Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Fwd: Re: Authors/editors chapter 2

2012-05-23 Thread jimandmarcy
Thanks for your quick feedback Kevin. With regards to 11.10 vs 12.04, we then have an 11.10 reference in the desktop section (that's the only reason I thought of mentioning it in my email after my commit...because I saw it in the manual, but realized I was running 12.04. I'll make sure I fi

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Editing Getting Online

2012-06-10 Thread jimandmarcy
Hey, Chris, I agree with you. I started editing this section on June 8th, and before I started, I pulled the latest rev, so I'm sure we're ok. Thanks for the heads-up! Hannie, I hope to finish my editing pass through this section and commit/push tonight. --Jim On , Chris Woollard wrote

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] top bar, menu bar, panel or top panel

2012-07-11 Thread jimandmarcy
I believe our path to a resolution lies not in what >we< think is right, or what a majority of a group thinks is right, but what the end user thinks is right. Let me explain. There are several shades of blue (electric blue, navy blue, indigo name a few). But generally, these vari

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] 1st pass thru desktop chapter edits on precise e2

2012-07-30 Thread jimandmarcy
After sifting through the Nautilus/Unity malaise Sunday, basically all I was seeing were some menu naming differences (where we were instructing users to click on a specific option in a menu to do a specific action). I now see these were nost likely unrelated to Unity and more related to an

[Ubuntu-manual] 12.10 Ubuntu Desktop edits done

2012-09-24 Thread jimandmarcy
Just completed, committed and pushed Chapter 2 edits to lp. Edits are all in rev 56. A couple of observations/questions: --screenshots in this chapter still show a username of "Ubuntu". Not sure where we landed on what name was to be used. Not sure if current screenshots are correct in this

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] 12.10 Ubuntu Desktop edits done

2012-09-24 Thread jimandmarcy
Sure... - pg 23: e first icon at the top of the Launcher is the Dash, a major innovation and core element of Unity—we will explore the Dash in a later section of this chapter. pg 25: Dash can help you find the names of files or folders. pg 55: Alt