Re: Using standardized SI prefixes

2007-06-16 Thread Bastian Venthur
On 11.06.2007 14:57 schrieb shirish: > Hi all, > Please look at . I > put a bug up for it & > Aaron helpfully said it needs more discussion. I have had great > support from libtorrent a

using reportbug & reportbug-ng for reporting bugs upstream to debian

2007-06-16 Thread shirish
PROTECTED]> Submit this report on pidgin (e to edit) [Y|n|a|c|e|i|l|m|p|q|?]? Y Connecting to via SMTP... SMTP send failure: {'[EMAIL PROTECTED]': (550, 'relay not permitted')} Wrote bug report to /tmp/reportbug-pidgin-20070616-5078-jgeAxU Ok I remember so

Re: using reportbug & reportbug-ng for reporting bugs upstream to debian

2007-06-16 Thread Sarah Hobbs
egrity... > Will send report to Ubuntu (per request). > Maintainer for pidgin is 'Ubuntu Core Developers > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'. > Looking up dependencies of pidgin... > Please select tags: (one at a time) [none] > Spawning sensible-editor... > Report will be sent t

documentation about ubuntu-doc , sections (like wikipedia)

2007-06-16 Thread shirish
Hi all, I made a short (dunno about that) documentation at Some things I have deliberately left out such as the MTA Mail Transfer Agent part as it might have been already done somewhere & just needs linking to. There is also a big possibility that so

Re: using reportbug & reportbug-ng for reporting bugs upstream to debian

2007-06-16 Thread shirish
will try. > > Getting status for pidgin... > > Verifying package integrity... > > Will send report to Ubuntu (per request). > > Maintainer for pidgin is 'Ubuntu Core Developers > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'. > > Looking up dependencies of pidgin... >

Re: Why is vim-gtk in universe?

2007-06-16 Thread Ralf Meyer
On Fri, 15 Jun 2007 11:41:30 -0700 Micah Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > However, the bug did lead me to question why vim-gtk is in universe. > Are there examples of other source packages that produce both > core-dev and community-supported packages? I only know of nmap/nmapfe. signature.a

Re: Why is vim-gtk in universe?

2007-06-16 Thread Scott Kitterman
On Saturday 16 June 2007 23:48, Ralf Meyer wrote: > On Fri, 15 Jun 2007 11:41:30 -0700 > > Micah Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > However, the bug did lead me to question why vim-gtk is in universe. > > Are there examples of other source packages that produce both > > core-dev and community-sup