Dear colleague,
due to several requests we have extended the submission deadline of the 

IJAR Special Issue on "Tri-partition of a Universe: Three-way decisions, 
orthopairs and square of opposition”

to June, 30.

A tri-partition of a universe consists of three pair-wise disjoint subsets 
whose union is the universe. The use of a tri-partition for information 
processing, reasoning, and problem solving has appeared in many disciplines. 
Recently, three approaches to knowledge representation and reasoning based on a 
tri-partition of the universe of investigation are gaining interest. 
This special issue aims at finding new connections among three-way decisions, 
orthopairs and the theory of opposition, and with any other paradigm based on a 
tri-partition of the universe, both at a theoretical and at an application 
level. Any approach to tri-partition, such as logical, algebraic, geometric, 
probabilistic, and possibilistic methods, is welcome. Finally, contributions 
that discover connections with new models or that explore the connection with 
the already known models are solicited. A non-exhaustive list of topics related 
to tri-partition includes: 

                • abstract argumentation
                • analogical proportions
                • approximate reasoning
                • belief functions
                • bipolarity
                • classification
                • conditional events
                • decision-making
                • formal concept analysis
                • granular computing
                • interval analysis
                • interval sets
                • intuitionistic fuzzy sets
                • paraconsistent logic
                • possibility theory
                • rough sets
                • sequential analysis
                • set pair analysis
                • shadowed sets
                • three-valued logic
                • version spaces

More details on the special issue can be found at 

The Guest editors,
Davide Ciucci, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Yiyu Yao, University of Regina, Canada
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