Is there any way to save a Timeshift backup to my local NAS? The NAS is
running Ubuntu Server 18.04LTS and has 5.46TB of drive space using the
BTRFS. The NAS is also cited in my main computer's fstab.
Excert from fstab file:
# This is the NAS entry.
# Mount script was added to GUI S
I recently installed the subject package onto Kubuntu 20.04 LTS. When I
opened the app to configure my backup plan, I was unable to do so
because bup is not installed. I checked the package properties and
found where bup is supposed to be installed as a dependency. I tried to
Since the arrow keys are supported according to the man page, it's natural for the user to draw the conclusion that diagonal movement isn't possible. This should be clarified in the man page. Ideally, a non-numpad non-alphabetic method of moving diagonally could be implemented.
On 7/19/20 1:18 PM, Mark Hummel wrote:
Is there any way to save a Timeshift backup to my local NAS? The NAS is
running Ubuntu Server 18.04LTS and has 5.46TB of drive space using the
BTRFS. The NAS is also cited in my main computer's fstab.
Excert from fstab file:
# This is the NAS
Under Settings -> Region and Language the user can setup several
"input sources" (keyboard layouts). The shortcut for switching
between them is currently not configurable on the GUI.
Is there a specific reason for having the shortcut fixed instead of
configurable (in the GUI)?
If you click th