LiveCode 6.6.5 vs 6.7

2014-11-18 Thread René Micout
Hello everybody, I use LC 6.6.5 for my musical applications. Everything works fine. In contrast with LC 6.7 the same applications have slowdowns when intervening in real time during the course of the program (for example changes to the settings). Which may not be noticed visually, is totally una

Re: LiveCode 6.6.5 vs 6.7

2014-11-18 Thread René Micout
Le 18 nov. 2014 à 10:23, René Micout a écrit : > Hello everybody, > I use LC 6.6.5 for my musical applications. Everything works fine. In > contrast with LC 6.7 the same applications have slowdowns when intervening in > real time during the course of the program (for example ch

Re: LiveCode 6.6.5 vs 6.7

2014-11-18 Thread René Micout
Thank you Sean, Malte and Martin, But my changes are done in real time during the running process (the music is playing and, by example, I click on a slider to modify volume… When I use the slider the music slow down). But I have no insert “Lock screen” yet… and I don’t know if the problem will b

Re: Playing musical notes in LC

2014-12-13 Thread René Micout
Hello, You can see here : Bon souvenir de Paris René Le 12 déc. 2014 à 19:44, Timothy Miller a écrit : > IIRC, there was once a time, perhaps antediluvian, when the command “Play G3” > would play a G below middle C. The user could also specify a duration, I > thi

LiveCode 6 and making standalone

2015-01-13 Thread René Micout
Hello everybody, Macintosh Yosemite. When I construct a standalone with LiveCode 6, I choose “Move substacks into individual stackfiles” (for saving data in substack) this works with LC 6.6.3 > In the /Contents/MacOS/ of my application (ctrl + clic) I have 1 file (exec) + several stacks (substack

6.7.2 and Yosemite

2015-01-14 Thread René Micout
Hello, I read in LiveCode 6.7.2-rc-1 Release Notes 1/8/15, page # 4 : The Mac engine supports: 10.6.x (Snow Leopard) on Intel 10.7.x (Lion) on Intel 10.8.x (Mountain Lion) on Intel 10.9.x (Mavericks) on Intel What about Yosemite ? No compatible ? Tristement de Paris (sadly from Paris) René

Re: LiveCode 6 and making standalone

2015-01-14 Thread René Micout
> Le 13 janv. 2015 à 18:07, René Micout a écrit : > > Hello everybody, > Macintosh Yosemite. > When I construct a standalone with LiveCode 6, I choose “Move substacks into > individual stackfiles” (for saving data in substack) > this works with LC 6.6.3 > In th

Re: LiveCode 6 and making standalone

2015-01-14 Thread René Micout
> Le 14 janv. 2015 à 10:19, René Micout a écrit : > > >> Le 13 janv. 2015 à 18:07, René Micout a écrit : >> >> Hello everybody, >> Macintosh Yosemite. >> When I construct a standalone with LiveCode 6, I choose “Move substacks into >> indivi

Re: LiveCode 6 and making standalone

2015-01-14 Thread René Micout
> Le 14 janv. 2015 à 17:26, Dave Kilroy a écrit : > > Dear Tristement de Paris > > What you are experiencing sounds similar to what led me to file this bug > report: ( Thank you Dave… I put a commentary (14295) René

Re: Storing and saving a setting in a stand alone

2015-01-15 Thread René Micout
> Le 15 janv. 2015 à 15:08, a écrit : > > Hi. > > > Are you talking about the fact that a single stack, which is the executable > if you save it as a standalone, cannot save to itself? If so, there are > several threads on the forums that address this. My favorite is the "spla

Re: Storing and saving a setting in a stand alone

2015-01-15 Thread René Micout
> Le 15 janv. 2015 à 15:17, a écrit : > > Rene. > > > OOOH. > > > You know, recently I tried to make a "splash" standalone in 6.7, the first I > needed to in a while (the last was in 5.x) and it would not work. I thought > it was something I was doing wrong, but was not on m

Re: A code style question

2015-01-22 Thread René Micout
> Le 21 janv. 2015 à 18:54, Ken Ray a écrit : > > easier/shorter then: > >switch (the platform) >case "MacOS" >put "Finder" into tReference >break >case "Win32" >put "Explorer" into tReference >break >default >

Re: A code style question

2015-01-23 Thread René Micout
Thank you Bob ! :-) René > Le 23 janv. 2015 à 23:22, Bob Sneidar a écrit : > > Shorter still: > > switch (the platform) > case “MacOS” ; put "Finder" into tReference ; break > case “Win32” ; put "Explorer" into tReference ; break > default ; put "Desktop" into tReference > en

Re: [ANN] Text to speech for iOS.

2015-06-24 Thread René Micout
Great ! > Le 24 juin 2015 à 14:36, Thierry Douez a écrit : > > Dear iOS LiveCoders, > > I'm pleased to annouce the first release of sunnYtext2speech, > a text to speech external for iOS. > > > > A trial version with a demo stack is also available. > > Ki

Re: [OT] A short history of GIF

2014-05-03 Thread René Micout
Le 3 mai 2014 à 12:23, Thierry Douez a écrit : > > > Enjoy :) > > Thierry Ah ! Je comprends mieux maintenant (le) GIF > tout est en pâte à modeler… ;-) ___ use-livecode mailing list use-livecode@lists.r

Re: Checking on the status of playing sounds in LC

2014-07-09 Thread René Micout
See also « SunnYmidi » : Bon souvenir de Paris René Le 9 juil. 2014 à 10:55, Geoff Canyon a écrit : > Am I correct that LC's support for playing multiple sounds simultaneously > is limited? For example, if I wanted to make a guitar simulator, allowing > the user to

Re: For yer eddification

2014-10-09 Thread René Micout
Très drôle ! Le 8 oct. 2014 à 19:47, Richmond a écrit : > On 08/10/14 20:28, Colin Holgate wrote: >> I was on Unst for 18 months. That’s the top island of the Shetlands, that he >> is pointing to. They don’t quite speak the same Scottish there. > > On Unst they don't speak Scots at all: they s

Re: Free LiveCode eBook

2011-04-20 Thread René Micout
This is my "system" (some french words : sorry) : -- PRÉFIXES (types des objets) : -- ku = constante (unitaire) kt = constante (tableau) > utiliser plutôt une custom property -- vg = variable globale [stack] vt = variable globale (tableau) [stack] vl = variable locale [scr

Re: QR code algo in LC?

2011-04-21 Thread René Micout
Hello Richard, Have you see that ? Bon souvenir de Paris René Le 21 avr. 2011 à 19:26, Richard Gaskin a écrit : > Anyone here made a LiveCode library to make or read QR codes? > > I know there are many sites

Re: QR code algo in LC?

2011-04-21 Thread René Micout
Precisions : René Le 21 avr. 2011 à 19:41, René Micout a écrit : > Hello Richard, > Have you see that ? > > Bon

[ANN] HUD Panel Factory

2011-04-21 Thread René Micout
Hello, I have uploaded "HUD Panel Factory" on RevOnline. This is a little tool to create HUD Panel Mac OS X. In French and in English — En français et en anglais. Free and free of charge... My second contribution to the LiveCode community. René ___ use-li

[ANN] HUD Panel Factory

2011-04-22 Thread René Micout
Hello everybody, I have uploaded [Rev Online] version 1.1 of the HUD Panel Factory for Mac OS X ans iOS (Hello Thomas !). After use for my own project > some modifications : - Changing the threshold of minimum dimensions: minimum dimensions (width, height) = 40 pixels, minimum dimensions with arr

Re: [ANN] HUD Panel Factory

2011-04-22 Thread René Micout
You are welcome John ! Le 22 avr. 2011 à 15:48, John Dixon a écrit : > > René > > Really nice... Well done ! > > John Dixon > >> From: >> Subject: [ANN] HUD Panel Factory >> Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2011 15:11:07 +0200 >> To: >> >> Hello eve

Re: how to get a clickable map over an image?

2011-04-27 Thread René Micout
Merci Klaus ! Very useful... René (sous le soleil de Paris et non de San Jose) Le 27 avr. 2011 à 12:24, Klaus on-rev a écrit : > Hi Tiemo, > >> Hi, >> >> Is there still anybody left, not being in San Jose? > > Yep, me :-) > >> I am trying to get multiple polygon shaped areas clickable within

Re: Live LiveCode Code Event #22

2011-05-05 Thread René Micout
Hello Mark, TidBits > (3w) and not (2w) ;-) René Le 5 mai 2011 à 17:09, Mark Schonewille a écrit : > Dear folks, > > It is a big pleasure to announce the 21st edition of the Live LiveCode Code > Event with two interesting presentations. This weekend's event is scheduled

Re: Hide group on click

2011-05-06 Thread René Micout
Hello Richmond, It is not a probem for French people because "visible" is an adjective ANd a name Sous le soleil de Paris René Le 6 mai 2011 à 14:35, Richmond Mathewson a écrit : > On 05/06/2011 03:26 PM, Colin Holgate wrote: >> "visibility" ought to be a synonym along with "vis". >> > I don't

Re: Hide group on click

2011-05-07 Thread René Micout
set the visible of me to (not the visible of me) ? visible and nor visibility (?) Le 6 mai 2011 à 13:13, Keith Clarke a écrit : > Hi folks, > I have a help 'draw' group that toggles open/closed (well, visible > true/false) by mouseUp on a nearby help icon. However, I'd also like to have > the d

Re: Live LiveCode Code Event #22

2011-05-07 Thread René Micout
egards, > > Mark Schonewille > > Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering > Homepage: > Twitter: > KvK: 50277553 > > New: Download the Installer Maker Plugin 1.6 for LiveCode here >

Re: Gradients on buttons?

2011-05-11 Thread René Micout
Thank you Bernd ! Beautiful work ! Just a question : why no "Lucida grande" font ? Bon souvenir de Paris René Le 11 mai 2011 à 12:06, BNig a écrit : > Hi Keith, > > at present Livecode is not very good in the mobile environment at rendering > gradients and graphic effects. > Images are OK. Even

Re: Gradients on buttons?

2011-05-11 Thread René Micout
Thank you again Bernd ! I am a Mac addict... And I think I can use this for Mac button also... and "Lion" shows the tip of his nose... So... René Le 11 mai 2011 à 13:02, BNig a écrit : > Hi René, > > thank you. > > > I seem to recollect that Lucida Grande is not used on the iPhone but I may >

Re: Customize Scrollbar Thumb?

2011-05-12 Thread René Micout
Hello Carly, Did you think "the thumb of a slider" or "the thumb of a scrollbar" ? René Le 12 mai 2011 à 17:32, Carly J. Born a écrit : > Hello! > > I'm new-ish to this list (been hovering for a while), but it's my first post. > Forgive me if I am missing something obvious. > > Is it possibl

Re: [OT] Pirate software in Germany?

2011-05-22 Thread René Micout
Hello Richmond, Le 22 mai 2011 à 09:17, Richmond Mathewson a écrit : > 2.2. the fact that the myth of "everything that isn't Windows-based is > horribly > difficult to use" is only a myth. Yes > Macintosh ! ;-) ___ use-livecode mailing l

Re: Ken's Custom Control thingy

2011-05-26 Thread René Micout
:-) Bon souvenir de Paris René Le 26 mai 2011 à 05:29, Ken Ray a écrit : > >> I was watching Ken on the Simulcast, and he was showing a really cool little >> tool to make building custom controls easier. At least I think he was. Or >> maybe I was dreaming :>) >> >> Did that thing get release

Re: [ANN] sunnYmidi: Script your sounds

2011-06-01 Thread René Micout
Hello Thierry, You are welcome (comme disent les anglophones) ! ;-) Bon souvenir de Paris René Le 1 juin 2011 à 10:15, Thierry Douez a écrit : > Hi all, > > I am pleased to announce SunnYmidi. > > SunnYmidi is a simple and powerful tool > to help LiveCode Users add sounds to their stack. > > A

Re: [ANN] DropTools Palette - Makes using and distributing custom controls a breeze

2011-06-05 Thread René Micout
Hello Ken, :-) :-) :-) :-) Bon souvenir de Paris René Le 5 juin 2011 à 09:08, Ken Ray a écrit : > Hey everyone! At the RunRevLive 2011 conference I gave a talk on custom > controls and demonstrated an easy to use method of adding custom controls to > your stacks. It received a lot of great feedba

Re: LIVECODE running in LION

2011-06-08 Thread René Micout
Hello Stephen, Some problem with scroll bars... ?! René Le 8 juin 2011 à 11:10, stephen barncard a écrit : > LIVECODE eems to be running just fine in the 64 bit OS. > > And boy the UI is subtle and beautiful > > 'Native Look and Feel' indeed. > >

Re: LIVECODE running in LION

2011-06-08 Thread René Micout
Hello Sarah, Yes I know, but in Lion (like in iOS) only the dark part of the scroll bar is visible, not the "pipe..." (?) René Le 8 juin 2011 à 12:54, Sarah Reichelt a écrit : > On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 8:02 PM, René Micout > wrote: >> Hello Stephen, >> S

[ANN] New custom control > Circular Slider

2011-06-17 Thread René Micout
Hello, A new little custom control for Macintosh (Windows & Linux also, I suppose...) on revOnline : Search : Circular Slider Store. Bon souvenir de Paris René PS : merci Thierry pour les nouveaux "beep" !! ___ use-livecode mailing list use-livecode@lis

Re: [ANN] New custom control > Circular Slider

2011-06-17 Thread René Micout
It is made with LiveCode 4.6.0 using graphics and "Graphic effects" properties... Someone else met the same problem? René Le 17 juin 2011 à 18:35, AcidJazz a écrit : > Rene, > > Looks very nice, but for me it locks up. When I click on slider it works > great, but it won't allow me to release.

Re: [ANN] New custom control > Circular Slider

2011-06-17 Thread René Micout
Le 17 juin 2011 à 18:59, AcidJazz a écrit : > I should say that it works great on my macbook pro (running LiveCode 4.6.1), > and I also tried it as a revlet in Safari, and works great there too. > > How easy is it to modify these? What kinds of modification would you do? Script? Values?

Re: thanks for the tools

2011-06-18 Thread René Micout
Envoyé de mon iPad Le 18 juin 2011 à 07:11, Ken Ray a écrit : >> Please let me know so I can update it; I'm trying to keep up with all the > custom controls that have been created to make it easier for everyone to > find the controls they need. Hello Ken, I have two other custom controls (?)

Re: [ANN] New custom control > Circular Slider

2011-06-20 Thread René Micout
Ken, I will study the section "Developer info" of your site ""; and I would ask if I need help ... Thank you René Le 18 juin 2011 à 16:18, Ken Ray a écrit : >> A new little custom control for Macintosh (Windows & Linux also, I >> suppose...) >> on re

[ANN] new version of Spinning Wheel (custom control Macintosh OS X)

2011-06-20 Thread René Micout
Hello everybody, RevOnline > New version of Spinning Wheel : Version 1.1 (revision 3) 20 juin 2011 (06/20/2011) Ajout de la version "noire" du Spinning Wheel + amélioration de la portabilité. Add "black" version of Spinning Wheel + improved portability Bon souvenir de Paris René ___

Re: group name persisting

2011-06-22 Thread René Micout
His other message was very strange !!! Le 22 juin 2011 à 15:32, stephen barncard a écrit : > Nice one - who are you? troller or spammer? Or just an fool? > Personal Insults are verbotten here, you will get booted. > > On 22 June 2011 01:05, Luke Hall wrote: > >> >> by sticking ur finger up yo

[ANN] > new version (1.4) of HUD Panel Factory on revOnline

2011-06-23 Thread René Micout
Hello, On revOnline > new version (1.4) of HUD Panel Factory (custom control). Very simple (3 instructions): 1. Choose settings of the desired panel (width, height, arrows, shadow). 2. Click on "Create" button. 3. Drag and drop the panel directly into your stack. You can also (in your stack): disp

Re: [ANN] New custom control > Circular Slider

2011-06-26 Thread René Micout
What is your environnement ? Thank you René Le 26 juin 2011 à 02:21, SparkOut a écrit : > I'm getting the same behaviour as AcidJazz - click on a slider and it works, > but "never lets go" and have to Ctrl+Alt+Del to kill LC in order to get > anything else to respond. > > -- > View this message

Re: SunnYmidi: script your sounds

2011-06-29 Thread René Micout
Hello Thierry, VERY good work !! You have lost (to say) some setups (witch works very well) : chords, arpeggio, reverb, vibrato, panoramic, etc. :-) For the roadmap : 1. load/record Midi files 2. Live Lidi 3. Sysex 4. SoundFiles > SoundFonts ? 5. iOS platform 6. ABC Merci Thierry René Le 29

Re: SunnYmidi: script your sounds

2011-06-29 Thread René Micout
In my own mail > read "2. Live Midi" and not "Live Lidi" !! :-( Le 29 juin 2011 à 16:17, Thierry Douez a écrit : > Bonjour René, > > Thanks for your kind words and the typo correction. > > Sure, it should be read soundFounts and not SoundFiles ! > > Merci > > Thierry > > > Hello Thierry,

Re: Rev Customer Databased Hacked?

2011-07-11 Thread René Micout
Yes, I changed my password... in case... Le 11 juil. 2011 à 15:34, Gregory Lypny a écrit : > Hello everyone, > > Have any of you received this message from Heather? Implications? > > Gregory > > >> Dear Gregory Lypny, >> >> I need to inform you that over the weekend we experienced an attack

[ANN] Update 3 custom controls on RevOnLine

2011-07-11 Thread René Micout
New versions of 3 custom controls on RevOnline : Circular Slider Store: version 1.1 (revision 2) - Replace copy-paste by Drag and Drop. - Remove bug under Windows (0 millisecs) > thank you SparkOut (Simon). Spinner Store: version 1.2 (revision 4) - Changing name: Spinner Store. - Add 12 types of

Mac OS X missing controls in the LiveCode IDE

2011-07-11 Thread René Micout
I made an inventory of missing Mac OS X controls, see list below : 1. Round button 2. • Textured button > (?) 3. ◊ Recessed button > I have a project on it 4. ◊ Disclosure button > I have a project on it 5. • Gradient button > http://www.bu

Re: Mac OS X missing controls in the LiveCode IDE

2011-07-11 Thread René Micout
Le 11 juil. 2011 à 18:46, stephen barncard a écrit : > Perhaps with the new externals interface we can get access to these directly > from the OS. Thank you Stephen... I am not informed about "new externals interface"... What is it? and where can I find information about that? > I"d like to us

Re: Mac OS X missing controls in the LiveCode IDE

2011-07-11 Thread René Micout
Le 11 juil. 2011 à 23:48, Shao Sean a écrit : >> Perhaps with the new externals interface we can get access to these directly > you can with the old SDK.. the SDK that uses Obj-C seems to be pretty flakey > and I have not been able to do anything with it other than build their > example.. Mind

Re: Rev Customer Databased Hacked?

2011-07-12 Thread René Micout
Le 12 juil. 2011 à 11:05, Martin Baxter a écrit : > The weakest link is in-between the chair and the keyboard and, > unfortunately, cannot easily be upgraded or patched. ;-) No, but, (un)fortunately "it" is initialized from time to time... ;-) or :-( Bon souvenir de Paris René _

Re: Mac OS X missing controls in the LiveCode IDE

2011-07-12 Thread René Micout
Le 11 juil. 2011 à 20:11, stephen barncard a écrit : > Custom controls are *cool*. One can make any UI gadget work just the way one > wants and clone hundreds of them and run them from a single behavior script. > And make a Droptool™ to share with others. I work on it... [OT] > I see your youn

Re: Mac OS X missing controls in the LiveCode IDE

2011-07-12 Thread René Micout
Le 12 juil. 2011 à 01:05, Shao Sean a écrit : >> >> 24. Puff of smoke animation >> > done >> Good ! But where ? > external Thank you Shao Sean... Where can find it ? ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to s

Re: Rev Customer Databased Hacked?

2011-07-12 Thread René Micout
Le 12 juil. 2011 à 19:58, Bob Sneidar a écrit : > For the record, I have a password philosophy that has served me well. I have > one set of credentials I use for local logons, like computer accounts and > file servers. I have a second set for anything that accesses the internet, > but does not

Re: Mac OS X missing controls in the LiveCode IDE

2011-07-12 Thread René Micout
Le 13 juil. 2011 à 00:13, Peter Brigham MD a écrit : > At the risk of embarrassing Stephen, here is a link to his older life in > music: > > for me > Http/1.1 Service Unavailable :-( _

Re: New post detailing the technology and decisions behind my new website

2011-07-13 Thread René Micout
Wow !! Impressive ! Le 13 juil. 2011 à 09:47, Andre Garzia a écrit : > Folks, > > The blog is now live and has its first useful post. > > > > You can see a little journal on the decisions behind the system that drives > my new website by going to: > > http://andreg

Re: New post detailing the technology and decisions behind my new website

2011-07-13 Thread René Micout
disait Rabelais)... Bravo (again !) Bon souvenir de Paris René Le 13 juil. 2011 à 10:00, Andre Garzia a écrit : > On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 4:55 AM, René Micout > wrote: > >> Wow !! Impressive ! >> > > If you read it then please give me some feedback! :-) > > &

Re: New post detailing the technology and decisions behind my new website

2011-07-13 Thread René Micout
Le 13 juil. 2011 à 10:27, Andre Garzia a écrit : > I am just giving back to the community that has given me so much! :-) It is also my case... I try to make it a little with my modest tools on RevOnLine. > Bonsoir my friend Bonne nuit (si je puis dire !) it is noon now in Paris... > PS: Its

Re: [ANN] alien camel in your LiveCode

2011-07-15 Thread René Micout
Bravo Thierry, même si je n'y comprends pas grand chose (even if I do not understand much) René Le 15 juil. 2011 à 16:05, Thierry Douez a écrit : > Hi, > > I'm pleased to announce SunnYperl. > > Download today a trial version from > > Formerly called rev2perl, SunnYperl i

Re: [ANN] stsRating DropTool

2011-07-17 Thread René Micout
Hello Ken, The real web site is: Bon souvenir de Paris René Le 17 juil. 2011 à 09:15, Ken Ray a écrit : > I'm happy to be able to announce the release of the stsRating DropTool, a > general purpose rating and choice selection control.

Re: Mac OS X missing controls in the LiveCode IDE

2011-07-19 Thread René Micout
: > > On Jul 11, 2011, at 9:31 AM, René Micout wrote: > >> I made an inventory of missing Mac OS X controls, see list below : >> 1. Round button >> 2. • Textured button > >> (?) >> 3. ◊ Rec

Mac OS X Lion

2011-07-20 Thread René Micout
Hello Mac addict(s) ! First impression after installing Mac OS X Lion on my Macintosh... LiveCode 4.6.3 run well... New buttons, new radio buttons... A little problem: the scroll bar have the two aspect, the last one (borders) ans the new one (grey bar moving)... Tomorrow morning a more complete r

Re: ANN: ibPopover DropTool

2011-08-28 Thread René Micout
Thank you ! Ismo and Ken... Better than "HUD Panel Factory"... I think... René Le 28 août 2011 à 19:00, Ken Ray a écrit : > Just a quick post to let you know that Ismo Bergroth created a free new > DropTool control called "ibPopover". Here's Ismo's post to the LiveCode > forums about the contro

Magic Trackpad

2011-08-31 Thread René Micout
Hello, How is it possible to detect position of a touch (zone) on Apple Magic Trackpad from LiveCode ? By example : Sorry for my strange sentence... Bon souvenir de Paris René ___ use-livecode

Re: [ANN] sunnYperl for Windows - a LiveCode proxy for Perl

2011-09-02 Thread René Micout
Hello Thierry, Thank you !! Cela ne peut en aucun cas me concerner (maheureusement) mais je vois que l'été a été studieux... That is not for me (sniff !) A bientôt René Le 2 sept. 2011 à 12:26, Thierry Douez a écrit : > Hi all, > > > I'm pleased to announce sunnYperl for Windows. > > It's a

Re: [ANN] DropTools 1.2

2011-09-12 Thread René Micout
Thank you Ken !! Bon souvenir de Paris René Le 12 sept. 2011 à 07:18, Ken Ray a écrit : > I've just released and upgrade to the DropTools Palette; version 1.2 has a > few bug fixes in it plus tighter integration with the LiveCode IDE, allowing > you to display the Inspector palette for various

Re: Unity on Windows 8

2011-09-17 Thread René Micout
Le 17 sept. 2011 à 10:15, Richmond Mathewson a écrit : > I really don't mind if software companies want to rip ideas from each other, > but the fact that > Microsoft seems to be shifting its attention to what is going on in the Linux > world, and away > from the Apple world might mean that it i

Re: new iPhone 4s

2011-10-05 Thread René Micout
Hello Stephen Le 5 oct. 2011 à 08:10, stephen barncard a écrit : > > > *These are just phones*. These are NOT just phones... These are computers... and now : computers which (or who ? ... hum...) talk to us... ;-) Bon souvenir de Paris René ___ us

Re: Jobs Passed Away

2011-10-07 Thread René Micout
Merci Pierre pour ce lien René Le 7 oct. 2011 à 01:00, Pierre Sahores a écrit : > > > A 2 mn video as a resume of Steve Jobs innovative creativity in about design, > logistics, marketing, ... > > + its Stanford's conference translated to fren

Re: And now, a world without Steve Jobs

2011-10-07 Thread René Micout
YES ! Thank you Mark... René Le 7 oct. 2011 à 08:02, Mark Wieder a écrit : > Here's the best piece I've seen yet on Steve Jobs' passing: > > > > -- > -Mark Wieder > > > > __

Re: Object Naming Conventions

2011-10-07 Thread René Micout
Mark, I do almost the same... René Le 7 oct. 2011 à 03:03, Mark Wieder a écrit : > Phil- > > Thursday, October 6, 2011, 12:28:38 PM, you wrote: > >> Here is an excellent starting point: >> > >> Go to the "Naming Conventions" part. >

Re: Object Naming Conventions

2011-10-07 Thread René Micout
Le 7 oct. 2011 à 16:41, Richard Gaskin a écrit : > > So thanks for your post. It prompted me to learn something new, and if I get > time I may add a section to that article on object names. Hello Richard, This is my prefix : -- PRÉFIXES (types des objets) : -- ku = constante (unitaire) -

Re: [ANN] animationEngine 5

2011-10-11 Thread René Micout
Hello Malte, I purchase LC 5 (with AE 5) but where is AE5 ? Thank you René Le 11 oct. 2011 à 13:17, Malte Brill a écrit : > Hi all! > > Now that the cat is out of the back regarding liveCode 5, I would like to > take the chance to also announce something. The brand new polished > animationEngi

Re: [ANN] animationEngine 5

2011-10-11 Thread René Micout
YES !! Thank you Klaus... René Le 11 oct. 2011 à 16:35, Klaus on-rev a écrit : > Hi René, > > Am 11.10.2011 um 16:30 schrieb René Micout: > >> Hello Malte, >> I purchase LC 5 (with AE 5) but where is AE5 ? > > Your account in the RunRev store on the same page

Re: So RunRev wants more of my money- what has been fixed?

2011-10-13 Thread René Micout
Le 13 oct. 2011 à 19:54, Richmond Mathewson a écrit : > > Pass the Camembert. YES and... le Livarot, le Pont-l'évêque, le Morbier, le Neufchâtel, Le Comté, le Maroil, le Beaufort, le Brie, le Boursin, le Crotin de Chavignoles, le Bleu d'Auvergne, le Bleu de Bresse, la Brousse, le Chaumes, le

Re: Drag and Drop Between Stacks?

2011-10-14 Thread René Micout
Hello Scott, See Rev Online > my stack > HUD Panel Factory. It is an (Macintosh) example of drag & drop of a group... Open script... Bon souvenir de Paris René Le 14 oct. 2011 à 22:37, Scott Rossi a écrit : > Hi List: > > I'm wondering if anybody has an example stack lying that shows how to use

Re: Drag and Drop Between Stacks?

2011-10-14 Thread René Micout
You can see also my two other contribution on Rev Online : - Spinner Store - Circular Slider Store all drag & drop capable... René Le 15 oct. 2011 à 01:11, René Micout a écrit : > Hello Scott, > See Rev Online > my stack > HUD Panel Factory. > It is an (Macintosh) example

Re: New rendering testing

2011-10-17 Thread René Micout
Thank you James !! René Le 16 oct. 2011 à 22:08, James Hurley a écrit : > i have been experimenting with the new rendering tools in 5.0 > > Here is a stack that allows you to experiment for yourselves. Run this in the > message box. > > go url "

Re: [OT] John McCarthy has Died...

2011-10-25 Thread René Micout
Goodbye John... For you it is omega pruning... :-( Le 25 oct. 2011 à 01:32, Andre Garzia a écrit : > Folks, > > All my heroes are dieing. Steve Jobs and Dennis Ritchie passed away, now > John McCarthy has passed away as well... ARGH > > (GOODBYE '(JOHN MCCARTHY)) > > :-( > > -- > http://

Re: Nice cm ruler. Only a click away

2011-11-02 Thread René Micout
Le 2 nov. 2011 à 14:34, Michael Kristensen a écrit : > set the style of last grc to Polygon That line don't accept by script editor... :-( ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and

Re: Nice cm ruler. Only a click away

2011-11-02 Thread René Micout
Sorry... In strict compilation mode ... But... not accepted... Le 2 nov. 2011 à 14:58, René Micout a écrit : > > Le 2 nov. 2011 à 14:34, Michael Kristensen a écrit : > >> set the style of last grc to Polygon > > That line don'

Re: Nice Leonardo da Vinci Bezier, just a click away

2011-11-03 Thread René Micout
YES !!! A 1200 x 1200 window is necessary Bon souvenir de Paris René Le 3 nov. 2011 à 11:25, Michael Kristensen a écrit : > Hi there > > Here is a nice Leonardo da Vinci Bezier, just a click away ___ use-livecode mailing list use-livecode@lists.runrev

MAC OS X Lion, shell and language

2011-11-08 Thread René Micout
A little information : in Mac OS X Lion when you need to know what is the default (country) language of the system : put "defaults read NSGlobalDomain" into vxLangage get line 10 of shell (vxLangage) Before "Lion" it was line 9 of shell > now line 10 Bon souvenir de Paris René ___

Re: MAC OS X Lion, shell and language

2011-11-08 Thread René Micout
that comes up as "fr," on my computer and I'm in the USA. > Pete > Molly's Revenge <> > > > > > On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 9:03 AM, René Micout > wrote: > >> A little information : >> in Mac OS X Lion

Re: MAC OS X Lion, shell and language

2011-11-08 Thread René Micout
Yes of course, it is better, line 10 is the first language in the list (and I think it is the default system (country) language. AppleLocale is line 33... Thank you Warren Le 8 nov. 2011 à 18:39, Warren Samples a écrit : > Not even close here. > > Don't you want the line that begins with "Appl

Re: MAC OS X Lion, shell and language

2011-11-08 Thread René Micout
Thank you for this information... I have only one Macintosh in one only country... :-) Le 8 nov. 2011 à 19:01, René Micout a écrit : > Yes of course, it is better, > line 10 is the first language in the list (and I think it is the default > system (country) language. > AppleLocal

Re: MAC OS X Lion, shell and language

2011-11-08 Thread René Micout
Thanks to Pete, Warren and Ben !! My new script after all their informations : put "defaults read NSGlobalDomain" into vxLangage get shell (vxLangage) get line lineOffset("AppleLocale",it) of it put false into vxFrançais ; if "fr" is in it then put true into vxFrançais get shell (defa

Re: MAC OS X Lion, shell and language

2011-11-08 Thread René Micout
YES ! But why put "defaults read NSGlobalDomain" into vxLangage get shell (vxLangage) works ? I don't write put quote & "defaults read NSGlobalDomain" & quote into vxLangage ... Le 8 nov. 2011 à 19:39, René Micout a écrit : > Thanks to Pete, Warren and Ben !

Re: MAC OS X Lion, shell and language

2011-11-08 Thread René Micout
Thanks Warren, I simplify my script : get shell ("defaults read NSGlobalDomain") get line lineOffset("AppleLocale",it) of it put false into vxFrançais ; if "fr" is in it then put true into vxFrançais Le 8 nov. 2011 à 20:23, Warren Samples a écrit : > On 11/08/2011 01:21 PM, Warren Sampl

Re: Just curious - how would I approach creating a drum machine in live code?

2011-11-08 Thread René Micout
I reply tomorow morning, it is midnight in Paris René Le 8 nov. 2011 à 23:00, Admin a écrit : > > > Hello all. > > I have tons of drum samples (and a new product called > KLANG I want to release) and I would love to create a cross-platform > drum machine to play those samples with. > > The

Re: Just curious - how would I approach creating a drum machine in live code?

2011-11-09 Thread René Micout
Hello Mike, Le 8 nov. 2011 à 23:00, Admin a écrit : > Also, I would LOVE to > utilize MIDI for this - so the pattern is actually based in MIDI and the > loaded drum samples are in different MIDI channels. I think you do use MIDI but no samples (you can use QuickTime to play samples, but not ver

Re: MAC OS X Lion, shell and language

2011-11-10 Thread René Micout
> > On Nov 8, 2011, at 1:28 PM, René Micout wrote: > >> Thanks Warren, >> I simplify my script : >> >> get shell ("defaults read NSGlobalDomain") >> get line lineOffset("AppleLocale",it) of it >> put false into vxFrança

Re: Wasting space on the forum.

2011-11-10 Thread René Micout
Like that ? Bon souvenir de Paris René :-) Le 10 nov. 2011 à 19:32, stephen barncard a écrit : > I personally have a pet peeve against the whole chain showing up in every > email, and when replying, I usually only include a small portion of what > started the thread or the last point raised. I do

Re: [ANN] tmCONTROL - Custom Interface Components for LiveCode Developers

2011-11-12 Thread René Micout
All that seems to be great (BIG work) !!! But some questions : 1. Some controls (radio buttons, checkBox, sliders, ...) have they 3 sizes (Mac OS X : standard, small and mini)? 2. Is there a project with the basic controls complete Mac OS X Lion? 3. If not, is it easy from an existing theme to cre

Problem with resizeControl

2011-11-17 Thread René Micout
Hello, I have a problem (simple but...) : 2 buttons (button 1 and button 2), with these 2 buttons I made a group. The script of the group is : on resizeControl set the width of btn "Button 1" to (the width of me)-30 end resizeControl When I resize the group it is OK but when I release the mouse

Re: Problem with resizeControl

2011-11-17 Thread René Micout
Sorry Scott, not better... :-( Le 17 nov. 2011 à 19:33, Scott Rossi a écrit : > You might try setting the margins of the group to 0. > > Regards, > > Scott Rossi > Creative Director > Tactile Media, UX Design > > > > Recently, René Micout wrote: > >&

Re: Problem with resizeControl

2011-11-17 Thread René Micout
Paris) I will try that tomorrow morning... Le 17 nov. 2011 à 19:33, Scott Rossi a écrit : > You might try setting the margins of the group to 0. > > Regards, > > Scott Rossi > Creative Director > Tactile Media, UX Design > > > > Recently, René Micout wrote:

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