One thing to bear in mind is that Livecode does not support secure sockets
(despite what the Dictionary might say).
On Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 12:31 AM Richard Gaskin via use-livecode <> wrote:
> - How hard would it be to script it using LC's good socket support?
As I was looking into htmx (which is basically going in the opposite
direction to that which Livecode is taking with WASM), I discovered the
author of htmx has also implemented a kind of hypertalk in the browser (the
point being to more simply hook into DOM events).
It looks rather ugly IMO (unlik
Hi Alex
I've started using this, quite pleased with what it can do in terms of
presentation. But it seems to me (going off the Dictionary and my own
tests) that it doesn't receive any mouse messages. So clicking on any of
the displayed chart components has no effect.
I haven't yet investigated
Thanks for reminding me to re-install a copy, Geoff. I've been away from
LC development for a year or so, started again using a new machine, and had
forgotten how much I like using your tool. I just downloaded v 7.5 RC2
from your Wordpress site, which looks like it's at the cutting edge along
With the Browser widget javascript can send messages to the parent app,
triggering some Livecodescript in the parent.
Is there an equivalent in a html5 deployment? It seems that in html5
deployment Livecodescript can call to the Javascript of the parent browser
by "do somestuff() as Javascript".
Hi Mark
It turns out it is an anomaly due to CORS. There were so many steps
involved in trying to isolate what was going on (juggling different
deployments, different servers). Eventually I got there.
I wonder if there are a whole host of CORS
Here's a peculiarity I haven't seen mentioned before. I am trying to test
the viability of the idea of a function to call back to LC and provide
debugging info.
Assume you create a LC function lclog(pmsg,pval) and you put a breakpoint
in the IDE inside that function body. Set the htmltext of a b
Considering the html5 enhancements might well be the biggest thing in LC
10, I can foresee a whole world of pain when it comes to us debugging
Javascript interactions.
Without access to all the development tools that come in modern browsers
how is any interaction of any complexity between LC and J
Hi Mark
Thank you for your response. However, I just tried in the Javascript
console of Safari, Chrome and Firefox and the local test server to which I
am POSTing is returning the headers (as LC does when running not as HTML5).
Here's the JS I used. As you can see, it's a simple POST rather than
If one could get hold in Livecodescript of the Javascript Request object
that was sent to the server, then one might be able to get hold of the
Response headers.
My guess is that the shim is getting hold of this
With some servers the cache-control header is returned too.
It looks to me that there is some mysterious shim that exists between
libUrl calls and Javascript, and this shim is the (likely) reason why only
some headers are being returned to the app. Does anyone know what is going
on here?
I am try
The only headers returned from a POST command are
(in the IDE all the headers sent by the server are returned by this
Seems a bit strange to me, as there may well be other important
meta-information carried in headers (for example, Date:, at the very leas
Thanks Panos. That kind of works. It always opens in the default browser
i.e. trying to select another browser as the test target has no effect. Is
this a known bug?
>From test/save with browser closed (compile to standalone, then let IDE
launch browser):
Load time LC 10 - 5 secs
Load time LC 9.6
I'm not sure this merits a bug report (just yet). I suspect I'm doing
something wrong.
I installed LC 10 on Windows 10 and wanted to see how much difference
webassembly made to the loading speed. However, after trying on 3 browsers
(Firefox, Chrome, Edge), it fails to load. On each browser the er
I was having problems with SE on Windows randomly causing crashes just by
clicking in the text are of SE.
When I switched off all the bling, I never had another crash like that. I
plan to slowly re-introduce the bling to see if I can identify which part
causes the crashes.
Regards, Bernard
I use a USB KVM to switch keyboard, mouse, monitor between M1 Mac Mini and
a PC (the KVM is powered by USB even though it comes with an optional
separate power source). If there was a general defectiveness in the Mac's
USB support, I'd expect it to appear in this kind of scenario (as I switch
Thank heavens this policy change has finally come. Baseless accusations
can end up affecting perception. Surrounded by negative criticism one can
actually blame LC for defects that exist in oneself. It has happened to
me, where I've tracked down the defect in my own work just before I was
I don't see much benefit in coulda, woulda, shoulda.
Tcl was so prominent it was actually listed in the HTML 4 reference spec as
one of three possible languages which could be used to write dynamic HTML
(VBScript, Tcl, Javascript).
Tcl being wi
Hi Curry
Thanks. It had occurred to me that it could be the SE bling that was
causing the crashes. So I had switched off almost all of the bling. The
crashes on clicking within the text field stopped after that - only a day
or so now, but I haven't seen that kind of crash since I switched off most
Here's what I decided to do. I've put an intercept handler in a frontscript
that doesn't allow mouseDown or mouseDoubleDown to pass if the target is
the scriptEditor field.
Those msgs are only sent when mousebutton 3 is used, so I'm disciplining
myself to only click with that button in the script
LC 9.6.1
I can be in the Script Editor typing away. I move the mouse to click on
another line of the script. Blammo. LC crashes.
Any idea how this can be pinned down? I can't see any pattern. The only
plugin open is Geoff's Navigator. There's only a few tabs open in the SE.
The total size of al
I'm glad to hear that.
I don't think my instructions were easy to follow. AFAIK Klaus was the
only person able to benefit from them unaided. Others I had to walk through
a debugging process as they either couldn't follow the instructions or they
had a new problem which I hadn't yet encountered. T
One has to wonder why, if that is so simple, LC Ltd recommend that people
install the full Android Studio. That is the only advice they provide on
setting things up for Android development.
You only have to look at the Lesson to see the problems people have with
the existing procedure. There are
Are you using mobileSetKeyboardDisplay "pan"?
I found a bug with that too though.
On Sat, Oct 9, 2021 at 2:21 AM J. Landman Gay via use-livecode <> wrote:
> I told a web designer I'd ask here to see if anyone has i
At least the new licensing model should allow LC to prioritise based on
what customers use.
IMO the open source initiative was the single biggest mistake LC Ltd made.
With that drain on resources over hopefully they can get to work on fixing
some of the outstanding deficiencies.
I guess it comes down to what different people are doing with LC.
I get the erroneous "this script has been altered externally" message about
3 times a year.
I never get the "A stack with the same name as the one you are trying to
load" unless I really am opening two stacks with the same name.
Somehow I doubt that the process will be so crude that (e.g.
DNS resolution fails) all standalones built with the Starter Plan would
stop working. I'd imagine that the check for validity would happen for
several days/weeks before an app stopped working. It surely isn't in LC
Ltd's int
My advice to LC Ltd was: since Android Studio incorporates its own JDK and
LC Ltd's official advice is to install Android Studio, then the simplest
path is to have the IDE rely on the paths of that bundled JDK to setup and
configure the LC/Android interactions.
On Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 12:43 PM Lag
Hi Lagi
I'd suggest following the Lesson as the most straightforward route. Let us
know if that doesn't work.
Regards, Bernard
On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 8:17 PM Lagi Pittas via use-livecode <> wrote:
> I will look for a thread by you and expect that it should be t
Good luck with that. For the last two people I helped on the Forum with
that issue, it turned out that Google had provided a version of Android
Studio where key build tools were missing. I discovered this after days of
investigation in trying to help people get their setup working and after I
No problems that I could see.
On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 6:18 AM Peter Bogdanoff via use-livecode <> wrote:
> Hi to all those that did a test of my Music In the Air program some days
> ago on your Mac.
use-livecode m
I tried it on M1. After selecting "English" the next screen is in Chinese.
However, going beyond that it is in English. I couldn't detect any
problems. I went through half a dozen screens. The only one that didn't
load was the Glossary, but a dialogue came up saying that wasn't available
in this v
I didn't make myself clear - it can work for hours with no slowdown at
> 13,000 lines on an older computer there is just no pattern.
> Lagi
> On Wed, 8 Sept 2021 at 18:54, Bernard Devlin via use-livecode <
>> wrote:
> >
Yes. I've also seen crashes on non-conditional breakpoints. I literally
save before any test run. Then at suitable junctures I intercept savestack
(+ controlKey down) to write the stack out as Json + script only stack and
commit it all to my VCS.
But again I haven't (yet) noticed a pattern with t
I've seen it for years too. I never worked out what caused it. But I'm an
inveterate user of the message box when debugging. I will look out for a
pattern to it now.
On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 6:32 PM J. Landman Gay via use-livecode <> wrote:
> This has been going on fo
I pasted 8000 lines of text into Script Editor on Windows (just 1 large
block comment). On typing chars take a couple of seconds to appear once
there is that much text. Cut it down to 800 lines and it's fine.
With 8000 lines switch off "live errors" and the slow typing issue is gone.
I've asked
Hi Martin
I'm interested in the web assembly for HTML5. I had actually written two
different apps which I would have done as HTML5 but the loading time alone
was just to slow. The increased loading speed alone should now make these
possible as HTML5. There are still a lot of other things that are
I haven't looked into it as I have nothing to do with education. But
doesn't the University plan give you all 7 platforms + additional features
for about $950?
On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 9:50 PM Timothy Bleiler via use-livecode <>
Without knowing anything other than "the IDE is like treacle" I loaded
various stacks in Windows to see what the complaint could possibly be about.
8 seconds for IDE to start - no treacle on opening stacks
8 seconds to open Dictionary - no treacle on searching Dictionary (given
it's loading 1000 p
On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 12:13 AM Lagi Pittas via use-livecode <> wrote:
> Another company's software I used for visual Foxpro and Delphi over the
> years was
> Look at all the languages they support and livecode isn't on there [...]
Actually I wasn't particularly addressing you. For one thing, I'll wager
you've got hundreds of posts on the Forum.
On Mon, Sep 6, 2021 at 7:09 PM Lagi Pittas via use-livecode <> wrote:
> My biggest "whine" is not the ending of the open source initiative - it's
> the
On Mon, Sep 6, 2021 at 3:08 PM Kevin Miller via use-livecode <> wrote:
> We have dabbled with a number of low cost /entry level offerings in the
> past. There used to be a starter kit that allowed only a certain number of
> lines of code per object. We had non-standal
Over on the Forum I've seen several of the whiners criticising the lifetime
licenses - people who have paid a tiny fraction of what we've paid (if
they've paid anything at all)! I suspect their baseless criticisms have
cost more than any of the whiners have paid in license fees. If I ran the
I'm sure Kevin etc. doesn't share my view on this. But here it is. Get your
On Sun, Sep 5, 2021 at 2:56 PM Dan Brown via use-livecode <> wrote:
> It can't be any more harmful than abruptly pulling the rug from under the
> feet of your largest user demogra
But the best way of selling it is to FIX the bloody IDE - I am running on a
16G 1 year Old 8th Generation CoreI7 processor and it STILL runs like
As I don't recognize this experience can you put a video of your experience
on the cloud? I don't run on hardware anything like as bee
Whilst waiting for a fix, would a temporary solution be to use sqlite to
create an in-memory database and let sqlite do the sorting for you?
Regards, Bernard.
On Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 8:23 PM Ben Rubinstein via use-livecode <> wrote:
> Thanks to Mark Waddingham's adv
I can understand why there are users who feel betrayed by the company
especially with the new
pricing structure, and the discontinuance of support for the Community
version which was even
paid for in a marketing campaign in advance of it’s release.
The vast majority of the money contributed t
I see that some of "the community" have now uploaded dozens of the
installers from the old Livecode page to
I don't know what LC Ltd's thinking was in deleting the old pages, but
clearly some of "the community" are
Hi Kevin
I've read your various interactions with people here and on the forum and I
think you're handling this superbly In the last 5 years my house insurance
has doubled in price (the house has remained the same size and the
insurance offers no more features). At no point has my insurance compa
Over on the forum Kevin has been encouraging people to contact support with
any issues. Some are refusing to do so, making ridiculous demands in
Yesterday I had a look at the historical prices to see if LC was
significantly more expensive than Metacard:
2001 - Metacard ($995) [$288]
The vast majority of those who contributed to the Kickstarter were rewarded
with something other than the free product.
I suggest you go read the comments on the Forum and see who is being
harsh. LC Ltd made a change that is within their rights to ke
FWIW over on the forums the sentiment seems to be mostly hostile to these
changes. Many are talking of collecting and hosting past "community"
installers to get around these changes by LC Ltd, others talking of jumping
ship. Over there the attitude is "the sky is falling". I can only assume
ies this new environment presents?
> >
> >
> > 📆Schedule a call with me
> > On 1 Sep 2021, 12:18 +0100, David V Glasgow via use-livecode <
> >>, wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > > On 1 Sep 2021, at 11:26 a
I can't say this surprises me. I didn't expect the open source offering to
do anything but cut into the bottom line. But certainty isn't achieved
until something is tried and actual results obtained. One of the good
things about having the code source was that there have been times when
I've wanted
On Fri, Aug 13, 2021 at 6:49 PM Klaus major-k via use-livecode <> wrote:
> I check EVERY mail I receive! :-)
> But this is nothing I could fix, Heather needs to address this, so write
> to:
> > Regards, Bernard
> Best
> Klaus
For days I've been having trouble logging in.
Even if I choose "I forgot my password" and paste in the new long password
the Forum emails to me, I can't log in with it. I was able to login the
first time it did this, but as soon as I changed my password I was logged
out and couldn't login again.
Hi Andre
It was probably 15 years ago when you said "I want to build a http daemon
in Revolution".
You were a young man :)
BTW I've started using your dblibrary recently. If I pay for a license,
will you get the money? Can you provide a link for where to make the
Regards, Bernard
Hi Rick
Normally I'd agree with you (ever since Andre piped-up as a young man
saying he was building a webserver in Livecode, I've thought "just use one
of the many available webservers..")
However this user wants this running on a mobile device. So he either
gives up that idea or he starts goin
Hi all
Over on the forum someone has run into what appear to be limitations of
LC's included httpd library.
I remember over the years seeing that various people implemented something
like this (Andre comes to mind). The forum user wants to be able to run a
LC app on a mobile device within a LAN
In the Extending Livecode part of the Dictionary it says:
*"Java bindings are currently supported on Android, Mac and Linux."*
I am at a loss to understand why Java extensions are supported on Mac and
Linux but *not* on Windows.
I've seen no explanation for this anywhere. Can someone enlighten m
Hi Richard
The idea of client certificates was why I was looking for this feature for
the past 15 years. I know that PKI is complex but it is important (which is
why browsers implemented it decades ago). Even tsNet behaves very
differently on Windows and OS X when it comes to server certificates
Hi Richard, it's client side.
The project is a messaging app, principally for mobile. SSL/TLS
certificates issued with client software enable servers to know that the
connection is allowed at a network level before any user authentication.
In the early stages of development it was simple enough
ze those keywords.
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
> > > On Jan 26, 2021, at 2:13 PM, Bernard Devlin via use-livecode <
> >> wrote:
> > >
> > > Thanks for the suggestion Erik, but I don't see from that how one
Regards, Bernard
On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 12:57 AM Mark Wieder via use-livecode <> wrote:
> On 1/26/21 6:05 AM, Bernard Devlin via use-livecode wrote:
> > Is it really the case that for the past 6 years LC documentati
> Examples:
> -Original Message-----
> From: use-livecode On Behalf Of
> Bernard Devlin via use-livecode
> Sent: dinsdag 26 januari 2021 16:40
> To: How to use LiveCode
> Cc: Bernard Devlin
> Subje
rowser, so the problem
is definitely on the LC side.
On Tue, Jan 26, 2021 at 2:34 PM Brian Milby via use-livecode <> wrote:
> Did you try with “and key tKey”... it does not look like that part is
> optional.
> Sent from my iPhone
According to the Dictionary in LC 9.5.1 there is this command:
open secure socket [from [localHostName][:localPort]] [to] socketID [with
message callbackMessage] [without verification] *[using certificate
certificate and key key]*
However I can't get it to work.
open secure socket to "localhost
Hi Bernd
Thanks for the suggestion. But I think the evidence points away from this.
One thing I've done is
- change the script (could be just addition of a comment)
- copy entire script
- apply & close
- re-open script editor --> *change is missing*
- close IDE
- re-open LC
- open stack script i
Jan 15, 2021 at 4:59 PM Alex Tweedly via use-livecode <> wrote:
> On 15/01/2021 15:30, Bernard Devlin via use-livecode wrote:
> > I'm seeing exactly the same range of behaviours I described earlier for
> > 9.5.1 on Win 10 but with 9.6.1 on
I'm seeing exactly the same range of behaviours I described earlier for
9.5.1 on Win 10 but with 9.6.1 on OS X.
It's very strange that Alex is also editing scripts with sockets
opened/closed but not losing changes made in the script editor. I also had
3 crashes on OS X within 30 minutes of workin
"do i understand it correctly that both, server and client stack, can
communicate with each other using sockets in one instance of the LC IDE"
Your understanding is correct. On the other project (where I didn't have
this current problem) I had half a dozen clients and 1 "server" running in
the IDE
Thanks Alex for your quick response.
I'll try with 9.6.1 on Mac. The only other difference between us is that
my sockets are interacting with a process outside of LC. But I can't see
why that would make a difference (particularly once I've closed all
sockets, I wouldn't expect sockets to interfer
This is a strange phenomenon.I wonder if anyone else has seen this.
Livecode 9.5.1 Windows 10.
If a socket is opened then changes to scripts in the IDE are not
applied/saved. There's no error message. It *appears* from the IDE that
the changes are applied (i.e. the changes are visible in the scr
That's very sad news. I'd noticed he had been quiet on the forum. HH made
some truly extraordinary contributions. Just a few days ago I was just
looking at his Jigsaw HTML5 app, and was astonished at what he had
achieved. He might not have been happy with the limitations in the HTML5
standalone, b
In his reply to you I think Alex is suggesting you use the handlers that
come with the Datagrid. These can convert xml to a LC array. You might
find it easier just to deal with a familair data structure rather than
learn XML.
I found them here:
Hi Martin
In the Script Editor try unchecking the various entries under Edit/Options
e.g. variable checking, live errors, etc.
I've recently moved to using LC on OS X and was surprised how snappy the
editor was i.e. I didn't need to switch off most of those things as I did
on Windows 10.
I don't
Hi Graham
I wondered if this information is of use. URL calls are not limited to
Having a LC app respond to a URL call:
Apps and their URL schemas:
Which is why my sentence finishes with "... to be in a situation to take on
this level of complexity." :-)
Apple first bought the domain in 1999. That the iPhone was under
development was even being discussed by mainstream media such as the New
York Times in 2002. The public availabilit
Hi Heriberto
Back in the day (20 years ago) the engine/IDE ran on FreeBSD and various
proprietary unixes.
The Linux server version has been seen to work on FreeBSD back in 2011
(after installing Linux compatibility layer).
This works:
export snapshot from rect tRect of window tWinID at size tDim1,tDim2 to
file tFile as GIF
I saw a report in the forum saying that this scaled incorrectly if the
snapshot was of a text field, but in my tests this was not a problem.
On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 11:34 AM Bernard Devlin wrot
Richard, just FYI
The dictionary (LC 9.5.1) does say that "export snapshot ... at size
x,x..." is supported since version 6.0, but I can't get it to change the
size of the exported image. I'll add a note here if I get it to work.
On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 4:38 PM Richard Gaskin via use-livecode <
I get a headache looking at concatenations like this. I don't use them
unless I'm constructing a simple string.
put URL (tHttpsServerRoot & sStoryTitle & "/" & sStoryTitle &
".livecode") into tLocalDocumentsStories & sStoryTitle & "/" & sStoryTitle
& ".livecode"
It will be a cold day in h
So that in case (1) , we regenerate the file and in case (2) we present
a warning that the server is disconnected or down?
For (2) you could save an empty file (as a flag of availability) and set
it's attribute to hidden.
If the file is not there when you get the files, then the folder is
Whilst Mark provided what Phil needed, I too cannot believe how easy and
reliable Geoff's Navigator is. I use it for everything. When I need an
Inspector a double-click on a line in Navigator brings it up. I love it.
On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 7:14 PM Bob Sneidar via use-livecode <
I wondered how Java dealt with the issue of rendering fonts across
platforms. It seems they have (had) the same problems you are experiencing.
Here's another data point for this oddity.
Once the IDE starts tripping out from breakpoints and I restart Livecode to
fix the problem, the behavior in which the breakpoints stop working has
"detached" from the object pointing to it. I say "detached", as the object
still shows in the Inspector th
in my app or within the IDE) that leads
to this situation.
On Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 5:09 PM Ludovic THEBAULT via use-livecode <> wrote:
> > Le 17 juil. 2020 à 13:52, Bernard Devlin via use-livecode <
>> a écrit
This is mystifying in so many ways. I've seen this a few times and I'm at
a loss to explain it. It's LC 9.5.1 on Windows 10.
I have a simple conditional, where I want to stop execution and debug some
following actions. Here's the code:
*if* "15474" is in tControlLongId *then*
Hi Bernd
Your modTableField is very impressive. Reminds me of the work of the late,
great Eric Chatonet (author of many works on Hypercard). I see only one
slight problem: after I click into a cell a trace of the I beam is left
behind on leaving the cell (this becomes visible on selecting anothe
On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 7:00 PM Richard Gaskin via use-livecode <> wrote:
> If it were up to me I'd ditch it altogether.
Whatever frustrations I have with Livecode they are vastly outweighed by
the things that it can do and the things it can do now that it could
I created a play/test stack yesterday - 1 button 2 functions and a mousup
of a couple of lines no more than 30 lines of code. Did some debugging and
got a crash
in less than 15 minutes.
I was getting multiple random crashes with a test stack in 9.5 that were
apparently totally unrelated to d
Does anyone know if LiveCode Connect ever come out of beta? I have a
project coming up which uses OpenAPI and it would save me a lot of work if
Connect is available.
Regards, Bernard
On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 9:03 PM Tom Glod via use-livecode <> wrote:
> if the only h
As far as I can see, providing this enhancement is (in essence) no more
than the addition of one line to Livecode's compilation process.
Details here:
Seems to me to be a huge gain for virtually no effort. Array data could be
stored and indexed
As I'm trying to work out why it is that the datagrid does not work in
HTML5, I've realised that there are many really basic features of Livecode
that do not work in HTML5. For instance, in a field the backspace key does
not work. Moreover, it appears that the rawKeyDown message is not
Hi folks
Am I mistaken in thinking datagrids are now supposed to work in HTML5? My
datagrid and its contents display, but clicking on column headers has no
I ensured that the datagrid library was being included in the standalone
settings. The datagrid template substack of the mainstack i
Thanks Matthias. I did try variations of what I thought were a likely
names for the registration handler (but that wasn't one of my guesses for
the likely handler name).
The file "WordReport Registered Uses.pdf" is not included in the zip file
that is downloaded from within our user area on livec
Hi all
I've got a copy of this as part of one of my previous Livecode purchases.
How does one go about using the registration code?
The "Try WordReport" stack says either to buy a registration code *or* to
simply use the code if one has it. Neither of the PDF files which come with
the stack expla
I live outside London, but easy enough to get in to meet up.
On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 2:14 PM Keith Martin via use-livecode <> wrote:
> Hi Andre,
> I'm based in London – I live in Mitcham/Tooting and I work in Elephant
> & Castle. I'm game!
> k
> On 9 Nov 2018
If it's not supposed to work then best to remove it from the property
inspector so the product doesn't appear buggy to new users.
I have Livecode 5.5 on another machine. I'll see if the tooltip works
there. I see no reason why a datagrid (even if it is a fancy group)
shouldn't have a too
Am I right that this is broken?
A new stack with a single button will show the button's tooltip when the
pointer hovers over it.
Add a datagrid, and set the tooltip for the datagrid through the inspector.
The tooltip does not display no matter where the pointer is in the datagrid.
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