
Is there any way to save a Timeshift backup to my local NAS?  The NAS is running Ubuntu Server 18.04LTS and has 5.46TB of drive space using the BTRFS.  The NAS is also cited in my main computer's fstab.

Excert from fstab file:

# This is the NAS entry.
# Mount script was added to GUI System Settings>startup>Autostart to mount only when NAS is online.                        /media/NAS       nfs rw,hard,noexec,noauto,user,retrans=1,retry=0          0   0

I move files to and from the NAS daily so why can't Timeshift "see" and use the NAS?  Is there anything I can do to configure Timeshift to use my NAS?  Do you plan to add this ability to future versions of Timeshare?  Please advise.


Mark A. Hummel
MSgt, USAF(ret)

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