Re: Ubuntu Advanced?

2009-08-28 Thread Dane Mutters
> > > skripts, that generate configurationfiles, for everything they see and > > keep it forever > > - better tested (community is there to help, some unixers would like > > easy-to-maintain systems for ther families too) > > But it is already tested a lot and it is easy to maintain for > fam

Re: Ubuntu Advanced?

2009-08-28 Thread Dave Walker
Dane Mutters wrote: > Just an example that I was arguing with yesterday: /etc/resolv.conf. > It's auto-generated by NetworkManager. I like NM; don't get me wrong, > but if you need to change the DNS (or other) settings from the command > prompt, it's really a pain. > > --Dane Hi Dane, Whilst i

RE: Ubuntu Advanced?

2009-08-28 Thread Paul.McManus
There is absolutely no way I would have figured that out in under a week. The Ubuntu Community is great, especially with questions such as this, but for the average user (with limited technical knowledge or understanding) a GUI for these sorts of things would be a better solution. That said, my

RE: Why Ubuntu is not ready for prime time

2009-08-28 Thread Paul.McManus
Quicken, Outlook, Powerpoint, they're all bizzare names. Doesn't mean that Ubuntu can't do one better ;-) I believe the menu system is better in Ubuntu than Windows, however all apps could do with having their function added to their name. As like "Firefox Web Browser". We know what Firefox is, b

RE: Why Ubuntu is not ready for prime time

2009-08-28 Thread Paul Smith
On Fri, 2009-08-28 at 18:30 +0100, wrote: > Quicken, Outlook, Powerpoint, they're all bizzare names. > Doesn't mean that Ubuntu can't do one better ;-) > > > I believe the menu system is better in Ubuntu than Windows, however > all apps could do with having their funct

RE: Why Ubuntu is not ready for prime time

2009-08-28 Thread Paul.McManus
Awesome :-) I didn't realise this was the case. I've got quite a few non-standard apps installed, so that's probably why I haven't noticed. Gnome Baker for example, if that were literal!. -Original Message- From: Paul Smith [] Sent: 28 August 2009 19:07 To

RE: Ubuntu Advanced?

2009-08-28 Thread Mario Vukelic
On Fri, 2009-08-28 at 18:26 +0100, wrote: > There is absolutely no way I would have figured that out in under a > week. > The Ubuntu Community is great, especially with questions such as this, > but for the average user (with limited technical knowledge or > understandin

Re: Ubuntu Advanced?

2009-08-28 Thread Max Bowsher
Dane Mutters wrote: > Just an example that I was arguing with yesterday: /etc/resolv.conf. > It's auto-generated by NetworkManager. I like NM; don't get me wrong, > but if you need to change the DNS (or other) settings from the command > prompt, it's really a pain. Hi Dane, The 'resolvconf' pack

RE: Why Ubuntu is not ready for prime time

2009-08-28 Thread George Farris
Here is another reason. The documentation is lacking, big gaps and holes in it. Take a look at and lets just choose something at random. Try find a clear, concise example of how to configure multiple public facing IP addresses/ethernet boards in 9.04 KVM. Not there. Want anothe

Re: Why Ubuntu is not ready for prime time

2009-08-28 Thread Yusuf Abdulla Shunan
Hi I think most people are missing the point, how many Windows users know even to format their system and re-install? My guess is less than 20%. As far as general users are concerned it is about, getting things done and stop at that. These kind of technical issues and specific setups that you are