We warmly invite all machine learning researchers to participate in the
upcoming IJCAI 2021 First International Workshop on Continual
Semi-Supervised Learning


The aim of this workshop is to formalise this new continual semi-supervised
learning paradigm, and to introduce it to the machine learning community in
order to mobilise effort in this direction. We present the first two
benchmark datasets for this problem, derived from significant computer
vision scenarios, and propose the first Continual Semi-Supervised Learning
Challenges to the research community.

To attend, please follow IJCAI guidelines for workshop registration (early
bird $80):



The workshop is a full-day event, scheduled in two halves (see below)
taking place on Thursday 19th August and Friday 20th August.
The event will be hosted on Gather Town, and will also be recorded via Zoom.

The programme is a blend of invited talks, oral presentations from the two
award-winning papers, two poster sessions and a panel on the future of
continual learning.

*August 19 – 14:00 – 18:00 UTC*


Opening remarks


Presentation of the benchmarks and challenges


Invited talk #1 – Razvan Pascanu


Invited talk #2 – Bing Liu


*Coffee break*


Poster session 1


Best student paper award oral presentation

*August 20 - 14:00 – 18:00 UTC*


Best paper oral presentation


Poster session 2


*Coffee break*


Invited talk #3 – Tinne Tuytelaars


Invited talk #4 – Chelsea Finn


Panel on future of continual learning


Award ceremony and closing remarks


With this workshop we intend to propose to the community both a continual
activity recognition (CAR) challenge and a continual crowd counting (CCC)


based on a newly released Continual Activity Recognition (CAR) dataset,
derived from a fraction of the MEVA (Multiview Extended Video with
Activities) activity detection dataset (https://mevadata.org/), and a
Continual Crowd Counting (CCC) dataset, derived from sequences from the
Mall, UCSD and  FDST datasets.

Invited speakers

Razvan Pascanu (Deepmind)
Tinne Tuytelaars (KU Leuven)
Chelsea Finn (Stanford)
Bing Liu (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Accepted Papers

Lucas Caccia and Joelle Pineau
SPeCiaL: Self-Supervised Pretraining for Continual Learning
(Best Paper Award)

Dhanajit Brahma, Vinay Kumar Verma and Piyush Rai
Hypernetworks for Continual Semi-Supervised Learning
(Best Student Paper Award)

Jiangpeng He and Fengqing Zhu
Unsupervised Continual Learning Via Pseudo Labels

Luca Monorchio, Marco Capotondi, Mario Corsanici, Wilson Villa, Alessandro
De Luca and Francesco Puja
Transfer and Continual Supervised Learning for Robotic Grasping through
Grasping Features

Mahardhika Pratama, Andri Ashfahani and Edwin Lughofer
Unsupervised Continual Learning via Self-Adaptive Deep Clustering Approach

Enrico Meloni, Alessandro Betti, Lapo Faggi, Simone Marullo, Matteo Tiezzi
and Stefano Melacci
Evaluating Continual Learning Algorithms by Generating 3D Virtual

Qihan Yang, Fan Feng and Rosa H.M. Chan
A Benchmark and Empirical Analysis for Replay Methods in Continual Learning

Andrea Rosasco, Antonio Carta, Andrea Cossu, Vicenzo Lomonaco and Davide
Distilled Replay: Overcoming Forgetting through Synthetic Samples

Jingbo Sun, Li Yang, Jiaxin Zhang, Frank Liu, Mahantesh Halappanavar,
Deliang Fan and Yu Cao
Self-supervised Novelty Detection for Continual Learning: A Gradient-based
Approach Boosted by Binary Classification

Hermann Blum, Francesco Milano, René Zurbrügg, Roland Siegwart, Cesar
Cadena and Abel Gawel
Self-Improving Semantic Perception for Indoor Localisation

Sungmin Cha, Beomyoung Kim, Youngjoon Yoo and Taesup Moon
SSUL: Semantic Segmentation with Unknown Label for Exemplar-based
Class-Incremental Learning

Ajmal Shahbaz, Salman Khan, Mohamad Asiful Hossain, Vincenzo Lomonaco,
Kevin Cannons, Zhan Xu and Fabio Cuzzolin
International Workshop on Continual Semi-Supervised Learning: Introduction,
Benchmarks and Baselines

Organising committee

Fabio Cuzzolin (Oxford Brookes University)
Kevin Cannons (Huawei Technologies Canada)
Vincenzo Lomonaco (University of Pisa and ContinualAI)
Irina Rish (University of Montreal and MILA)
Salman Khan (Oxford Brookes University)
Mohamad Asiful Hossain (Huawei Technologies Canada)
Ajmal Shahbaz (Oxford Brookes University)
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