CSCC 2020
24th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and
Computers, Chania,
Crete Island, Greece July 19-22, 2020
The Proceedings will be published by IEEE CPS and will be indexed in the
high-quality indexes (as for the 5 last ye
Dear all,
Major AI conferences face a tremendous increase of paper submissions.
This video shows more about the review process at IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 in
Yokohama, Japan.
Please see
We love yo
REFRESH 2020 1st International Workshop on Real-life modeling in 5G networks
and beyond - co-located with IEEE DCOSS 2020
ICLR 2020 Workshop Machine Learning in Real-Life (ML-IRL)
Workshop at International Conference on Learning Representations
Sunday April 26, 2020
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Key dates:
* January 25, 2020: Submission deadline
* February 25, 2020: Acceptance no
Call for Papers
BigVis 2020: 3rd International Workshop on Big Data Visual Exploration and
March 30, 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark
Held in conjunction with the 23rd Intl. Conference on Extending Database Technology
& 23rd Intl. Conference on D