Am I the only one, or does the new inspector in LC8 needs some optimizing and
bug fixing?
- Select multiple controls to change something for all of them: after a few
controls things are getting ssslllo
- Select left-aligned fields and center-aligned buttons, while the text-tab of
Hi Matthias,
Just tried RodeoApps, but the same thing happens... The page is loaded, but no
sound... I guess it must be a Mac-oddity :-(
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,
Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530
Aardbemden 11 • B-2400 • Mol • Belgium
Just a shameless message, because I'm kinda proud of my latest LiveCode
I know that there are a few graphical coders are among us, so it is not only
"showing off", but some of you might actually have use to it.
Intelli-Pubs is a range of editions of InDesign tools, assisting graphic