ually with stellar response. I now live in the Pendleton
area of Salford, and could probably get a bus to whichever bit of South
Manchester you meet at.
Daniel Davies
(the furry dude with the tail)
(yes I am mad and not afraid to admit it)
(why are you still reading this?)
Paul Sutton
Mark Fraser wrote:
> On Thursday 16 October 2008 15:41:17 Darren Mansell wrote:
>> On Thu, 16 Oct 2008 09:51:02 +0100, "Chris Rowson"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My local bus company gives names to all its buses - one is called
Intrepid. Does that count?
on there it's not really an option.
> Any other answers? I'm using Ubuntu 7.10 (Gnome).
> Andy Jenkins.
This could be to do with unmounting. Did you unmount the drives properly
before disconnecting them?
Right click; Unmount device or Eject.
Daniel Davies
Mark Allison wrote:
> Hi there
> My Dad bought a new PC last week, and me being the family geek, was
> asked to set it up for him. He has been using XP for the last five
> years or so and is reasonably happy with it, when it works.
> When I arrived to configure his new machine and move all hi