[UAI] [IEEE TCAS-I Special Section] Call for Papers: Circuits and Systems For Emerging Computing Paradigms

2021-07-23 Thread Shanshan Liu
Dear Colleague,   IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I) seeks submissions for the upcoming Special Issue on "CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR EMERGING COMPUTING PARADIGMS"[1].   As Dennard’s law is coming to an end, on-chip power consumption reduction and throughput improv

[UAI] [FashionXRecsys2021] Deadline Extended to August 10th: Third Workshop of Recommender Systems in Fashion & Retail

2021-07-23 Thread Shatha Jaradat
CFP: Workshop on Recommender Systems in Fashion & Retail In conjunction with ACM RecSys 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 27th September-1st October 2021 ** Extended Submission Deadline to August 10th 2021 ** Online Fashion retailers have signif

[UAI] [IEEE TCAS-I Special Section] Call for Papers: Circuits and Systems For Emerging Computing Paradigms

2021-07-23 Thread Shanshan Liu
Dear Colleague,   IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I) seeks submissions for the upcoming Special Issue on "CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR EMERGING COMPUTING PARADIGMS"[1].   As Dennard’s law is coming to an end, on-chip power consumption reduction and throughput improv

[UAI] [news] Continual Semi-Supervised Learning @ IJCAI 2021 - Call for participation

2021-07-23 Thread Fabio Cuzzolin
We warmly invite all machine learning researchers to participate in the upcoming IJCAI 2021 First International Workshop on Continual Semi-Supervised Learning https://sites.google.com/view/sscl-workshop-ijcai-2021/ The aim of this workshop is to formalise this new continual semi-supervised learni