On 01/08/13 09:13, Jon Spriggs wrote:
Just bear in mind while you're not wrong about it only going to a
handful of vendors, you've got the names wrong when it comes to IT.

HP (was EDS), IBM, Computacentre, Fujitsu, Capita, CapGemini

Until very recently this was true. The prequalification questions on any major procurement through the Official Journal of the EU basically ruled out anyone other than the big boys. And we paid for it by the lorryload of money.

However the Government Digital Service (the people behind Gov.UK) are leading a revolution that is putting most of the new IT contracts into the hands of SMEs through the G-Cloud framework. They're also making us redesign all the public facing transactional services using agile methodology to make them user centred and rapidly improved.

So the landscape is changing, albeit by waiting for the big long term contracts to run out.

Disclosure: I'm an enterprise architect in a government agency and directly responsible for engaging with GDS on our digital delivery. I'm also trying to get our desktop replacement to be open source software on a linux base.

James Kemp
see Alexander at http://www.ajkemp.org/gallery/
or my games at http://www.full-moon.info/

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