[UAI] [Call-for-Papers] (DEADLINE EXTENSION) ACSOS 2021 - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing & Self-Organizing Systems

2021-04-13 Thread ACSOS Publicity
*** ** ACSOS 2021 - Call For Papers *** *** *  2nd IEEE International Conference on   * *  Autonomic Computing & Self-Organizing Systems  * *

[UAI] IEEE/ACM/ASA DSAA'2021 Competition: Telecom System Reconciliation (Kaggle Challenge)

2021-04-13 Thread Carlos
Competition: Telecom System Reconciliation (on high dimensional datasets) Goal: Predict the correct configuration of the Billing system based on CRM configuration Have you ever been charged for something you did not subscribe to? How hard could it be to get my invoice right? One of the most i

[UAI] Bridging the Gap Between AI Planning and Reinforcement Learning (PRL)

2021-04-13 Thread Vicenç Gómez
*Workshop at ICAPS 2021* https://prl-theworkshop.github.io/ While AI Planning and Reinforcement Learning communities focus on similar sequential decision-making problems, these communities remain somewhat unaware of each other on specific problems, techniques, methodologies, and evaluation. This

[UAI] IEEE/ACM/ASA DSAA'2021 Competition: Telecom System Reconciliation (Kaggle Challenge)

2021-04-13 Thread Carlos
Competition: Telecom System Reconciliation (on high dimensional datasets) Goal: Predict the correct configuration of the Billing system based on CRM configuration Have you ever been charged for something you did not subscribe to? How hard could it be to get my invoice right? One of the most i

[UAI] CfP: Is Neuro-Symbolic SOTA still a myth for Natural Language Inference? workshop at IJCAI 21

2021-04-13 Thread Sebastijan Dumancic
Workshop website: https://nsnli.github.io/ Call For Papers We invite authors to submit short and positional papers in IJCAI double-column format (Author's Kit) discussing the reasoning aspects in natural language understanding tasks: * Short papers (maxim

[UAI] CFP: AI4Cyber (due 5/10/2021) ACM KDD Workshop on AI-enabled Cybersecurity Analytics (Virtual)

2021-04-13 Thread Shanchieh Yang
ACM KDD Workshop on AI-enabled Cybersecurity Analytics (Virtual) – CFP http://ai4cyber-kdd.com/ Key Dates (All deadlines are at 11:59PM Pacific Daylight Time) * Workshop paper submissions: May 10, 2021 * Workshop paper notification: June 10, 2021 * Conference Dates: August 14-18, 2021

[UAI] Professor in Statistics, Linköping University, Sweden

2021-04-13 Thread Fredrik Lindsten
Linköping University, Sweden, advertises a position as Professor in Statistics. The professor will be based at the Division of Statistics and Machine Learning, at the Department of Computer and Information Science. The position will primarily be devoted to own research and supervision of doc

[UAI] CFP: IJCAI '21 Workshop on Generalization in Planning

2021-04-13 Thread Siddharth Srivastava
Apologies for cross-posting! *GenPlan ‘21: IJCAI 21 Workshop on Generalization in Planning* TL; DR: Please consider submitting your recent work and surveys of recent results on generalization in planning by May 9, 2021 at https://sites.google.com/view/genplan21/. The workshop will be organized vi