Just a shameless message, because I'm kinda proud of my latest LiveCode 

I know that there are a few graphical coders are among us, so it is not only 
"showing off", but some of you might actually have use to it.

Intelli-Pubs is a range of editions of InDesign tools, assisting graphic 
designers to manage their InDesign files, when dealing with various output 
The challenge at this moment is the following:
1 master design e.g. and advertisement at A4 size.
This master design needs to be converted to 5 different sizes for different 
magazines. This brings the total to 6 source artwork files.
3 magazines also have an iPad version of the magazine, 2 different sizes needed 
of each ad This brings the total to 12 source artwork files.
1 of them also publishes on the Galaxy Pad, so 2 more sizes need to be created: 
total of 14 source InDesign documents.
And 2 magazines also run an iPhone version, 4 jPeg files needed of each, so in 
the worst case, 22 source files in total.

For print, the first 5 ads need to be exported to PDF files, some of them 
PDF-X4, other publishers demand different output settings for their PDFs.
And for the iPhone, iPad and GalaxyPad the publishers need Jpeg Files.

And about 10 minutes before deadline, the customer calls and demands the phone 
number to be changed... It is just a small change, so please make it happen...

Changing the phone number means opening 22 InDesign files and exporting them 
again to the correct output format. No, of course there won't be any mistakes, 
no of course we will meet deadlines... NOT!!!

That's where Intelli-Pubs kicks in :-)
Managing and using all different specs of publishers, smart-conversion of 
InDesign artwork to various sizes, and much more.

Please take a look at some screenshots at http://www.intelli-pubs.com, look 
forward to some reactions.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Aardbemden 11 • B-2400 • Mol • Belgium

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