On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Tim Selander wrote:
> Any thoughts on validation needs for lookups only? And on using a stack or
> text file for the data? (Hmmm... how does the LC server handle variables -
> limit on size?)
> Tim,
again I'm no expert here (on anything, LC, SQL or On-Rev) bu
J. Landman Gay wrote
> On 11/28/11 10:15 PM, Mark Smith wrote:
>> Now, before I begin, both the stack in the IDE and tested on the iPhone
>> simulator report the encrypted pw as \VUw|1,A so, no difference there.
> I get a difference.
Thank you (once again). Your testing was more tho
Monday, November 28, 2011, 4:44:41 PM, you wrote:
> Whoa! Yes you can! That means I can debug why the message box
> acts that way! to be continued...
Ow! My head! You've gotta watch that stuff... you'll start getting
recursive and end up in one of Jacque's wormholes. Before you know it
On 11/28/11 10:15 PM, Mark Smith wrote:
Now, before I begin, both the stack in the IDE and tested on the iPhone
simulator report the encrypted pw as \VUw|1,A so, no difference there.
I get a difference.
The above code works fine on the IDE when the correct pw is entered
(montreal), and lo
J. Landman Gay wrote
> Startup is sent only once when the engine is first launched. In the IDE,
> that happens long before any user stacks open (I think the IDE Home
> stack catches it.) Startup will never occur in a stack open in the IDE,
> only in a standalone.
Thanks Jacque, I more or
On 11/28/11 6:41 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
Got it. What an interesting quirk though that if you do re-declare
them, they always resolve to true!
It's the same thing that came up a week or so ago. Getting anything in
the message box returns a boolean, which tells you if the command
succeeded. If
On 11/28/11 8:31 PM, Mark Smith wrote:
Hi, just wondering if there is something special about the startup handler.
The following code (executed in the IDE) does nothing:
on startup
if the cpassword of this stack is empty then
Startup is sent only once when the engine is first launched. In
Hi Pierre,
It took me a couple readings to follow your email (I'm a newbie!)
but I think I get it... especially the point about not using a
flat database, but letting the various parts of the system work
in parallel. I hadn't thought about the performance hit if there
are many, many users (th
Hi, just wondering if there is something special about the startup handler.
The following code (executed in the IDE) does nothing:
on startup
if the cpassword of this stack is empty then
ask password "Please enter a new password:"
put it into temp1
ask password "Please re-ente
Hi Jacque,
Thank you… that's basically what I was doing with a global… but working only
button scripts. I'll put handlers in the card and try again.
be well,
On Nov 28, 2011, at 5:53 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 11/27/11 8:28 PM, Randy Hengst wrote:
>> I thought it would be ni
Whoa! Yes you can! That means I can debug why the message box acts that way! to
be continued...
On Nov 28, 2011, at 4:41 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
> Now let's see, can I use breakpoint in a semicolon delimited single line
> statement...
Got it. What an interesting quirk though that if you do re-declare them, they
always resolve to true! Also, re-declaring them in the multiline message box
has no adverse effect. Works like normal. Not saying anything should be done
about it, I just find it interesting. Now let's see, can I use b
Thanks. Yes I saw a mention of lock messages in another place in the
manual that didn't seem to apply to my circumstance but that seems to have
fixed the problem.
On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Mark Schonewille <
m.schonewi...@economy-x-talk.com> wrote:
> Pete,
> Try lock messages or pa
On 11/27/11 8:28 PM, Randy Hengst wrote:
I thought it would be nice to allow the user to select a button with
a tap and then slide(swipe) to the right or left to select other
Create a script local variable to serve as a flag, and initialize it to
false. When the first button gets a m
On 29/11/2011, at 09:59 AM, Matthias Rebbe wrote:
and thanks to both of you. Had again a little spare time to investigate
revbrowser a little bit more.
A new problem now is: I use revbrowser to open a specific page. This page
contains javascript.
There are buttons on that page which use
On 11/28/11 5:01 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
Wait, you are saying that I can refer to the globals later without
first declaring them to be globals? I did not know that!
No. But once they've been declared already, you don't need to do it
again in the message box when you query their value.
On 11/28/11 5:09 PM, Mike Bonner wrote:
Interesting. I tried using a global from the message box without first
declaring it once. Didn't work for me. Then declared it and it did. What
am I missing?
It has to have been already declared, either in a one-time declaration
in the message box, or
Ok thanks that makes sense. I have a fuzzy recollection in the past that that
didn't work for me but I suspect my coding at that time was fuzzier still.
On Nov 28, 2011, at 3:06 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 11/28/11 2:07 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
>> That works famously! It's only in the
Try lock messages or pass xyz.
setProp xyz theValue
lock messages
set the xyz of me to theValue
unlock messages //optional
end xyz
setProp xyz theValue
put somethingElse into theValue
pass setProp
end xyz
Frankly I'm not entirely sure that the second example works. I think I did
Interesting. I tried using a global from the message box without first
declaring it once. Didn't work for me. Then declared it and it did. What
am I missing?
On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 4:06 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 11/28/11 2:07 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
> That works famously! It's only in t
Yep, messed around with this a bit and it does seem to work fine. If you
need to add a global later on, just declare that one once too and its added
to the list the message box can see. (or so it seems to me)
On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 4:01 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
> Wait, you are saying that I can r
On 11/28/11 2:07 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
That works famously! It's only in the single line message box that
semicolon delimited put statements using globals always resolves to
true. Sounds buggy to me!
The message box has automatic access to any globals that have already
been declared, so you
Wait, you are saying that I can refer to the globals later without first
declaring them to be globals? I did not know that!
On Nov 28, 2011, at 12:57 PM, Mike Bonner wrote:
> Seems like it should work but..
> To get around this weirdness, define the globals once in the message box by
and thanks to both of you. Had again a little spare time to investigate
revbrowser a little bit more.
A new problem now is: I use revbrowser to open a specific page. This page
contains javascript.
There are buttons on that page which use the javascript window.open function to
open a new
I have a setProp handler that refers to its own custom property, eg
setProp xyz pvalue
set the xyz of the target to "abc"
end xyz
According to the Reference manual "If you use the set command within a
setProp handler to set the same custom property for the current object,
Thanks Peter.
Actually i do want to just toggle the locktext of the field.
I use the field to proofread the text by reading from the clickchunk to the
end using revspeak.
If I encounter an error while speaking, I want to be able to easily click the
field again to allow for edit. The control c
Seems like it should work but..
To get around this weirdness, define the globals once in the message box by
themselves at which point they will "stick" and you can use them to your
hearts content.
global gLogonSite,gSiteID -- once
at which point it seems that any and all future reference
I have the following in a frontscript, so it works on any field:
on mouseup theBtn
if theBtn <> 1 then pass mouseup
if the target begins with "field" then
if the commandkey is down and the shiftkey is down then
set the writable of the target to not the writable of the target
Hi all.
I seem to remember this working once, but it does not work now. In the message
box I put:
global gLogonSite,gSiteID;put gLogonSite & "," & gSiteID
I get true. I should be getting something like 0,2. Are semicolons legal in
the message box or no? I know I can use the multiline sect
Hello all,
Just a quick reminder that the 50% off Valentina Studio for Cyber Monday has
24 hours left on it. You can now use it to manage SQLite and very soon,
Postgre, as well as run internally reports on all three database formats.
Also, if you are looking for ways to get 3D models into Frankli
At the end of my openStack handler in my CSL Logon stack I have a simple line:
focus on field "fldusername"
Also, I have some code a bit before it, which looks like this:
go invisible stack "CSL Launcher"
go me
I do this because all the database initialization and access code is in CS
On 11/28/2011 07:42 PM, Heather Nagey wrote:
Just to let you all know, the list archives should once again be
available, on
Warm Regards,
Thank you very much indeed.
use-livecode mailing
Heather Nagey wrote:
Just to let you all know, the list archives should once again be
available, on
Thank you, Heather. With the volume of messages here and the complexity
of my In Box, I use the archives to read the list daily. Having them
Just to let you all know, the list archives should once again be
available, on
Warm Regards,
On 26 Nov 2011, at 20:28, Richmond wrote:
On 11/26/2011 08:06 PM, Jim Hurley wrote:
Wilhelm et. at.
Here is Heather's response to my questi
I'll have to wait for the summary list to respond to answers to that last
message, as I still cannot access the RR archives.
Jim Hurley
use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe
I have been trying to find a way for the user to change a text field from
unlocked to locked and back without leaving the field, just using mouse clicks.
I have found (stumbled on) a way that appears altogether illegitimate.
If the field is unlocked I can type into the field as expected. If I c
Thanks for the info!
It's not quite working because it needs to happen 'invisible' so
'answer file' is not what I need.
And then there is the random function as well.
Do you think it is possible to use "put the files into fld "pictures"
and then pick one at random?
Please replace below :
> get yourapplogics_code()
> get yourserver_response()
Début du message réexpédié :
> De : Pierre Sahores
> Date : 28 novembre 2011 11:47:37 HNEC
> À : How to use LiveCode
> Cc : Pierre Sahores
> Objet : Rép : On-Rev mySQL security issues? -- or use an LC stack f
Hi Tim,
In an "n-tiers" app logic build on top of LC-server, the best is to
1.- use a "script.lc" to bind the web UI+forms to the backend where the
"script.lc" is just a couple of lines :
2.- start using a "server_lib.livecode"
3.- and run the "yourapplogics_code()" function included in
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