[UAI] Call for Papers - NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on Safety and Robustness in Decision Making

2019-08-13 Thread Mohammad Ghavamzadeh
CALL FOR PAPERS  NeurIPS 2019 Workshop: Safety and Robustness in Decision-making Vancouver, either Friday December 13 or Saturday December 14, 2019  https://sites.google.com/view/neurips19-safe-robust-workshop IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission Deadline: September 22, 2019   Notification o

[UAI] WORDS 2019 - 2nd call for participation

2019-08-13 Thread Words 2019
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message] == === *WORDS 2019 2nd call for PARTICIPATION* === == 12th International Conference on WORDS Loughborough, UK, September 9-13, 2019 http://words2019.lboro.ac.uk *REGISTRATION* is op

[UAI] 5th Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text at EMNLP 2019 - Call for Papers

2019-08-13 Thread Xu, Wei
5th Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text at EMNLP 2019 Call for Papers The WNUT workshop focuses on Natural Language Processing applied to noisy user-generated text, such as that found in social media, online reviews, crowdsourced data, web forums, clinical records and language learner essays.

[UAI] Post-doc in Statistics at Uni Basel

2019-08-13 Thread Giusi Moffa
Post-Doc position in Statistics with a focus on probabilistic graphical models and causal inference A post-doc is available in the newly established group of Prof. Dr. Giusi Moffa at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel. Research topic The focus of the group

[UAI] Call for Workshops Proposals - WorldCIST'20, Budva, Montenegro

2019-08-13 Thread ML
- CALL FOR WORKSHOPS PROPOSALS WorldCIST'20 - 8th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies 7th -10th of April 2020, Budva, Montenegro http://www.worldcist.org/

[UAI] ACM IUI 2020 - Second Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals

2019-08-13 Thread Oana Inel
* Apologies if you receive multiple copies (or bad formatting) of this message* ACM IUI 2020 - CALL FOR WORKSHOP AND TUTORIAL PROPOSALS In conjunction with the 25th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2020) Cagliari, Italy March 17, 2020 https://iui.acm.org/2020/ WOR

[UAI] Tenure Track Associate Professor in Machine Learning at the University of Bergen

2019-08-13 Thread Pekka Parviainen
The Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen in Norway is looking for a tenure track associate professor in machine learning. The department has recently established a research group in machine learning and this position one action towards strenghtening the group. The group conducts

[UAI] CFP: IEEE Trans. on Cognitive Communications and Networking, SI on Intelligent Resource Management for 5G and Beyond

2019-08-13 Thread Haozhe Wang
(We apology for possible cross posting) Call for Papers: IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking Special Issue on Intelligent Resource Management for 5G and Beyond https://www.comsoc.org/publications/journals/ieee-tccn/cfp/intelligent-resource-management-5g-and-beyond Deadli

[UAI] CFP | Final day for submission: The 4th Int. Workshop MECN-2019 in Shenyang, Liaoning, China, 21-23 October 2019

2019-08-13 Thread Haozhe Wang
[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email] Final day for submission. The 4th International Workshop on Multi-access Edge Computing and Networking (MECN-2019) http://hpcn.ex.ac.uk/mecn2019/ MECN-2019 is to be held in conjunction with the 18th IEEE International

[UAI] Call for Papers - NeurIPS 2019 workshop on Causal Machine Learning

2019-08-13 Thread Michele Santacatterina
[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email] Dear All, We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the NeurIPS 2019 workshop on Causal Machine Learning to be held in Vancouver, 13 (or) 14 December 2019 (we will know the exact date shortly). We solicit submi

[UAI] [ICPRAI-2020-announcement] ICPRAI 2020 - Call for Papers, Exhibitions, and Sponsors

2019-08-13 Thread ICPRAI 2020
*Call for Papers, Exhibitions, and Sponsors* *ICPRAI 2020 - Second International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence * *Zhongshan City, China, just a short boat ride direct from Hong Kong airport **May 12-15, 2020* * * Following the success of the First ICPRAI (http:/

[UAI] IEEE BigData 2019 CFP: Aug 19, 2019 (6 days left)

2019-08-13 Thread CFP Conference
*Call for Papers* *2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2019)* http://bigdataieee.org/BigData2019/ December 10-13, 2019, Los Angeles, CA, USA In recent years, “Big Data” has become a new ubiquitous term. Big Data is transforming science, engineering, medicine, health

[UAI] IEEE BIBM 2019 paper submission deadline: Aug 17, 2019

2019-08-13 Thread CFP Conference
*Call for Papers* 2019 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEE BIBM 2019) http://ieeebibm.org/BIBM2019/index.html November 18-21, 2019, San Diego, CA, USA The IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) has established itself as the