Re: Livecode Licence Rules for dummies ....

2015-11-14 Thread Mark Schonewille
to family and friends. This doesn't apply to any version of LiveCode for which you don't have a valid license. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: http://livecodebeginner

[OT] Programming for the Real Beginner as a Christmas present?

2015-11-16 Thread Mark Schonewille
to print additional copies. More information at -- Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: http://livecodebeginner.economy-

Re: LiveCode with unusual input devices

2015-11-16 Thread Mark Schonewille
Some time ago, we had a LiveCode meeting about Arduino. LiveCode works very nicely with Arduino. Would that be interesting to you? One of the people who regularly attends the meetings has a very nice stack to control th Arduino. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille https

Re: [OT] Programming for the Real Beginner as a Christmas present?

2015-11-23 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi, The book can still be ordered for Christmas today. Tomorrow we will ship all books. If you order the book today, keep an eye on your e-mail box (and spam box) and reply when you receive a request to confirm your postal mailing address. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille http://economy-x

[OT] Ronald Swartz

2015-11-23 Thread Mark Schonewille
name and different IP address). -- Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: ___ use-livecode mailing lis

Re: Death of the Application Browser

2015-11-25 Thread Mark Schonewille
Does this mean that it is no longer supported? Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op 11/25/2015 om 21:54 schreef Ali Lloyd: It was put into

[OT] Theo van Stratum

2015-12-01 Thread Mark Schonewille
Theo, I don't know if you'll ever read this, but we can't send you any e-mails because of your anti-spam verification system. Sorry. -- Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode

Re: Motif look...

2015-12-03 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Glen, I think not. It looks like widgets are going to be the main road for GUI elements. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op 12/3

Re: accented chars from a form to a LC server CGI

2015-12-03 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Paolo, Encode the text as UTF8 (a website can do this just by setting the encoding to UTF8) and have the CGI decode the UTF8 to text (which would be unicode by default). Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book

Re: Search in arrays

2015-12-09 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Ton, global gArray on mouseUp put gArray[the selectedText of field 1][the selectedText of field 2][the selectedText of field 3] into field 4 end mouseUp (mind line wraps) Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive

Re: Search in arrays

2015-12-09 Thread Mark Schonewille
Mike is right. First you put the keys of gArray into a field, then you click on a key and put the keys of gArray[the slectedText of field 1] into field 2 et cetera. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the

Re: Licensing issues [was: Re: LC 8 DP 11]

2015-12-14 Thread Mark Schonewille
rect for 6.x and later, but it is wrong for LC 5.x and earlier. Anyone who has a license for LC 5.x and earlier can continue to use that version to compile and distribute commercial apps indefinitely. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy t

[OT] Robert Forsbach

2015-12-17 Thread Mark Schonewille
in and IP address). -- Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: ___ use-livecode mailing list us

[ANN] Tomorrow we ship last copies of book, order now!

2015-12-20 Thread Mark Schonewille
nt is on 2nd January 2016. -- Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: ___ use-livecode maili

Re: [ANN] Tomorrow we ship last copies of book, order now!

2015-12-20 Thread Mark Schonewille
e the auto-reply, it means we didn't get your confirmation. In that case, you need to reply from a different e-mail address (different domain name and IP address). Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the Li

Re: [OT] Configure web server to parse php in .html files

2015-12-23 Thread Mark Schonewille
g this approach. I might be insecure. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op 12/23/2015 om 19:03 schreef Peter Haworth: I've just fin

Re: Question about "that thing you key in that's not a user name when you're logging in"

2015-12-29 Thread Mark Schonewille
een posted. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op 12/30/2015 om 01:33 schreef Peter Haworth: Sorry for the cryptic subject line but I sent a p

Re: There is no You in Documentation - yet!

2016-01-18 Thread Mark Schonewille
Do you mean the comments at the bottom of each docs entry? I think this system broke a long time ago. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op

Re: Forcing an android app to quit when the 'home' button is clicked?

2016-01-18 Thread Mark Schonewille
Terry, Reading the docs, I'd say the following should be possible: on backKey quit end backKey Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op

Re: snapshot and animation capture

2016-01-27 Thread Mark Schonewille
Matt, Somehow, the website isn't much anymore, but the app can still be downloaded. The trial version is almost fully functional. Perhaps this approach would be useful for you. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most exte

Re: snapshot and animation capture

2016-01-27 Thread Mark Schonewille
I meant to post this link Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op 1/28/2016 om 01:21 schreef Mark

Re: snapshot and animation capture

2016-01-30 Thread Mark Schonewille
I posted this link in my follow-up: Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op 1/28/2016 om 21:12 schreef Matt

Re: Help using database & data conversion

2016-02-16 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Ton, > When I use >put revDataFromQuery(,,dbID, vSQL) into vData > to retrieve the data from the mySQL database, vData contains binary > data Can you post the binary data? E.g. use urlEncode(vData) or put binaryDecode("h*",vData,x) put x Kind regards, Mark Scho

Re: Getting a return from a dispatch to a function

2016-02-23 Thread Mark Schonewille
Bill, Have you tried this using value("getValue()",...) instead of value(getValue,...)? I think getValue is interpreted as a string. Probably, this isn't a bug but just how xTalk languages are supposed to work. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille http://economy-x

Re: LiveCode for the Hobbyists

2016-02-26 Thread Mark Schonewille
f around a little, I can't find any information about HTML5 whatsoever. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op 2/26/2016 om 22:45 schre

Re: Apple Automator

2016-03-01 Thread Mark Schonewille
Glen, I don't think that Automator makes shell scripts. However, it is possible to create an app, which can be started from LiveCode. We do this every day, when we make invoices for buyers of my book. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille

Re: OT(ish): Selling software downloads - sales tax?

2016-03-19 Thread Mark Schonewille
About VAT: small companies can ignore the new rules. Check the tables on the website of your tax office for threshold values. -- Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Http:// Share the clipboard of your computer over a local network with Clipboard Link http

Re: Design Challenge -- Round Corner mask on images

2016-03-27 Thread Mark Schonewille
e app looked a gazillion times better than before. If you still want this, you can create round rectangles and adjust the corners dynamically using the roundRadius. Use the rectangles as backgrounds of groups. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille

A brief message about my book

2016-04-16 Thread Mark Schonewille
o is available at -- Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: ___ use-liv

Re: List Field Not receiving Mouse messages unless a line is clicked?

2016-04-25 Thread Mark Schonewille
should be triggered. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op 25-Apr-16 om 20:04 schreef Confirmed here, and there is nothing

Re: OT: Who can convert 3.5" diskettes with Hypercard stacks for me?

2016-04-26 Thread Mark Schonewille
We have a few old Macs and can read and copy 3.5" disks. Converting stacks is also possible. It is best to write to Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language:

Re: AW: OT: Who can convert 3.5" diskettes with Hypercard stacks for me?

2016-04-27 Thread Mark Schonewille
Keep in mind that most floppy drives only read 1.4MB MS DOS disks. They won't read 800K Macintosh disks. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: http://livecodebeginner.economy-x-tal

Re: Error, but no error?

2016-05-03 Thread Mark Schonewille
Dan, There is a good chance that the problem is in the IDE. Put true into gRevDevelopment, turn on the Script Debug Mode (Development menu) and try again. Does the debug window appear and where does the execution halt? Kind regards, Mark Schonewille https

Re: Converting a stack to a text file..

2016-05-04 Thread Mark Schonewille
never got to writing a tool to recreate stacks from the same XML files, but although it would be a lot of work, it is certianly doable. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language:

Re: Error, but no error?

2016-05-04 Thread Mark Schonewille
Dan, Apparently, you need to turn OFF script debug mode in the Development menu. I'm not sure it is a good idea to add breakpoints in this case. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode lan

Re: [ANN] Release 8.0.0 , project browser

2016-05-04 Thread Mark Schonewille
Andrew, Perhaps it is good to know that an official request for accessibility features was made almost 8 years ago: The last note from RunRev staff about this issue dates back to 2014. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille


2016-05-12 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi, Where do I find the LiveCode store nowadays? I expected to find a log-in button with the word "Store" at the top of the website at but it isn't there. -- Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most

Re: Infinite LiveCode - Message from CEO

2016-05-12 Thread Mark Schonewille
sing campaigns until this changes. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op 12-May-16 om 22:55 schreef Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami: I have bought, p

Re: Store

2016-05-12 Thread Mark Schonewille
Thanks for the reply, Erik. Funny thing: now I see the log-in link on the main page again. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op 12-May-16

Re: the keys of the dragData?

2016-05-27 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi David, The dragData isn't an array but a property. By putting the dragData into a variable, you convert it into an array and you'll be able to get the keys. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive b

Economy-x-Talk temporarily off-line

2016-05-28 Thread Mark Schonewille
x27;t work correctly, please contact us and we'll take care of it. -- Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language:

Re: Cubist's first bug report

2016-06-05 Thread Mark Schonewille
"0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" into myVar repeat 100 put random(16) into myRandom add 1 to item myRandom of myVar put myVar & cr after myTempList end repeat put sum(myVar) & cr & myTempList end mouseUp Kind regards, Mark Schonewille ht

Re: Commercial version lockout

2016-06-11 Thread Mark Schonewille
No, it is not like this, but you have to be careful when you open a stack in a newer version of LiveCode. Sometimes it is difficult to go back. -- Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Http:// Share the clipboard of your computer over a local network with Clipboard

Re: Control? Object?

2016-06-19 Thread Mark Schonewille
ith this issue. I would recommend using above definitions consistently. One day, real objects will be introduced into the LiveCode scripting language and we will need to distinguish them from controls. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille B

Re: Control? Object?

2016-06-19 Thread Mark Schonewille
If your goal is to teach computer science, you really should stop calling controls objects, but if your goal is to teach LiveCode, perhaps it would be easier for them to use the word object for now. -- Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Http:// Share the

Re: Slight annoyance from MacKiev

2016-06-21 Thread Mark Schonewille
ugh I haven't tried that yet and I wouldn't be surprised if there were some catch that makes this slightly more complicated that expected. I really would have to try this. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most

Re: Advertising in iOS or android apps

2016-07-10 Thread Mark Schonewille
AFAIK, currently there is no co-operation between RunRev/LiveCode and Inneractive. You'll have to make arrangements with Inneractive on your own behalf. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the Liv

Re: android sdk fyi

2016-07-22 Thread Mark Schonewille
Thanks Mike! +1 Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op 07-Jul-16 om 14:47 schreef Mike Bonner: I recently started working with android again

Re: looking for an alternative to KAGI, because KAGI ceased operations

2016-08-02 Thread Mark Schonewille
ules. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op 02-Aug-16 om 10:07 schreef EU VAT is only due on AUTOMATED transactions. Commun

Re: looking for an alternative to KAGI, because KAGI ceased operations

2016-08-06 Thread Mark Schonewille
You're wrong, Matthias. Also, I never said that companies don't need to do (VAT) tax declarations. It is so easy to misunderstand these things! Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode lang

Re: Suicide

2016-08-27 Thread Mark Schonewille
Don't use "to me" but use the card or the stack that contains the control to be deleted. -- Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Http:// Share the clipboard of your computer over a local network with Clipboard Link http://clipboardlink.economy-x-talk.

Re: IDE puzzler...

2016-09-02 Thread Mark Schonewille
You can do this by handling the commandKey or controlKey message. Use a front script if necessary. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op 02

Re: Can we move the use-list to a Google Chat

2016-09-30 Thread Mark Schonewille
No. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op 30-Sep-16 om 21:53 schreef William Jamieson: I was raised with a computer, with facebook for my

LiveCode meeting

2016-10-08 Thread Mark Schonewille
yone on my list within a few days. Hopefully I'll be able to provide more news later this week. -- Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language:

Re: LiveCode meeting

2016-10-08 Thread Mark Schonewille
At least one person will travel to the Netherlands. If you want to be there too, you're welcome. Let me know if you need help finding a hotel. I have no plans for a web stream, but you never know. -- Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Http:// Share the clip

LiveCode Meeting

2016-10-13 Thread Mark Schonewille
ere is the LiveCode website -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter: KvK: 50277553 We have time for new software development projects. Contact me f

[ANN] Reminder - LiveCode Meeting

2016-10-15 Thread Mark Schonewille
voor de details. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op 14-Oct-16 om 02:14 schreef Mark Schonewille: LiveCode-bijeenkomst Aanstaande zond

Re: LiveCode Meeting - arrival

2016-10-16 Thread Mark Schonewille
Beste deelnemers, In verband met het reisschema van de spoorwegen zal ik kort na de afgesproken tijd arriveren. -- Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Http:// Share the clipboard of your computer over a local network with Clipboard Link http

Re: OT non LC: cross tab/window browser communication

2016-11-22 Thread Mark Schonewille
gards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op 22-Nov-16 om 21:02 schreef Mike Bonner: I have a problem I need to solve with a web page i've set up.. On m

Re: Shell Command and cURL

2016-11-22 Thread Mark Schonewille
files will be downloaded to the defaultFolder or perhaps to the location of the executable file . If this is too much trouble, you might also save your current shell command to a file and have LiveCode launch it. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille https://www.facebook.

[ANN] Order Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner now!

2016-11-23 Thread Mark Schonewille
ok at and more info is available at -- Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: http://livecodebeginner.economy-

Re: Serving Videos with LC/iRev

2016-11-26 Thread Mark Schonewille
it on the server. If the user credentials are correct and the unique code is correct and hasn't been used yet, send the video, and reject the request otherwise. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book o

[ANN] Last chance to purchase before the holidays - Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner

2016-11-27 Thread Mark Schonewille
nd regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visi

Re: Serving Videos with LC/iRev

2016-11-27 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Rick, That third party must have an API for it. If not, you need to change the vendor. I can't be that e.g. Apple sells music, while everybody is able to download the content once it has been bought by one person. Can you tell the name of that third party? Kind regards, Mark Schone

Re: Read from file

2016-11-29 Thread Mark Schonewille
sn't contains "eof". Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op 30-Nov-16 om 01:12 schreef Peter Bogdanoff: When I use: read fro

Re: My own productivity app

2016-11-30 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Terry, It used to be possible to get the front-most app with AppleScript. Due to sandboxing, this may no longer apply, but perhaps signing the app (or turning off Gate Keeper) will allow this again? Kind regards, Mark Schonewille

Re: Non-Public API Usage

2016-12-03 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Pink, If you are using the names _getcontext, _makecontext and _setcontext for your handlers in your scripts, just change the names and make sure they are nowhere mentioned in your app. If you didn't use these handler names, report it as a bug to the QCC. Kind regards, Mark Schone

Re: AW: AW: Installer software

2016-12-09 Thread Mark Schonewille
big stack (which runs completely indepenently of any other files). I would put the files in a separate folder on the dmg and write a script that copies the files from the folder to the preferred destination. Such a script could be started from Installer Maker. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille http

Re: no answer, nobody any experience in printing images on windows?

2016-12-21 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Ton, I import a picture as control, type "print this cd" in the message box while my PDF printer driver has been set to default and I get a PDF file with a correct picture. Perhaps you try the same and see what kind of result you get. Kind regards, Mark Schonewille http:/

Re: A bug but is there a workaround?

2016-12-23 Thread Mark Schonewille
Have you tried to set the formatForPrinting of your stack to true? Kind regards, Mark Schonewille Buy the most extensive book on the LiveCode language: Op 24-Dec-16 om 00:38 schreef Charles

[ANN] ExtDocMaker 1.0.1

2014-11-10 Thread Mark Schonewille
nd it here -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter: KvK: 50277553 Installer Maker for LiveCode:

Re: hair-pulling frustration

2014-11-12 Thread Mark Schonewille
, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter: KvK: 50277553 Installer Maker for LiveCode: Buy my new book "Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner" http://q

Re: hair-pulling frustration

2014-11-12 Thread Mark Schonewille
n. So, I guess it means I slow down until every student understands all words. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter: KvK: 50277553 Installer Maker for LiveCode: htt

Re: hair-pulling frustration

2014-11-13 Thread Mark Schonewille
developers because the people paid by RunRev have sorted them out already! -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter: KvK: 50277553 Installer Maker for LiveCode: http://qery.u

Re: hair-pulling frustration

2014-11-13 Thread Mark Schonewille
for delivering broken software. Therefore, it would be wise to listen. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter: KvK: 50277553 Installer Maker for LiveCode:

Re: EU VAT changes & small software businesses

2014-11-27 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Ian, Really, I don't have the slightest idea. It is not realistic for me to pay VAT to each individual country. I guess I will do nothing and wait for a letter from the tax office. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage:

Re: Error; Tree not made

2014-12-07 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Jim, Which operating system do you use? Have you ever installed plug-ins or externals? -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter: KvK: 50277553 Installer Maker for

Re: OT: Mac installer rights?

2014-12-13 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Tiemo, I assume your installer has been signed. Installer Maker's Help section is far from complete, but there is a suggestion there about starting the app with admin rights. You might try that. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engine

Re: Vertically aligning text in a field

2014-12-16 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Terry, There's a long discussion about this on the forum. I believe I did a good attempt, but Bernd's solution was probably the most reliable. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twi

Re: Andre Garcia's FacebookLib

2014-12-16 Thread Mark Schonewille
Gerry, A few follow-up e-mails within 4 weeks is really too much. Try again in a few months. It isn't easy to fix something like this, especially if you're busy like Andre. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: http:/

Re: Andre Garcia's FacebookLib

2014-12-16 Thread Mark Schonewille
LiveCode is a commercial product too. Quite a few bugs were reported a decade ago and were not fixed. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter: KvK: 50277553 Installer

Re: Andre Garcia's FacebookLib

2014-12-17 Thread Mark Schonewille
Sure, Gerry. Go on, continue bugging Andre, if you think that it makes him more willing to help you. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter: KvK: 50277553 Installer

Re: Best Practice: Prevent Substacks from Triggering Main Stack Scripts

2015-02-06 Thread Mark Schonewille
other. If you have handlers that you want to use in both stacks, you can put those handlers into another separate stack and use that as a library with the start using command or by defining front and back scripts. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software E

Re: Faster way to get tabStops?

2015-02-18 Thread Mark Schonewille
hould also be able to sort lines directly by the formattedWidth of their respective items, but that might be a little slow again. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter:

Re: A nice bit of syntax

2015-02-22 Thread Mark Schonewille
I actually consider a very interesting way of programming, but I'm happy that I can use LiveCode next to AppleScript. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter:

Re: App on different systems

2015-02-27 Thread Mark Schonewille
pest Mac Mini. You'd probably have more value for your money if you bought that Mac Mini. Proboably, that's one reason why Hackintoshes are extremely rare, besides that it is illegal to sell them in the store. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Softw

Re: Notification of compilation

2015-02-28 Thread Mark Schonewille
appened. If you explain what you need this for, it might be possible to find a good workaround for this. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter: KvK: 50277553 Installer Mak

Re: Notification of compilation

2015-02-28 Thread Mark Schonewille
Nice, Peter. I didn't know about this one. I guess it makes my answer redundant. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter: KvK: 50277553 Installer Maker for Liv

Re: sane way to keep menubar on mac (and what about windows???)

2015-03-02 Thread Mark Schonewille
Richard: set the defaultMenubar to the long id of grp "Menubar 1" of stack "My Main stack" This makes the menubar stick. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter:

Re: is image 2 in image 1?

2015-03-08 Thread Mark Schonewille
indeed equal to the imagedata of the corresponding part of the original image. So, your optimism is justified. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter: KvK: 50277553

Re: Mobile app templates?

2015-03-09 Thread Mark Schonewille
at the template is worth $199. Having seen a 3 digit number, I expected to see a really cool and nifty design, much better than my own old design. I think I would have liked it more if RunRev hadn't put a price tag on their gift. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Con

Re: XML Tutorial

2015-03-13 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi, My book contains a chapter on XML. Several people told me it is quite useful, although it could use some extension. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter: KvK

Re: "Open in" for Android

2015-03-16 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Ludovic, You can now enter the custom URL scheme in the standalone builder (or isn't that what you're looking for?) -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter:

Re: [semi-OT] Distributing apps for iOs outside iTunes

2015-03-18 Thread Mark Schonewille
ersions or even without ever releasing a final version. I really don't know how Apple would react to that, but I wouldn't risk it. I think that iTunes connect has a b2b option for regular dev accounts. If it is still there, you might want to check it out. -- Best regards, Mark Sc

Re: [semi-OT] Distributing apps for iOs outside iTunes

2015-03-18 Thread Mark Schonewille
That's what I tried to make clear. It would be a violation of the license conditions, but I don't know if Apple would ever find out. Personally, I would recommend the customer to pay a little extra. However, they may be other options. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Econ

Re: "Open in" for Android

2015-03-18 Thread Mark Schonewille
repack it. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter: KvK: 50277553 Installer Maker for LiveCode: Buy my new book "Programming LiveCode for the

Re: unsetting defaultMenuBar

2015-03-21 Thread Mark Schonewille
defaultMenubar to empty seems impossible, I don't think you have ever worked with an empty defaultMenubar in the LiveCode IDE. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter:

Re: [OT] Problem with MySQL Insert

2015-03-25 Thread Mark Schonewille
syntax and see what appears in the message box. Can you confirm that the MySQL syntax you see in the message box is the same as what you entered in Sequel Pro? What are the collations of the database and the time field? -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software

Re: [OT] And You Thought Richmond Kept Old Macs Alive

2015-03-26 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi, I have an old Mac SE, which I can connect to the serial port of an old Performa, which has ethernet, and which lets me surf the net on my SE. It is kind of a hassle and I didn't think it was that interesting. -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Sof

Re: How to Turn a Word Into a Graphic Object?

2015-03-26 Thread Mark Schonewille
r" end try end selectedRect -- Best regards, Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering Homepage: Twitter: KvK: 50277553 Installer Maker for LiveCode: Buy my new book "Program

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