The Health and AI lab is directed by Samantha Kleinberg and funded by the NIH,
NSF, and James S. McDonnell foundation. We work on better understanding
observational data, motivated by real problems in healthcare. For researchers
interested in working with challenging real-world data, our collabo
Call for applications to the IVA 2016 Doctoral Consortium
The Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA) 2016 Doctoral Consortium occurs September
20, 2016, the day before the start of the main conference. We invite Ph.D.
students working in the area of
Dear colleague,
due to several requests we have extended the submission deadline of the
IJAR Special Issue on "Tri-partition of a Universe: Three-way decisions,
orthopairs and square of opposition”
to June, 30.
A tri-partition of a universe consists of three pair-wise disjoint subsets
whose u
PhD Scholarship in Knowledge-Based Systems at the New University of Lisbon.
The NOVA Laboratory of Computer Science and Informatics (NOVA LINCS) and
the Computer Science and Informatics Department (DI) PhD Program in
Computer Science is now opening a call for PhD Studentships.