Bob Sneidar wrote:
> I thought you could embed checkboxes in a data grid?
A DG is a collection of groups. Anything that can be put into a group
can be part of the group that defines the row.
> When have we ever been able to embed another object in a field?
"Embed"? Never. But we can displa
Mark Wieder wrote:
> I'm *very* impressed with Zoom's engineering team, rolling out a new
> version to quash this vulnerability asap. I got prompted to install
> the new version this morning. Upgrading was painless. Not only is
> Zoom being super-responsive about this (and given the publicity lat
Bob Sneidar wrote:
> I just discovered an interesting aspect of script only stacks. They
> CAN have Custom Properties… but ONLY while in memory! Once closed, the
> properties disappear. Seems like a slight mod would be able to save
> these properties as a separate file so that they can remain
> p
Bob Sneidar wrote:
> Hmmm… If that is the case then theoretically, on closeStack the new
> properties could be arrayEncoded and saved to disk, and then on
> openStack they could be read and then arrayDecoded and reset again.
Stacks can also contain controls, each of which can be expressed as an
Bob Sneidar worte:
> Richard wrote:
>> And did you notice Zoom's API docs?
>> I've only started reading them, but the functionality seems like
>> a very empowering compliment to LC's GUI capabilities, esp. for
>> integrating
Bob Sneidar wrote:
> True, but with properties, I can envision a use case for persistent
> values between sessions.
Persistence is essential in many contexts. But is it necessary that
data be bound to code?
Sometimes it is. When it is, is it necessary that the file format be text?
> This
Dan Brown wrote:
> Definitely not a startup, they employ 700 developers in China.
True, "startup" was a bad word choice on my part. I was grasping for a
word that distinguishes them from The Big Five that currently control
nearly everything on the Internet.
In a system as vast and important
J. Landman Gay wrote:
> I have a field that reports a formattedheight of 125396. I want to
> extend it to full height for use inside an enclosing scrolling group.
I see that method used in the Lesson on using a scroller for text as
well, but I've never understood why. What is the advantage of
Bob Sneidar wrote:
> Thanks Terry I did the same thing. The focus is on server performance,
> not client. What I gleaned is that for an individual transaction, the
> difference between a transactional select statement and non is
> indistinguishable to the end user.
The rubric I was given back in
J. Landman Gay wrote:
> @Richard, when developing for desktop you don't need the enclosing
> group, but on mobile you do because acceleratedRendering only applies
> to groups. Without it you can't achieve smooth scrolling. I wish we
> could just set a field to scrolling layermode, it would sure m
J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On April 5, 2020 12:46:19 PM Richard Gaskin wrote:
>> I've had such good luck so far with using scrollers directly on
>> fields that it never occurred to me that accelerated rendering
>> would be useful for field objects.
> If you're using a vScrollbar then no problem.
Bob Sneidar wrote:
> I am creating a client/server socket based app and I am trying to
> develop both the client and server on the same workstation, and I
> am having difficulty. I *think* the issue is that the client and
> server cannot both be on the same system, but I’m not entirely sure.
> I’
J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 4/5/20 1:12 PM, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode wrote:
>> Once I saw that the scroller works well on the field content I've
>> been working with, I added a routine to my mobile lib that
>> automatically removes the vScrollbar from any n
I'm setting up a new machine for Android development.
Where is the one-page list of steps on the site that
reliably guides a new user through this for all supported platforms
(Mac, Win, Linux)?
This one fails:
Bob Sneidar wrote:
> I’m curious though if a library could be created so that a handler for
> a mobile message (let’s say a touch message) could “translate” into a
> desktop message? In this way, the app on the mobile would send a
> mouseUp message to the target.
Why not? Most developers I know
Bob Sneidar wrote:
> I’m curious how this client server method handles multiple
> simultaneous connections? I had the idea of having a listener agent
> spawn an SQL Agent stack the first time a client connected, that would
> then listen on a random port. The listener agent would return the
> rand
Bob Sneidar wrote:
> In review, I tested saving stacks on a standalone Windows Workstation,
> a VMWARE VM on a very robust server host, a Parallels VM on a
> workstation and my Mac. As I am saving the stack, I am watching the
> folder the stack is in. I see the tilde version pop up and go away. O
Alex Tweedly wrote:
> On 06/04/2020 03:55, scott--- via use-livecode wrote:
>>> 1. xTalk features just don't work, or work totally inadequately
>>> (e.g. scrolling fields).
>> I feel this is overly harsh. Livecode fields (and the creation of
>> native UIText fields) do work on mobile. I think the
Colin Holgate wrote:
> On Apr 6, 2020, at 10:14 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>> I'm setting up a new machine for Android development.
>> Where is the one-page list of steps on the site that
>> reliably guides a new user through this for all supported platforms
>> (Mac, Win, Linux)
Bob Sneidar wrote:
> On Apr 6, 2020, at 9:28 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>> Your application writing data to disk is a very different thing from
>> Windows Desktop Explorer automatically refreshing a directory view.
> Control doesn’t return to the application until the tilde version goes
> away
Colin Holgate wrote:
> You may have read the path where tools are as being where you need to
> point LiveCode to. Point LiveCode to ~/Library/Android/SDK, and not
> ~/Library/Android/SDK/Tools
Thank you, Colin. ~/Android/SDK/ is where I pointed it (Ubuntu 18.04).
Richard Gaskin
Fourth Wo
Skip Kimpel wrote:
> Richard,
> It took me two attempts at the Android Studio install. I realized
> during the first attempt that I had cut it short before it had
> finished everything. After re-installing, it worked just fine.
Thank you, Skip (and good to see you back on this list, BTW).
When a desktop theme manager isn't available, LC reverts to its built-in
emulated Motif, hence the odd appearance (which is awesome if you love
NeXT, and horribly confusing to literally every newcomer if they're not
ancient enough to remember the old Unix UI and know the intricacies of
Bob Sneidar wrote:
> I was a big believer that SSL was never going to be compromised… until
> it was. The retooling of industry security standards over the last 6
> years or so has taught me the opposite: NEVER rely on out of the box
> security if you can help it.
After acknowledging how bugs ca
J. Landman Gay wrote:
> I want a property or setting that lets me turn off this default
> behavior. It's annoying and disruptive, and has been there since
> day one.
I lost count of how many times I've seen that come up in the forums over
the years.
What you propose seems reasonable and usefu
Thanks for the example, Bob. Yes, it does seem very conclusive.
Do you know if there's an existing bug report for this?
I've seen a few other Win-specific reports, but the ones I recall were
mostly about file I/O, and I don't recall one for network I/O.
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Syste
Andre Garzia wrote:
> I just reinstalled LC and Devolution here but every time I try opening
> any of the panes, it does an audible chime. Trying to click any of the
> tabs in the first pane (the one with about, check for updates, etc)
> just sounds the chime and doesn't change anything. It feels
Neville Smythe wrote:
> Richard wrote
>> Bob Sneidar wrote:
>>> In review, I tested saving stacks on a standalone Windows
>>> Workstation, a VMWARE VM on a very robust server host, a
>>> Parallels VM on a workstation and my Mac. As I am saving
>>> the stack, I am watching the folder the stack i
Great test set, Neville. Thanks for posting that link.
The hardware on my Linux and Win boxes is so different I don't have a
strong opinion there. But I did modify your main test script to see what
I might learn from isolating the file I/O from the stack serialization:
on mouseUp
put word 2
Ralph DiMola wrote:
LC 9.5.1
Win 10 Hyper-V VM with 8 processors assigned
Stack and data on smb served by VM host.
Host ==> i7 6700 3.40Ghz 16 Gig
saving data took 38.46 seconds
8.183708 MB
LC 9.5.1
MacBook Pro Early 2011 OSX 10.13.1 16 Gig
Stack and data on smb served by the aforementioned
Ralph DiMola wrote:
> 0.033 shift key down
> 28-30 seconds shift key up.
It's almost like the stack file takes longer, if only the difference
were more clearly evident. :)
I'll include your results with the test data I'll add to the report.
Thanks for running that.
Richard Gaskin
Neville Smythe wrote:
> I have updated the SlowSave test stack with Richard's enhancement to
> also show the time to save the binary data (no need to use the shift
> button)
> Pleased to see everyone is seeing the pro
The speed difference with stack files seems to be that there's high
overhead for each write on Windows 10, and stack files are written on a
series of small writes.
Given this, which would make more sense?:
a) Serialize objects to one buffer in memory
and flush to disk in one write
Bob Sneidar wrote:
>> On Apr 8, 2020, at 11:16 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>> Better still, see the last comment on that page. :)
>> It kinda fits Brian's observation about how the stack file is
>> written in a series of small writes, one per object.
> Yes, but I have saved stacks with both
Martin Koob wrote:
> Just an OT comment with a tangential link to LiveCode.
> "People who are conversant in terse languages, like C, do not like
> COBOL because it's very wordy. You say things out in plain English
> sentences and before you even get down to doing anything you have
> to des
Graham Samuel wrote:
> Folks, yet again I don’t know where to look for an answer in the LC
> documentation.
> The issue is the enormous variety of screen sizes on smart phones. For
> example the iPhone XS Max has 1242 pixels width, the iPhone 5 has 640.
> And there are many many more before we
Ralph DiMola wrote:
From App developer email I just received:
> Please note that all apps that authenticate or set up user accounts
> must support Sign in with Apple if required by guideline 4.8 of the
> App Store Review Guidelines. New apps must follow guideline 4.8 and
> Human Interface Guide
Matthias Rebbe wrote:
> So let us keep our fingers crossed that Apple does not change the
> exceptions.
The debacle around iOS SDK v4.0 Section 3.3.1 in 2010 reminds us to
remain wary of such things at all times...
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems
Software Design and Development for t
Tom Glod wrote:
> There is cisco's openh264 codec which they open sourced. So that is a
> potential solution that would have to include the livecode team.
Super-cool, Tom. Thanks for posting that.
It's an impressive work, both technically for its breadth of
Earlier I wrote:
> Bob Sneidar wrote:
> >> On Apr 8, 2020, at 11:16 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
> >>
> >> Better still, see the last comment on that page. :)
> >>
> >> It kinda fits Brian's observation about how the stack file is
> >> written in a series of small writes, one per object.
> >
Brian Milby wrote:
> I also built a stack last year to show how much space is not used when
> using different modes. I'll see if I can locate that and make it
> available.
Useful I'm sure, but this lesson about using fullScreenMode as an option
for handling different screen sizes includes illu
Brian Milby wrote:
> I'm going to be that guy who replies to himself...
> I just imported a 500kb image to the card, removed the text from the
> field, created 300 cards. 0.756 seconds normal (171MB). 1.124 from a
> variable. (image instead of text) 8.311 seconds normal (8.2MB). 0.047
> from
Graham Samuel wrote:
> Thanks Richard, for that typically useful reply! I have indeed written
> many a resize handler, but getting back into this stuff I was struck
> by how messy it can get. Right now I don’t even know if say a field
> with 12 point type in it has to be changed to a smaller or la
. Landman Gay wrote:
I hadn't seen that lesson before. They didn't include showAll though.
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jacque at
HyperActive Software |
On April 10, 2020 12:11:40 PM Richard Gaskin via use-livecode
Brian Milby wrote:
Mark Wieder wrote:
> Of course, a "standard" app will soon become compulsory for tracking
> and permission to be out on the street, as it did in China.
If compulsory, the first thing I'll do
kee nethery wrote:
> Am unable to search and get results.
> 9.5.1 on MacOS Indy Edition Build 15505
> Have gone to web site and it too is unresponsive.
> In specific I’d like to get a stack that can read or parse a QR code.
Confirmed here in v9.6dp3.
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Syste
Graham Samuel wrote:
> Still, subject closed - I presume the mother ship has long ago decided
> not to enhance LC in this respect any time soon.
Not at all. I noticed this thread got off on the tangent of codec
specifics, but never addressed your core question:
LiveCode can play all of those
Graham Samuel wrote:
> Well, Richard, as usual you say something informative and useful!
> I didn’t know that LC could play a sound file in MP3 format.
LC's Player control uses the host OS's playback engine, so as long as
the OS-supplied media player can handle a format, LC should be able to
Back in the day I could easily make a sort of keyhole effect, in which I
used one graphic to obscure an image, and a second graphic on top as a
mask to define a shape (such as a keyhole) through which I could see a
portion of the image.
It was done easily enough with inks.
Inks that, it seems
Brian Milby wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 5:32 PM Richard Gaskin wrote:
>> Back in the day I could easily make a sort of keyhole effect, in
>> which I used one graphic to obscure an image, and a second graphic
>> on top as a mask to define a shape (such as a keyhole) through
>> which I could
Monte Goulding wrote:
> If I understand what you want correctly then:
> Create image
> Create mask object
> Group both
> Set the ink of the mask object to blendDstIn
> Set the ink of the group to blendSrcOver
Super, Monte. That works well.
I was up late with a tool I'd made to let me walk thr
Mark Waddingham wrote:
> On 2020-04-15 02:30, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode wrote:
>> Monte Goulding wrote:
>>> If I understand what you want correctly then:
>>> Create image
>>> Create mask object
>>> Group both
Graham Samuel wrote:
> I’ve recently bought Mobile Native Essential pack...
Curious, I looked it up.
Who is "LiveCode Factory" (the vendor), and how is anything labeled
"essential" not in the base install? Is it essential or not?
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems
Software Design and
doc hawk wrote:
> It’s no substitute for GitHub and the like, but I have a rather simple
> system that intercepts saveStackRequest, checks the date, and saves a
> new version with the date as part of the name. I also have a bmpVrsn
> routine that can be used to advance a letter during the day, s
J. Landman Gay wrote:
> So what I did was use a round-rect graphic as a button. Set the
> linesize to 1 and the round radius to 8. You can set the border color
> and the text color.
Using the graphic is a much better choice than a roundRect button,
because the button uses an older non-antialias
For years I've relied on the mouseColor to pick up colors for my
layouts, but lately I've found something weird:
Most of the time it works, but sometimes it return "0,0,0" over things I
know aren't black.
For example, this morning it's returning that color of a large block of
solid light gre
Graham (and Brahmanathaswami may enjoy this too):
I've been itching to write a tutorial on using specific object placement
("Responsive Design", as the kids call it) to compliment the Lesson
we've had for years on the other mobile layout option, FullScreenMode.
I had a few minutes over the we
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems
Alex Tweedly wrote:
On 27/04/2020 21:29, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode wrote:
I've been itching to write a tutorial on using specific object
placement ("Responsive Design", as the kids call it) to compliment the
Lesson we've had for
Thank you for your feedback, Graham.
If it takes more than a quick skim to get to the "a ha!" of using groups
well to reduce scripting, I'll bet I can revise that to be clearer.
Help me understand something - anyone, please chime in:
Resizable windows have been around since the dawn of GUI OS
You never need an excuse with me. On the contrary, having an adventurous
mind hardly needs an excuse at all.
In fact, where you're headed is a potentially exciting place.
I have a need for something tangentially related for a web production
tool, where I need to reproduce in an LC lib some of
J. Landman Gay wrote:
> I think the solution has to be in the engine. I'm in trouble.
Even if you find a workaround, I hope the engine team understands that
it's a workaround, and has interest in letting us work in ways that are
far less strangely counterintuitive that having to wrap a field i
What happens if you make a copy of the HC standalone file, delete the
resources, and change the file's type fom 'APPL' to 'STAK'?
Can you then open the remaining data fork in an older version of LC to
bring it into the modern world?
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems
Software Design an
J. Landman Gay wrote:
On 5/2/20 6:04 PM, Colin Holgate via use-livecode wrote:
>> As it’s a standalone application I can’t easily get at the stack,
>> but feel sure there was a way to hack the stack out of a standalone.
> There was, only I can't remember the details either. But I do remember
J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 5/2/20 8:20 PM, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode wrote:
>> LiveCode is nearly unmatched for making desktop apps, but for
>> mobile development there are so many unfinished edges it's barely
>> a contender for anyone not already heavily in
Paul McClernan wrote:
> That old HC stack that removes the HC engine leaving only a stack file
> is here:
From the link:
This stack 'deconverts' HyperCard standalone applications into
stacks by removing the 'stock' standalone
Mark Wieder wrote:
On 5/5/20 4:47 PM, Trevor DeVore via use-livecode wrote:
>> I don't use HTML deployment myself, but thought I would mention that
>> there has been some emscripten activity in GitHub lately. Looks like
>> WebAssembly (WASM) support is being added.
> Yeah, I saw the github
zryip theSlug wrote:
> datagrids are using virtual properties, so you can't lock the
> messages.
Reminds me: we have a request to do away with that,since it complicates
a lot of otherwise-powerful-and-simple things we can do with custom
A while back Mark Waddingham reviewed the sit
Erik Beugelaar wrote:
> It would be great if a lesson comes available how to create streaming
> apps with LC.
Thank you for your interest. I'll do that, but it'll have to wait until
I finish some client projects first.
In the meantime, the beauty of this approach is its simplicity. Like
Pi Digital wrote:
> Richard wrote:
>> But most apps that might make good candidates for LC's HTML export
>> have characteristics that lend themselves very well to not doing HTML
>> at all, instead using a one-time download of an LC standalone which
>> then downloads and runs stack files (a practi
David Bovill wrote:
> WASM support is very important to Livecode future. It will address
> most of the problems of current HTML5 deployment
WASM will definitely benefit the two most visible issues, load time and
Performance is an unqualified benefit, but with load time the benefi
Mark Waddingham wrote:
On 2020-05-06 17:36, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode wrote:
A while back Mark Waddingham reviewed the situation and decided that
getProp and setProp were indeed more rightly in the category of custom
messages rather than system messages, and as such should ideally be
Keith Clarke wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Which distro(s) would you recommend for a Linux newbie as the easiest
> way to repurpose an old PC, Mac Laptop or Mini to host Livecode Server
> for lightweight ‘LAMP/LAML' dev/test dabbling?
> I’ve never had a Linux desktop machine and server-wise, never had to
> How can I activate the "About MyApp" under the Apple menu?
On other OSes the "About" item is usually the last item in the Help
menu. If you put your About item there, you'll find that when LC
automatically translates its menu objects for the Mac menu bar it'll
move your
> Here is on example of what I tried:
> on mouseup
> put “/Desktop/test files/Test.pdf” into temp
> open printing to pdf temp
> print cd 1 from (topleft of cd 1) to (bottomright of cd 1)
> close printing
> put the result
> end mouseup
"the result" returns exception in
Peter Reid wrote:
> ...several of the LiveCode staff use the Atom text editor.
That may explain the state of LC's Script Editor.
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems
Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
Graham Samuel wrote:
> I’m using LC 9.6.0 rc1 on a Mac. Just now I did something very simple
> that didn’t work. I created a label field, opened the Property
> Inspector for the field and changed its text - that worked. Then I
> attempted to change the font size - that didn’t work. The appearance
Graham Samuel wrote:
> To an ordinary LC developer, if you can change the properties of the
> initial text (to a different size for example) without overtly
> selecting it, then the same behaviour can be expected from the IDE
> when trying to change text you’ve pasted in. It may or may not be
> s
Graham Samuel wrote:
> Well, I am happy to be wrong, so I repeated exactly what you did, of
> course using my own bit of styled text. It didn’t work - partly
> because I can only select the text in the field itself in ‘run’ mode,
> but I can only see the Inspector in ‘edit’ mode. When I switch be
It would be helpful to have a convenient way to obtain the URL to the
latest stable version of LC Server, to automate deployments.
I don't believe the company provides that, do they?
Without a company-maintained URL, I suppose one could write a function
that relies on a scraper for the downloa
JeeJeeStudio wrote:
> Op 20-5-2020 om 21:18 schreef Richard Gaskin via use-livecode:
>> It would be helpful to have a convenient way to obtain the URL to the
>> latest stable version of LC Server, to automate deployments.
>> I don't believe the company provide
or your answer.
Op 21-5-2020 om 18:21 schreef Richard Gaskin via use-livecode:
JeeJeeStudio wrote:
> Op 20-5-2020 om 21:18 schreef Richard Gaskin via use-livecode:
>> It would be helpful to have a convenient way to obtain the URL to the
>> latest stable version of LC Server, to aut
Ralph DiMola wrote:
I use the commercial server so I can use password encrypted stacks.
I have an app that the customer required encryption of all data and source
code. The library stack is in the iOS app/APK is also used on the backend
server. I don't want to have to strip the passcode from the
Graham Samuel wrote:
> In desktop apps, at least on the Mac, one has an “About” box where
> you can put acknowledgements of the use of copyright material and
> any other info like the version number of the app. There isn’t such
> a provision in a mobile app, is there? Is there any convention for
should be in the user guide...
> On Tue, 12 May 2020 at 00:42, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode <
> use-livecode at> wrote:
>> GEORGE WOOD wrote:
>> > How can I activate the "About MyApp" under the Apple menu?
>> O
in the user guide...
>> On Tue, 12 May 2020 at 00:42, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode <
>> use-livecode at> wrote:
>>> GEORGE WOOD wrote:
>>>> How can I activate the "About MyApp" under the Apple men
So many discussions of which build goes with which version of this
component and that OS and workarounds for chains of dependencies...
Is this really as good as it gets when using a non-Apple dev tool?
Anyone here build iOS apps in anything other than LC or XCode - is
everything out there this
Alex Tweedly wrote:
> Re. a PR to change it, it does seem it will run into concerns about
> backward compatability. Is it likely to succeed to propose a new
> URL-type - maybe "textfile".
What exactly does the PR do?
If it changes default Mac line endings from CR to LF, thumbs up.
macOS is a c
Richmond wrote:
> If some of these types who go on endlessly about anything that might
> be vaguely construed as 'racist' were capable of slightly more subtle
> thought they might examine intentions: after all if we all judged
> people on what they looked like most of us would be out of a job and
The Browser widget doesn't work on Linux, and hasn't for a good many years.
Possibly related, I recently discovered that the OAuth authentication
window so completely hangs LiveCode that a force-reboot is required
(yes, bug report forthcoming, when I have time and temperament for that
sort of
Mark Wieder wrote:
On 6/7/20 1:17 AM, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode wrote:
What is needed to make the Browser widget work in LC's Linux engine?
Sounds like the Browser widget is completely DO
Brian Milby wrote:
I think it should be relatively easy to fix the OAuth2 library such that it
works on Linux. Currently it does use the browser widget for a better user
experience, but it should be able to launch the URL and use the system's
default browser. Is there any interest in a PR for
William Prothero wrote:
> Probably HTML5 would be better, ultimately. But, I look at the HTML5
> postings, limitations, and quirks and it would most likely require me
> to become an expert in javascript and various server technologies that
> put me over the interest level that would be required.
John McKenzie wrote:
Could you not just deploy a Linux desktop Livecode app to a
Chromebook? ChromeOS is a Linux distribution, if admittedly a stripped
down one, after all.
Alas, while ChromeOS is based on the Linux kernel, everything above the
kernel is different (desktop manager, composito
William de Smet wrote:
I am a longtime user of Chromebooks in education and most 'cheap'
Chromebooks' come with only 4 GB RAM.
The Chrome browser itself uses a lot of RAM already and my experience with
Android apps on Chromebooks is that they are slow (lack of available RAM)
or sometimes not full
Ralph DiMola wrote:
> I did not know that. I thought all DNS was case insensitive not just
> the TLD. I never seen it to the contrary.
> The Unicode thing is scary though. It validates my surfing habits. I
> never use email links. If I get an email from say my bank I always
> type the URL into
Heriberto Torrado wrote:
> I read this thread, but it's old and it is not very clear to me.
> I have the same problem than "Havanna".
> About six years ago I developed a Livecode desktop app for my company.
> Several employees open and clos
Heriberto Torrado wrote:
> 4 Billions is a lot, but I think it could be possible to reach it
> using some kind of automation tool. I'm thinking about a stock
> exchange app or something that uses many changes and/or math
> calculations and it is displayed on a real time on a created field
> at r
On the use-livecode list you wrote:
> Hey Alex,
> Public Domain it is. I’ve set it free couple. of years back, as I am
> essentially no longer writing code. :-) Still following LiveCodes
> progress with interest though. :-)
> Cheers,
> Malte
If you're no coding, what are you up to these da
D'oh! My bad, I'd meant to not take up list space with this.
But we all love Malte, and maybe he won't mind taking a moment to let us
know what he's working on lately.
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems
Colin wrote:
We’re all curious!
On Jun 29, 2020, at 9:26 AM
I've been working with the Oauth2 lib included with v9 (superhandy,
team, thanks!), and I've run into a snag:
When I call it, the browser widgets opens and goes to the authentication
provider (in this case Office 365), and authentication seems to work well.
However, at that point I'd expect t
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