. wrote: >> Thanks Geoff, I did play with Split, but one of the reasons for numbering >> is to make any identical lines unique. With split, for any that are not, >> all but one is deleted. So definitely not the result I wanted. From that previous answer I concluded you intend to index

Re: Numbering lines

2018-10-28 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Alex T. wrote: > You require to keep the line ordering completely unchanged - > and Hermann's superfast method can't meet that need. > JLG wrote: > You're right, split deletes duplicates. In fact, I use it as a quick way > to do just that. You are both spendidly wrong: Could you please simply

Re: Numbering lines

2018-10-28 Thread hh via use-livecode
What's interesting with that is once again a comparison LC 6 against LC 9. I tested with 1 lines of text (King James bible, Genesis up to 5|16) and *non-wrapping fields*, separator tab: LC 9.0.1 needs in average 370 ms for numbering, 330 ms for denumbering, LC 6.7.11 needs in average 170 ms

Re: Numbering lines

2018-10-28 Thread hh via use-livecode
Alex, you and JLG are important LiveCoders. What you say has double weight. >From that alone you should double check what you claim to be true. Wrong assertions are no argument against a method but speed is one, of course. Anyway, it is fine that David G. has now a fast way to do his work. _

Re: Will it ever be possible place controls over browser widget?

2018-10-28 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Tom G. wrote: > ...just out of curiosityis it just on my system ? or the right click > grab of the widget doesn't work? Sorry, I wrote this while updating my TextEdit widget (which will allow to grab the widget). But the browser widget doesn't pass "mouseDown", so the mouseDown handler here

Re: Numbering lines

2018-10-29 Thread hh via use-livecode
> JLG wrote: > > > hh wrote: > > Alex, > > you and JLG are important LiveCoders. What you say has double weight. > > From that alone you should double check what you claim to be true. > > Well, at least I have finally become "splendid" at something. > > I can't decide whether you are being ru

Re: How to update a css file when using the Browser widget

2018-11-04 Thread hh via use-livecode
To disable caching of an input css file (or js script file) this works with every browser: Either change the file name of the input file or add a counter value (or timestamp) to the filename, for example ___ use-livecode mailing list use-livecode@lists

Re: How to update a css file when using the Browser widget

2018-11-04 Thread hh via use-livecode
> James H. wrote: > Context: I want to be able to change the font-size displayed > in the browser. The pages being displayed all use the same > external css. I thought that by changing the font-size > definition with the css and saving it back to disk, a reload > of the page would use the new setti

Re: Do javascript function in browser widget?

2018-11-06 Thread hh via use-livecode
Browser widget usage examples: ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences: http://lists.runre

Re: Do javascript function in browser widget?

2018-11-06 Thread hh via use-livecode
Most examples of that link assume that you have control of the pages. And most use the js of the browser widget as "helper" only, the widget doesn't display anything (is hidden). Now you wrote that you don't have control. So your "first experiments" method is one way to go, then you have full con

Re: How to tell if the page displayed in the Browser widget has scrolled

2018-11-08 Thread hh via use-livecode
The following works for me. Write this code into a variable or a field: window.onscroll = function() { if (window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset >= document.body.offsetHeight) liveCode.jsNotify('I am at the bottom'); }; (a) Then script: do in widget "browser" if you can't control the htmltext

Re: How to tell if the page displayed in the Browser widget has scrolled

2018-11-08 Thread hh via use-livecode
James. You are looking for difficulties that are not present. A. Do once: A1. put into widget's or card's script (this is a javaScriptHandler): on jsNotify v put the seconds &": "& v into fld "info" -- or your action end jsNotify A2. From a button or msg (or use the property inspector): put

Re: How to tell if the page displayed in the Browser widget has scrolle

2018-11-09 Thread hh via use-livecode
> James H. wrote: > I added the "window.onscroll" function definition to the > same handler I use to adjust the font-size of the page > being displayed as I know that works there. Did you add it separated by ";"? For the command do js in widget "Browser" *** the string js is not allowed to contain

Re: How to diagnose browser widget JS handlers failing silently?

2018-11-14 Thread hh via use-livecode
You can use the params to see what arrives. Most probably you didn't convert the parameters of the handler in the JavaScript to arrays or strings. LiveCode expects strings or arrays as params of javaScriptHandlers. So "combine" on the LC side and/or ".toString()" on the JS side are your friends.

Re: map widget

2018-11-14 Thread hh via use-livecode
[Dictionary/map] set the region of widget "Map" to "55.9533,-3.1883, 10, 10" The region of a map widget is a tuple describing the map region currently displayed; the first two items are the centerCoordinates and the second two the span. set the centerCoordinates of widget "Map" to "55.9533,-3.18

Re: bignum math library

2018-11-18 Thread hh via use-livecode
On LC Global (Nov 2018, Monthly report) Kevin and Ali announced among others "Decimal Number Implementation", see my screenshot This is probably close to an arbitrary-precision Decimal type, I know the javascript version:

Re: bignum math library

2018-11-19 Thread hh via use-livecode
Here's a scenario that makes your scripts nevertheless valuable. If they implement "Decimal number" for LC Builder, what I hope, because the numbers implementation in LCB is rather uncomplete. ___ use-livecode mailing list

Re: Browser widget and PDFs

2018-11-22 Thread hh via use-livecode
If the PDF is embedded by ordinary HTML (= set url of the browser widget or use in its htmlText , or ) then you can't decide for the user which plugin to use. But the user can force this for himself by moving the corresponding plugin(s) in/out of the plugins-folder (which is on Mac "/Library/Inte

hhPDFViewer v0.8.0

2018-11-26 Thread hh via use-livecode
Sometimes one wishes to have a unique PDF display, independent of the user's current internet-plugin. Or one wishes to have a feature that these plugins don't have (for example rotation). Then pdf.js comes in. hhPDFViewer is a basic GUI to the JavaScript pdf library "pdf.js" ( https://mozilla.gith

Re: Max number of columns in a datagrid?

2018-11-26 Thread hh via use-livecode
The limit of LC is not the sky but the 65535-limit for coordinates of every object. A line width can't be longer than 65535 pixels. And if you have columns with a width of 11 pixels each, then the right of column 5958 is 65538 what is "off-limits". ___

Re: Safari vs Browser Widget

2018-11-29 Thread hh via use-livecode
The getUserMedia() dialog doesn't work in the browser widget. You could try to do that "as javascript" in your HTML5 app. ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscri

Re: Setting hidden of lines very slow

2018-11-30 Thread hh via use-livecode
If showing *only* lines with colored text means that all others are hidden then you could use: ... set hidden of line i of fld "text" to \ (the textcolor of line i of fld "text" is empty) ... Trevor's script would then read: ... put (tTextA[i]["runs"][1]["style"]["textcolor"] is empty) \

Re: Insert a "Waiting/Busy" Icon Into Browser Widget

2018-11-30 Thread hh via use-livecode
The following works tested here on desktop, should work everywhere where the browser widget works. 1. Overlay browser widget "browser" with a browser widget "loader" (that displays a loading animation). 2. Load the slow loading url into widget "browser". 3. Hide widget "loader" by browserDocumen

Re: Setting hidden of lines very slow

2018-12-01 Thread hh via use-livecode
> Kaveh wrote: > I am looking to hide any line that contains no textcolor anywhere. I already gave you one that hides *exactly* these lines (as you already wished in your first post). > Hermann wrote: > Here yet another fast method. > > on mouseUp > put the millisecs into m1 > lock screen;

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