Re: Death of the Application Browser

2015-11-26 Thread Peter W A Wood
> On 27 Nov 2015, at 04:26, Richmond wrote: > For exactly the same reason why the Application Browser is being hived off to > the "community", > because, while Lip-service is being paid to listening to the community . . . Given Mark Waddingham’s recent view of LiveCode stacks and GPL, if the

Re: Death of the Application Browser

2015-11-26 Thread Peter W A Wood
Monte > On 27 Nov 2015, at 06:29, Monte Goulding wrote: > > >> On 27 Nov 2015, at 9:24 am, Peter W A Wood wrote: >> >> Given Mark Waddingham’s recent view of LiveCode stacks and GPL, if the >> Application Browser is hived off to the community anybody using

Re: Livecode Server and script only stacks

2015-12-23 Thread Peter W A Wood
David > On 23 Dec 2015, at 17:49, David Bovill wrote: > > I'm looking to produce a better coding experience for revIgniter / Livecode > server, and I'd like to be able to use script only stacks on the server, so > I can test code locally as stacks, and easily keep it versioned in Github > and li

Re: More questions regarding Server oddities

2015-12-25 Thread Peter W A Wood
Lyn > On 26 Dec 2015, at 05:34, Lyn Teyla wrote: > 6.6.2 is not the latest version of LiveCode Server. > > The suggestion that I had put forth regarding the original issue was for Tim > to perform both of the following: > > 1. Use the "put header" line provided; I don’t think the problem is

Re: cipherNames

2016-01-17 Thread Peter W A Wood
John > On 17 Jan 2016, at 19:30, John Dixon wrote: > > When asking for the cipher names that are available to liveCode... a long > list is produced.. In the case of aes 256 there are many variants as depicted > by three letters after 'aes'... What do they mean ?... Is it important to use > t

Re: LC Server Call Javascript Function?

2016-01-29 Thread Peter W A Wood
Scott > On 29 Jan 2016, at 18:30, Scott Rossi wrote: > > Can a LiveCode server script call a Javascript function? > > I want to write some text into a div in an LC server web page without > refreshing the entire page. AFAICT, generating any text from a LiveCode > server script will replace the

Re: Would love to see this blog with 1,001 Uses stay FRESH

2016-03-21 Thread Peter W A Wood
Mark There are two problems with keeping the blog fresh. The first is that people are not submitting possible entries. The second is that I don’t have the time to actively maintain it. I’m not sure which of these is the chicken and which is the egg. If somebody has the time and motivation to

Re: Would love to see this blog with 1,001 Uses stay FRESH

2016-03-22 Thread Peter W A Wood
> On 22 Mar 2016, at 23:39, Richard Gaskin wrote: > > What is the process for submitting entries there? Send me an email with a description/story of the app and a few screenshots. I use them to write an entry. I chose to always write the entry myself to establish and maintain a consistent sty

Delete the first entry of an array.

2016-03-25 Thread Peter W A Wood
I have an array which contains a second array. (myArray[“numbers”][]). The numbers array is a traditional array with elements 1..n. I want to remove the first element of the numbers array and shuffle all the others up. Is there a simple way of doing this in LiveCode (equivalent to the shift() fu

Re: Delete the first entry of an array.

2016-03-25 Thread Peter W A Wood
Peter Thanks for the suggestions. > On 25 Mar 2016, at 16:03, Peter TB Brett wrote: > > On 2016-03-25 08:33, Peter W A Wood wrote: >> I have an array which contains a second array. (myArray[“numbers”][]). >> ... >> automatically change the index of the remai

Re: Delete the first entry of an array.

2016-03-25 Thread Peter W A Wood
Thanks Kay > On 25 Mar 2016, at 17:22, Kay C Lan wrote: > > On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 3:33 PM, Peter W A Wood wrote: > >> delete pList[“numbers”] 1 ## Is this >> the correct syntax? > > No. Shouldn't it be: > > d

[ANN} LiveCode List Processor - Version 1

2016-03-25 Thread Peter W A Wood
I have found time to complete version 1 of my LiveCode List Processor. You can find it at Many of you may be wondering why I bothered to write it when LiveCode’s built-in list processing (of delimited strings) is very good. The main reason i

Re: [ANN} LiveCode List Processor - Version 1

2016-03-26 Thread Peter W A Wood
Mark > On 26 Mar 2016, at 23:13, Mark Wieder wrote: > > On 03/25/2016 11:21 PM, Peter W A Wood wrote: >> I have found time to complete version 1 of my LiveCode List Processor. You >> can find it at > > Nicely don

Re: Nelly the Elephant

2016-04-30 Thread Peter W A Wood
Richmond > On 30 Apr 2016, at 19:47, RM wrote: > > soes anyone know of a desktop programs (Win/Lin/Mac) to calculate surrogate > pairs? Dorry I don’t so of a desktop program … but this webpage should work offline as long as you don’t refresh the page -

Re: Nelly the Elephant

2016-04-30 Thread Peter W A Wood
Richmond > On 30 Apr 2016, at 20:15, RM wrote: > > Thanks; I've been using that one for some time. > > Now I'm trying to work out the underlying Maths . . . > > Richmond. > Perhaps the algorithm on this page will help -

Re: Revenue and the Open Source edition

2016-05-03 Thread Peter W A Wood
Monte I think that you have missed out one way to contribute that would be very valuable to both the community and LiveCode. That is writing automatically runnable tests. There is an automated test suite but it is kept under lock and key by LiveCode so that community members cannot contribute b

Re: Revenue and the Open Source edition

2016-05-03 Thread Peter W A Wood
Monte > On 4 May 2016, at 13:20, Monte Goulding wrote: > > >> On 4 May 2016, at 3:12 PM, Peter W A Wood wrote: >> >> I think that you have missed out one way to contribute that would be very >> valuable to both the community and LiveCode. That is writing

Re: Getting text into a Livecode field

2016-05-08 Thread Peter W A Wood
Richmond The screenshot you displays has the Text Styling tab visible. Did you try clicking on the little house icon ? Reagards Peter > On 8 May 2016, at 15:44, RM wrote: > > More: > > R. > > On 7.05.2016 21:38, RM wrote: >> So, I was m

Re: Getting text into a Livecode field

2016-05-08 Thread Peter W A Wood
Richmond > Thanks for that, although a single line 'thing' does > not "Do for me" what the previous field did. > > R. Having to type titles of buttons and text of labels and fields of GUI objects into a contents property in a separate window is this issue to me. I find it counter intuitive. Ev

Re: Daft "text Editor" question

2016-05-18 Thread Peter W A Wood
Richmond > On 18 May 2016, at 18:03, RM wrote: > > Does anyone know of a word-processing type program that can open .rev and > .livecode > files so that one can see ALL the scripts of ALL the objects in one long > document? You can open them and read the scripts in BBEdit under OS X. I would

Re: LC8 - Stumbling into JSON

2016-06-13 Thread Peter W A Wood
Mark > On 14 Jun 2016, at 07:19, Mark Wieder wrote: > > And just FYI, for comparison the xml translation of that would be > > > >18.75 >kg/m@2 > > >2 >75 > > > Wouldn’t an XML purist come up with the following, making it much more time consuming to process?

Re: Practical TDD in LiveCode

2016-11-04 Thread Peter W A Wood
Richard > On 5 Nov 2016, at 01:51, Richard Gaskin wrote: > > One of many interesting discussions in our local LC User Group meeting last > night was from a relative newcomer who asked about TDD support. > > I was able to tell him we have an assert command, and that many developers > have a wi

Re: Installing LiveCode Server on a Microsoft Azure Bitnami LAMP stack

2016-11-24 Thread Peter W A Wood
Dave > On 24 Nov 2016, at 19:46, Dave Kilroy wrote: > > Hi all > > I’ve contracted a smashing guy with great server experience but who is new to > LiveCode install LiveCode Server on a Microsoft Azure Bitnami LAMP stack for > me - and it’s great working with someone who knows what they’re doi

1001 Things to do with LiveCode

2014-11-09 Thread Peter W A Wood
Even though there hasn’t been a new entry for a long time, there are still between 50 and 100 visits to the 1001 Things to do with LiveCode site everyday. After a long hiatus, I have posted a new entry today featuring a client/server calendaring and time recording application. I’m sure that ma

Re: Setting the Unicode text of a field from JSON converted to array

2014-11-10 Thread Peter W A Wood
> On 10 Nov 2014, at 13:06, Brahmanathaswami wrote: > > i tried that already: > > case "original_script" > set the unicodetext of field "lyrics" to uniencode(tContent, "utf8") > break > > but still get garble > > > ?? > > > > ?? 555 > >  555 > > ? 555 > [snip]

Re: Setting the Unicode text of a field from JSON converted to array

2014-11-10 Thread Peter W A Wood
atch with the unicode? Understood somehow as > "low-level" unicode? If I unescape the whole string... (remove all the > slashes) I think I need to leave this in... right? > >> On 10 Nov 2014, at 10:26 pm, Peter W A Wood wrote: >> >>>> That is unless m

Re: Livecode Server on Dreamhost fails in Ubuntu upgrade

2014-11-10 Thread Peter W A Wood
Stephen Do you know if Dreamhost upgraded to a newer version of Apache when they went to 64-bit. The .htaccess directives syntax may have changed. Peter > On 11 Nov 2014, at 14:37, stephen barncard > wrote: > > So the 64 bit version of Livecode Server works now, on my Livecode only > sites.

Re: Running Apache Under Yosemite

2014-11-18 Thread Peter W A Wood
Hello Gregory I had to modify my httpd.conf file when I moved from Mavericks to Yosemite because, if I remember correctly, Apple upgraded Apache from version 2.2 to 2.4. The httpd syntax is a little different in the newer Apache. These are the LiveCode Server entries from my Yosemite httpd.conf

Re: Unicode menu and script characters changing unexpectedly

2014-11-20 Thread Peter W A Wood
Graham It may be that that whilst string data processed by our LiveCode scripts and handlers is Unicode that is not the case with UI objects. I think that there is a chance that LiveCode is still using native encoding (Windows Code Page on Windows, ISO-8859-1 on Linux and the truly venerable Ma

Re: LC Script in PHP File

2014-11-22 Thread Peter W A Wood
You should be able to use file_get_contents in PHP to do what you want. Though it will take longer to get the results from LiveCode than it would from PHP. Here is an example: PHP file: Testing Getting Results From Website

Re: LC Script in PHP File

2014-11-23 Thread Peter W A Wood
n wrote: > > Peter W A Wood wrote: > > You should be able to use file_get_contents in PHP to do what you > > want. Though it will take longer to get the results from LiveCode > > than it would from PHP. > > Why would that be? > > In general (and pre-7.0) LC us

Comparison of Speed of LiveCode with PHP

2014-11-23 Thread Peter W A Wood
In a previous email Richard Gaskin, the LiveCode Community Manager, wrote "Given the role of memory and performance for scaling, if we want to see LC Server taken seriously as a professional server tool we need to identify and eliminate any significant performance difference between it and PHP.”

Re: LC Server on DreamHost?

2014-11-23 Thread Peter W A Wood
Stephen Some time ago, I ran some tests to measure the comparative startup times of PHP, LiveCode and HTML on On-rev. The two scripts are simple: Livecode I've started" ?> PHP I've started" ?> HTML I've started Trying these simple pages should

Re: LC Server on DreamHost?

2014-11-23 Thread Peter W A Wood
Stephen > On 24 Nov 2014, at 13:28, stephen barncard > wrote: > > On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 8:17 PM, Peter W A Wood > wrote: > >> Some time ago, I ran some tests to measure the comparative startup times >> of PHP, LiveCode and HTML on On-rev. The two scripts are

Re: LC Script in PHP File

2014-11-24 Thread Peter W A Wood
Simon FastCGI support would be excellent from my point of view as it would allow LiveCode to be run behind a web server acting as a load balancer. Regards Peter > On 24 Nov 2014, at 21:34, Simon Smith wrote: > > Would supporting Fast CGI not be a better way forward? > > On Mon, Nov 24, 2014

Re: Comparison of Speed of LiveCode with PHP

2014-11-25 Thread Peter W A Wood
Geoff Thanks for your input. I think you are correct that the memory access comparison isn’t fair. I don’t have time right now but I’ll try to come up with a better comparison. I’m not convinced that the file comparison is fair. If LiveCode is appending the data to the file rather than overwr

Re: Comparison of Speed of LiveCode with PHP

2014-11-25 Thread Peter W A Wood
processes between your servers. > > What we need is something like Python WSGI or a non-blocking engine such as > Node. Then we could with a simple pool of couple LiveCode engine instances > serve a lot of people. > > On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 1:33 AM, Peter W A Wood > wrote

Re: LC Script in PHP File

2014-11-25 Thread Peter W A Wood
> On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 5:09 AM, Peter W A Wood > wrote: > >> You should be able to use file_get_contents in PHP to do what you want. >> Though it will take longer to get the results from LiveCode than it would >> from PHP. >> >> Here is an example:

Re: Can't Start LiveCode Server Under Yosemite

2014-12-01 Thread Peter W A Wood
It isn’t as easy to start Apache on Yosemite as it was on previous versions of OS X. The option has been removed from the Sharing Preferences panel. You need to start Apache manually using the Terminal app from an admin user account. This command will start Apache sudo apachectl start

Re: Can't Start LiveCode Server Under Yosemite

2014-12-02 Thread Peter W A Wood
Hi Gregory The first think that I would check is whether Apache is actually running or not. This is how I checked on my machine, using the ps command: Schulz:~ fatty$ sudo apachectl start Schulz:~ fatty$ ps -U www PID TTY TIME CMD 35439 ?? 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/httpd -D FOREGROUN

Re: use-livecode Digest, Vol 135, Issue 3

2014-12-03 Thread Peter W A Wood
Hi Gregory I believe that you need to use absolute filepaths in the Apache configuration file rather than relative ones. So I think you will need to change "Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/“> to “/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/“> or “/Users//Library/WebServer/CGI

Re: LC Server Unable To Retrieve File From DropBox?

2014-12-18 Thread Peter W A Wood
Scott and Jacque I believe that LiveCodeServer includes a version of LibCurl and it looks likley to be the cause of the problem. I only have the latest RC version of LiveCode to hand so it may be worth trying my test script out of the version you are running. I ran this script with LiveCodeSer

Re: LC Server Unable To Retrieve File From DropBox?

2014-12-18 Thread Peter W A Wood
I have submitted a bug report - Bug 14262 Regards Peter ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription prefere

Time for another LiveCode Global Jam?

2014-12-20 Thread Peter W A Wood
This message is really for Richard Gaskin in his role as LiveCode Community Manager but I thought it would be useful (especially for Richard) to get other people’s feedback. It may be just me but I have noticed two themes growing on the mailing lists. The first is the expression of dissatisfact

Where are the tests hidden?

2014-12-20 Thread Peter W A Wood
If my memory serves me correctly, at some stage during the open sourcing of LiveCode it was stated that RunRev have some type of automated test suite. Earlier this year, I asked this question on the engine contributors forum: “It will probably be a long time before I have the necessary knowledge

Re: Sockets

2014-12-22 Thread Peter W A Wood
Hello Eric I ran a very simple test using LiveCode 7.0.1 on OS X Yosemite and didn’t see the issue. It was a very simple test though. My test had three buttons: open, list, close and one field: Report. The three button scripts were: open - open socket to ""

Re: Sockets

2014-12-22 Thread Peter W A Wood
th message "xxx" > > Then list the openSockets. The open port 12345 will or might have an extra > character at the end. > > - Eric > > > >> On Dec 22, 2014, at 17:35, Peter W A Wood wrote: >> >> Hello Eric >> >> I ran a ver

Code 2014 - Vote for LiveCode

2014-12-29 Thread Peter W A Wood
#code2014 is this year’s programming languages popularity poll. You can see the current results at As I write this note, LiveCode doesn’t have a single vote. I am about to change that. You can vote by tweeting with the hashtag #code2014 and ment

Re: Code 2014 - Vote for LiveCode

2014-12-29 Thread Peter W A Wood
Colin It says the list updates every 10 minutes on the website … but from last year I suspect that there may be some manual intervention to add a language to those listed. Regards Peter > On 30 Dec 2014, at 07:44, Colin Holgate wrote: > > Seems to be a comma separated list of the languages

Re: Code 2014 - Vote for LiveCode

2014-12-29 Thread Peter W A Wood
Hi Devin It’s probably because your tweets are private. We can’t see you tweets and I guess neither can #Code2014. Regards Peter > On 30 Dec 2014, at 08:24, Devin Asay wrote: > > Odd that there are five tweets mentioned but the count on the chart is only > 4. I see Richard, Mike, myself, C

Re: Code 2014 - Vote for LiveCode

2014-12-31 Thread Peter W A Wood
>> been called a twit on an indeterminate number of occasions. >> >> Bob S >> >> >>> On Dec 29, 2014, at 15:34 , Peter W A Wood wrote: >>> >>> #code2014 is this year’s programming languages popularity poll. You can see >>> the c

Re: Code 2014 - Vote for LiveCode

2014-12-31 Thread Peter W A Wood
Richmond I am happy to report that I was wrong and the “voting machine” was case insensitive. Both your and Tom’s vote were counted. Regards Peter > On 1 Jan 2015, at 00:01, Richmond wrote: > > On 31/12/14 18:00, Devin Asay wrote: >> You can delete your tweet then retweet with the proper ca

Re: Membership disabled

2014-12-31 Thread Peter W A Wood
All of Craig’s messages to this list get directed to my Gmail spam folder and has been for a long time. A handful of other list messages also end up there. There were a couple from another AOL user today. Regards Peter http://LiveCode1001/ > On 1

Re: Membership disabled

2015-01-01 Thread Peter W A Wood
/lcstackbrowser.html > <>> and > SQLiteAdmin < > <>> > > On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 3:19 PM, Peter W A Wood <>> > wr

Code 2014 - Apologies

2015-01-02 Thread Peter W A Wood
I am very embarrassed that I have asked people on this list to tweet for LiveCode to #Code2014. It seems as though somebody has arranged to have a vote for LiveCode to be re-tweeted by people who retweet promotions for all and sundry. If you, like me, had voted in good faith for LiveCode please

Re: Standalone on Raspberry Pi

2015-01-03 Thread Peter W A Wood
Hi Kenji As I understand the Linux option in the Standalone Settings creates a standalone for an Intel-based computer. At the moment, there isn’t an option to create a standalone for an ARM-based computer. There is a “community” supported version of LiveCode that runs on Raspberry Pi but that

Re: Standalone on Raspberry Pi

2015-01-05 Thread Peter W A Wood
Hi Fraser On Monday, 5 January 2015, Fraser Gordon wrote: > On 03/01/2015 23:46, Peter W A Wood wrote: > > Hi Kenji > > > > As I understand the Linux option in the Standalone Settings creates a > standalone for an Intel-based computer. At the moment, there isn’t

Re: LiveCode Server on Yosemite - Changes to conf.httpd

2015-01-11 Thread Peter W A Wood
Hi Gregory If you wouldn’t mind sending me your apache con.httpd file off list. I’ll take a look for you and see if I can spot something. Regards Peter > On 12 Jan 2015, at 06:28, Gregory Lypny wrote: > > Hi everyone, > > I’ve tried, based on previous suggestions from list members, to make

Re: Possible insanity, or is it LC 7.0.1?

2015-01-14 Thread Peter W A Wood
I experimented a little further and found that, on my set up, I got the same results as Roger. I ran this in the multi-line message box: put "version:" && the version & return into tReport put "os:" && the platform & the systemVersion & return after tReport put isNumber(1.884956) & return after

Re: Mac Menu Bar Apps

2015-01-20 Thread Peter W A Wood
Peter If I remember correctly, Clarify installed into the Mac Menu Bar. I don’t know how though. I guess Trevor deVore knows. Regards Peter > On 21 Jan 2015, at 02:35, Peter Haworth wrote: > > Is it possible to put a Livecode app into the Mac Menu Bar? > > Pete > lcSQL Software

Re: Livecode server + NGINX ?

2015-01-20 Thread Peter W A Wood
Pierre Richard is correct that nginx does not support CGI. It will forward requests to an upstream server or a number of upstream servers. I support one application that has been running for a couple of years that forwards CGI requests to a second server. (The second server is Cheyenne from Sof

Re: Duplicate simultaneous calls to same handler

2015-01-22 Thread Peter W A Wood
Jacque I believe that the engine can start processing the second call before the first is finished after I did a little experiment: One card, button1, button2 and a field Both buttons with this script: on mouseUp oneOrTwo

Re: Duplicate simultaneous calls to same handler

2015-01-22 Thread Peter W A Wood
&& tCount & return after Field "Field" end oneOrTwo As you would expect, if you make tCount script local rather than handler local, it is “shared” between the “pseudo-simultaneously” running handlers. Regards Peter > On 23 Jan 2015, at 12:42, Peter W A Wood wrote:

Re: Unicode

2015-01-25 Thread Peter W A Wood
Pete LiveCode 7+ stores text data encoded according to UTF-16 so, as I understand, you will need to convert the UTF-8 encoded data using the textEncode function. Regards Peter > On 26 Jan 2015, at 06:45, Peter Haworth wrote: > > Is there a lesson/guide anywhere that shows how to use unicode

Re: Unicode

2015-01-25 Thread Peter W A Wood
.html> and > SQLiteAdmin <> > > On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 5:08 PM, Peter W A Wood > wrote: > >> Pete >> >> LiveCode 7+ stores text data encoded according to UTF-16 so, as I >> understand, you will need to convert the UTF

Re: Precision and 'abs'

2015-02-04 Thread Peter W A Wood
Graham I think that it is a documentation error. As far as I know, LiveCode uses binary floating point numbers when performing arithmetic. Not all non-whole decimal numbers cannot be accurate represented in binary floating point numbers. I cannot see how just comparing the absolute value of th

Scripted GUI Testing & launching engine from command line?

2015-02-24 Thread Peter W A Wood
I always thought that LiveCode would make it easy to write scripted tests of GUI applications as it is based on messages. In fact, I’m a little surprised that there doesn’t seem to be much use of scripted testing either by RunRev or the community. I started to experiment with a very simple test,

[Almost OT] Interfacing with GNUCash

2015-02-28 Thread Peter W A Wood
Has anybody written a LiveCode script which posts transactions directly into the GNUCash accounting system (or similar)? I know that GNUCash stores its data in SQLite so there is the option to write the data directly to the GNUCash database but I was wondering if anybody knows a better way. Re

Re: [Almost OT] Interfacing with GNUCash

2015-03-02 Thread Peter W A Wood
> On 3 Mar 2015, at 00:24, Richard Gaskin wrote: > > I haven't, but I'm curious: why GNUCash? It is more than sufficient for me to keep my company accounts, it works well on Mac and the price can’t be beaten. I haven’t encountered any problems with it but my use of it is very basic. Regards

Re: [Almost OT] Interfacing with GNUCash

2015-03-02 Thread Peter W A Wood
ks, in a list of links. There IS some info on interfacing python, >> and c also. For now, unless you want to build an external, python is >> probably the way to go, using shell calls from lc. >> >> Google gnucash api and see if theres enough info there to get you star

Re: [Almost OT] Interfacing with GNUCash

2015-03-02 Thread Peter W A Wood
ogle gnucash api and see if theres enough info there to get you started. >> >> >> On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 5:16 PM, Peter W A Wood >> wrote: >> >>> >>>> On 3 Mar 2015, at 00:24, Richard Gaskin >>> wrote: >>>> >>>&

Re: [OT] Invalid host address

2015-03-02 Thread Peter W A Wood
Jacque I don’t know if this will help but I believe host can get converted to ::1 under ipv6. I know that I used to have an issue on my OS X a few versions ago and had to use instead of localhost in URLs. Regards Peter > On 3 Mar 2015, at 10:21, J. Landman Gay wrote: > > I'm not

Re: [OT] Invalid host address

2015-03-02 Thread Peter W A Wood
; matter if the app is trying to connect to a remote server? > > Does LC need to know about ipv6 or is that handled at the OS level? Sorry to > be so uninformed, I'm out of my depth here. > > On 3/2/2015 8:42 PM, Peter W A Wood wrote: >> Jacque >> >> I don’t

Re: on-rev urgent ticket system down?

2015-03-14 Thread Peter W A Wood
Paul Have you tried submitting your emergency request via the on-rev website? I don’t know if it is any different from sending an email but it may be worth a try. Just in case you don’t have the url - Regard

Re: Livecode's math precision

2015-03-17 Thread Peter W A Wood
Mike This explanation from Mark Waddingham confirms that numbers are held in IEEE 754 format - I’m pretty sure it is 64-bit. I tried multiplying a value of Pi with more significant digits than a 32 bit number can hold in the message box: Code:


2015-03-22 Thread Peter W A Wood
Richmond I believe that Richard’s “providing OS API access” is a simplification, probably an over simplification, of “providing the ability to access the OS API”. As I understand, LiveCode Builder will allow us to write code which can directly call an OS API but, of course, we will need to defi


2015-03-23 Thread Peter W A Wood
Thanks, Peter > On 23 Mar 2015, at 18:30, Peter TB Brett wrote: > > On 2015-03-22 22:59, Peter W A Wood wrote: >> Richmond >> I believe that Richard’s “providing OS API access” is a >> simplification, probably an over simplification, of “providing the >> ab

Fwd: Plain text library stacks

2015-04-22 Thread Peter W A Wood
I remember reading a message to the effect that one of the recent releases to the LiveCode engine included an enhancement to load “plain text” library stacks. I searched the forum and clicked relevant threads without being able to find the post that I remember. Is it possible to load a Library

Re: Plain text library stacks

2015-04-22 Thread Peter W A Wood
Hi Thierry Thanks for the suggestion. Actually, I wasn’t thinking of Monte’s lcVCS. As I remember, the post that I saw suggested you could create a library stack in a text editor and then load it into LiveCode. Kind regards Peter > On 23 Apr 2015, at 13:45, Thierry Douez wrote: > > Hi

Re: Plain text library stacks

2015-04-23 Thread Peter W A Wood
Many thanks, Mark. > On 23 Apr 2015, at 15:59, Mark Waddingham wrote: > > On 2015-04-23 07:37, Peter W A Wood wrote: >> Is it possible to load a Library stack in plan text format from another >> stack? > > Yes - although we've not explicitly publ

Re: Plain text library stacks

2015-04-23 Thread Peter W A Wood
Here is a very simple server script and a very simple “text” library script that show just what I was hoping. The Library Script: script "TextLib" function pFirst, pSecond return pFirst = pSecond end The Server Script: #!

Console container for put function?

2015-04-23 Thread Peter W A Wood
By experimenting, it seems that “putting” text into or after the message box container results in the test being output to the console (perhaps stdout, perhaps stderr). Running this script under LiveCodeServer: put "Hello" into message box put " World" after message box

Re: Console container for put function?

2015-04-23 Thread Peter W A Wood
"World" > put return > > On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 9:52 PM, Peter W A Wood > wrote: > >> By experimenting, it seems that “putting” text into or after the message >> box container results in the test being output to the console (perhaps >> stdout, perhaps

Re: Console container for put function?

2015-04-24 Thread Peter W A Wood
Thanks for the insight and suggestion, Richard. I’ve gone with the “MyPut” option for the moment. Regards Peter > On 24 Apr 2015, at 23:22, Richard Gaskin wrote: > > Peter Wood wrote: > > > I’m planning on writing some library functions for testing that can > > be called from either a GUI st

Sending crash reports to LiveCode?

2015-04-25 Thread Peter W A Wood
I was using LiveCode 8.0 with an unsaved stack on OS X when it crashed. I dutifully saved the crash log, completed a bug report and attached the crash log. What I got back from LiveCode was a "form letter” that they couldn’t reproduce the crash and can I reproduce the crash and send any stack

Re: Console container for put function?

2015-04-25 Thread Peter W A Wood
Mark > On 25 Apr 2015, at 12:53, Mark Wieder wrote: > > On 04/23/2015 11:09 PM, Peter W A Wood wrote: > >> I’m trying to find a better way than: >> >> if the environment is “server” then >> put tResult >> else >>

Re: Sending crash reports to LiveCode?

2015-04-25 Thread Peter W A Wood
he >> sequence of steps you performed before you get a crash is useful to help us >> attempt to reproduce issues such as this - sometimes the smallest details >> can contain the key piece of information. >> >> Mark. >> >> Sent from my iPhone >> >

How to initialise a Library stack?

2015-04-28 Thread Peter W A Wood
Is there a reliable method to initialise a library stack before it is used? I tried adding preOpenStack and OpenStack handlers to the library stack but they don’t appear to work. (I was using LiveCode 8.0). Regards Peter ___ use-livecode mailing lis

Re: How to initialise a Library stack?

2015-04-28 Thread Peter W A Wood
Many thanks Mike. Regards Peter > On 29 Apr 2015, at 09:29, Mike Bonner wrote: > > when you start using a stack, the librarystack message is sent to the > stack, so you could use that. > > On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 7:23 PM, Peter W A Wood > wrote: > >>

[ANN} - LiveCode MiniTest

2015-04-30 Thread Peter W A Wood
I have written a few automated test scripts to test elements of LiveCode. The testing commands and the tests were all in a single script. I’m now about to modernise a stack I use personally and want to develop a set of tests for it as I write it. Rather than copy and paste the few testing comma

Plain text library stacks - BOM needed

2015-04-30 Thread Peter W A Wood
On 23 Apr 2015, at 15:59, Mark Waddingham wrote: > > You can save the stack in the normal way but the only thing it will save will > be the stack script - the file on disk is just a UTF-8 text file. I’ve found that when LiveCode saves the stack script file, it adds a Byte Order Mark (BOM) to d

Re: [ANN} - LiveCode MiniTest

2015-04-30 Thread Peter W A Wood
On 30 Apr 2015, at 16:35, Peter W A Wood wrote: > > I have written a few automated test scripts to test elements of LiveCode. The > testing commands and the tests were all in a single script. I’m now about to > modernise a stack I use personally and want to develop a set of tests

Re: Unicode

2015-05-05 Thread Peter W A Wood
Are you sure that the two Greek words are actually the same? I don’t know Greek but from a quick scan of the Unicode docs, it seems that not all Greek letters have an uppercase equivalent. Google translate cannot find a Greek translation of PETER other than PETER which is clearly not equal to Go

Re: Kickstarter 2013 Revisited

2015-05-10 Thread Peter W A Wood
> On 11 May 2015, at 04:49, Geoff Canyon wrote: > > I'm curious -- what percentage of the apps in the iOS or Android app stores > would you say require unicode? I'm familiar with the iOS US app store, not > Android or any of the international versions. My impression is that in the > US there are

Re: HTML5 deployment is still in the far future.

2015-05-12 Thread Peter W A Wood
There are two different approaches to use LiveCode with webpages. Here are two very simple examples. The first is by embedding LiveCode inside the HTML in the same way that you embed PHP: My LiveCode Server Test Page My LiveCode Server Test Pa

Re: on-rev trouble again?

2015-05-24 Thread Peter W A Wood
Jerry My sites on Diesel seem to be loading. The Server Status page is reporting all okay. Regards Peter > On 25 May 2015, at 09:23, Jerry Jensen wrote: > > My web pages aren't loading from Diesel. Also the Server Status page doesn't > load content, only title. Urgent support request sent.

Re: How do you handle the poor performance of LC 7?

2015-05-30 Thread Peter W A Wood
Richard > On 31 May 2015, at 07:07, Richard Gaskin wrote: > > If there are bugs that have been submitted but not acted on and are holding > up work without a workaround, let's identify those and get them resolved. > > In addition to review of the current bug DB, Ben recently contacted a few

Update on bug I reported on 8th April 2014 -15173

2015-06-01 Thread Peter W A Wood
Somebody at LiveCode has at last taken a look at the bug report that I submitted on 8th April 2014 thanks to Richard Gaskin’s intervention. They have marked it as a duplicate of a bug reported by David Williams on 17th October 2011. Nobody at LiveCode has responded to that bug either apart from

Re: Update on bug I reported on 8th April 2014 -15173

2015-06-02 Thread Peter W A Wood
> On 1 Jun 2015, at 21:46, Peter W A Wood wrote: > > Somebody at LiveCode has at last taken a look at the bug report that I > submitted on 8th April 2014 thanks to Richard Gaskin’s intervention. They > have marked it as a duplicate of a bug reported by David Williams on 17th

List Navigation

2015-06-06 Thread Peter W A Wood
One of the features of LiveCode is its strong list processing capabilities. In some ways, LiveCode does such a good job of list processing that it is almost hidden. One thing that I’ve not found, but I’m hoping somebody on the list has, is list navigation. What I’m looking for is something simi

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