> Roger G. wrote:
> Jim, I'm just now trying to catch up on this discussion and I see that no one
> has answered your question. I can’t answer either and wonder what’s going
> on???
> BTW, I believe you should have a negative sign in front of the square bracket
> . . . not that that helps at all
> Ben R. wrote:
> Does anyone have (fairly recent) experience using LiveCode to with unusual
> input devices - phidgets, PowerMate, MIDI keyboards or controllers, DMX, etc?
> On either Mac OS X or iOS? What's easy? What works? Are there good
> externals or libraries I should know about?
I f
Please look also in the dictionary of newest LC 8:
fullClipboardData and rawClipboardData
greatly enhanced the clipboard access.
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> Alejandro wrote:
> Remember, again, Livecode vector graphics only use integers (1,2,3,4,5...)
> for displaying graphics strokes (borders). This limitation IS an
> insurmountable barrier to import and display faithfully many professional
> illustrations created or exported to SVG format.
I rea
> Alejandro wrote:
> Accurate rendering of strokes with different weights requires
> special techniques to get the desired effect:
> http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2012/04/a-closer-look-at-font-rendering/
Hi Alejandro,
this is, once again, not a problem of integers or floating points.
Of course
> J. LG wrote:
> It needs to come back. I can't work without it. Project browser is not an
> acceptable replacement for the kind of stacks I work with.
I stopped to edit any stack in LC 8.
The Project Browser is beautiful to look at, also the Property Inspector,
beautiful design, but there ar
(Application Browser, LC 7 - Property Inspector) that is
> much more useful, for EACH AND EVERY stack.
That was me, I don't know why I became anonymous, I'm not.
use-livecode mailing list
Peter B. wrote:
> 1) In general, we have found that the Project Browser is easier to use
> by newcomers to LiveCode, and easier to explain in training materials.
There is nearly no difference if you have one button and one field.
> 2) We also found that there was significant confusion caused by
> J. LG wrote:
> Something like that would work for me ...
If such wonderful things could be realized (will be a feature-exchange),
what should then the significantly confused crowd of newcomers do?
Use the Application browser plugin?
use-livecode m
> If all they are hearing is a handful of people saying they don’t like it
> and want to use the application browser instead then can you blame them
> for coming up with a solution of putting the application browser in
> plugins for those users?
People in this list are saying repeatedly si
> > R. Mathewson wrote:
> > Although I would still like to know why it has been
> > downgraded to a Plug-in.
> M. Wieder wrote:
> Actually, I don't see that as a downgrade at all. Making
> it a plugin allows it to be more malleable, fixable,
> replaceable. Taking it out of the IDE hierarchy shou
> Jacqueline L.G. wrote:
> I'm guessing my needs are unique, and also that the rest of the list is
> getting tired of us by now, so I'll taper off.
No, certainly no. I learned a lot from this whole discussion and became also an
impression of very interesting working styles that I will also try t
I had similar behaviour, connected to that, with the new property inspector.
I set and saved properties in LC 7, reopened the stack in LC.
The LC 7 PI shows the properties, also after reopening.
Up to LC 8-dp9, the properties are there, but NOT displayed in the new PI.
This bug is removed in LC
Yes, I got it now. Didn't read exact enough, sorry.
Perhaps your's is somehow connected to the new option
"Preserve stack file version on stacks saved in legacy format"
of the 'Files & Memory' tab of the prefrences?
Would be interesting how your technique and this option interfere?
To know at whi
> Richard E.H. wrote:
> I have a routine to bump the versions of stacks and save ...
Read your first post again. I misunderstood what you are doing.
By "the versions of stacks" you mean your development version of stacks, not
using 'the stackFileVersion' of LC.
Sorry. Hope you get this solved.
> Michael K. wrote:
> Pointlist to Bezier
> Hi there
> I wonder if any have code to take a point-list and turn it
> into a smooth-lined bezier.
A bezier curve is a mathematical model. It can only approximately be
drawn by polygons. LC's path method is as good as others, has
only (because it's not
Hi Richmond and Walt,
I tried to find out your definitions of "adjacent".
Walt has its own clever situation-dependent, sometimes self-adapting definition
of 2D- or 3D-neighbourhoods, perhaps too complicated for your project.
You, Richmond, think at first of 'nearby' rects.
I suggest to do that
Being the first time three words shorter than Klaus :-)))
get "4 6 2 8 5"
set linedel to SPACE
sort it numeric
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> jbv wrote:
> My problem is that I have words inside items...
To have in such cases as usual "items" inside "lines"
this works for me:
set linedel to comma
set itemdel to space
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Hi Michael and all,
meanwhile I looked closer at the math of the two algorithms that Alejandro
TMO, this is the answer, no matter if you wish to approximate/smooth
bezier-curves or any other path by curves of lower/higher order:
[1] If you have not too much points, say an N-gon wi
> Roland H. wrote:
> Also I could not see a change applying those to selected drawings.
Because it's a demo only the smoothing is only active while the check is ON and
then only for the FOLLOWING drawings.
Selecting is for editing the points of your drawings only.
The slider at bottom for the tw
There are delimiters that determine a class of chunks ("items" or "lines").
But there are also chunk types ("words" or "trueWords") that determine a class
of delimiters.
Would be very interesting to have a new kind of sort that enables to do sort
things that are not definined by a certain fixed
I don't think that it is a characteristic of a developer preview that an
installer starts with preview 11 not to work any more.
Wilhelm wasn't angry about "horrible bugs" (there will be some unsatisfying
things even in the 'stable' versions of LC 7 for his great work in using LC for
this is the sunny side of the story:
If the LC 8-dp11 installer works then one can see a lot of improvements,
especially in the HTML5 standalone engine and Livecode Builder.
HTML5 has, TMO, now switched from 'very experimental' to 'experimental' :-))
I can now confirm that it installs on Win 7 --- after a very
long time, as you say.
A fresh copy of the Indy-version needed here (3 GHz, Win 7-32Bit).
(Times instead of screenshots of the progress bar)
1 minute to start
plus 5 minutes to com to a 50% progress bar
plus 6 minutes to come t
> Ali wrote:
> There is an install log, it should be at
> /Users//AppData/Local/RunRev/Logs/LiveCodeInstallerLog.txt (off
> the top of my head - might be a slight variation on that) - tracking the
> log down for the aborted install might help us work out what is taking so
> long.
there is on
> Peter wrote:
> I need to set up a build worker for rPi on our CI
> system... maybe after I deal with the release notes.
This forces me to add also an egoist wish:
The release notes could be shortened to 6-7 short lines.
[1] LC version ... released on
[2] Link to GitHub https://github.com/live
> On 2015-12-18 11:34, Peter Bogdanoff wrote:
> > When I said "millisecond," I meant precision to a millisecond.
> > Otherwise timers would be a second or two or longer. That is possible?
> I would be very surprised if you need millisecond precision for anything UI
> related - just a guarantee
> Mark Wie. wrote:
> But "3.5x Faster" than what?
> It's like those ads that feature "20% less fat"
But: If oldWeight is 3.5*newWeight then newWeight is 1/3.5 of oldWeight what is
71.43% less fat (or whatever).
> Richard G. wrote:
> I dunno, the performance boost seems reasonably well reflec
Accepted, of course. A lot of us can now better live with LC 8.
[Because you are a LC big-cheese I thought more than 5 minutes about how you
concluded from a factor of *3.5* speed increase to *20%* loss of fat .
(By the way , the rounded result 0.2 gives of course a factor of 5=500%, that
is an
Hi all,
the sleeping-disk effect is true here, I can win 1-2 seconds of 3-5 seconds at
start of dialog. But this is with ALL apps, not only LC. And it is for the
first part of the dialog only, before creating the list.
The following is logged from the second part of an "open-stack"-dialog, afte
Thanks for the hint. Never had looked into that preferences tab.
Tried at once and restarted. Was worth a try but had no effect.
But I saw there, that LC tries to accesss my calendar (of course I disabled
that) ...
I also rebuilt permissions and cleared the dyldd's shared cache.
No effec
Hi Simon,
$1999 is compared to that what I paid at about the factor 3.5 ---
may be there was some confusion of speed and pricing when looking back.
Dont look back (by D. Pennebaker, vote ninth best documentary film of all time)
> So now I guess the question is how to get both php and ssi parsed in html
> files.
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Did you try all in one shell call (using semicolons or a string of several
lines) starting with sudo?
Your cgi could be a 'very restricted sudoer'.
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Classical tools are, for all main platforms available, imagemagick or, faster,
graphicsmagick. Both are callable via shell from LC on all desktop platforms.
They easily convert frames from a lot of different image formats to gif (also,
for example, multi-page PDFs!). Transparency is one of a bun
It's really hard to say how all the advices to this question apply to the new
feature of "SplitView" of OSX 10.11 (https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT204948)
Luckily, in the sense of Mark Wieder (and TMHO).
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Right out from my head, can not test at the moment.
The hard way: The direct input of the htmltext should always work (as long as
your on one line with the chunk).
wordOne put me down wordThree" -- down
wordOne put me down wordThree" -- up
If I remember right "sup" instead of "sub" (what work
Tested now and it works here:
LC 's textshift does exactly what it *can* do (with the primitive typesetting
system of HTML which it uses):
[1] It takes the baseline, moves the chunk relative to that up or down, leaving
the surrounding text on that baseline.
[2] After that it gives the whole li
Let me add my 1.414214 cents to this.
Connected to "scaled and original size of images" (whether imported
as control or by setting the filename):
The *old* property inspector shows in the size & location tab the
"fit content" buttons which allow to restore the original width and/or
height even wh
This may be related to the fact we know from HTML5-standalones.
(Newest) Goggle Chrome and Opera want a (local) web server
for more than 'simple' html documents,
Safari and Firefox launch everything from local files.
Anyway, comparing to the behaviour when launching from alocal web server could
What about the following?
on mouseUp
do "local tvar=1.2"
put 2*tvar
end mouseUp
Should NOT work. But this should work (as do recompiles?):
on mouseUp
do "local tvar=1.2"
do "put 2*tvar"
end mouseUp
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I've made a stack for the Raspi collection, that does the following:
Creates a *resizable* rectangle frame (window shape of a non-opaque rectangle),
currently set as systemWindow. You can drag that around the screen and trigger
a small button on the frame. Then a screenshot of the visible i
Richmond wrote:
> At the risk of throwing a spanner in the works I want to refer you to this:
> http://lists.runrev.com/pipermail/use-livecode/2014-January/196782.html
> "Hi all, Some weeks ago,
> I reported that windowShape was not working in my Lubuntu Linux setup.
> After looking around and test
"' if you wish to have a local coords shot of
'border.png', else you'll get a *global* coords shot (from the tools window or
Thanks again for your "throwing a spanner in the works" (I like your unusual
phrasing and wording), indeed you did exactly the
1. Can you "click through" the transparency to desktop on Linux? I couldn't
manage that (what works on Mac/Win).
2. Be aware of a nasty resize problem with Linux + LC6.
When you are done you could compare with a solution that's fast enough for
Raspi (runs also, faster, on newer MacOS
Bernard wrote:
> I know the params can be called to find out what parameters were
> passed to the handler when it is called. However, I'm wondering
> if a handler has a way of knowing what parameters it had at the
> time it was defined. I don't think so. Regards Bernard
Yes, that's my opinion too,
Bernd and I had once a long thread in the forum about selecting
text where we found *the selectedLoc* to be very useful.
Means here:
[1] When writing the chapters mark their offset in your text in a
separate list, one line per mark [or as metadata of each link].
[2] Then walk once through th
@Peter B.
The "Live Code UI elements..." check button is in Preferences/General line 3.
@Matt M.
Here an info community-stack (works on Mac/Win/Linux/Raspi)
that shows:
RevLoadedStacks, mainStacks, openstacks
and has
[Fits best into that thread, better than creating a new one]
Here another community stack, mainly prepared for Raspi,
but works (much faster, of course) also on Mac/Win/Linux.
The stack is a resizable transparent window-masked stack.
= Choose shapes to be created on-the-fly from menu:
... Rectan
Sorry, forgot the link to the shaped-screenShot stack, here it is
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This is a bug, reported for LC 6-8 (not by me).
I have it frequently, about 50% of all startups are crashes on Mac 10.11
Especially when I have several versions running.
If LC is asking too often for license data it helps mostly here to simply
The error message is for "Ignoring" the cra
This is a great advantage of the forum (at least for me):
One can edit a post and correct typos and wrong wording.
You have please simply to overlook such things here ;-)
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> Peter H. wrote:
> ... Surprised it hasn't been fixed yet since 6.7.8 is dead in the water for
> me.
Sadly it's all the same on MacOS**, from LC 6.7 to LC 8.0, also with newest
rc- or dp-releases.
I don't report repeatedly, because probably MacOS/SIPS is (more) the culprit.
** Mac O
[1] Firefox does NOT work any more since version 44.0 with
LC's HTML5-standalones. Sadly, because Firefox was up to
5 times faster with the standalones (with loading AND playing)
than other browsers.
ALL standalones are affected, no matter the dp version.
This is reported at Bugzilla@Mozilla
James H. wrote:
> Hi, I am using the GLX framework with LC7 and have hit a snag.
> Its application builder calls a handler in an LC resource stack
> "revStandaloneSettings.rev" which no longer exists. Looking at
> the LC package I think it has been replaced by
> revsaveasstandalone.livecodescript
Out of curiosity, if that's not a typo:
> my stack has a size of 1025*768
Is it the same if you use 1024*768 (exactly 4:3)?
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> Sounds like you may be experiencing something different. 6.7.8 is the only
> version that won't run for me. I've tried a half dozen time with the same
> result. Is there some sort of system logfile I can look at and include
> with a QCC report?
> On Sun, Feb 7, 201
Related to that
(seems to be a well-known "random"-occurrence problem)
#16112 8.0.0-dp6 Crash at startup
#14264 7.0.1-GM1 Crash on startup
Also, for me:
The probability increases if it is the first startup
of LC after a machine sleep.
Mike D. wrote:
> I am trying to build a simple launcher app and I am stumped as to how to
> load a stack from a file. I have no problem loading it from my dropbox,
> but not from a local file.
> put
> /Users/mike/Library/Preferences/CueSheets/ridewithgps_cuesheets.livecode
> into localpath
Rick H. wrote:
> I have told my Mac to never sleep because of weirdness
> like that over many years. I use the screen saver instead,
> or shut it down if I’m not going to use it for a few hours. Rick
> > On Feb 7, 2016, at 2:28 PM, [-hh] wrote:
> > Related to that
> &g
black, lightgray, darkgray, white, red , yellow, blue and "102,255,204" :-)
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>From terminal/LC's shell() use:
lock with . $ chflags uchg
unlock with ... $ chflags nouchg
What is interesting in this connection: I got also a
"compile error" from LC's "do as applescript" using
a script that works from Applescript's Script Editor.
MacOS 10.11.3
Hi all,
these flowers are not for me. Here's my secret:
Simon Sheppard’s website ss64.com
Extremly fast and *very* competent.
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Phil D. wrote:
> I looked at the web site below and it makes sense now. Guess I'm not
> used to such flowery language. Phil
> On 2/9/16 4:59 PM, Phil Davis wrote:
> > I can smell them from here... smells fishy. Or maybe rotten, if
> > Hermann is in Denmark.
> &
John D. wrote:
> Is there a list somewhere about what is working and what is not
> with html 5 ?
Hello John,
perhaps it's too early to maintain such a listing.
I already asked for insights into a "To-Do-List"
in order to add "enhancement requests" (#16252).
We could/should do that by ourselves (
if it's done
end if
end mouseUp
=== Note
Bernd N. and I had a dialog about the "execution error" of the
original script [1] above and he found the culprit:
If you give an alias that starts with a colon (or a POSIX path
that starts with a slash) then the Applescript Sc
Scott R. wrote:
> If you want the GIF to stop playing when it reaches the last frame, why
> wouldn't you set the repeatCount to 1?
> If your GIF can play multiple times through (repeatCount = -1), then I
> believe the only way you can track its frames is to poll it, with a
> frequency that sligh
Scott R. wrote:
> -HH makes a good point that I forgot about: if you control the playback
> yourself, setting the GIF's currentFrame every so many millisecs, you'll
> always know which frame you're on in the GIF. This will work for most
> GIFs, but can mess up playba
I'm used to set the 'global' text color of a field by the Property Inspector by
setting the textColor (synonym foreColor) and set the color of chunks of text
by script or menu.
I've never been able to set the color of text (or parts of text) in Project
Browser or Application Browser. Please tel
Hi Klaus,
wrong number? Report 16843 is not about "textColor/ForeColor" but abut setting
the textfont.
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William P. wrote:
> But, why not call it what it is? Since this is an app for "everybody" why not
> just call it textcolor? That’s what it actually is. If we can use syntax
> like: “put 3 into x” instead of “x=3”, why not try to carry through the
> entire system with the same philosophy and keep
When using an imagesource you are not really "combining an image with
text", but embedding a *reference to an image* into text.
If you wish to control the size of the image's display, you have to
control the size/imagedata of the image file (or referenced image).
To do this by params width and hei
> I've been doing some php coding recently and it allows the us
> of single or double quotes as string delimiters so you can use
> single quotes around a string that includes double quotes. Would
> be nice to have that in LC.
Yes, this is so comfortable! I miss it in LC since years. Please
make a
Howard, two hints to your clock:
= If user hasn't installed (or disabled) the few fonts you
make available then it always has the same 'system font'.
= The colour chooser may be fully hidden by the clock window
and then 'blocks' the app.
Howard B. wrote:
> Did you not have any of these fonts installed at the time?
> Had you explicitly removed them? What version of OSX are
> you running?
I have > 800 fonts on my Mac (and use newest OSX developer
preview). Of course I enable only a small subset, what I
currently need. Your's are usu
Monte G. wrote:
> We need ways to programmatically enter and leave fullscreen
> mode along with ways to enable and disable the availability
> of the mode.
> Anyone have any hints where I look for those things.
This is what I use on MacOSX.
The windowLevel should *always* be set lower than the popU
Kay C. L. wrote:
> Moving right along, for those Slack Moders, if you run the same statements:
> repeat with x=1 to 20
> do "local tVar_" & x
> do "put x*x into tVar_" & x
> end repeat
> put tVar_5 into msg --not hidden in
> For reasons I do NOT understand, you get a runtime error:
> Peter B. wrote:
> > The Dictionary entry for 'local' has this Example:
> >
> > -- To make a numbered list of variables:
> > repeat with x=1 to 20
> > do "local tVar_" & x & "; put empty into tVar_" & x
> > end repeat
> >
> > Which 'apparently' runs fine if you copy and paste it into the msg
Mark Wadd. wrote:
> > [-hh] wrote:
> > local a1=1, a2=false
> > -- local a[1]=1, a[2]=false #<-- currently not allowed
> >
> > For such default-constructs variable names and using "do"
> > are really helpful.
> Although you can do
Kevin M. wrote:
> see in detail https://livecode.com/leap-to-future/
Yes, LC is great, worth its pricing, even if one is not using
any of Monte's iOS externals: The other core-developers will
have more time for their valuable work by that personal expanding.
But sadly your explanations to the Ind
, weighted means are again options.
This is not at all trivial. The designers here will have extremely diverging
examples for different 'averaging'.
Perhaps it is much easier (and much faster) to simply set the ink of the button
to give a high con
nice effects).
Here's a formula for a weighted mean close to that some professional apps use
when converting an image to grayLevel.
This is derived from "perception" values (note: .6 is close to goldenRatio) of
the human eye:
## g = (1*r + 6*g + 3*b) div 10 for each
BR and jacques,
it's kind of a 'LC-mania' of me to put a fully working
solution, if available, near the end of a thread.
Here's one I made for converting to grayLevel colours and
adapted to your case. Tell us your solution also, please.
The following is pretty fast, I wrote it after learning some
You could do for that:
set randomseed to (char -8 to -1 of the millisecs)
put 19+random(120) into pX ; put 19+random(175) into pY
p.s. Sorry for giving this advice, but "randomness" was my
job's field and is still my passion.
> BR wrote:
> HH You are right of course. one pixel was an expediency and certainly
> does not cover all cases. In fact it is a rather weak algorithm ...
> ... Musings:
> A random algorithm also does not help us out either.
[1] I didn't say a single random pixel is the
You could think about showing the internet date (=full information).
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BR uses or wants to use button labels.
Where then do you apply this effect? To a button label?
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This is essentially the same technique that Scott R. suggested.
New is the MOVE-TO-SCROLL-FACTOR, in case you prefer that.
** The scroll respects here the group's relative to card's size. **
** Thus scrolling becomes "parallel" to the mouseMove distances. **
For example if you move your fingers/th
> > hh wrote:
> > BR uses or wants to use button labels.
> > Where then do you apply this effect? To a button label?
> jacque wrote:
> Shadows work on button names/labels the same as they do for fields
> if the button is transparent. The shadow affects onl
sorry, I know from your posts which I read long before writing to
this list that you don't need help for the scrolling per se.
I just wanted
to add my MOVE-TO-SCROLL-FACTOR as a whole. inside of a working script.
I don't like to scroll with 5 long moves until the targeted loc is
reached and
net date" respects **daylight saving offsets** of
the dates.
You can see that with a HTML5 standalone
that counts up to the LC meeting. Click at the bottom field
to change the date from August to March and you(?) will see
the UTC offset ch
Sorry, typo in link, should read
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dp10-14, stack is downloadable.
[Use Chrome, Opera or Safari.
Firefox: yes < v44, NO v44, yes > v44 (coming soon)]
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> Peter H. wrote:
> I don;t have the link to hand but there's a Youtube video that's been
> posted on this list before about what a nightmare it is to handle all
> the scenarios involving what date and time it is in different parts of
> the world and keeping up to date with changes. Pete
> Kay C.
> Terry J. wrote:
> OK, thanks hh. It’s probably a little too clunky for my purpose
> (I don’t think I can expect users to manually replace placeholder
> characters with returns) but nice to know that there is a
> workaround of sorts.
If the webpage that receives the text (page)
> Peter B. wrote:
> Dear list members, We are pleased to announce the release of
> LiveCode 8.0.0 DP 15 ... and 45 bug fixes!
What a british understatement for a preview, that's more
a release candidate (we are still in dot-dot state).
Especially the HTML5 part. I'm testing since three hours:
= T
Here a constructive post to HTML5.
** Six HTML5 standalones running smoothly together in one window. **
hh.on-rev.com/html5/ (the cyan button "CLUSTER" is at bottom).
I don't hesitate at all to criticize if appropriate, but much the same
I don't hesitate to praise:
Have fun and try you
>> Peter Bo. wrote
>> How would one modify this to return tOffset as a smaller change when tData
>> is near zero, and the opposite when tData is near the maximum?
> Kay C. Lan wrote:
> I think what you need is use x to the power of. ie x*x, x*x*x, or x*x*x*x
Yes K.C., that's my proposal too.
n't go 'deeper'. Except LC would allow to
attach js handlers alike the browser objects do.
Hope that was not too theoretical, the HTML5 people in general
have their own special wording what builds (intentionally?)
a barrier to simple HTML3 users like me and, as you wrote,
also yo
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