El 21/07/2013 18:44, "Tyler J. Wagner" escribió:
> On 2013-07-21 17:41, Tyler J. Wagner wrote:
> > The Virgin Super Hub is absolute shite. I really miss my old Scientific
> > Atlanta modem. I'm not sure the 60 mbit update was worth the change.
> Sorry, please allow me to qualify that rant:
El 03/08/2013 22:08, "James Kemp"
> So the landscape is changing, albeit by waiting for the big long term
contracts to run out.
Hi James,
Sounds like good news. Any clues on what is happening with libraries?
Check out @PeterBazalgette's Tweet:
On 01/08/13 09:13, Jon Spriggs wrote:
Just bear in mind while you're not wrong about it only going to a
handful of vendors, you've got the names wrong when it comes to IT.
HP (was EDS), IBM, Computacentre, Fujitsu, Capita, CapGemini
Until very recently this was true. The prequalification quest